10 Light Infantry Mecha

Here’s a list of 1d10 light infantry mecha for your science fiction tabletop RPG campaign.

1) The Puma

Light Infantry Mecha

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Pilot: Sylph
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: .50 Caliber Machine Gun (MAIN)
Weapons: .50 Caliber Machine Gun (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Robotech) (Serious)


The Puma is a small, stocky mecha designed to act as a ligh infantry unit, weaponized for urban warfare. The Puma is armed with two .50 calibre machine guns, mounted on either side of the Puma’s torso, and capable of use by either of the Puma’s two arms.

The Puma’s armor is relatively light. The Puma has a network of gyroscopes that allow it to maintain a standing position without using wheels or legs, giving it tremendous maneuverability. Its small size makes it easy to hide, and it is capable of making short, but quick, dashes on its gyroscopic field.

The Puma is fast on the ground, and its .50 calibre machine guns are devastating against unprotected targets. The Puma is an excellent urban combatant.

2) The Novem

Light Infantry Mecha

Pilot: Sophia Sumeragi
Armor: Medium Steel Armor
Weapons: Laser Cannon (MAIN)
Weapons: Railgun (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Battletech) (Militaristic) (Steampunk) (Modern)


The Novem is the standard infantry mecha of the European forces. As such, the Novem is a fairly typical mecha for the European forces, and is not particularly interesting design-wise. The Novem is a relatively typical bipedal mecha, armed with a laser cannon and a railgun.

The Novem’s metal armor is of medium thickness, but it is energy shielded, making the Novem very tough. The Novem is typical of European design. It is not flashy, but it is an effective mecha.

The Novem is a typical European mecha. The Novem is a simple design that is easy to build. The Novem is typical of European mecha.


Light Infantry Mecha

Pilot: Zachary Kincaid
Armor: Energy Armor
Weapons: Laser Blaster (MAIN)
Weapons: Laser Blaster (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Bubblegum Crisis) (Lighthearted) (Funny)


The European CABANA is the standard light infantry mecha. The CABANA is built with energy shielding, and is armed with two laser blasters. The CABANA is armed with a grenade launcher for anti-tank missions, or for its secondary role in anti-air combat.

The CABANA is not capable of flying, but can “hop” about five meters to give it an advantage in open field combat. This allows the CABANA to fire at targets while it moves to another location, which makes it easier to hit targets with its weapons.

The CABANA is not a very complex mecha, and is fairly easy to manufacture. The CABANA is still very popular with troops, but it is also popular with civilians, who buy them for police and fire departments.

The CABANA has eight legs, which gives the CABANA the ability to “hop”, instead of having to run. This allows the CABANA to take advantage of its wide range of weapon systems, while keeping the torso centered.

4) The Lumière

Light Infantry Mecha

Pilot: Sophia Sumeragi
Armor: Heavy Steel Armor
Weapons: Laser Blaster (MAIN)
Weapons: .50 Caliber Machine Gun (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Battletech) (Voltron)


The Lumière is the European counterpart to the Mirage. Like the Mirage, the Lumière is a bipedal mecha. Like the Mirage, the Lumière’s legs are gyro-suspended. Unlike the Mirage, the Lumière has wheels to support it.

The Lumière is slightly heavier than the Mirage, but this weight is in the form of solid armor rather than in the form of gyro-suspension equipment. The Lumière is armed with a heavy laser blaster in each arm, in addition to a .50 caliber machine gun mounted in an armored turret in its chest.

The Lumière is very well-armored, and is much more formidable in close-range combat than the Mirage. The Lumière, despite appearing in much greater numbers than the Mirage, is much more rare in practice, often being deployed in conjunction with troops in Mirage mecha.

The Lumière is an integral part of European infantry doctrine.

5) The Nighthawk

Light Infantry Mecha

Pilot: Francis Mason
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Laser Blaster (MAIN)
Weapons: .50 Caliber Machine Gun (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Battletech) (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing) (Voltron)


The Nighthawk is a typical light infantry mecha. It is a two-legged mecha with a wide range of attack options. The Nighthawk is armed with a laser blaster and a .50 caliber machine gun. The Nighthawk is a bipedal mecha, and its arms are fully functional, allowing the Nighthawk to operate its .50 caliber machine gun from a standing position.

The Nighthawk’s armor is a standard mix of ceramic and energy shielding. The Nighthawk is a typical design for the European forces. The Nighthawk is a very popular mecha with infantry units. The Nighthawk is heavily armored in comparison to lighter mecha, but is just as agile. The Nighthawk is a very capable mecha, and is very popular in the European forces.

6) The Puma

Light Infantry Mecha

Pilot: Sophia Sumeragi
Armor: Medium Steel Armor
Weapons: Laser Blaster (MAIN)
Weapons: Laser Cannon (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Dark) (Militaristic) (Unique)


The Puma is a more advanced version of the Mirage, and is a further development of the basic Mirage design. The Puma is a more stable mecha than the Mirage. The Puma still uses a system of gyroscopes, but the gyroscopes house a small laser thruster system that can boost the Puma into the air for a short time, allowing the Puma to gain some height.

The Puma is a more advanced mecha than the Mirage, and is intended to be the next step in the European Light Infantry Mecha’s evolution. The basic design of the Puma is similar to the Mirage, but with several significant changes. The Puma is a more stable mecha, and is capable of firing from a standing position. The Puma is more heavily armored, and is capable of greater damage resistance than the Mirage.

