10 Primitive Science-Fiction Planets

Here’s a selection of ten primitive science-fiction planets you can use for your tabletop RPG campaign.

1) Duneil

Primitive Planet (Desert World) (Agriculture)

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Duneil is one of seven planets in the Quagmore solar system in sector 3384 on the outer rim. It is an inhospitable desert world with an exotic atmosphere of heated gases.

In addition to a small colony of humans and other life forms, the planet is inhabited by a species of vicious voracious creatures. The planet’s sole unique feature is an enormous canyon that can be used as a landing strip.

No Imperial sensors can reach it. While inhospitable, it’s the only habitable planet for five light years in any direction.


Life on Duneil is chaotic and messy. Smugglers from all over come to this backwoods planet to make deals. Thousands of smugglers and criminals endanger the lives of everyone on the planet. Though the law is rearing its head, smugglers are still in power.

The official government has little influence outside of the main cities. Around 1 million humans and aliens call Duneil home. The planet was uninhabited when first discovered. The canyon was formed by a rip in the planet’s crust, leading to hot gas escaping to the surface. This created the caldron, an inhospitable and dangerous place at best.

Without proper protection, the atmosphere of the planet strips away clothing and flesh. The planet’s two suns scorch the land with intense heat. Fierce storms hammer land. The planet is cursed by volcano’s and earthquakes.


The planet is made up of three main continents, found on the southern hemisphere. The largest of the three is the Duneil continent, which covers over half of the southern hemisphere.

The Duneil continent is mostly desert. The other two come straight down from the north. The Aphel continent is mostly plains and grasslands, though the climate is harsh.

The Dusine continent is mostly forested and grasslands, though the climate is harsh. The planet has 2 moons. The larger moon is named Dona and the smaller moon is named Jorrock.

2) Zynik-0

Primitive Planet (Small World) (High Gravity) (Desert World) (Dangerous)


Zynik-0 is an Earth-sized world that orbits the star PC11-1565 in the Zynik system in sector 923, about 360 light-years from the galactic center. It is one of the many planets situated near Zynik, though it is much closer to its sun than the others are.

The temperature of Zynik-0 is generally hot, though the barren, rocky surface of the planet is warm enough for quick evaporation of water, though very little moisture is available.

The gravity on Zynik-0 is almost twice Earth normal, which makes merely standing up difficult for most species. The atmosphere is thin but breathable within safe limits. Zynik-0 is a small world with only five moons.

Of these moons, two are larger than the planet. The first moon is named Strytanor, the second is named Rymsus, the third is named Spynus, the fourth is named Cylus, and the fifth is named Loux.


The people of Zynik-0 are an aggressive species, eager to kill and destroy everything in their way. It is believed that their bloodthirsty tendencies are due to their difficultly surviving on this world. The people are passionate, but the culture is primitive.

Civil war is a common thing among the people of Zynik-0, though they do not have many weapons. The few that they do have are primitive compared to modern Imperial tech. The people of Zynik-0 are also very feeble and weak by Imperial standards, as they lack the proper technology and training.

They are unable to fight effectively, and they lack military forces that can defend their planet. It is estimated that over two billion people inhabit the planet, though only a small number of those are civilized.


Zynik-0 is a very small world and is mostly a hot and barren desert planet. The rocky surface is riddled with gorges and canyons. The planet has only two inhabitable regions: the larger of these two, located on the southern hemisphere, is named Amunt and is where most of the civilization is located.

The second region is located on the northern hemisphere and is called Sakor, though it is mostly a barren wasteland like the rest of the planet. The planet has no known natural resources with which to build.

3) Baxtham-5

Primitive Planet (Huge World) (Cold World) (Inhospitable) (Industrial) (Mining)


Baxtham-5 is an inhospitable icy world in the Quagmore solar system. It is one of seven planets in Quagmore sector 3384 on the outer rim. It is an inhospitable icy world with an exotic atmosphere of frozen gas. In addition to a small colony of humans and other life forms, the planet is inhabited by a species of vicious voracious creatures. The planet’s sole unique feature is a giant geothermic vent in the floor of a crater, which forms a perfect cover for smugglers. No imperial sensors can reach it. While inhospitable, it’s the only habitable planet for five light years in any direction.


