D100 Random Jungle Encounters for 5e

If you’re wanting a juicy d100 list of random jungle encounters, you’ve come to the right place. Below, I’ve got a long list of possible encounters for D&D 5e, Pathfinder, or other tabletop RPG systems. Let’s get started with the list! Enjoy!

  1. Zorro the lizardfolk is fighting with a giant spider. Zorro has a dagger. The giant spider has a large web.
  2. A werewolf is attacking a group of halflings. The group of halflings is celebrating their latest harvest.
  3. A group of 2d6+8 kobolds are fighting with a group of 2d6+8 goblins. The goblins are trying to steal the kobolds’ treasure.
  4. A group of 2d6+4 humans are celebrating their latest raid on a nearby village. The humans are drunk and singing and dancing.
  5. A group of 2d6+4 humans are fighting with a group of 2d6+4 orcs. The orcs are trying to steal the humans’ horses.
  6. A group of 2d6+4 orcs are fighting with a group of 2d6+4 humans. The humans are trying to steal the orcs’ cattle.
  7. A group of 3d4+3 goblins are trying to steal a merchant’s caravan full of fruits and vegetables. The merchant is trying to stop the goblins.
  8. A group of 2d6+4 humans are celebrating their recent victory in a nearby war. The humans are drunk and singing and dancing.
  9. A group of 2d6+4 humans are fighting with a group of 2d6+4 orcs. The orcs are trying to steal the humans’ sheep.
  10. A group of 2d6+4 orcs are stealing a group of 2d6+4 humans’ cattle.
  11. Tumblewee apes are attacking a party of adventurers. The apes will retreat if the players attack them.
  12. The players are attacked by a giant ape.
  13. A party of adventurers is attacked by two giant apes.
  14. A party of adventurers is attacked by a pangolin, a large, armored mammal covered with sharp scales that can curl into a ball and attack with its sharp scales and claws.
  15. A group of monkeys with brightly colored fur attack the players.
  16. A group of monkeys with brightly colored fur give the players information about a nearby dungeon. The monkeys will try to get the players to follow them to the dungeon.
  17. A group of monkeys with brightly colored fur lead the players into a trap.
  18. A group of monkeys with brightly colored fur ask the players for help. The monkeys want the players to retrieve something for them. The monkeys will lead the players to the item, but it will be guarded by a group of 2d6 giant lizards.
  19. The players are attacked by 2d4 giant lizards.
  20. A party of 2d6 adventurers is returning from a dungeon, tired and injured. They are seeking help from the players.
  21. Prowling in the jungle is a pack of 2d6 dire rats.
  22. A man named Charles is being chased by a band of lizardfolk. He is a carpenter from a nearby village and wants to hire the players to help him get back home safely.
  23. The players see a group of lizardfolk. The lizardfolk are in a heated discussion. One lizardfolk is trying to convince the others to go after Charles.
  24. The players hear a ruckus. It sounds like a dwarf is ranting in the jungle. The dwarf is shouting, “I will not go back! We have to find the treasure!”
  25. A group of 2d6 lizardfolk are hunting boar-sized crocodiles.
  26. The players come across a small clearing. In the clearing, they see a group of 3d8 dwarves. The dwarves are building a wall. The dwarves are building a new wall around the village because they are too afraid to leave their village after the attack.
  27. In the jungle, players find a group of 2d8 goblins. The goblins are trying to collect food for their tribe.
  28. The players find a small village. The village is made of bamboo and leaves. The village is made of small huts with thatched roofs and bamboo walls.
  29. The players hear a loud ruckus coming from the jungle. The sound is like chopping and crashing.
  30. The players come across a frightened parrot. The parrot is carrying a message. The message says, ‘Do not go deeper into the jungle! Orc hunters are near! Run away! Run away!’
  31. Xingax, a red dragon, is flying overhead. He is heading towards the sea.
  32. The party is approached by a group of natives. They are wearing bright, colorful clothes; the women are wearing flowers in their hair. The natives are friendly, but they want the party to help them fight a tribe of lizardmen who have been raiding their villages.

