I’ve compiled 100 random tavern encounters for your fantasy tabletop RPG campaign! At the end of the list, I’ve got some RPG tools built with GPT-3 from OpenAI that you might want to check out. First, let’s get to the random tables list of encounters in a tavern!
- Tired, weary travelers are inspecting a map. They are trying to find a way to a nearby village.
- A group of orcs are playing with a baby ogre. They are laughing and having a good time.
- A group of humans is arguing over whether or not they should help a nearby wounded dwarf.
- A group of gnomes are discussing their latest invention. They are trying to decide if they should show it to the local lord or not.
- A group of halflings is sacrificing a sheep to a local god. They are praying for guidance and hoping for good luck in their upcoming battle against a nearby horde of goblins.
- A group of dwarves is arguing about whether or not they should help a nearby family of humans that just got attacked by a band of orcs.
- A group of humans is arguing about whether or not they should help a nearby injured gnome.
- A group of humans is arguing about whether or not they should help a nearby injured orc.
- A group of humans is arguing about whether or not they should help a nearby injured kobold.
- A group of humans is arguing about whether or not they should help a nearby injured bugbear.
- Tossing and turning in their sleep, the players hear a group of men and women murmuring quietly. If they investigate, they will find that they are dreaming of the Temple of Olidammara. If they listen closely, they will hear: ‘It is forbidden to worship the Black One in the dark of the moon.’ It is an ill omen to see the Black One in the dark of the moon.’ The players may hear other things depending on the time of night, but that’s a good start.
- A large diamond falls from the ceiling, landing in front of the players. They must take it back to the temple. If they take it with them, they will find that it is not a diamond at all, but a small egg that hatches into a large red bird. The bird will follow them wherever they go unless they return it to the temple. If they leave it with the priest, it will eat the priest.
- The players hear sounds of a large feast. If they investigate, they will find that a group of people are throwing a feast for the priests, who are celebrating the discovery of a new painting.
- Players hear the sound of a large beast. If they investigate, they will find that a large dragon is trying to get into the room. He will attack the players if they get too close.
- The players hear the sound of fire crackling in the fireplace. They find that the fireplace is actually a portal to another plane. It will open for 1-4 hours. If the players close it, it will open again 1-4 hours later. It cycles every 24 hours.
- A group of women yell at the players and accuse them of stealing food. They will not listen to the players’ side of the story. If they are caught stealing food, they will be exiled from the city.
- A group of men and women are singing. They are drunk. If the players talk to them, they will say: ‘We’re off to the Black One’s Feast! Were off to the Black One’s Feast!’ They will not go to any feast and are just drunk.
- A group of men and women are discussing the Black One. They will say: ‘The Black One is coming! The Black One is coming!’ If the players attempt to talk to them, they will run away screaming.
- The players hear the sound of a crowd chanting. If they investigate, they will find that a crowd of people are chanting: ‘The Black One is coming! The Black One is coming!’
- The players hear a man screaming in pain. If they investigate, they will find a priest is torturing a cultist who has been caught stealing from the temple.
- Xa-Ko chief and 2d20+2 warriors are returning from a raid. They are not pleased to see the players.
- The players hear voices arguing. The voices belong to two priests and a wizard. The priests and wizard are arguing over how to best raise the dead. Details and information are provided to the players, who become involved in the dispute and must choose which of the three parties is most in the right. The players will learn that the argument has been going on for years, with no resolution in sight.
- The players see a large ball of light, about the size of a man’s fist. It is floating in mid-air.
- The players hear the sound of ringing metal.
- The players hear someone singing. The song is an old song from the time of the Cataclysm. The singer is an elderly priest who has forgotten all the words except the first line: ‘Dawn breaks over the hill…’
- A group of 3d6+3 bandits are planning a raid on a nearby village. They are debating whether or not to include goblins in their band.
- A group of 2d4+4 old men are sitting around a campfire. They are telling stories and drinking wine. If the players approach, they will yell at them to go away. They will tell the players to go away.
- The players see a strange statue of an angel that has two heads and two wings.
- The players hear the sound of hoof beats. When they look, they see that it is a messenger on horseback, carrying a message that is addressed to the players.
- A group of 1d100+100 soldiers are on their way back to the city after completing a patrol. They are talking about their adventures and complaining about their superiors.
- Nasty, bloody battle scene. It looks like the battle is still going on, but all of the players’ enemies are dead. A priest of Orcus is using a scroll of animate dead. A large number of undead just keep coming out of the rare books in the library. The players will have to stop the priest or the city will be overrun by undead.
- Players are set upon by a group of drunk and disorderly barbarians. It looks like they lost a drinking contest, but they’re still pretty dangerous.
