10 Medium Artillery Mecha

Here’s a list of 10 medium artillery mecha you can use in your science-fiction tabletop RPG campaign.

1) The Wasp

Medium Artillery Mecha

Creator: Unknown
Armor: Light Armor
Size: Medium – 20 feet
Weapons: Rockets (MAIN)
Weapons: Smart Missiles (SECONDARY)
Extras: (Extra Mobility)
Theme: (Battletech) (Militaristic)

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The Wasp is a light mech designed as a close support unit. It carries a high-powered laser, as well as smart missiles. It uses a unique mini-mecha to deliver the rockets and smart missiles to the target. It has a small laser, but it can be upgraded to a medium laser. It has a unique select-fire laser system. The laser can be set to a single beam that is highly concentrated and it can be set to a wide-beam that is used mainly to target mobile units. The Wasp is deployed from a mini-mecha, which it carries on its back.


The Wasp looks like a giant stingray, with two sets of wings and a tail. The mecha’s primary weapon is a twin-barreled laser, mounted on the front of the unit, similar to the laser of an early tanks. The mini-mecha is carried on the back of the Wasp, and is used to allow the unit to target moving targets. The mini-mecha can also be used to carry rocket-propelled grenades and smart missiles. The mini-mecha is accessed by climbing up the back of the mecha, while sitting in the cockpit of the mini-mecha.

2) The Dravidian

Medium Artillery Mecha

Creator: Dr Thornton
Armor: Heavy Steel Armor
Size: Medium – 20 feet
Weapons: Homing Missiles (MAIN)
Weapons: Concussion Missiles (SECONDARY)
Extras: (Extra Armor)
Theme: (Bubblegum Crisis) (Marvel Comics)


This mecha is a very rare design. It is a mecha that specializes in artillery. The Dravidian is used as a heavy artillery piece, and is equipped with a large number of homing missiles and concussion missiles. This mecha has a very large number of both weapons, and is able to rain down a great deal of damage upon the enemy. The Dravidian is used in large numbers to keep the enemy at bay. When used in this fashion, it can be devastating.


The Dravidian is a large mecha armed to the teeth. It can carry up to eight missiles in each hand, and one in each side arm. The Dravidian is the only mecha in the Northern Alliance army to carry any hand held weapons. The Dravidian carries an impressive number of concussion missiles, which are the larger cousins of the plasma rocket. The concussion missiles are very large, and are designed to be able to punch through the heaviest of armor.

The concussion missiles are very large weapons, and are capable of being fired at the enemy from up to five miles away. They are also designed to have a slight explosive charge, to take out enemy armor. The Dravidian also mounts a pair of missile launchers that are very similar to the hand held missiles, but are much larger. The Dravidian can outrange most enemy mecha artillery. The Dravidian is a very large mech, designed for fighting in open areas. It is slow, but it can get around. It is also very strong, being able to take a very large amount of damage before it is destroyed.

3) The AGG

Medium Artillery Mecha

Creator: Kerry Wright
Armor: Light Armor
Size: Medium – 20 feet
Weapons: Homing Missiles (MAIN)
Weapons: Rockets (SECONDARY)
Extras: None
Theme: (Militaristic) (Steampunk)


The AGG is a experimental unit designed to fight mechs, tanks, ships, and aircraft. The AGG was based on the idea of a flying Sherman Tank. The AGG was designed for urban combat, its main advantage being that it can fly. The AGG can use its rockets to destroy buildings, or to use the rocket to move into the building after it has been destroyed.

The AGG can also fire upon tanks with its rockets. The AGG has a large cannon mounted on its right arm that can be used to shoot down aircraft. The AGG has a minigun mounted on the left arm that can be used to combat infantry. The AGG has jumpjets installed on it’s feet for flight. The AGG’s base design is based off of the Hellcat Mech, which was designed by Dr. Thornton in the 2040’s.

The AGG is designed to be one of the most agile mechs in existence. The AGG is capable of doing barrel rolls in the air, and can reach speeds in excess of 500 mph when in flight.


The AGG is a large mech, with a very streamlined design. It has wings, but is much more streamlined than the Hellcat Mech. The AGG was designed to be much more agile than the Hellcat. The AGG has much smaller weapons than the Hellcat, with the AGG having two miniguns instead of one large one, and two rockets, one on each leg. The AGG is much more streamlined than the Hellcat, reducing drag and allowing the AGG to reach velocities of up to 500 mph in flight.