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  1. Up ahead, the party sees a group of slaves being led through the jungle by a group of men in black robes. The men in robes are headed towards the coast.
  2. A pack of 3d4 giant lizards attacks the party. If the players kill one, another will replace it. They will fight until all are dead.
  3. A group of natives are chasing a group of lizardmen through the jungle. If the players help the natives, they will give them a magic item. If they help the lizardmen, they will be attacked by the natives.
  4. A group of lizardmen are celebrating their vic
  5. tory over a group of natives. The natives are being eaten by the lizardmen. The lizardmen are drunk and will attack the party if provoked.
  6. Up ahead, the party sees a group of lizardmen taking slaves back to their village. The lizardmen will attack the party if provoked.
  7. A group of lizardmen are hunting a giant boar. The boar is hiding in the brush and will attack anyone who gets too close.
  8. Up ahead, the party sees a group of lizardmen fighting a pack of giant lizards. The lizards will attack anyone who gets too close.
  9. A group of natives are fighting a pack of giant lizards. The lizards are fighting back and the natives are being slaughtered.
  10. Bats are flying around you, scaring you. They are fuzzy, cute little bats.
  11. The sounds of clashing swords can be heard off in the distance. They are growing louder.
  12. The jungle opens up into a clearing with a small village in the middle of it. There are no villagers in sight.
  13. You hear leaves rustling in the trees above you. Someone is watching you.
  14. A group of men is standing in the road ahead of you. They are wearing black cloaks and hoods. Their eyes are a bright yellow color. They are standing in the middle of the road, blocking your path.
  15. The jungle is filled with a smell like rotten eggs.
  16. The jungle seems to be getting darker and darker. The trees are growing closer together.
  17. A small stream runs beside the road, but it looks like it has been tainted by something. You don’t want to drink it. You can see how polluted it is by the bright red color of the water.
  18. You hear a voice in your head, ‘I am ssssso hungry.’ It sounds like a snake speaking to you, but there is no one around except you.
  19. There is a loud screeching sound in the distance. It sounds like a bird. The screeching stops and then continues again in another direction.
  20. Nearing a large clearing, the players hear the sound of a large creature walking through the jungle. It sounds like an elephant walking through a field. The sound is actually a large tree in the forest that has been turned into a giant, walking creature by a druid who is attempting to protect the forest from invaders.
  21. A large clearing reveals the body of a dead druid. The body is dressed in animal skins and is wearing a necklace made of teeth.
  22. A group of 3d6+2 bandits attack the party, thinking they are walking though the bandit’s territory.
  23. A pair of green dragons are fighting over territory, and the fighting is close enough to the players to cause them some harm.
  24. The party comes across a small village. The people in the village are being held hostage by a group of elves. The elves will will only release them if the party kills some nearby kobolds.
  25. The players find an ancient tomb, but it’s guarded by a group of undead who seem to be in bad shape.
  26. A group of 4d6 elves are hunting in the jungle, and they are looking for food. They will attack if they think they are being attacked.
  27. A group of 4d6 elves are hunting in the jungle, and they are looking for sport. They will attack if they think they are being attacked.
  28. A group of 2d4+4 goblins are hunting in the jungle for food. They will attack if they think they are being attacked.
  29. A group of 4d4 orcs are hunting in the jungle for food. They will attack if they think they are being attacked.
  30. Feral cats are fighting over a dead rat. If players approach, they will attack.
  31. A group of 2d6+2 goblins are hunting in the jungle, looking for food. If players approach, they will attack.
  32. A group of 2d6+2 ogres are hunting in the jungle, looking for food. If players approach, they will attack.
  33. A group of 2d6+2 humans are hunting in the jungle, looking for food. If players approach, they will attack.
  34. A group of 2d6+2 orcs are hunting in the jungle, looking for food. If players approach, they will attack.
  35. The party happens upon a small village built into a massive tree. It’s run by a tribe of halfling druids who worship nature and attempt to keep the jungle from taking over their little corner of the world.
  36. A massive lizard is hiding in the underbrush, waiting to ambush passing prey.
  37. The party is approached by a group of 2d6+2 dwarves who are seeking an ancient dwarven artifact that has been lost in the jungle for centuries. They will pay handsomely for the return of the artifact if it is found or for any information regarding its location if it has not yet been found.
  38. A group of 2d6+2 halflings are hunting in the jungle, looking for food. If players approach, they will attack.
  39. A group of 2d6+2 gnolls are hunting in the jungle, looking for food. If players approach, they will attack
  40. Sometime during your travels, you hear a horn. It sounds like a hunting horn, but you don’t see any hunters.
  41. The sound of chirping birds fades as you approach a clearing. In the middle of the clearing is a small, wooden holy symbol. It is made of oak, and it is burning with blue flames.
  42. The path you are traveling on is blocked by a fallen tree. It is old, but it has been chopped by someone. The tree trunk has been carved and painted. It says, ‘Keep out.’
  43. The jungle is quiet, but then something rumbles. It sounds like thunder, but it lasts for a long time.
  44. The jungle is bright and sunny. Suddenly, it becomes dark. The sun has disappeared behind a cloud.
  45. A strange-looking creature with wings and antlers darts through the trees. It looks like a deer and an eagle mixed together.

