Here’s some random grassland encounters that you can use for your fantasy tabletop RPG campaign.
D100 Random Grassland Encounters
Here’s 100 grassland encounters for your campaign. I’ve added a few DND Leonin encounters as it seems appropriate.
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- A young girl is walking across the plains. She is lost and has no food or water.
- A caravan of traders passes by. They are traveling from the City of Gold to the Jewelry Quarter. They are transporting a large shipment of gold and silver jewelry. The merchants are heavily armed and have hired a group of mercenaries to protect them from the dangers of the Grasslands. They are willing to pay anyone who helps them with their journey 500 gold pieces.
- A group of hunters are tracking a large herd of wild horses that they intend to hunt for food. They are not pleased to be in the Grasslands and are looking forward to returning to the city.
- A group of mail couriers are transporting an important letter from the Duke to the King. If they are attacked or killed, it will cause a diplomatic incident between the two nations that could lead to war.
- A group of men are wandering across the pampas in search of work. They are desperate for work as they have no money and no food. They are looking for any job that will give them food, water, and a place to sleep each night.
- A group of men are travelling across the plains in search of work. They are looking for any job that will give them money and allow them to return to their homes in the city.
- The party comes across a large stone wall. On the other side of the wall is a large city made entirely out of stone. It has no entrances and no windows. The wall is at least 10ft high, and it stretches for miles in every direction.
- The party comes across a large stone wall. On the other side of the wall is a large city made entirely out of stone. It has no entrances and no windows. The wall is at least 10ft high, and it stretches for miles in every direction.
- The party comes across a small village that was recently attacked by a horde of goblins and their pets. The villagers have been taken captive by the goblins, and the goblins are using them as slaves. The goblins are forcing the villagers to build more lairs for themselves and their pets.
- A small group of human nomads approaches the party and asks them for help. The nomads are on their way to the City of Gold, but they were attacked by a large group of goblins and their pets while traveling across the pampas. They lost most of their supplies and animals during the attack, but they managed to save two of their children. One of the children is badly injured and will die unless they get help soon.
- A lost, hungry horse wanders by. It looks like it has been recently ridden by a human. The horse is not injured, but it is tired and hungry.
- A group of traveling entertainers have set up camp in the grassland. They are performing a play about a group of adventurers who encountered a group of orcs.
- A random encounter with a group of orcs. They are not attacking. They are simply passing through the area on their way to another location.
- The players encounter a group of 2d4+4 orcs who are attacking a herd of 2d6+4 cattle. The orcs are trying to capture the cattle and bring them back to their lair as food. The orcs will fight to the death.
- A group of 1d8+4 orcs are returning from a raid on a nearby village. The orcs are carrying several sacks filled with supplies and valuables.
- A group of 1d4+4 Leonin bandits are hiding in the grassland, waiting for a traveling merchant to pass by. The bandits are planning to ambush the merchant and steal his goods.
- The players come across a group of 1d6 men who are hunting orcs. They will ask the players to help them hunt down and kill the orcs in the area. If the players agree, they will get a +2 on their next encounter with orcs.
- A group of 1d4+4 orcs are hiding in the grassland, waiting for a passing caravan to pass by. They will then attack the caravan, killing as many people as they can before they are killed or driven off.
- The players come across a group of 2d6+4 farmers who are harvesting crops. The farmers will ask the players to help them harvest their crops for them. If the players agree, they will get a small amount of gold for their help.
- The players come across a group of 1d4+4 bandits who are hiding in the grassland, waiting for a passing merchant to pass by. The bandits are planning to ambush the merchant and steal his goods.
- An owl flies by and drops a note with a potion recipe inside it.
- A deer runs by, chased by a pack of wolves. One wolf is bigger than the others and appears to be the leader. The wolves look hungry.
- A horse-drawn cart with an old man and a young boy is being chased by a giant centipede.
- A strange stone formation stands out in the middle of the field.
- A group of men on horses approach from the distance. They appear to be knights, but their armor is damaged and they are injured. They are looking for help.
- The party finds a group of men digging in a field. They appear to be looking for something. If the party asks, the men say they are looking for a sword that was lost in this field.
- A group of children are playing with a ball. They will ask the players to join in their game.
- The party comes across a group of men who are wrestling in the grass. If asked, they will tell the players that this is the annual wrestling tournament and they are practicing for it.
