D100 Random Village Encounters for DND

I’ve got 100 interesting random village encounters below. If you read to the end, I’ll be sharing more information about LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI. But first, let’s give you what you came here for – the village encounters!

  1. Hooligans are fighting with each other in the streets.
  2. A man is being dragged by two men. They are taking him to the village jail.
  3. A man is ringing the bell. He is calling for the villagers to come to the village square.
  4. Two men are arguing about the price of goods.
  5. A dog is barking in a kennel.
  6. A group of children are playing. They are playing tag in the streets.
  7. A woman is sitting on a bench. She is crying. She is mourning the loss of her husband who was killed in a raid by a group of orcs.
  8. A group of young women are talking about the men in the village. They are talking about which ones are handsome, which ones are rich, and which ones are good in bed.
  9. A group of young men are talking about the women in the village. They are talking about which ones are pretty, which ones are rich, and which ones are good in bed.
  10. A group of children are playing an imaginary game of war. They are shouting and running around as they pretend to be soldiers fighting goblins and orcs and ogres and trolls and other monsters from the world of Greyhawk.
  11. Cries of ‘Fire!’ can be heard in the distance.
  12. A man is walking around town trying to sell a box. If players ask, he’ll say it’s a magic box.
  13. A man is walking around town trying to sell a map to a dungeon.
  14. A man is walking around town trying to sell a dagger.
  15. Two men are fighting in the street. One is accusing the other of stealing from him.
  16. A man is walking around town trying to sell a painting of a famous Duke.
  17. A woman is walking around town trying to sell a basket of fruit.
  18. A man is walking around town trying to sell a painting of a famous wizard.
  19. A group of 3d6 peasants are walking down the street. They are carrying supplies for the local lord’s castle.
  20. A group of 3d6 peasants are walking down the street. They are carrying supplies for the local lord’s manor.
  21. Keg the stonemason is standing outside his house. He is drunk and is trying to sing a song about a dragon. He will start the song and be sober, then stumble and have to catch himself. If anyone tries to help him, he will stumble into their arms and demand to be carried into his house.
  22. A group of women are gathered around a fountain, gossiping. They will mention how they’ve heard that the blacksmith was seen walking into the hovel with the young witch and how he’s been sick since then.
  23. The local priest is standing outside his church, trying to decide if he should kick the drunken halfling out of the church or not.
  24. A group of children are making up a game to play. They will mention that they’re making up a game where they play as dragon-slayers.
  25. A group of children are playing a game of tag. If anyone tries to join, they will yell and run away from them.
  26. A group of children are playing hide-and-seek. If anyone tries to join, they will yell for everyone to hide and run away from them.
  27. A group of children are playing tag. If anyone tries to join, they will yell and run away from them.
  28. An old man named Old Man Henderson is sitting on a bench. He will ask the players for food or money. If anyone gives him either or both, he will say ‘thanks’ and then ask for something else like money or food again.
  29. A group of men are standing around a barrel of ale. If anyone approaches, they will tell them that it is their barrel of ale and that they can’t have any of it.
  30. A merchant is sitting at his stall, trying to sell a bunch of spoiled meat to a family of halflings.
  31. Gossip – Two women are gossiping about the new blacksmith in town. ‘Them dwarves sure don’t do a good job. Them shoes don’t even last a day.’
  32. Chance Encounter – A group of halflings are walking down the street. They are looking for work. They are willing to do anything. They are not very good at anything.
  33. Noise – A group of dwarves are talking about the mines in their homeland. ‘The mines in our homeland are glorious. They are filled with gold, and jewels, and…’ One of the dwarves starts to cry.
  34. Noisy Dwarf – A dwarf named Matthias is drunk. He is singing a dwarven song about gold and jewels. He is stumbling and falling over things.
  35. Dwarven Mine Story – A dwarf named Matthias is walking down the street. He is drunk. He is talking about his time in the dwarven mines. ‘It’s not the greatest life, but it’s better than being out in the world. That’s for sure.’
  36. Drunkenness – A group of humans are sitting in front of a bar. They are drunk and loud. They are shouting at each other about who was right and who was wrong.
  37. A Drunken Man – A man is sitting on a bench in front of a bar. He is drunk and he is asking people to buy him more alcohol. He is insulting people if they don’t buy him alcohol or if they don’t have any money or if they don’t want to buy him alcohol because he thinks nobody likes him!
  38. Crime in Town – A man is walking down the street. He is talking about how crime is getting worse in the town. He doesn’t know why but it just seems to be getting worse and worse.

