Need some great DND travel encounters? I’ve got you covered! And if you enjoy this list of one hundred encounters while traveling, be sure to read to the end for even more great D&D tools to use in your campaign.
100 DND Travel Encounters
- A Elf Scout is running towards the players with a panicked look on his face. He is about to be attacked by 2d4+2 Giant Spiders. The players can help him defeat the spiders, or leave him to die.
- A group of halflings are running away from a group of kobolds. The kobolds are about to catch up with the halflings. The players can help the halflings, or help the kobolds catch the halflings.
- A group of people are gathering around a merchant’s wagon. The merchant is selling a rare and valuable item. The merchant is asking for an outrageous price for the item. The players can try and buy the item for less than the merchant’s price, or the players can try and haggle with the merchant for a lower price.
- A group of villagers are gathered around a fire. The villagers are telling stories about a nearby dungeon and the dangers within it.
- A group of people are gathering around a new statue that has been recently erected in the city. The statue is of a famous hero from the city’s past. The players can learn about this hero’s history by listening to the people talking around the statue.
- A group of children are playing with a ball. The ball rolls into the street and is almost run over by a wagon full of goods. The players can help the children get their ball back, or not bother helping them.
- A man is trying to sell the players a map to a nearby dungeon. The man claims the map is a copy of an original map that was discovered within the dungeon. The man is lying and wants to trick the players into buying a worthless map.
- A group of people are gathered around a new statue that has been recently erected in the city. The statue is of a king from the city’s past. The players can learn about this king by listening to the people talking around the statue.
- A group of people are gathering around a new statue that has been recently erected in the city. The statue is of a famous hero from the city’s past. The players can learn about this hero’s history by listening to the people talking around the statue.
- A man is trying to sell the players a map to a dungeon. The man claims the map was drawn by a famous explorer who has been lost in the dungeon for many years. The man is lying and wants to trick the players into buying a worthless map
- Hordes of giant grasshoppers attack. They will ambush the players from behind and surround them. Players will need to fight through hoards of giant grasshoppers to continue on. This encounter can be used as a way to introduce the players to the horrors of the grasslands.
- A young and lost drow wanders near the players. If the players approach, he will run away. If players chase him, they will find him dead at the end of the trail. If they approach again, they will find an ambush of 20 kobolds.
- The players find a group of 5 human bards. They were traveling through the grasslands when they were attacked by a group of kobolds. They are lost and need help getting back to their home city. They are desperate and will try to con the players into helping them.
- A group of 3d6+3 bandits are attacking a group of 3d6+3 farmers. They are fighting over the farmers’ supplies. Players can choose whether to help the farmers or the bandits.
- Five wandering human wizards are searching for ingredients for their spells. They are lost and need help getting back to their home city. They will tell the players what they are looking for and offer to pay them for every ingredient they bring back to them.
- A group of 3d6+3 traveling merchants are transporting a wagon of goods through the grasslands. They are lost and need help getting back to their home city.
- A group of 2d6+2 farmers are traveling through the grasslands in search of a better place to farm. They are lost and need help getting back to their home city.
- A group of 2d6+2 old women are traveling through the grasslands in search of a better place to live. They are lost and need help getting back to their home city.
- A group of 3d6+3 traveling merchants are transporting a wagon of goods through the grasslands. They are lost and need help getting back to their home city.
- A group of 2d6+2 old women are traveling through the grasslands in search of a better place to live. They are lost and need help getting back to their home city.
- Litter of 3d6+6 wolf puppies. They are not aggressive, but they are very hungry.
- A single old man. He is a retired bard. He has no teeth and wears no shoes. He asks for food and money. He is a con artist. If players give him money, he will vanish. If players give him food, he will sing for them. He is not a good bard, but he is a good con artist.
- A random arctic encounter with a band of 2d10 wolves. They seem to be stalking something, but it is unclear what.
- A group of 2d4 hunters are out looking for game. They are wearing leather armor and carrying bows. They will ask if the players have seen any game in the area. If players say no, they will ask to join them on their hunt.
- A group of 2d4 soldiers are patrolling the area. They are wearing chainmail and carrying shields and swords. They will ask if players have seen any orcs in the area. If players say no, they will ask to join them on their patrol.
- A group of 2d4 soldiers are patrolling the area. They are wearing chainmail and carrying shields and swords. They will ask if players have seen any orcs in the area. If players say yes, they will ask to join them on their hunt.
- A group of 2d4 merchants are traveling from town to town selling their goods. They are carrying various goods including: cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, goats, horses, etc.
- A random encounter with a band of 2d10 orcs. They are carrying various items including: sacks of grain, sacks of potatoes, sacks of flour, sacks of oats, sacks of carrots, sacks of apples, etc.