- Three merchants stand around a campfire while they wait for their caravan to arrive. One merchant is selling bolts of cloth, one merchant is selling weapons and one merchant is selling food and other supplies.
- A group of men are singing and dancing around a campfire. If the party joins in, the men will give them a free drink from their wine skin and then continue to sing and dance around the fire.
- Players notice a lone tree at a distance. When they get closer, they see a gnome sitting on top of the tree. He will introduce himself as a wizard, and offer to cast a spell on one of the players. The spell will be harmless and will only cause the player to grow a beard.
- Players come across a spinning wheel. On the wheel is a beautiful gown. If any player touches it, it will break and fall to the ground. A tiny woman will then appear and beg the players to help her fix her dress. If the players help her, the tiny woman will grant them with a single wish.
- Players come across a clearing full of people throwing rocks at a target. The people will tell the players that they are practicing to become the best rock throwers in the world. They will ask the players to join them, but they will refuse and instead leave. The people in the clearing will then attack the players.
- Players come across four men arguing about the color of a dress. They will ask the players to settle their argument. If the players agree, they will be forced to wear an expensive and uncomfortable dress until they decide on a color.
- Players come across a small pond with a beautiful reflection. The reflection is so clear that players can see themselves in it. If any player looks at themselves in it, they will become convinced that they are a beautiful Dragonborn. They will say as much to other players, and try to force them to worship him as a god.
- Players come across a small shrine to Pelor. If any player attempts to pray at the shrine, it will turn around and attack them. It is a mimic that’s hungry and angry – hangry.
- Players come across an apple tree full of ripe apples. If any player tries to eat one, they will become permanently stuck to their mouth and unable to speak. They will also be unable to remove their mouth from the apple.
- Players come across a clearing full of mushrooms. If any player tries to pick one, they will be attacked by giant slugs that emerge from the ground around them. If a player leaves, the slugs will return to their holes and become invisible again.
- Players come across a camp of four hunters. They will ask the players to help them kill a deer nearby. If players agree, the hunters will attack them and steal their stuff instead of paying them.
- Players come across a man digging graves in a graveyard. He will ask to be paid to dig graves for people who die during the night. If players agree to do so, he will attack them instead of digging their grave.
- The party comes across a giant crocodile, which is eating a dead deer. The crocodile is not hostile at all, and will leave if the party approaches too closely. The party will find an old leathery shield with the insignia of a famous mercenary company on it.
- The party comes across a group of 2d6+2 dwarves, who are looking for their lost king and their treasure horde. The dwarves are not rogues, and will be friendly. If the party asks, they know very little about what happened to their king.
- A group of 2d6+2 elves is hunting in the grassland. The elves are looking for a deer and will ask the party if they have seen one nearby. If the party asks, the elves know very little about the dragon’s eggs in the hills.
- The party sees a group of 2d4 elves, who are hunting in the grassland. The elves are looking for a deer and will ask the party if they have seen one nearby. The elves know nothing about the dragon’s eggs in the hills.
- A group of 1d10+5 dwarves is looking for their lost king and their treasure horde in the hills. The dwarves are not rogues, and will be friendly to the party. If the party asks, they know very little about what happened to their king.
- A group of 1d10 elves is hunting in the hills. The elves are looking for deer and will ask the party if they have seen one nearby. If the party asks, the elves know very little about the dragon’s eggs in the hills.
- A group of 3d4 elves is hunting in the hills. The elves are looking for deer and will ask the party if they have seen one nearby. If the party asks, the elves know very little about the dragon’s eggs in the hills.
- A group of 2d4 Leonin is looking for their lost king and their treasure horde in the hills. The dwarves are not rogues, and will be friendly. If the party asks, they know very little about what happened to their king.
- A group of 2d4 elves is hunting in the hills. The elves are looking for deer and will ask the party if they have seen one nearby. If the party asks, the elves know very little about the dragon’s eggs in the hills.
- The party comes across a group of 2d6+2 elves, who are looking for their lost king and their treasure horde in the hills. The elves are not rogues, and will be friendly. If the party asks, they know very little about what happened to their king.
- A group of rangers are camped in a small clearing. They are watching a small herd of unicorns. If the players approach, the rangers will try to keep them away from the herd.
- A small silver dragon is flying overhead. It is flying very high up in the air, and it is hard to tell from a distance whether it is an elven war-dragon or not.
