10 Male Human Superheroes

This is a list of ten male human superheroes for your tabletop campaign.

Ten Male Human Superhero Examples

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#1 – C.W. Randolph

Male Human Journalist

Powers: (High Intelligence) (Electroshock) (Mental Blast)


His military training gave Randolph an affinity for just about every kind of weapon. Because of this, he’s usually armed with a sword, dagger, bow, rifle, or what have you. To emphasize his superhuman handspeed, his hands are often drawn with an exaggerated number of fingers. Usually, he wore a brown leather jacket, with bronze breastplate, red horsehair cape, and brown leather pants, with long boots (the colors tend to vary). He also had a large, flowing red beard.


In 1939, after a series of successes in the espionage field, C.W. Randolph thought it was time to settle down and enjoy the fruits of his labors. He purchased a mansion in the country and began to live a life of luxury. The War broke out, and Randolph’s patriotism was sorely tested. He finally decided to use his skills to aid in the war effort, and became a high-ranking officer in the Air Force. He was sent to a base in England where he served with distinction until he was killed in a training accident in 1942.


C.W. Randolph was a hero of the first order — courageous, intelligent, decisive, and selfless. He was popular with soldiers of all ranks. He was also a master of just about every martial art known to man. And he was no slouch in the kitchen.


Randolph was unstoppable in hand-to-hand combat. He had no fear of any opponent – armed or unarmed. His knowledge of the bush contributed to his fearlessness.

#2 – Psi Spy

Male Human Soldier

Powers: (Advanced Hearing) (Levitation)


A handsome young man with blond hair, blue eyes, and a well-built physique, he is often found in casual attire.


The son of a laborer, Ken McAllister was born, raised, and educated in a small Midwestern community. Ken’s father died when Ken was a young child, and Ken was taken in by his uncle, a minor politician in a small town in a neighboring state. Ken did not play well with his peers, and was often shunned from peer groups.

He did not believe that the gifts that his uncle showed him should be used for personal gain, but should instead be used to help others less fortunate than himself. In high school, Ken took a number of courses in electronics. After graduation, he took a job as an electronics technician, but was fired for pursuing an experiment that his employer wanted to keep secret.

As the economy was then in a slump, he took a job as a laborer, working with his father’s old associates. Here, he learned the value of hard work, and how it could be better applied for the benefit of others. While working, he built up a small fortune with which he bought his own home. He was now in his early twenties, with no prospects for marriage, but was content with his lot.


Ken is cheerful, friendly, and optimistic; he seems to always see the glass as half full. He always tries to be helpful, pleasant, and respectable. He is not afraid to show his emotions, but he does not express them very often.


Ken is able to levitate up to 10 tons of weight for short periods of time, and can close his ears against sound. He is very strong, but not very durable.

#3 – Jekyll

Male Human Scientist

Powers: (High Intelligence) (Psionics)


Dr. Jekyll is a very dedicated scientist and a very intelligent person. He is also a sadist. He probably suffered from some kind of mental illness that was exacerbated by the potion he took. He enjoys killing and causes a lot of havoc for a lot of people.


Dr. Henry Jekyll was a research scientist who specialized in psychokinetics. He helped found The Society of Heroes. He was known for his manipulative and devious behavior among hero groups. During a battle with a group of manipulative heroes, he was buried alive when a landslide came down on him. He managed to dig himself out of the avalanche and when he did he found himself in a strange world.

He managed to return to his lab and found a mysterious potion in a safe. He gulped it down and in a few seconds he became a completely different person. He was now Edward Hyde. Hyde was a very different person. He was still intelligent and manipulative, but he was also a brutal killer. He was no longer restrained by morals and ethics. He enjoyed doing very bad things.

During one of his rampages, he ran into a group of scientists that had just formed the Society of Supervillains. He joined them. He used his many talents to help them plan and carry out their evil deeds. He also became the group’s psychologist.

He helped them deal with their various emotional and personality problems and guided them away from emotional outbursts and mental breakdowns.

He also used his hypnotic skills to turn some of the weaker members of the group into his willing slaves. He had fun with them. But he still had a deep love for Elsie, his housemaid. He used his skills to make Elsie love him.


Hyde is a very dedicated scientist and a very intelligent person. He is also a sadist. He probably suffered from some kind of mental illness that was exacerbated by the potion he took. He enjoys killing and causes a lot of havoc and havoc for a lot of people.