- A group of 2d4 hungry humans are looking for food. They are carrying various items including: sacks of grain, sacks of potatoes, sacks of flour, sacks of oats, sacks of carrots, sacks of apples, etc.
- A group of 3d4+3 humans are looking for a place to settle down. They are carrying various items including: sacks of grain, sacks of potatoes, sacks of flour, sacks of oats, sacks of carrots, sacks of apples, etc.
- Wagon of hay with 2 dwarves sitting on the hay. Inside the hay are 4 goblins. The dwarves are on their way to the nearby city to sell the goblins. They will not sell the goblins to you. They will fight you instead.
- A horse-drawn cart full of turnips and a human farmer. The farmer will offer you some of his turnips. If you accept them, then a nearby turnip patch will have a major turnip blight and the farmer will be ruined. If you refuse them, the farmer will get angry and attack.
- A horse-drawn cart full of apples and a human farmer. The farmer will offer you some of his apples. If you accept them, then a nearby apple tree will have a major apple blight and the farmer will be ruined. If you refuse them, the farmer will get angry and attack.
- A wagon full of apples and a human farmer. The farmer will offer you some of his apples. If you accept them, then a nearby apple tree will have a major apple blight and the farmer will be ruined. If you refuse them, the farmer will get angry and attack.
- A merchant cart full of copper coins and a merchant. The merchant will offer you some copper coins. If you accept them, then the merchant will be robbed and killed by bandits later that night. If you refuse them, then the merchant will get angry and attack.
- A merchant cart full of copper coins and a merchant. The merchant will offer you some copper coins. If you accept them, then the merchant will be robbed and killed by bandits later that night. If you refuse them, then the merchant will get angry and attack.
- A wagon full of hay, a dwarf, and 4 horses. The horses are pulling the wagon full of hay along the road to a nearby city where they will be sold. The dwarf is watching the horses and making sure they don’t stray too far from the wagon. He is not interested in talking to anyone and will attack if provoked.
- A wagon full of hay, a dwarf, and 4 horses. The horses are pulling the wagon full of hay along the road to a nearby city where they will be sold. The dwarf is watching the horses and making sure they don’t stray too far from the wagon. He is not interested in talking to anyone and will attack if provoked.
- A horse-drawn cart with a human selling cooked chickens and potatoes. He will offer you some cooked chicken and potatoes if you give him 10 copper coins per meal. He will not accept any other currency. If you pay him, then he will run off with your money and become a low level bandit later on.
- A horse-drawn cart with a human selling cooked chickens and potatoes. He will offer you some cooked chicken
- Unexpectedly, a caravan of one hundred mules and horses, led by one hundred men armed with axes, swords, and bows, storms onto the road. They are from a large kingdom and are on their way to a nearby city. They are on their way to trade merchandise with the residents of this city. They will not stay for long.
- The players see a group of one hundred men and women, led by one hundred men and women, running to the east. They are fleeing from a group of one hundred men and women, led by one hundred men and women. The band of refugees is seeking the safety of the nearby city.
- A group of seven men and women, dressed in black robes and hoods, rush by on their horses. They are carrying a large chest that they are trying to hide from the players.
- A group of five elderly men and women are sitting by the side of the road. They are sitting around a small campfire, roasting a rabbit or squirrel on a stick. They will ask the players to join them for lunch. They will offer the players advice on the best way to get to the nearby city safely.
- A group of three men and women are sitting by the side of the road. They are sitting around a small campfire, arguing about the best way to get to the nearby city safely. They will ask the players for their advice on the best way to get to the nearby city safely. They will then follow the players, thanking them for their help.
- The players see a group of two men and women, led by one man and one woman, sitting by the side of the road. They are sitting around a small campfire, roasting a rabbit or squirrel on a stick. They will ask the players to join them for lunch. They will offer the players advice on the best way to get to the nearby city safely.
- The players hear a loud sound coming from the sky. Looking up, they see a large flock of birds flying overhead. As the flock passes overhead, one bird drops a small object on the players. It is a small, leather pouch. If the players examine the pouch, they will find it contains ten copper pieces.
- The players hear a loud sound coming from the sky. Looking up, they see a large flock of birds flying overhead. As the flock passes overhead, one bird drops a small object on the players. It is a large sack containing ten pounds of wheat or potatoes.
- The players see a group of four men and women, led by one man and one woman, rush by on their horses. The four riders are carrying what appears to be a dead body on the back of their horse. The body is covered by a blanket.
- The players see a group of 2d10 gnolls on the warpath.
- I smell something cooking… It smells like bacon… Oh, it’s a group of Halflings cooking breakfast for themselves and the players. They are on the road to their new home. They are travelling with a wagon full of their belongings.