- Up ahead, the players hear the sound of battle. When they get there, they see a group of 2d10 halflings fighting an ettin. If the players get too close or try to help, the halflings will yell at them to stay back.
- Two rangers are walking along the road. They are looking for tracks. If the players get too close, they will yell at them to stay back and get out of their way. They will not stop to talk with players.
- A group of 1d6 giant eagles are circling overhead. If the players look up, they will see them, but they will not attack unless the players start to attack them first.
- The players hear a song in the distance. When they get closer to it, they see that it is a group of 2d6 bards singing and playing music. They are walking along the road. They will invite the players to join them and sit around the campfire and share stories with them.
- The players hear a woman singing in the distance. When they get closer, they see that it is a group of 2d6 elves singing and dancing around a campfire. They are celebrating the life of one of their dead who was killed by an orc.
- A group of 3d8 orcs are walking along the road looking for easy prey.
- A group of 2d6 kobolds are walking along the road looking for easy prey.
- A group of 1d6+2 dwarves are walking along the road looking for work. They will offer to escort the players and their goods to the next town if they are paid two gold per dwarf per mile.
- A herd of wild horses comes running through the party. The horses will flee to the east if threatened by the party.
- A group of 1d4+3 elven rangers are traveling to the east. They are looking for any news of the missing princess.
- A group of 1d4+2 humans are traveling to the east. They are looking for work as mercenaries.
- A group of 1d4+2 humans are traveling to the east. They are looking for work as caravan guards.
- A merchant caravan is being escorted by 2d6+2 armed guards. The guards are looking for new recruits.
- The players find a dead body. It has been recently killed by a wild animal. The body has been partially eaten by the animal. The body has been cleaned off by the rain, but it is easy to tell that the dead man was a mage.
- The party comes across a group of 2d6 orcs sitting around a campfire. They are cooking a dead horse and will attack if the party gets too close.
- The party hears a group of travelers singing an old song called ‘The Song of Uldor.’ The song is about a great king who ruled thousands of years ago. The singing is being done by a group of 1d6 bards who are traveling to the east.
- A group of 1d4+2 humans is traveling to the east. They are looking for work as mercenaries. They are heading to the city of Zan Zan to join up with the army there.
- A man named Pollack is sitting on the side of the road with his donkey. He is an old man who has been traveling for many years. He is looking for work and will offer to join the party. He is a level 1 bard and has trained as a cook and will offer to cook for the party while on their adventures.
- A band of traveling entertainers have set up a small stage and are putting on a play. The play is a comedy, but the players are terrible actors. The players will insult the players’ character and make fun of them.
- A group of men are carrying a large, wooden box. If the players approach, the men will attack. The box is full of gold coins and gems.
- A group of men are carrying a large, wooden box. If the players approach, the men will attack. The box is full of food and supplies stolen from a nearby village. The men are on their way to sell the items back to the village.
- A group of men are carrying a large, wooden box. If the players approach, the men will attack. The box is full of wood, and the men are transporting it to a sawmill.
- A small village is surrounded by a wooden wall. The villagers are afraid of something outside the wall. They will refuse to let the players into the village. If the players try to enter the village, they will fight them. The villagers will not fight with much determination. They are just trying to keep the villagers out. If players befriend one of the villagers, they can find out what is outside the wall. Outside the wall, there is a large pool of lava. A band of Fire Giants are camped nearby and are planning on attacking the village.
- A group of men are carrying a box marked ‘dangerous’. The box is full of money. The men will try to bribe the players, and then attack if they don’t accept the bribe.
- A group of men are carrying a box marked ‘dangerous’. The box is full of weapons and armor. The men are transporting it to a nearby village for sale.
- A group of men are carrying a box marked ‘dangerous’. The box is full of a rare plant that grows only in a faraway land. The men are transporting it to a nearby village for sale as an exotic flower.
- A man is walking down the road singing a song. If the players stop him, they find out that he is trying to get to a nearby village to find work as a bard. He has been walking for days and has no money for food or lodging.
- Two men are sitting on a hill arguing about something. If the players approach, they will stop arguing and start fighting. They are drunk and will not put up much of a fight.
- A small pack of wolves attacks. They are led by a half-orc who claims to be a werewolf and will attack the party if they don’t leave his territory.
