5 Sweet D&D Bartender NPC Descriptions

Need a quick D&D bartender? Here’s 5 of them you can use in your fantasy tabletop RPG campaign. If you want to create more bartenders and other NPCs, head over to LitRPG Adventures and become a member. I’ve built over two dozen advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI.

Zando – Male Halfling Barkeep

STR 10 INT 10 WIS 10 DEX 15 CON 10 CHA 15

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Personality: (Absent Minded) (Adorable)


Zando is a short and stocky Halfling, he has a full beard and short mop of hair. He is usually wearing a big white button up shirt and suspenders.


Depending on the time of day, Zando will greet players with “Good morning!” (if it is morning), “Good evening!” (if it is evening), or “Good afternoon!” (if it is afternoon). He will seat them at a table and offer them a drink. He is friendly and enjoys talking to people. If a player questions him about rumors, he will tell them that he’s mostly hears rumors of the mayor and his escorts. If a player tries to bribe him, he will give them a brew, but he will not spill the beans.


Zando has been the owner of the Broken Break tavern for over 30 years. He is an honest and kind person, but tends to be forgetful. He’s never been married, and has decided it is safer that way. Some people make fun of him for it, but he always shrugs off the insults. He stays out of most political situations and is on good terms with most of the mayor’s escorts.


Zando is good at gambling games, which he plays often. He is also a good bartender, able to craft beers and other drinks. He is an average healer, capable of healing minor wounds, but he cannot cure wounds that are more serious. He’s not very strong, and he is not considered a good fighter.

Kaleb – Female Snow Elf Barkeep

STR 14 INT 15 WIS 14 DEX 11 CON 16 CHA 7

Personality: (Brilliant) (Impulsive)


Kaleb is a short Snow Elf, standing at about 5′. She has bright white hair, white as snow, and bright blue eyes. Her skin is light, and her arms, legs, and torso are muscular. Her voice is soft and feminine, and she speaks in a soft, almost melancholy manner. She is a slender, attractive female. She wears a common, simple dress and cloak.


If players approach her at her tavern, Kaleb’s Hold, she will be friendly, but cautious. She will grant the players a free mug of beer if they buy one. If pressed for information, she will tell the players she knows nothing, and that she is just trying to make an honest living.

She will tell them she’s just a common barkeep that doesn’t know anything about politics. She speaks in a low, soft voice, but always speaks politely.


Kaleb is a native of Crowthorne, born into the family of a street vendor. She lost her parents when she was an adolescent and was orphaned. Fortunately, she was taken in by the family of a barkeep and given a place to live. She worked for him for a number of years, eventually taking over his business.

She inherited his name, and was eventually able to purchase the building that house’s her tavern from him. She’s been successful at running the tavern, but has never married. She’s concerned about the political situation in Crowthorne, but hasn’t taken a side. She’s not sure what would happen if she did, and is wary of putting herself in danger.

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Kaleb is an average barkeep and cook. She is not very skilled in combat, but can use simple weapons. She is an average healer.

Gaius – Male Half-Orc Barkeep

STR 9 INT 15 WIS 9 DEX 13 CON 17 CHA 8

Personality: (Boastful) (Grandiose)


Gaius is fit and muscular. His skin is tanned, and has large arms and chest. He is tall, standing at 6 feet, and has short red hair. His eyes are blue, and he has a thick scar down his left cheek. His demeanor is gentle and kind, and his personality is friendly.

He speaks with a loud booming voice, and is quick with a joke. He will often spend his nights sitting in the bar, swapping stories with soldiers, merchants, and adventurers.


Gaius is an interesting person to talk to, but he likes to talk about himself more than anything else. If players are playing cyphers, he will be more than happy to boast about his accomplishments, and exaggerate his stories.

If they aren’t playing cyphers, he will ask them to tell him great tales of adventure, and will listen intently. He greatly values the stories of others, and it is the best way to get on his good side.


Gaius was once a soldier, who was discharged from his post after sustaining a serious injury. He was a sergeant at the time, and all his soldiers respected him. After his discharge, he decided to move to a big city and make a living as a barkeep.

He knew he wouldn’t make much as a soldier, so he thought it would be a good way to make more money. He quickly learned he was more suited to the life of a civilian, and he’s been a barkeep ever since.

At night he tends bar, during the day he chats with the customers to pass the time. He’s been doing this for a long time, and it’s been good for him. He’s lucky to have few enemies, and he’s managed to save up enough money that he’ll be comfortable for the rest of his life.


Gaius is good with a sword and a shield, he also has a decent knowledge of politics and court systems. He’s a good bartender, and he makes a passable healer. He is a great storyteller, and can make even the most mundane of tales interesting. He has no combat ability.

D&D Bartenders
D&D Bartenders

Odo – Male Human Barkeep

STR 12 INT 12 WIS 12 DEX 18 CON 15 CHA 13

Personality: (Jolly) (Opportunistic)


Odo is a tall, slightly overweight man with a large curly moustache. He has a large smile, and is always cheerful. He has a thick accent, though most can understand him without any problems. He wears a stained white apron and a scarred undershirt.


Odo is always ready to talk, and loves to tell stories of his adventures. He has been a barkeep in this tavern for over 30 years. He is a bit slow to trust or give away information, but he can be convinced to tell stories and details over a few drinks.


Odo never knew his parents and grew up in Spurlingshire. He has a very vivid imagination, and he loves to tell stories of his outlandish adventures. He is a bit gullible, and can be convinced to tell anything to someone who has a few drinks in him. Once he trusts you, he’ll never tell another person your secrets.


Odo has a good understanding of the finer points of bar tending. He can mix drinks to the perfect proportions, and he knows many recipes. Outside of the bar, he has no combat abilities and is an average healer.

Cringley – Male Human Barkeep

STR 12 INT 11 WIS 12 DEX 13 CON 13 CHA 18

Personality: (Grouchy) (Grumpy)


Cringley is an average sized Human, and has a rough, unkept appearance. He has thick black hair, and his eyes are a dull blue. His skin is aging and wrinkled, and he has a slight paunch.


Cringley is a sour man. He is rude and grumpy and is quick to berate anyone who isn’t quick to pay for their drinks. If patrons are rude to him, he takes it even further and starts a bar fight. If the players have a friendly disposition, he can be made to look the other way, but he is not easily swayed. If the players get into any bar fights, he will likely rise from his stool and break it up, and yell at the players for being idiots. He will not call the guards.


Tommy grew up in the city, sawing wood and carrying water. Once he was old enough, he took up thievery. Eventually he was caught, and was sent to serve 10 years in the city jail. While he was in jail, he became friends with a man named Tanner, who was one of the jailers.

Since Tanner was a Human, Tommy became envious and started plotting his next escape. Tanner helped Tommy escape and they both ran as far as they could. They took up jobs as individuals. Tanner worked as a barkeep, and Tommy became a thief again.

After a few months, Tanner was killed by a drunk patron. Tommy became his replacement, and has been in the position for the last 12 years. Tommy has gotten used to his job, and even though he is in charge, he often just sits at the bar, drinking and complaining about his life.


Tommy is an average fighter, and an average thief. He has no magic ability and is only an average healer. He is also a skilled barkeep, able to serve drinks quickly and efficiently.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!