Life on Baxtham-5 is chaotic and messy. Smugglers from all over come to this backwoods planet to make deals. Thousands of smugglers and criminals endanger the lives of everyone on the planet. Though the law is rearing its head, smugglers are still in power. The official government has little influence outside of the main cities.

Around 1 million humans and aliens call Baxtham-5 home. The planet was uninhabited when first discovered. The melting of the polar ice caps led to the creation of the geothermic vent. This vent is the great vein of Baxtham-5. It is used by smugglers to do business.

Baxtham-5 is a dangerous place at best. Without proper protection, the atmosphere of the planet strips away clothing and flesh. The planet’s two suns scorch the land with intense heat. Fierce storms hammer land. The planet is cursed by volcano’s and earthquakes.


The planet is made up of three main continents, found on the southern hemisphere. The largest of the three is the Baxtham continent, which covers over half of the southern hemisphere. The Baxtham continent is mostly land. The other two come straight down from the north.

The Harkan continent is mostly plains and grasslands, though the climate is harsh. The Hoeks continent is mostly forested with a harsh climate.

The planet has 2 moons. The larger moon is named Erasmus and the smaller called Font. Font is constantly covered in solar radiation and can not sustain life. Erasmus is a cold lifeless rock. Such is life in this part of the Milky Way galaxy.

4) Zugliss-5

Primitive Planet (Large World) (Low Gravity) (Inhospitable) (New Colony) (Barren) (Starport)


Zugliss-5 is one of seven planets in the Quagmore solar system in sector 3384 on the outer rim. It is an inhospitable world not habitable by humans. It’s atmosphere is toxic, and it’s surface is covered in molten rock. It is now colonized by humans. It is now the center for the empire’s mining operations.

The planet is rich with rare minerals used for technology, weapons, and fuel. The planet is also home to a huge refinery. A mining operation on the planet is difficult to manage, but the planet’s riches make it worth the effort. The planet is controlled by the Galactic Empire. The mining operation is run directly by the Empire.


The mining operation on Zugliss-5 is enormous. The refinery is massive with numerous processing plants. The planet is mined for its rare minerals. The most common mineral mined is an extremely heavy metal with anti-gravity properties. The Empire brings droids to the planet to mine the rare minerals. The Empire does not have the technology to process the metals, so they are shipped to more advanced worlds.

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The planet’s major city is Capital City. It is a modest sized city with a population of about 2 million humans. Nearly everyone on the planet is involved with the mining operation. Over half of the planet’s surface is molten rock.

The Imperial government has had to build a giant shield dome over the mining operations. It’s dome is so strong that it can withstand an attack by a super star destroyer. The shield is run by a special shield generator. The shield generator is so strong it can be used as a weapon of mass destruction. It is one of the Empire’s greatest weapons.


The planet Zugliss-5 is a large rocky world, with over 75% of it made up of impenetrable stone. The planet is dotted with openings of molten rock. The planet is rich with rare minerals. The planet is bordered on two sides of it’s equator by large amorphous mountain ranges of molten rock. The planet’s surface is entirely covered by the shield dome, which is home to the mining operations.

The shield dome is maintained by enormous shield generators. The shield of the dome is impenetrable. The mining operation is so huge and so important to the Empire’s supremacy and its people’s well-being, that the planet is technically a major world and is under the direct control of the Imperial government. The planet has no official name and is identified by its number designation. The planet is orbited by a large heavy planet which has a metal rich surface.

5) Marduk-6

Primitive Planet (Tiny World) (High Gravity) (Inhospitable) (Penal Colony) (Barren) (Starport)


Marduk-6 is the sixth planet of seven orbiting the star Ythras in the Marduk system. It is an oblate spheroid with one large continent, two small islands, and two tiny islands. It has an eccentric orbit. The planet is inhospitable to many forms of life. It is the only habitable planet for one light year in any direction. It is a penal colony world. The planet is known for its harsh terrain and extreme weather. The islands are the only place where life can be sustained. The continent is unsuitable for life. The planet has an equatorial bulge.


Life on Marduk-6 is harsh and unforgiving. No one here is friendly. The planet is a penal colony. The populace only exist to make life miserable for one another. The continent is mostly barren ice and rock, with a few tiny islands of life found within a mountain range. The island is a forested tropical paradise. The island is the only place where life can be sustained. The islands are a small paradise in a barren hell. The island is a forested tropical paradise with a harsh climate, but it has a free water supply. The tiny islands are a tiny paradise within a barren hell.