- A man, wearing a white robe and with an odd metal rod in his hand, walks out of the woods and says that he has been sent by the Great God to test the party’s faith. He will then try to cast a spell, but will fail. He will then reveal that he is actually a wizard who was exiled from his city because of his poor spellcasting abilities. He will then offer to join the party and help them on their journey.
- A man comes running out of the woods, asking for help. He says that his wife has been kidnapped by a group of Orcs and will be taken back to their lair if the party does not help him. He will offer the party treasure if they help him.
- The party sees a group of men and women walking along the road. They are singing a song about a woman named ‘Jane’. If players approach them, they will ask if they have seen ‘Jane’. They will then tell the story of how they were captured by an Ogre and how they escaped by tricking it into eating ‘Jane’, who was actually made of cheese.
- Players come across a campfire with two people sitting around it. One of them is drunk and is telling a story about how he killed a dragon by using a magical sword given to him by a Halfling Druid named ‘Bob’.
- A man walks out of the woods and offers to lead the party to a nearby village. He says he has to go there anyway and offers to lead them there for free. If the party follows him, he will walk into the woods and disappear. If anyone follows him into the woods, they will find an empty campsite.
- A man wearing robes and carrying a bag full of coins walks up to the party and offers to sell them magic items. If players accept, he will pull out a handful of copper coins and attempt to sell them as powerful artifacts.
- A dwarf approaches the party and tells them about a nearby cave filled with gold. He says that he found it himself, but does not want to go back into it because he was attacked by skeletons when he was exploring it. He says that he will give them whatever they want if they go into the cave and get him a specific item that is inside it.
- A man wearing expensive robes and carrying a staff approaches the party and asks them if they know where he can find a specific wizard. He says that he is supposed to meet with him but does not know where he lives. He then offers to trade anything he has for information about where to find this wizard.
- A group of farmers approach the party and ask if they have seen any Orcs in the area. They say that their fields have been raided recently and they think that Orcs are responsible for it. If the party investigates, they will find that the Orcs were actually responsible for it and were using their reputation to keep people away from their hidden treasure horde.
- Two dwarves are playing a game of dice in the middle of the road. They will invite players to join in.
- A group of 4d4 gnolls are hunting for food in the grasslands. They will attack if players are near their prey.
- A group of 2d6+4 goblins are chasing a cow across the plains. They will attack the players if they get in the way.
- The sound of battle can be heard in the distance. Players can see two armies fighting each other in the distance. They are too far away to help, but they can watch from a nearby hilltop.
- A group of 2d6 mercenaries are looking for work. They will offer to join the players’ party for a price.
- A merchant is selling weapons and armor to the local villagers. He has a large stock of equipment and will sell anything that players need. He is also a skilled armorer and will fix anything that is broken for a small fee.
- The players hear the sound of crying coming from near by. They find a family of 2d6 bandits who have been abandoned by their tribe because they were too old or too young or too weak to be good soldiers. They will ask the players to take them with them so they can have a chance at a better life.
- Overhead, a large flock of birds is circling in the sky. Suddenly, they all fly away as if being scared away by something dangerous.
- A group of 2d6+4 goblins are making their way toward an abandoned village. They are looking for anything that they can steal or eat.
- A group of 4d4 gnolls are hunting for food in the grasslands. They will attack if players are near their prey.

Mid-level Grassland Encounter Table
I’ve got another 100 great DND grassland encounters for you to use in your tabletop campaign. Whether you’re playing Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, or another fine TTRPG system, this list will come in handy, I hope. Enjoy.
- Orogs, two of them break off from the main group and run at the players, shouting ‘Turk! Turk!’ They will attack the closest thing to a Turk they can find, which will be the players.
- A group of 1d6 Men at Arms approaches the players, asking if they have seen any orcs. They will then continue on their patrol, unaware of the orcs near the players.
- A party of 2d4 halflings is approaching, led by a halfling bard named Gimpock ‘The Bold’. They are on their way to a local festival. They will offer to hire the players for a local job for 20 GP each. The job is to help them smuggle a barrel of whiskey into the festival.
- A party of 2d4 humans is approaching, led by a human warrior named Uther ‘The Fist’. They are on their way to a local tavern to drink and eat. They will offer to hire the players for a local job for 20 GP each. The job is to help them smuggle a barrel of ale into the tavern.