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Check out my softcover tabletop resource series on Amazon! Each book is around 100 pages in length and available as an eBook or softcover print – both reasonably priced!

  1. The Name – An old man is walking down the street. He asks people for their names then he tells them their fortune based on their name. ‘You’re lucky number is two. You will find great wealth.’
  2. The Wise Old Man – An old man is sitting on a bench in front of a house. He is wearing robes.
  3. Koyla, a human warrior is standing in front of a house. He is looking for a missing person.
  4. A man is standing in front of a house. He is looking for a missing person. The man’s name is Conrad, and he is looking for his missing wife, Marietta.
  5. A woman is standing in front of a house. She is looking for a missing person. The woman’s name is Lucy, and she is looking for her missing brother, William.
  6. A man is sitting on the steps of a house. He is looking for a lost dog. His name is Jerry, and he is looking for his lost dog, Fido.
  7. A man is sitting on the steps of a house. He is looking for a lost dog. The man’s name is Jack, and he is looking for his lost dog, Spot.
  8. A man is standing in front of a house. He is looking for a lost cat. The man’s name is Chris, and he is looking for his lost cat, Kitty.
  9. A woman is standing in front of a house. She is looking for a lost cat. The woman’s name is Mary, and she is looking for her lost cat, Fluffy.
  10. A man is walking down the street toward you. He looks tired and hungry. His name is Henry, and he has been traveling for days looking for work.
  11. A man walks up to you and introduces himself as Gustave, a bard from the city of Beranwich. He’s been traveling around looking for adventure and wants to join your party. Players can accept him or not. If they do, his name becomes Gustave the Bard. He’s average at everything except he has an obsession with poetry and will spout it at random times during the game creating odd moments of hilarity.
  12. A woman walking down the street toward you looks tired and hungry. Her name is Susan, and she has been traveling for days looking for work.
  13. Covered in a warm, sunny day, a small market is set up in a large open square. It’s a small market, with no more than 50 different items offered by the merchants.
  14. A group of young girls asks the players to join their game of hide-and-seek. They’re playing in an open field, and they’re all wearing blindfolds.
  15. A group of young boys are playing with a kite, but it keeps getting tangled in the trees. They keep asking you to help them untangle it, but it’s actually a kite made of a magical material that enables them to fly and they’re trying to keep you away from it.
  16. A small pool of water has formed at the bottom of a staircase a little further on. The players can see that there’s a small fish trapped inside it, but it’s too small for them to reach without getting their feet wet. If the players help it, it will reward them with a magic item.
  17. A large tree has fallen across the road, and the players can hear someone crying inside it. If they investigate, they’ll find an old man named John crying because he’s trapped inside the tree. He’ll ask them to chop him free, and if they do he’ll reward them with a magic item.
  18. A group of men are arguing with each other about how to deal with a large snake that’s wrapped itself around their village well and is killing their livestock by poisoning the water. The players can offer to help them by killing the snake or offering to buy the village’s livestock from them so they can relocate the village to a new location that’s safe from the snake.
  19. A small boy is chasing after a large chicken that keeps running away from him. The chicken is actually an ancient spirit in disguise, and if the boy catches it he’ll get an extremely valuable magic item.
  20. A couple of large pigs are wandering around aimlessly, eating everything in sight. If the players try to stop them or talk to them, they’ll become hostile and attack unless convinced to leave by persuasion or an animal handling check.
  21. A small girl is playing with a large wooden doll that looks like a human but doesn’t have any arms or legs. She’ll ask the players to help her find its arms and legs, but she’ll just keep re-attaching them in different places if they do so. This is actually an arcane doll that will attack the players if they give it its arms and legs back. It will then try to kill the girl and steal her soul unless the players can kill it first.
  22. A large dog is standing in the middle of the road and won’t let anyone pass until someone feeds it something. If someone does feed it something, it will reveal itself to be an ancient spirit in disguise and reward them with a magic item for freeing it from its servitude to the dog spirit which has kept it here for hundreds of years
  23. Gossip is a popular past time in the village.
  24. A group of children are playing with a pet dog. The dog is actually a young dragon.
  25. A group of women are washing clothes by a river. They are complaining about the price of food and the cost of laundry.
  26. An old man is sweeping the street in front of his house. He is muttering about the price of food and how expensive it is.
  27. A group of young men are drinking in a tavern. They are talking about how expensive food is and how hungry they are. They will invite the players to join them for free food and ale at their house. The youngest son will try to seduce the players by offering them his sister.
  28. A man is walking down the street with a large basket. He is looking for someone to help him with the basket. He will ask for help and then demand it when players refuse. He will threaten them with magic if they don’t do what he asks.
  29. A man is walking down the street with a large box. He is looking for someone to help him with the box. He will ask for help and then demand it when players refuse.
  30. A group of men are standing on the street and they are talking about the price of food. They are saying that food has been getting more expensive in recent months but no one seems to care about it.
  31. A group of men are sitting on a bench, talking about how hungry they are and how expensive food has become. They are saying that people should be doing something about it but no one seems to care about it.
  32. An elderly man is approaching the players and he wants them to help him with something. He wants them to help him carry his belongings from his house to his new house across town.
  33. The party hears a man arguing with a merchant. The merchant is trying to sell some bad produce.
  34. A man is running through the street, screaming that he has been robbed.
  35. A woman is singing a sad song. If the players ask her why she is singing, she will tell them that her lover has been kidnapped and she will only stop singing when she finds him.
  36. A man is trying to get the players to invest in his business.
  37. A group of men are talking about the recent monster attacks. They believe that the attacks have something to do with the wizard’s tower on the hill.
  38. A group of men are talking about the recent monster attacks. They believe that it has something to do with the abandoned mines about 10 miles east of town.
  39. A group of men are talking about the recent monster attacks. They believe that it has something to do with the local lord’s son. He is not really a good guy and they are starting to suspect that he has something to do with the attacks.
  40. Hears a group of men talking about the recent monster attacks. They believe that it has something to do with a dragon that has been seen flying in the area recently.
  41. Hears a group of men talking about the recent monster attacks. They believe that it has something to do with the local lord’s daughter. She is not really a good girl and they are starting to suspect that she has something to do with the attacks.
  42. A group of children are selling flowers in the street.
  43. Juggleberry Jack, a half-orc tavern owner, calls out to a group of drunks, ‘Hey you! You be quiet now or I’ll toss you out!’
  44. A man sells pigeons. He says they are very smart birds that can be trained to do tricks. They are expensive.
  45. A man is selling belts. He says they are magical belts that will give the wearer the ability to speak any language. They are cheap and not very good.
  46. A group of children are running through the streets, singing a song about a hero named ‘Toledo Tom’. They say he saved their village from the goblins.
  47. A hearse drives through the city. The hearse is full of dead bodies. The hearse is followed by a long line of people. The people are crying and wearing black clothes.
  48. A group of people are standing outside of a tavern. They are arguing about why the tavern’s ale is bad.
  49. A group of people are standing outside of a tavern. They are arguing about why they should not go into the tavern’s tavern.