In combat, Hyde will go crazy and attack with whatever he has handy.

#4 – O. Moho

Male Human Scientist

Powers: (Speed) (Telepathy)


Moho is obese. He is bald and has a white beard. He wears a white lab coat and wears a protective helmet and goggles. A high-energy laser pistol and a high-energy laser rifle hang on his equipment belt.


Moho, real name Thaddeus Vogler, was born to an extremely wealthy family in San Francisco. He was a genius in his teens, at which time he created a high-energy, high-power engine. He used his family’s wealth to purchase a large tract of land in the Nevada desert, erected a research facility there, and began perfecting his engine. He built the engine, but it broke one day. That was when he discovered that he could not die.

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The engine fused the living cells in his body to the metal pieces of the engine. When his brother, Robert, came to investigate what had happened, he ran into the engine and was killed, becoming the first casualty of the engine, now being referred to as “The Soulcatcher.” Moho used the Soulcatcher to develop high-energy weapons.

But, after a while, he discovered that he was not the only one who could not die. Over the years he recruited others to form an army. He had to be careful, though. No one could know that the Soulcatcher could not kill. Moho constructed a large, complicated, and very strong force field around his compound. He named it The Prison. It was designed to hold his army, non-lethal research subjects, or just about anything else.


Moho is a vain, egocentric, and cruel man, and he has a highly inflated opinion of his own intelligence and abilities. He is one of the sharpest minds of the 20th century. He is also a sociopath with a completely amoral and unethical view of the world. He is completely unprincipled, and dislikes all of his fellow Soulcatchers. He feels that they are all threats to his own position. A sadistic madman, he delights in cruelty and violence.


Moho uses advanced weapons and high-energy powers to blast and disintegrate his enemies. He is also an expert in the use of advanced intelligence and technology; he may use such weapons as sonic disintegrators, robo-claws, robo-walkers, and robo-swords. He will use whatever weapons may be necessary to get the job done. He is also a genius at developing new weapons.

#5 – A.C. Newman

Male Human Dentist

Powers: (Charm) (Regeneration)


Newman wears a custom-tailored business suit and tie, and a fine leather jacket and gloves. The label on his jacket reads: “Well, it’s time we started getting serious about the future. Either we’re going to invent it and let everybody else catch up, or we’re going to rot in it. Or we’re going to fix it. And fix it, I believe, we can.” He is tall, thin, and has short, brown hair.


A.C. Newman is the son of genetic engineers, both of whom had the same dream of the perfect child – one with an un-breakable immune system, no susceptibility to pollutants, bacteria, viruses, and other things that make life unpleasant.

Unfortunately, one of those things was their son. His immune system worked so well he couldn’t as much as play as much as a game of “cootie” without croaking from natural disease. In his teens he turned to drugs, and became a dealer. He was a fair success at this, and probably would have remained a dealer had he not been involved in a car accident, which he survived only because of a freak coincidence.

The truck that hit him was a truck carrying a load of frozen custard. The vehicle turned into a giant pile of goo, but Newman was fine. Although he could have sued the truck company, he didn’t, because he realized that he could be even richer by using his immunity to profit. He became a small-time venture capitalist, investing in companies that could profit from his good health.

In the late 70s he began investing in a new scientific field – genetic engineering. He invested in companies that developed a means to repair the damage to the genome he had suffered during the accident. He was a success, and still looks a lot like a kid out of a Pepsi commercial.

As a “thank you” to the scientists who developed this technology, he joined the staffs of the companies as a “consultant” and secretly used his own genetic modifications to make himself stronger and more resilient.

He also hid as much as he could of the technology as technology as his own. In time he realized he could do very well as a self- employed superhero. “Who better to protect the world from genetic craziness than the guy who’s immune to it? Or, for that matter, any other sort of craziness?”


Newman has a great deal of self-esteem and confidence in his own abilities and decisions, and is proud of his high-risk, high-reward business decisions. He is proud of his status as a self-made man, and very much proud of his indestructible body. He is happy and friendly with his colleagues, and likes to cut up.


Newman is the least combative of his colleagues, preferring to disable bad guys without taking their lives. He prefers to use his superhuman strength and his ability to recover quickly to take on the toughest of his enemies.

#6 – Kincaid

Male Human Hunter

Powers: (Physical Prowess) (Brute Strength)


Tall, thin, pale-skinned. Dark eyes, dark hair.