The Puma is also capable of firing its lasers and grenades at higher speeds than the Mirage. The Puma is a very capable light infantry mecha, and is very popular with infantry units. The Puma is intended to stand alongside the Mirage in European service.

7) The UH-9 Attack Heliator

Light Infantry Mecha

Pilot: Sophia Sumeragi
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Laser Blaster (MAIN)
Weapons: Laser Blaster (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Steampunk) (Marvel Comics) (Unusual)


The Heliator is used for the same basic purposes as the Mirage; it is used for ground based combat and has no aerial capabilities. It is used by front line units and in short range combat. The Heliator was developed in response to the European empires move to mechanize completely after the war with the Cascadians. The Heliator was developed to provide aerial support to the mechanized forces, and to provide support for the regular infantry.

The biggest problem that the regular infantry has with a fully mechanized force is that they can’t keep up, and without air support they are literally cut off from all other units. The Heliator was designed to fill the gap between regular infantry and mechanized units. The Heliator is a small helicopter, and is capable of both vertical and short take offs and landings.

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The Heliator is armed with a laser blaster mounted on a gimbal so that it can fire in any direction while hovering. The Heliator has a very large fuel capacity and can stay in the air for an exceptionally long time. The Heliator is a highly capable mecha, but is completely unarmed, and very vulnerable to traditional anti-air weapons.

The Heliator is a very popular mecha among regular infantry units, who usually fill the Heliator’s gunner seat. The Heliator’s pilot seat is the only seat in the entire mecha. The pilot needs to be very nimble and acrobatic, and can dismount from the cockpit if required. The pilot uses a jackhammer system to control the mecha. It takes a great deal of skill to use a Heliator, but many soldiers find it easier to learn the mecha’s controls than a manual craft.

8) The Zapper

Light Infantry Mecha

Pilot: Sophia Sumeragi
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Laser Blaster (MAIN)
Weapons: Laser Blaster (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Astroboy) (Ghost in the Shell)


The Zapper is a mecha design that is rather unique among the European forces. It is a snow-white robot with a large red visor, and a weapons configuration that is completely different from anything European forces have ever seen before. The Zapper is a bipedal mecha, but instead of being a fully mechanized walker, the Zapper is a Snow-white robot with a large red visor, and a weapons configuration that is completely different from anything European forces have ever seen before.

The Zapper is a bipedal mecha, but instead of being a fully mechanized walker, the Zapper is a snow-white mecha that balances on a series of three feet. It is armed with a laser blaster as a primary weapon, and a laser blaster as a secondary weapon. The Zapper’s armor is a very complex system of mirrors, as well as a layer of energy shields, but the Zapper’s armor is not as heavy as it first appears; it is actually several layers of armor that are all respectively lighter than the armor of other mecha.

The Zapper is the most advanced mecha design in use by the European forces, and is surprising in that it was built by Sophia Sumeragi, one of the newer members of the European mecha design team. The Zapper is actually based on Snow-whites, but was built with the use of the Mirror Field technology provided by the European government.

The Zapper’s armor is difficult to penetrate, but once penetrated, the Zapper’s armor doesn’t offer much protection due to its layered armor configuration. The Zapper is well-armed for its size, but the Zapper is not very fast. The Zapper is still a rather agile mecha, but it is not nearly as agile as the Mirage or the Steel Eagle. The Zapper is still an effective mecha design that is capable of attacking an enemy mecha or an infantry unit.

9) The M-25 Rapier

Light Infantry Mecha

Pilot: Capt. Alexander Annandale
Armor: Energy Armor
Weapons: Laser Blaster (MAIN)
Weapons: Laser Blaster (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)


The M-25 Rapier is the standard light infantry mecha of the European forces. A relatively simple design, the Rapier is a fully mechanized ground combat mecha. The Rapier’s main weapon is a mounted energy cannon, and it also carries a light rifle, which is more often used as a melee weapon.

A heavy backpack increases the Rapier’s mobility considerably. The Rapier is a fairly basic mecha design, but it is highly advanced for its time, and is a great improvement over past mecha designs.

10) The Upright Man

Light Infantry Mecha

Pilot: Abraham Lincoln
Armor: Heavy Steel Armor
Weapons: Railgun (MAIN)
Weapons: Railgun (SECONDARY)
Theme: (Battletech) (Robotech)


The Upright Man is a European mecha design from the European “Second Renaissance” period of expansionism. The Upright Man is a typical bipedal European mecha, but unlike other European mecha, the Upright Man has a more compact design. The arms on the Upright Man are arms that do not have any of the servo-motors needed to control the arm.

Instead, the arm itself is a simple telescoping arm with a grip on the end. The Upright Man also has a targeting system, a laser designator, on the wrist of the arm. The Upright Man’s feet are a simple “support foot” that is mounted on the side of the mecha. The Upright Man is armed with a railgun, mounted on top of the mecha, and a railgun on the back of the mecha.

The railgun on the back of the Upright Man can fire a single shot or a burst according to the operator’s command. The railgun on top is capable of sustained fire, and is fired by the arm-mounted railgun. The Upright Man is equipped with a chemical supply and a chemical dispersal mechanism which it uses to carry and deliver the chemicals.

These chemicals do not harm the mecha, or interfere with its operation. The chemicals, however, can be deployed as an anti-infantry weapon. The chemicals, upon contact with the air, will produce a cloud of acid that will cause damage to most infantry. The chemicals also produce a cloud of smoke for camouflage for the Upright Man.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!