- A party of 3d4 halflings is approaching, led by a halfling wizard named Rumple ‘The Wise’. They are on their way to a local library to research something or other. They will offer to hire the players for a local job for 20 GP each. The job is to help them smuggle a book out of the library.
- A party of 3d4 humans is approaching, led by a human wizard named Merrick ‘The Wise’. They are on their way to a local book store to buy something or other. They will offer to hire the players for a local job for 20 GP each. The job is to help them smuggle a book into the book store.
- A group of 3d4 humans is approaching, led by a human priest named Father Timothy. They are on their way to a local graveyard to bury someone or something or other. They will ask the players to help them carry the coffin. If players refuse, they will get in their way.
- A group of 2d4 dwarves is approaching, led by a dwarf warrior named Grummsh ‘The Mighty’. They are on their way to a local tavern to drink and eat. They will offer to hire the players for a local job for 20 GP each. The job is to help them smuggle a barrel of ale into the tavern.
- A group of 2d6 orcs is approaching, led by an orc shaman named Ogg ‘The Wise’. They are on their way to a local tavern to drink and eat. They will offer to hire the players for a local job for 20 GP each. The job is to help them smuggle a barrel of ale into the tavern.
- A party of 2d4 dwarves is approaching, led by a female dwarf warrior named Dottie ‘The Brave’. They are on their way to a local tavern to drink and eat. They will offer to hire the players for a local job for 20 GP each. The job is to help them
- Vultures circle overhead. A half-eaten carcass is nearby.
- A large field of wildflowers grows here.
- A strange, hissing sound can be heard. A hill nearby is the source of the sound.
- A large field of poppies grows in the area. The poppies are red and have a sweet smell.
- A large flock of crows fills the sky. The caws of the crows sound strange. The sounds are actually warnings about approaching danger.
- A group of 2d6+2 rangers are on patrol. They gawk at the players when they see them. This is because the players are in their territory and are not wearing the robes that show the rangers are friends of the rangers’ guild.
- A group of 1d4+2 bandits rest under a tree. They will attack if they feel threatened. They carry purses filled with 1d10 copper pieces each.
- A group of 2d6+2 gnomes are on their way to a nearby city to sell their crafts. They are carrying 1d10 silver pieces each. They will haggle with players if they try to buy something from them.
- A group of 1d4+4 bandits are on their way to a nearby city to sell their loot. They are carrying 1d8 silver pieces each.
- A group of 1d4+4 hobgoblins are on their way to a nearby city to sell their slaves. They are carrying 1d10 copper pieces each.
- A group of 2d6 halflings are celebrating the anniversary of their village’s founding.
- A group of 2d6 elves are traveling through the area. They are looking for a specific plant that they need to complete a potion they are making.
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- A group of 2d6 hunters are traveling through the area. They are looking for specific game to hunt.
- A group of 2d6 humans from a nearby village are looking for people to hire as guards for their village. They will pay fairly well for a few weeks of work.
- A group of 2d4+4 bandits are hiding in the grass, waiting to ambush travelers.
- A group of 2d4+2 Druids are leading a group of 2d4+2 giant spiders through the area. They are looking for a place to establish a new colony.
- A group of 2d4+2 Half-Orcs are looking for a place to settle down and start a new tribe. They are looking for a place with lots of game and fresh water.
- A group of 2d4+2 humans from a nearby village are looking for folks to hire as mercenaries. They are looking for anyone willing to work for at least a month or two. They will pay fairly well for the work.
- A group of 2d4+2 humans from a nearby village are looking for people to hire as bodyguards for a diplomat from a nearby kingdom who is traveling through the area. The pay is fairly good for bodyguards, but the job can be dangerous since there is some risk of being attacked by the enemies of the kingdom while you are traveling with the diplomat.
- A group of 2d4+2 Dwarves are looking for gold in the hills.
- Haunting music can be heard playing in the distance. A giant bird is perched on a nearby tree, playing a harp. The bird will not attack unless provoked.
- A group of 1d6+2 human marauders are marching through the area. They are looking for easy targets to rob and kill.
- A group of 1d4+3 giant lizards are nearby. They attack if anyone gets too close.
- A group of 1d4+5 gnolls are looking for food. They attack anyone they find.
- A group of 1d6+4 half-orcs are looking for trouble. They will start a fight with anyone who gets too close to them.
- A group of 1d4+4 goblins are trying to sneak past the players without them noticing. They will try to ambush them if they get too close or if they look distracted or weak in any way.