Kincaid was the son of a wealthy family living in one of the boroughs of New York City. When Kincaid was about 15 years old, he was attacked by an enemy. Kincaid’s father was a very wealthy weapons manufacturer. Young Kincaid, being skilled in fencing, parried his enemy’s attacks with his sword. After the battle was over, Kincaid examined what remained of his opponent, and discovered that he was missing an arm.

He also discovered that it was his father’s watch his enemy was wearing – the watch that Kincaid had given his father for his birthday. The next morning, Kincaid walked into his father’s office and asked why the watch was stolen. Kincaid’s father explained that he had sold the watch to an investment man, who was wearing it when he was killed. Kincaid’s father’s explanation didn’t make sense; Kincaid knew he had given the watch to the man who had stolen it.

Enraged, Kincaid attacked his father. But his father had possession of the only gun in the house. He shot Kincaid dead. Angry that his father had killed him, Kincaid returned to life; only he would come back as the undead. His skin was white, his eyes were red, and his mouth was filled with fangs. He was a vampire, and he swore vengeance on his father.

After his father was dead, Kincaid went underground. He knew that the only way to regain his humanity was to kill one hundred other vampires. He was determined to do so. He spent the better part of three years hunting. One night, he was attacked by a female vampire. He managed to defeat her, but was surprised to discover that she was the woman he loved. She had changed into a vampire without his knowledge.

The first thing she did was to kill her lover, she then hypnotized Kincaid into thinking that he was still human, and that she was his father’s assistant. Kincaid’s love for his former love caused him to embark on a new quest – the hunt for the most evil of vampires. Kincaid led a double life. In his day job, he was an accountant working for the city of New York. In his nighttime activities he was a vampire hunter, seeking out and destroying vampires.

This way, he hoped to achieve his goal, win back his humanity. But the more vampires he killed, the more blood-thirsty he became. He desperately wanted to be a vampire himself. He was never a true friend of the superheroes, but he wasn’t a foe either. After killing the last vampire, his curse lifted. His skin became pink again, his eyes were green, and he had a mouth with normal teeth. He then quit his job as a vampire hunter and went into business as an accountant.


Kincaid is a man that has been twice betrayed — by a lover and by his father. He now lives a double life. In his daytime life, he is a cowardly accountant with a thing for vampires. In his nighttime life, he is a vengeful vampire hunter out to avenge himself against a former lover.


He loves to fight vampires. He also loves to fight with vampiresses. He is a fearless fighter. He prefers to do battle with vampires.

#7 – W. W. West

Male Human Scientist

Powers: (Electroshock)


He is extremely tall (6′ 10″) and wears tattered clothing. He limps due to having a busted left knee. He has no hair on his body, his eyes are completely blank, and he has only one ear. He has the lower torso of an ape with the upper torso of a man. He has long, sharp claws on his hands. He carries a club made out of the limb of a tree.


William grew up in a tiny town in Eastern Colorado, went to Colorado State University, and graduated from there. He then embarked on a career in genetic research. His research was based on the discovery that each human possesses a unique genetic pattern, a set of “genetic fingerprints,” which can be used to identify a chosen person. William used his research in a study of criminal behavior.

By determining what genes a criminal possessed, he could, in theory, make a positive identification of a criminal. The next step in his research was to develop a way to alter the genetic structure. If a specific genetic pattern was an indicator of a certain kind of crime, then a genetic alteration of that pattern would alter the pattern of behavior. Unfortunately, when William tried to alter the pattern in an animal, he made a mistake in his calculations and instead of removing a pattern, he added one.

The animal did not present any physical changes, and did not show any particular behavioral changes. But when he put the animal back into its cage, it attacked and killed one of its cage mates. He tried it again, and again the result was the same. He decided to go back to square one and try to discover just what had happened. He did some further research and found that animals with the same pattern he had tested were extremely territorial and extremely aggressive.

He wanted to test this pattern in a human, and he already had the perfect subject – himself. He injected himself with the pattern and waited for the results. Within a month, he was a changed man. He became extremely aggressive and took an instant dislike to people. He began to fight with them and he wanted to kill them. He was, in fact, behaving like a dangerous animal.

His mental processes were also affected, and he became quite stupid and non-considerate. He felt that the only way to stop his insane behavior was to take his own life.


He has a very belligerent personality, and has problems dealing with anyone other than his own species. He would sooner kill a human than talk to one. He has a limited education, but deep down inside, he’s still the same William West.