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4) The Y-Caliber

Medium Artillery Mecha

Creator: W. Gin
Armor: Heavy Steel Armor
Size: Medium – 20 feet
Weapons: Directed-energy weapons (MAIN)
Weapons: Particle Beam (SECONDARY)
Extras: (Cloaking Device)
Theme: (Code Geass) (Ghost in the Shell)


The Y-Caliber was designed for Airborne Forces of the USAF. The Airborne Forces are the first line of defense against an invasion by an opposing nation. The Y-Caliber was designed to be carried aloft by a C-5 Galaxy, the largest aircraft ever built. The C-5 Galaxy carries 12 Y-Calibers, enough to take out any one city in the world. The Y-Caliber is designed to destroy an entire city.

The Y-Caliber can be carried aloft by a C-5 Galaxy. The Y-Caliber was designed to be dropped from the C-5 Galaxy at an altitude of approximately 2,000 feet. The Y-Caliber has an onboard computer system that can calculate the exact time to launch its payload so as not to hit the C-5 Galaxy. The Y-Caliber is launched from the cylindrical body of the C-5 Galaxy by means of an electromagnet.

The Y-Caliber is equipped with a rudimentary AI, which is enough to allow it to take off without human intervention. Once the Y-Caliber has cleared the C-5 Galaxy, the electromagnet is disengaged. The Y-Caliber can then fly using its afterburners, or it can drop to the ground, where it can move at high speed. The Y-Caliber also has a very rudimentary cloaking device, which can make it invisible.

The Y-Caliber is designed to carry a large payload of four nuclear warheads, each of which is capable of destroying an entire city. The Y-Caliber can take out an entire city with one payload. The Y-Caliber is also capable of carrying conventional bombs, though its payload is significantly reduced.


The Y-Caliber is a large, streamlined vehicle. It has a long, slender body with an open cockpit at the front. On top of the Y-Caliber are 4 nuclear warheads. They are carried by a large bomb rack. The Y-Caliber is also equipped with a rudimentary cloaking device.

5) The BFG9000

Medium Artillery Mecha

Creator: Adam Fleet
Armor: Heavy Steel Armor
Size: Medium – 20 feet
Weapons: BFG9000 (MAIN)
Weapons: Flamethrower (SECONDARY)
Extras: None
Theme: (Voltron) (Funny)


This mech was designed as a mockery of the BFG. The BFG only has two weapons, a BFG and a Flamethrower. The BFG tank fires a BFG that does a very large amount of damage. The BFG tank is a very large weapon. It can carry 20 BFG shots at once. This mecha is a large mech, with a very small cockpit. It does not have any shields. The BFG tank can shoot BFG shots from 15 miles away.

The BFG shots are the size of a small building, and they hit with a large amount of force. The shots are guided, and the tank has a sensor system that can detect enemy mecha at a distance of 25 miles. The BFG tank is a very high tech weapon, and the tank has a very sophisticated fire control system. It can fire a BFG shot a maximum of once every three seconds. The BFG tank’s cockpit is a small cupola on top of the mech. It can be destroyed by two hits from a nuclear missile.


This mecha is a very large mech with a very small cockpit. It cannot hover or fly. The tank inside the mech is a large weapon that can fire a shot that is the size of a small building and hits with a very large amount of force. The tank has a fire control system that can fire a shot once every three seconds.

The tank has a very high tech sensor system, and the tank is guided by a fire control system that can detect enemy mecha at a distance of 25 miles. There is a small cupola on top of the mech, and the tank is crewed by two people. The BFG tank can be destroyed by two hits from a nuclear missile.

6) The Wasp

Type: Medium Artillery

Creator: Bob McQuillen
Armor: Medium Steel Armor
Size: Medium – 20 feet
Weapons: Lasgun (MAIN)
Weapons: Homing Missiles (SECONDARY)
Extras: None
Theme: (Militaristic) (Futuristic) (Unusual)


The Wasp is a medium sized artillery unit. Its purpose is the bombardment of enemy positions and the clearing of minefields and other obstacles. It can be transported in a drop pod and assembled in the field by the troops. It fires a 75mm high explosive shell at a target.

The shell is unguided and travels in a high arc. Once the shell has flown the specified distance, the shell explodes. The Wasp can fire ten shells per minutes. It can be fitted with a laser sight to allow the operator to guide the shell to the desired position. For that reason, it can be used to take down enemy aircraft.


The Wasp is a very common sight on the battlefield. It is a square metal box with a flat square plate on top. It stands on four legs.

7) The Feral-Trak

Medium Artillery Mecha

Creator: Dr. Thornton
Armor: Energy Armor
Size: Medium – 20 feet
Weapons: 50mm Autocannon (MAIN)
Weapons: Rockets (SECONDARY)
Extras: (100mm Autocannon)
Theme: (Battletech) (Unique)


The Feral-TRAK is a pretty cool mecha that is an amazement of both technological advances and a testament to what a little imagination can do. This mech was designed in a world where technology has grown up enough to be able to make a mech small enough to look like a car, but large enough to fight a modern tank on a more or less equal footing.