- A group of very religious and well-armed paladins are guarding the doors of the library. They’re making sure that no one steals any of the books. They want to make sure that no one steals any of the books.
- A group of extremely well-armed and well-equipped soldiers are outside the library. They are making sure that no one steals any of the books. They want to make sure that no one steals any of the books.
- A large number of dust bunnies, each about 2′ in diameter and about 4′ high, are all over the floor of the library. They are very cute and fluffy, but they are also very deadly.
- A group of young boys and girls are playing tag in the library. They are laughing and having a good time until one of them gets caught and then everyone else gathers around to taunt them.
- A group of well-dressed nobles and their servants are waiting outside the library. They are waiting to get inside and meet with a sage who has some information they want.
- A group of well-dressed nobles and their servants are leaving the library. They are carrying some books, scrolls, and other information they have just purchased.
- A group of well-dressed nobles and their servants are standing around outside the library. They are arguing about what to do about the dust bunnies that are all over the floor of the library.
- A group of well-dressed nobles and their servants are walking around inside the library. They are arguing about what to do about the dust bunnies that are all over the floor of the library.
- Lizards with pincer tails are climbing up the walls and ceiling.
- An adventuring group consisting of two humans, a dwarf and an elf are fighting with a group of lizardmen. They are fighting over a pile of gold and jewels. The lizardmen are losing badly.
- A group of men are praying at an altar. One of the men is a spy for the Cult of Zan, he’s trying to get information on the Cult to the players.
- A group of male and female elven dancers are performing a ritual dance to summon a spirit.
- A group of male and female elven dancers are performing a ritual dance to summon a spirit. The dancers are members of the Lorewood Elves tribe, they’re entertaining the players and trying to get them to join the tribe.
- A group of men and women are performing a ritual. They are trying to summon a spirit of an ancient wizard.
- A group of men and women are performing a ritual. They are trying to summon a spirit of an ancient wizard. The spirit assumes control of one of the men’s body and attacks the players.
- A group of men and women are performing a ritual. They are trying to summon a spirit of an ancient wizard. The spirit assumes control of one of the women’s body and attacks the players.
- A group of men and women are performing a ritual. They are trying to summon a spirit of an ancient wizard. A red mist appears, then dissipates revealing a spirit of an ancient wizard. The spirit attacks the players.
- A group of men and women pray at an altar. They are trying to summon a spirit of an ancient wizard.
- Mummified humanoids with preserved armor and weapons. They are 1d4+4 dead warriors of a foreign land. They are mummified because they are cursed.
- The players’ players’ party sees a large black cloud in the distance. The cloud is the smoke from a fire in a distant town. The cloud is being blown toward the party. The cloud has a 30% chance of being a demonic cloud.
- A group of 1d4 men in robes are walking along the road. They are carrying books and papers. They have a 50% chance of being priests heading to a chapel to pray for a dying NPC. If players attack them, they have a 50% chance of being 1d10+20 bandits in robes.
- A group of men in robes are walking along the road. They are carrying books and papers. They have a 50% chance of being priests heading to a chapel to pray for a dying NPC. If players attack them, they have a 50% chance of being 1d8+8 bandits in robes.
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Check out my softcover tabletop resource series on Amazon! Each book is around 100 pages in length and available as an eBook or softcover print – both reasonably priced!
- Two men with pouches tied to their belts are walking along the road. They are carrying scrolls and books. They are scribes heading to a nearby city to sell their goods. They are willing to sell the players any writing materials they need.
- A group of 1d4 men and women walk along the road. They are carrying boxes and bags full of grain. They are heading to a nearby city to sell their goods at a market.
- A group of 1d4 men and women walk along the road. They are carrying boxes and bags full of grain. They are heading to a nearby city to sell their goods at a market.
- A group of 1d4 men and women walk along the road. They are carrying boxes and bags full of grain. They are heading to a nearby city to sell their goods at a market.
- A group of 1d4 men and women walk along the road. They are carrying boxes and bags full of grain. They are heading to a nearby city to sell their goods at a market.
- A group of men and women walk along the road. They are carrying boxes and bags full of grain. They are heading to a nearby city to sell their goods at a market.
- Pairs of guards patrol the halls. They are from a nearby city and are here on a mission.
- A pair of elderly priests walk down the hall. They are on their way to perform a ritual.
- A group of 2d6 guards are on patrol. They are here to make sure that no thieves try to sneak in.
- A pair of men in fine clothes and wigs walk down the hall. They appear to be important people and are talking to each other as if they are having a serious conversation. They seem to be arguing with each other. They look like they are on their way to an important meeting or ceremony.
- A group of well-dressed people are walking down the hall. They are on their way to a party or an important gathering. They look like they are important people.