He is an extremely powerful, incredibly strong, and extremely aggressive creature. He would attack any creature, even those of his own kind, if provoked. He would fight to the death against anyone who challenged his position as the “alpha male.

#8 – Tamerlane / Tony

Male Human Soldier

Powers: (Advanced Flight) (Absorption) (Fireball)


Tony is tall and handsome, with greying temples. He dresses in casual clothes.


Tony was born into a poor family in Atlanta. As a boy, he watched the Fantastic Four interact, and decided to use his powers to protect people. He became a member of The Avengers. After the original team was disbanded, Tony formed the Champions.

Unfortunately, the youth of the Champions proved to be their undoing. Their initial victories were scored due to the individual abilities of each member, but later, when their opponents were better equipped to deal with the Champions’ team-work, the team lost its effectiveness.

After several years, Tony left the group to spend more time with his family.


Tony is a good-natured family man, but he’s also very tough. He’s still a soldier at heart, and he’s very good at making hard decisions. He loves his family, but he’s never forgotten his childhood. So he likes to work out to keep his body fit, and he gets bored with playing golf all the time.


Tony is a very intelligent strategist. He doesn’t take unnecessary risks, and he’ll always come up with a plan for getting out of a tight spot. He can use his powers to block attacks by opponents.

#9 – Fowl O’Dubb

Male Human Bounty Hunter

Powers: (Chicken Attack) (Mechanical Intuition) (Spikes)


O’Dubb is an aging brute, with his black hair pulled back into a ponytail, always wearing a heavy coat, with some sort of gadgetry on his left hand.


O’Dubb has always been a practical man, with little time for silly things like romance. When the question of marriage was put to him, he had to think about it for a few days before deciding that yes, it would be practical, at least. So when the beautiful, brilliant, wealthy Elizabeth Sterling made him an offer, he took it.

A few months in, he started to wonder if he had made the right choice. Elizabeth was in her mid-thirties, in her early forties when they married, and in her mid-fifties when their son was born. A

s O’Dubb had wanted, she was the perfect mother to their son. But she was not the perfect wife. She disliked sex, either because she was uninterested in it, or because she was disinterested in him. However you parsed it, the result was the same. It was not that he did not love her, or that he wasn’t faithful to her, but … things just did not work out between them. And they never did.


O’Dubb is gruff, unsentimental, and uncouth. He is always practical, and expects others to be so too. He has very little patience for silly people, posers, and show-offs. He loves his wife, but at the same time he is very suspicious of her. He is always worried that she is plotting some sort of double-cross.


O’Dubb is a good fighter, but he specializes in using his bare fists in fights. He is more comfortable using his whirling fists to destroy robotic enemies than he is using guns. O’Dubb is a big fan of auras, and he has a very strong aura of his own. It’s a very distinctive golden color. It’s a very strong aura, and it can be used to knock foes back or even briefly stun them.

#10 – Niles Polson

Male Human Nurse

Powers: (Regeneration) (Lucky)


Niles wears a black cloak with a red cape, black boots, black gloves, black shirt, red pants, and red sash. His cloak has a hood. He wears a red mask with a bright yellow “N” on it. He has bright blond hair and bright blue eyes.


Niles Polson used to be a garrulous fellow, but he was kicked in the head by a horse in the 1950s. When he awoke in the hospital, he was a changed person. His old garrulousness had been replaced by a profound, almost pathological, belief in the power of silence. Having received no training in any of the healing arts during his long recuperation,

Niles nevertheless became a nurse. He was assigned to the same ward as the Runt, where his new personality was noticed immediately. The Runt spent his time with Niles, fascinated by his ability to heal himself even when grievously wounded. When Niles had recovered, the Runt asked him to help him on his travels to fight evil. Niles, who had no special motive for fighting evil, agreed.

The Runt came to look on Niles as his brother, while Niles came to look on the Runt as his greatest friend.


Niles is self-effacing, slow to speak, but very forthright. He’s close friends with the Runt, who he sees as a younger brother. His greatest pleasure is being in the company of others, but he is very capable of being alone. He is a hard worker who has no desire for wealth or fame. He is very popular among the patients in the hospital, although his recent hobby of “collecting” them has become a problem.


Niles, in the hospital, uses the Helping Hand technique to heal healees; in combat, he uses the Brotherly Love technique to heal allies. His powers, like the Runt’s, also allow him to resurrect the dead.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!