Marduk-6 is a very hot planet. It has a surface temperature of up to 200 degrees fahrenheit. It has a thin atmosphere, with a low level of oxygen. It rains every day. In the summer, torrential rains pound the island. The islands have a tropical climate.

6) Soggywet-4

Primitive Planet (Huge World) (Preindustrial) (Dangerous)


Soggywet-4 is one of three planets in the Quagmore solar system in sector 3384 on the outer rim. It is an inhospitable icy world with an exotic atmosphere of frozen gas. In addition to a small colony of humans and other life forms, the planet is inhabited by a tiny insectoid species.

The planet’s sole unique feature is a giant geothermic vent in the floor of a crater, which forms a perfect cover for smugglers. No imperial sensors can reach it. While inhospitable, it’s the only habitable planet for five light years in any direction.


Life on Soggywet-4 is chaotic and messy. Smugglers from all over come to this backwoods planet to make deals. Thousands of smugglers and criminals endanger the lives of everyone on the planet. Though the law is rearing its head, smugglers are still in power. The official government has little influence outside of the main cities.

Around 1 million humans and aliens call Soggywet-4 home. The planet was uninhabited when first discovered. The melting of the polar ice caps led to the creation of the geothermic vent. This vent is the great vein of So

ggywet-4. It is used by smugglers to do business. Soggywet-4 is a dangerous place at best. Without proper protection, the atmosphere of the planet strips away clothing and flesh. The planet’s two suns scorch the land with intense heat. Fierce storms hammer land. The planet is cursed by volcano’s and earthquakes.


The planet is made up of three main continents, found on the southern hemisphere. The largest of the three is the Soggywet continent, which covers over half of the southern hemisphere. The Soggywet continent is mostly land. The other two come straight down from the north.

The Dalsime continent is mostly plains and grasslands, though the climate is harsh. The Hoeks continent is mostly forested with a harsh climate.

The planet has 2 moons. The larger moon is named Erasmus and the smaller called Font. Font is constantly covered in solar radiation and can not sustain life. Erasmus is a cold lifeless rock. Such is life in this part of the Milky Way galaxy.

7) Dalsime-8

Primitive Planet (Large World) (Inhospitable) (Old Colony) (Industrial) (Barren) (Starport)


Dalsime-8 is one of seven planets orbiting the Quagmore star. It is a large, barren world with a thin atmosphere. On the surface, the planet supports a meteor-scarred frozen wasteland. The planet’s core is made of solid iron. However, a gas giant orbits the planet, creating a large thin habitable atmosphere. In addition, the planet has a moon named Font, which is a thin lifeless rock covered in solar radiation. No life exists on the surface.


Dalsime-8 is a primitive world far from the core worlds. It has a thin atmosphere and a thin, thin crust. Beneath the thin crust is a thin core of solid iron. The planet is barren and uninhabited, except for a thin gas giant that orbits near the northern hemisphere. The gas giant is a source of oxygen and other gases, thin though they may be.

The gas giant distorts the thin atmosphere of the planet. It also acts as a sun, allowing for life to survive on the moon Font. The thin atmosphere of the planet is thin enough to allow radio waves to travel from one side of the world to the other. The planet doesn’t even have a starport.


The planet is barren and empty. The only natural feature is a thin atmosphere. The thin atmosphere is too thin to be breathable by most species. It is believed that the thin atmosphere and the thin crust of the planet was formed as a result of a large meteor strike off its surface.

8) Cazh-5

Primitive Planet (Huge World) (Desert World) (Agriculture) (Mining) (Dangerous)


Cazh-5 is one of three planets in the Cazh-5 system, located in the far reaches of the Perseus Arm of the galaxy. It is a harsh and arid planet, though rich in resources. Mineral deposits and rare ores are the main reason for the planet’s healthy population. The world is covered in red and orange sand and rock. It also has a few mountains and a single ocean. The ocean is only a few thousand miles across and is called the Empty Ocean.


The planet has one ocean and a single gigantic equatorial continent. The Empty Ocean is an ocean of sand and salt water. Even though it is deadly, it is also home to a few species of endangered sea life. The Empty Ocean covers 90% of the planet. The continent is called the Empty Continent. It takes up most of the habitable land on the planet.