The Feral-TRAK is a new breed of mech that has been designed to be able to fight in a modern battlefield, but is still capable of fighting an enemy from a hundred years ago. The Feral-TRAK is a two-legged mecha that is about 20 feet tall and weighs about 10 tons. The Feral-TRAK is equipped with the standard energy shielding, but includes a pair of energy weapons, a pair of 50mm guns and a rocket launcher for anti-aircraft work.

These weapons are mounted in the arms of the Feral-TRAK. The Feral-TRAK also carries a pair of missile launchers in the legs of the mecha, for use in ground combat. For anti-air defense, the Feral-TRAK carries four air-to-air missiles. The Feral-TRAK also carries two medium lasers in the chest of the mecha.

The Feral-TRAK is also equipped with a pair of snipper rifles that can be used for close-in defense. The snippers are mounted in the chest of the mecha. The snippers can also be used to line up head shots in close-in ground combat.


The Feral-TRAK mecha is a very small mecha that has all the power of a medium mecha. The Feral-TRAK is designed to fight in both the air and on the ground, but is really just a sci-fi tank. The Feral-TRAK carries all the weapons that would be needed to fight in the very distant future, but still has the basic strengths of a tank.

8) The K-LAW

Medium Artillery Mecha

Creator: Alex Annandale
Armor: Energy Armor
Size: Medium – 20 feet
Weapons: Boltgun (MAIN)
Weapons: Directed-energy weapons (SECONDARY)
Extras: (Flamethrower)
Theme: (Militaristic)


The K-LAW is a very old design. Alex Annandale was given an assignment to design a new mecha for use by the Northern Alliance against the Opiri. This mecha was designed as an artillery platform. The K-LAW and its predecessors were designed and built as a heavy bombardment unit and as a very effective weapon to use against the Opiri. The K-LAW isn’t very nimble, and as such, was normally used as a static artillery piece, dug in and fortified.


The K-LAW is a huge mech, at approximately 10 stories tall. It is equipped with a boltgun that fires a pair of 4″ shells that are able to penetrate tank armor. The K-LAW’s main artillery weapon is a pair of giant lasers firing at a range of approximately 30 miles. The lasers are also capable of being linked to a targeting system for a very large payload of guided missiles.

The K-LAW is a very large and slow moving mecha, that relies on its armor for defense. Although the K-LAW is fully armored, it is not very agile. The K-LAW also has a couple of smaller weapons, including a pair of small chain guns and a pair of anti-personnel flamethrowers. In battle, the K-LAW was used to target tanks and other heavy vehicles, or to take out infantry and light vehicles.

9) The Gorgon

Medium Artillery Mecha

Creator: A. Grant
Armor: Heavy Steel Armor
Size: Tiny – 10 feet
Weapons: Concussion Missiles (MAIN)
Weapons: 200mm Autocannon (SECONDARY)
Extras: None
Theme: (Bubblegum Crisis)


The Gorgon was designed as a “water mecha” for use on water worlds. The Gorgon can fly at speeds over three hundred miles an hour, and is able to submerge to depths of several hundred feet. While submerged, the Gorgon can fight at distances of up to ten miles on the surface of the water.


The Gorgon has a very sleek design, with two long legs that are used for hovering over the water. The Gorgon can hover at speeds of over three hundred miles an hour, and is capable of traveling long distances without running out of power. The Gorgon is equipped with a pair of large fins that are used for steering, but also serve as backup thrusters for emergency use.

The Gorgon has a pair of arms for grasping onto things, but the arms are not very effective for combat. The Gorgon has a single large cannon mounted on its back for use in aerial combat. There are two large missile tubes mounted on either side of the turret, with a total of six missiles each. The Gorgon’s eyes are the only part that are visible, and are highly reflective.

10) The L.S.D.

Medium Artillery Mecha

Creator: Dr. Thornton
Armor: Energy Armor
Size: Medium – 20 feet
Weapons: Particle Gun (MAIN)
Weapons: Ion Cannon (SECONDARY)
Extras: None
Theme: (Serious) (Unique)


The L.S.D. stands for “Large Ship Defense”. It is a large artillery unit capable of striking targets over a great distance. The L.S.D. is a very unique mecha, a prototype from the Cosmic Fleet. Although it is outperformed by the G.E.M. it does have a few perks that make it worthwhile.

The L.S.D. is a very big mecha, capable of striking targets from a distance. It’s Ion Cannon is capable of striking targets from a distance of up to three miles. Although it is a relatively new design, it has already been a huge success.


The L.S.D. is a large mecha. It is a big as a small building and is capable of striking a target from a distance of a couple miles away. It is a relatively new design from the Cosmic Fleet, and is being deployed as a counterpart to the G.E.M.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!