More Great D100 RPG Lists?

Check out my softcover tabletop resource series on Amazon! Each book is around 100 pages in length and available as an eBook or softcover print – both reasonably priced!

  1. A group of people are standing outside of a tavern, arguing about why they shouldn’t go into that new tavern down the street.
  2. A man is selling perfume. He says it is made from the secretions of dragon’s blood. It is actually made from cheap wine and rose petals.
  3. A man is selling earrings. He says they are made from the bones of dragons. They are cheap and not very good
  4. Unexpectedly, a man dressed in a robe runs by, yelling that he saw a dragon. No dragon is seen.
  5. A man is selling mirrors. The mirrors are not magical. They are just mirrors.
  6. A woman is selling jewelry. The jewelry is not magical. It is just jewelry.
  7. A woman is selling candy. The candy is not magical. It is just candy.
  8. A man asks players to help him find his lost dog. The dog is not lost. It is actually a wolf in disguise. It attacks if players get too close.
  9. A man asks players to help him find his lost horse. The horse is not lost. It is actually a unicorn in disguise. It attacks if players get too close.
  10. A woman asks players to help her find her lost cat. The cat is not lost. It is actually a dragon in disguise. It attacks if players get too close.
  11. A man asks players to help him find his lost ring. The ring is not lost. It is actually a magic ring. If players try to sell it, they will learn it is cursed and must be returned to the original owner before the curse kills him one night while he sleeps…
  12. A group of children are playing with a ball made of glass that looks like it’s made of gold. If touched, it will break and cut the players’ hands badly.
  13. A group of children are playing with a ball made of glass that looks like it’s made of gold. If touched, nothing will happen other than the children laughing at the players for trying to steal their ball…

More Random Village Encounters?

If you want even more random village encounters, including NPC descriptions, town descriptions, and more, be sure to swing by LitRPG Adventures and become a member today!

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!