- A group of 1d4+4 gnolls are sitting around a campfire, laughing and joking about their recent kills and conquests. They will attack anyone who gets too close to them or their campfire or if anyone looks like they might be a trespasser on their territory or if they look like they might be easy prey or if they look like they might be able to put up a fight or if they look like they might have anything worth stealing on them or if they look like they might have anything worth ransoming.
- 1d6+2 giant lizards are attacking 1d4+4 goblins. The goblins are trying to keep them at bay while the lizards are trying to eat the goblins alive.
- A group of 1d4+4 gnolls are hunting for food, not realizing that there is a nearby village nearby. They will attack anyone they find if they feel threatened at all, but if players help them hunt, they will be grateful and offer to help them hunt down any nearby enemies they have (which will probably be a lot).
- A group of 1d4+5 ogres are arguing with each other over who’s turn at being the ‘tank’ is next. They will attack if anyone gets too close or if anyone looks like they might try to sneak past them without them noticing.
- Merely passing through a grassland, the players notice a large herd of deer. The deer are being chased by a huge, two-headed wolf.
- A group of 2d6+10 dwarven warriors are trying to stop 2d6+2 ogres from stealing their treasure.
- Once per week, a group of 3d4+4 elves ride through the grassland on their elven steeds. They are searching for their lost king.
- A group of 2d6+3 elves are hunting deer. If players approach, the elves will try to capture them.
- A group of 2d6+2 men are trying to capture a wild stallion. It has been terrorizing their village.
- A patrol of 2d4+2 men are protecting a trade caravan.
- A group of 3d4+4 orcs are hunting deer. If players approach, the orcs will attack.
- A group of 2d6+2 men are hunting a pair of manticores. The manticores have been terrorizing the village nearby.
- A group of 3d4+4 men are protecting a trade caravan.
- A group of 2d6+2 men are hunting a pack of wild dogs. They have been terrorizing the village nearby.
- Sudden dust storm!
- The ground ahead is covered in broken glass. The party sees a small creature with a glass bead on its tail. Its tail is broken. The creature is crying.
- The party sees a group of children playing tag. One of them shouts, ‘I’m it!’ and chases the others. If the players approach, they will ask the players to play tag with them.
- A group of children are playing a game of hide-and-seek. One of them shouts ‘You’re it!’ One of the children has hidden inside a nearby house. The children may be inside the house, or they may be outside hiding in the bushes or behind trees.
- A merchant has set up his stall for the day. He is selling fine silks from the far East.
- A merchant has set up his stall for the day. He is selling fine jewellery from the far East.
- A small glass bead rolls across the ground in front of the party. The bead is moving as if it is alive.
- A group of children are throwing stones at birds. The birds fly away before players can stop them.
- A group of children are throwing stones at birds. One of the stones hits a bird, which falls to the ground. The children are surprised and scared that they have killed a bird. The players can choose to tell them that they did nothing wrong, or they can tell them that they have to make amends to nature by burying the bird or throwing it into a bonfire.
- The party sees a group of children playing with a ball. One of the children kicks the ball too hard, and it bounces into the air and lands near the players’ feet.
- Mournful music can be heard from the nearby forest. If investigated, players will find a group of 2d6 human bards. They are practicing for a local festival, and will invite the players to join them for dinner.
- Three human hunters walk past the players. They are carrying a large boar, which they will offer to the players for a small price.
- A group of 2d6+2 humans are walking down the road. They are carrying large sacks and boxes. They appear to be traders, and will offer to sell the players their goods for half price.
- A group of 2d6 humans can be seen walking down the road. They are carrying large sacks and boxes. They appear to be traders, and will offer to sell the players their goods for full price.
- The players come across a small cabin. Inside, they will find 2d6 humans and 2d6 dogs. The dogs are chained up outside and will attack if they feel threatened. Inside the cabin, they will find a man named Henry. Henry will say that the dogs were attacking him and his dogs, and that he has captured them to get back the money he spent on them. He has no intentions of letting the dogs go, and will attack the players if they try to free them.
- The players come across a large stone statue of a human. If they inspect it, they will find that it is made of marble and is incredibly detailed. There is no inscription on it, and it is in excellent condition.
- A group of 2d6+2 humans can be seen walking down the road. They are carrying large sacks and boxes. They appear to be traders, and will offer to sell the players their goods for half price.