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  1. The trees on either side of the path drop their leaves, revealing a small tunnel. The tunnel is dark, and it leads underground.
  2. A strange creature with the body of a deer and the head of a goat runs through the trees. It has red eyes and yellow hair that stands on end, like it is charged with electricity.
  3. The ground around you is strangely clear of any vegetation at all. The ground is cracked and looks like it has been recently walked on, but you don’t see any footprints.
  4. The path you are traveling on is blocked by a strange looking creature. It has the body of a monkey and the head of a snake.
  5. 2d4+2 giant spiders come out of a tree and attack.
  6. 4d4 giant centipedes attack.
  7. A group of 1d20 lizardfolk run into the party, telling them that they have found the baby dragon. They vow to protect the party while they go after the lizardfolk who took the baby dragon.
  8. Three lizardfolk hunters, hunting party. They are out looking for food. They are willing to trade with the players if they have anything to offer.
  9. The party sees a group of lizardfolk fighting off a group of hobgoblins. A baby dragon is in the middle of the battle.
  10. The party sees a group of lizardfolk and hobgoblins fighting over the baby dragon.
  11. The party sees a group of lizardfolk and hobgoblins fighting over something else.
  12. A group of 1d4+4 orcs discover the party and attack.
  13. The party sees two elves fighting a giant eagle. They are trying to protect a baby dragon.
  14. The party sees two elves fighting a giant eagle. They are trying to protect two baby dragons.
  15. Unexpectedly, a group of 1d4+4 giant chameleons emerge from the jungle. Their bodies are covered in green and yellow scales. They attack anyone in sight.
  16. The smell of rotting meat fills the air as 1d4+8 zombies stumble out of the jungle. They attack the players and continue to attack even after they are killed.
  17. Three jaguars stalk the players through the jungle. They attack if players get too close.
  18. A group of 1d4+4 giant lizards attack the players. They are black with yellow stripes.
  19. A group of 2d6+2 lizard men attack the players. They are covered in green and yellow scales.
  20. A group of 2d6+2 lizard men and 2 lizard men shamans attack the players. The lizard men are covered in green and yellow scales. The lizard men shamans can cast spells like magic missile and sleep.
  21. You see a ruined temple to a reptilian god. A black dragon attacks if players come too close. It can cast spells like sleep and magic missile.
  22. A green dragon attacks if players come too close to its lair. It can cast spells like sleep and magic missile.
  23. A pack of 1d4+4 jaguars attack the players.
  24. A pack of 2d6+2 jaguars attack the players.

More Random Jungle Encounters

If you want even more Random Jungle Encounters, Character Backstories, Dungeon Generation, and much more, head over to LitRPG Adventures today.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!