- A group of people in rags are walking down the hall. They look like they are on their way to beg for food or money. They look like they are on the streets and are desperate for food or money.
- A well-dressed man is walking down the hall. He is on his way to a party or an important gathering. He looks like he is important or well-to-do. He is walking down the hall, talking to himself and looking like he isn’t having a good day.
- A pair of elderly priests walk down the hall, talking to each other about something. They look like they are on their way to do something important.
- A group of 2d6 guards are on patrol. They are here to make sure that no thieves try to sneak in.
- A group of people in rags are walking down the hall, looking like they are on their way to beg for food or money.
- A random room explodes. 1d6+6 humans in red robes rush out of the wreckage, screaming in terror. They are carrying a large red gem.
- You see a large, bubbling cauldron. If you approach it, a 2nd level cleric will appear and attack you!
- A man sits on the side of the road. He looks like he’s about to go on a journey. If you talk to him, he’ll offer to sell you a horse. It’s a bad horse, and will run away from you the first time you try to ride it.
- You see a man with a wooden staff. He leads you to a large, wooden door. If you tell him you’re going through the door, he’ll say, ‘No, no! Go around!’
- You see a sign that says ‘X Marks the Spot!’ If you dig there, you will find a large chest. The chest is locked. Inside the chest is a large pile of gold coins.
- You see a small pool. If you look down into the pool, you will see your reflection. Your reflection will change into the face of a ghoul!
- You see a large statue of a man in robes. If you touch the statue, you will be cursed.
- You see a large tower. The tower has a large gem on top of it. If you climb to the top of the tower, you will find a large room with a single treasure chest. In the treasure chest is a large, red gem. The gem is cursed.
- You see a man sitting in a room. The room has been built into a small cave. In the room is a treasure chest. If you talk to him, he will say, ‘Here’s the deal. I’ve got a chest full of gold. You can have it, but I want a cut of whatever you find in it.’ He has no gold. He wants to get rid of you so he can go after the treasure himself.
- You see a man with a small, black book. He tells you it’s a book of prayers. He will sell it to you for 1d6x10 gold. It’s a book of bad magic jokes.
- Pest control – A group of 2d6+2 priests are dressed like bees. They attack! They are actually wasp mages in disguise.
- A group of 2d6+3 thugs are dressed like deer. They attack! They are actually deer mages in disguise.
- A group of 2d6+3 thugs are dressed like wolves. They attack! They are actually wolf mages in disguise.
- A group of 2d6+3 rogues are dressed like hunters. They attack! They are actually hunters in disguise.
- A group of 2d6+3 dwarves are dressed like miners. They attack! They are actually stonekin in disguise.
- A group of 2d6+2 wizards are dressed like wizards. They attack! They are actually wild mages in disguise.
- A group of 2d6+3 men are dressed like men. They attack! They are actually men in disguise.
- A group of 2d6+3 men are dressed like women. They attack! They are actually women in disguise.
- A group of 2d6+4 men are dressed like goblins. They attack! They are actually goblins in disguise.
- A group of 2d6+2 men are dressed like orcs. They attack! They are actually orc mages in disguise.
- X1 is a petty king who has an army of slaves and henchmen. He demands a tribute of 1d100 GP. If the players do not pay, the army attacks.
- The players stumble upon a group of 2d10 clerics. They are holding a ceremony in which they sacrifice a goat to their god.
- Inside a room, the players find 2d6 men dressed in black robes. They have been dead for several days.
- Inside a room, the players find a group of 2d10 men dressed in black robes. They are alive and well. They are wizards and they are casting a spell.
- The players stumble upon a group of 2d8 men dressed in black robes. They are holding a ceremony. They are preparing to sacrifice a human to their god.
- A group of 2d8 men dressed in black robes are arguing about whether or not to sacrifice a male child to their god.
- A group of 2d8 men dressed in black robes are arguing about whether or not to sacrifice a female child to their god.
- In a room, the players find a group of 2d6 men dressed in black robes. They are holding a ceremony in which they sacrifice a female child to their god.
- The players stumble upon a group of 2d10 men dressed in black robes. They are holding a ceremony in which they sacrifice a male child to their god.
- In a room, the players find a group of 2d8 men dressed in black robes. They are holding a ceremony in which they sacrifice a female child to their god.
More Great D100 RPG Lists?
Check out my softcover tabletop resource series on Amazon! Each book is around 100 pages in length and available as an eBook or softcover print – both reasonably priced!
More Random Tavern Encounters?
Want more random tavern encounters? I’ve got you covered. Be sure to check out Random Encounters AI and LitRPG Adventures, two sites I built that are powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI.
Check out my Advanced RPG AI Tools