- A large group of 2d6+2 humans can be seen walking down the road. They are carrying large sacks and boxes. They appear to be traders, and will offer to sell the players their goods for full price.
- A young human woman named Rose wanders down the road. She is lost and is looking for her family. She believes that they are close by, and if players help her, she will give them a small reward.
- A group of 2d6 humans can be seen walking down the road. They are carrying large sacks and boxes. They appear to be merchants, and will offer to sell the players their goods for half price.
- Jagged bones protrude from the ground. They are actually fleshy tentacles, and a small land-octopus is attached to each one.
- A bony, leg-shaped skeleton juts up from the ground. It is actually the foot of a large, carnivorous plant. The other leg is underground, and will strike at creatures as they pass by.
- A group of 2d8+2 hill giants are fighting a group of 2d10+2 ogres. The ogres are fighting the giants. They are all drunk and have been fighting for hours.
- A group of 2d8+2 ogres are fighting a group of 2d10+2 hill giants. They are all drunk and have been fighting for hours.
- A group of 2d4+2 lizardfolk are hunting a herd of 2d10+2 giant lizards.
- A cloud of dust erupts from a nearby hilltop. It is actually a giant, yellow snake that is emerging from its den.
- A group of 2d4+2 orcs are hunting a herd of 2d10+2 giant lizards.
- A group of 2d4+2 orcs and 2d4+2 goblins are fighting over a nearby stream.
- A group of 2d4+2 ogres are fighting over a nearby stream.
- A group of 2d4+2 ogres and 2d4+2 orcs are fighting over a nearby stream.
- Vultures circle above the road, waiting for the players to pass by.
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- A group of 4d8 children are playing a game of tag. If the players join in, they will be stuck there for two hours while they finish their game.
- A group of 4d8 children are playing a game of hide and seek. If the players join in, they will be stuck there for two hours while they finish their game.
- A group of 4d8 children are playing a game of tag. If the players join in, they will be stuck there for two hours while they finish their game.
- A pack of 4d8 wolves are hunting. If players get too close, they will attack.
- A pack of 4d8 wolves are hunting. They will attack first, then feast on the dead if they win.
- A pair of merchants is selling silks from across the sea. They are cheap, but they are also low quality.
- A pair of merchants is selling silks from across the sea. They are incredibly expensive and high quality.
- A group of 3d4 men are gathered around a fire, telling stories and drinking wine. If the players join in, they will be stuck there for 1d4+2 hours while they finish their stories.
- A group of 3d4 men are gathered around a fire, telling stories and drinking wine. If the players join in, they will be stuck there for 2d8 hours while they finish their stories.
- Picking through the grasses, the party finds a dagger with a strange, black stone set into the pommel. If they touch the stone, they will be shocked for 1d6 points of damage.
- A small ball of fur is lying in the grass. If touched, it will open up into a small, fuzzy, winged creature. The creature will attack relentlessly until killed.
- Buzzing noise is heard in the distance. The noise gets louder and louder until it becomes a roar. An enraged mountain lion charges out of the grass at the party, pouncing on the first target it can reach.
- A small campfire burns in the middle of the grassland. A ragged cloak is draped over a nearby bush. A small box made of wood sits next to the fire. If opened, the box contains 1d6 gp and 1d4+1 silver pieces. The cloak is actually a giant spider’s web. If anyone disturbs it, the spider will attack!
- A small, metal statue of a man stands in the grass. The statue appears to be holding something in its hand. If examined closer, it will be noticed that one of its hands is actually a concealed club that can be used as a weapon. If touched, the club will spring out and attack for 1d4 points of damage.
- The party sees an old, gnarled tree with an odd-looking fruit hanging from one of its branches. If anyone touches it, they will feel a shock and suffer 1d6 points of damage.
- The party sees a small, black feather lying on the ground. If anyone touches it, they will be attacked by 1d10 ravens.
- A small, wooden puppet sits in the middle of the grassland with its strings tangled around its legs. If anyone makes it untangle itself and stands it up, it will come alive and attack for 1d4 points of damage.
- A ragged cloak sits in the middle of the trail. If anyone picks it up, they will be attacked by 1d4+1 giant weasels.
- The party sees a small silver bell sitting in the grass. If anyone touches it, it will begin to ring. A small, frightened rabbit will bolt out of the grass and run away from the party, frightened by their presence.
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