Its climate is harsh and barren. It can not be divided into different regions. Its climate is one of a constant drought. The climate is too harsh even for vegetation to take hold. The mountains are not a part of a mountain range. They are one solid rock spire reaching to the dark foreboding sky. An ocean of sand covers the planet.

The ocean is not a true ocean. An ocean is a large body of salty water. This ocean is a giant sea of sand. There are no large bodies of water on this planet. The largest body of water is only a few hundred miles across. In the center of the planet is a mountain range. The range is a single mountain that stretches the length of the entire planet. The mountain is a single giant rock spire that reaches 100 miles high.


The Empty Ocean is a sea of sand and salt water. It covers 90% of the planet. The Empty Ocean is a unique place. Since the planet is so dry, the water evaporates quickly. The minerals from the sand are refined to form a thick salt water. Because the water evaporates so quickly, the water is as thick as oil. Because of the planets lack of water, the salt water is as thick as oil.

The water is like oil, but will burn flesh like acid. Due to this, the Empty Ocean is home to a few species of saltwater fish. There are also a few species of plants who make their homes in the sand. The plants are able to survive with their thick tough leaves. The plants are able to feel their way through the sand. The plants are able to survive the sand, but animals cannot.

9) Kreeglar-7

Primitive Planet (Small World) (New Colony) (Industrial) (Mining) (Militarized)


Kreeglar-7 is one of seven planets in the Kreeglar-major solar system in sector 5123 on the outer rim. It is an oceanic world with an exotic atmosphere of liquid water. The planet is uninhabited. The planet is not of any consequence. It is not the only water world in the sector. There are hundreds of water worlds in the fleet.


The planet is unimportant to Imperial society. The Empire has built several scientific stations on the surface, but never colonized the planet. The planet is used primarily by the scientific community. The planet has no value to the Empire. The planet is not colonized because of its size. The planet has little value to the Empire. It’s more of a scientific experiment than anything else.


The planet is made up of one liquid ocean. The liquid ocean covers over 90% of the planet’s surface. The liquid is contained in a strong electromagnetic field which keeps the liquid liquid. Otherwise the liquid would turn into gas. The liquid is then cooled to a temperature just above freezing.

The planet has a small icy moon named Kreeglar-8. The moon is a frozen wasteland. It’s orbit is very erratic. The moon has no atmosphere. It’s surface is continually bombarded by ice balls from the planet.

10) Hasp-3

Primitive Planet (Huge World) (Inhospitable) (Old Colony) (Dangerous)


Hasp-3 is one of seven planets in the Quagmore solar system in sector 3384 on the outer rim. The planet is a harsh and frigid world that has an exotic assortment of life forms and a primitive society. Only three million humankind live on this icy world.

The surface of the planet is covered in ice and snow, but the planet is much larger than Earth. The planet’s sole unique feature is a huge geothermic vent in the floor of a crater, which was caused by an impact. The vent is the only habitable part of the world.


Life on Hasp-3 is primitive and brutal. Humans live in the central part of the planet near the geothermic vent and in the south near the equator. The planet is inhabited by a variety of life forms that evolved in the harsh climate. Only three million humans live on Hasp-3. The planet was first colonized by humans in the early days of the Old Republic.

Many believed that the planet was rich in minerals, but they would find out that the planet was barren. The planet had no life of any kind on it before the humans arrived. It was decided to stay on Hasp-3 to make something of the planet. The planet was settled in under a decade. The planet was named after the person who discovered it, Wisshasp Nalen.

Humans were forced to build shelter in the harsh climate. The planet is covered in ice and snow. The planet is heated by two suns, which are found on the same side of the planet. The planet has two moons, which are named Nolae and Godwil. These are the only moons in the Quagmore solar system, which are both large. The planet is cursed by volcano’s and earthquakes.


The planet is made up of three main continents, found on the northern hemisphere. The largest of the three is the Hasp continent, which covers over half of the northern hemisphere. The Hasp continent is mostly land. The other two come straight down from the south.

The Godwil continent is mostly grasslands and plains, but the climate is harsh. The Nolae continent is mostly forested with a harsh climate. The planet has two moons. The larger moon is named Nolae and the smaller is called Godwil. Godwil is constantly covered in solar radiation and can not sustain life. Nolae is a cold lifeless rock.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!