- A group of men with spears are running toward the players. It looks like they are running from something…
- A man with a large bird cage with a bird inside it is running toward the players. It looks like he has been chased by something…
- A large rock is on the road. It is laying on its side. It looks like it was recently dropped…
- A man is walking along the road. He is carrying a large bag of feed. He is walking to his farm. He has been doing this for many years. He knows the area well and can give players directions if they ask him. He has no knowledge of the nearby dungeons or ruins.
- A group of 5 men are walking along the road. They are carrying swords and shields. They are on their way to the local city to join the local city guard. They are practicing their swordsmanship along the way.
- A group of men is standing near the road. They are waiting for the players to pass by. They are standing in the road and they are holding swords, ready to attack players if they are approached by them.
- A man with a donkey is walking along the road. He is carrying a large jug of wine. He is heading toward a nearby inn to sell his wine to the innkeeper there who pays him well for the wine he brings him.
- A group of 3 men with swords and shields are walking along the road. They are on their way to the local city to join the local city guard. They are practicing their swordsmanship along the way.
- A man with a donkey is walking along the road. He is carrying a large bag of feed. He is walking to his farm. He has been doing this for many years. He knows the area well and can give players directions if they ask him. He has no knowledge of the nearby dungeons or ruins.
- Unexpectedly, the party comes upon a group of 3d6 acolytes who are traveling on the road to a nearby temple. If players talk to them, they will give the players a map to a nearby dungeon that they have found while exploring.
- A man is walking down the road with his dog. He is headed towards the nearest village. The man is named John and he is an ex-soldier. He lost his home in a war and has been searching for a new home for him and his dog. His dog is named Fido.
- The party comes upon a group of 3d4+4 goblins playing a board game. If players approach them, they will challenge them to a game of their board game. If players lose, the goblins will rob them of their possessions!
- The party sees a group of 3d4 skeletons riding horses. If the players approach, the skeletons will attack and if possible, ride away on their horses.
- A group of 3d4+4 gnolls carrying spears are walking down the road. If players approach, they will attack!
- The party sees a group of 3d6 human soldiers. They are carrying swords and shields. They are headed towards a nearby village to fight in a war. They are unaware that they are headed towards their own death.
- A group of 3d6 farmers are walking down the road with their axes and shields. They are traveling to a nearby village to harvest wheat and bring it back home. They will give the party a small reward if they help them harvest their wheat.
- Two female elves are walking down the road. They are headed towards a nearby village. They are carrying bows and arrows. If players talk to them, they will tell the party that they are hunting for food for their village.
- A group of 3d6 gnolls carrying spears are walking down the road. If players approach, they will attack!
- A group of 3d6 humans are walking down the road with their swords and shields. They are headed towards a nearby village to fight in a war. They are unaware that they are headed towards their own death.
- Wagon full of dwarven traders, who are selling their goods.
- A pack of wild dogs are chasing a farmer’s sheep.
- A lone farmer is standing in the middle of the road. He is standing there, holding a small box. He will ask the players if they want to trade with him. If they do, they will find out that he wants to trade them one of their chickens for the box, which holds a small magical dragon that will follow them around if they agree to the trade. If they refuse, he will try to attack them with his two sheepdogs.
- A group of 5 mercenary soldiers are standing near the side of the road. They will ask the players if they want to hire them as bodyguards for a price of 10 gold pieces per day.
- A man named Joe is standing in between two trees, holding a sign that reads ‘I will work for food’. If players give him food, he will follow them around until they get rid of him.
- A group of five traveling minstrels are standing next to their wagon, which holds their instruments and their food supplies. They are looking for somewhere to perform with their band.
- A pack of wild dogs are chasing a farmer’s sheep. If players help the farmer, he will give them 1d4 silver pieces. If they help the dogs, they will get 1d4+1 silver pieces from the Pack Leader.
- A traveling merchant is looking for someone to escort him to a nearby town, because he has some goods that need to be sold there, but he is too afraid to travel alone because of recent bandit attacks along this stretch of road.
- A group of 2d6 farmers are walking down the road towards a nearby town. If players ask, they will tell them that they need to sell their harvest in the city and then they will be going home again.
- A group of two men are walking down the road, talking about how they spent all their money in the last town and now they have no money left for food or lodging and now they have to walk all the way back home again because no one will give them work because they have no money!
- Orog scouts have spotted the party and are preparing to attack. They are riding wargs and have several other orcs with them, who are mounted on wolves. The orcs and wolves will attack, but the wargs will wait until the orcs are dead before attacking. If the party does not attack the orcs first, then they will retreat after losing two orcs.
- A group of men is walking down the road. They are carrying a statue of a horse. If the party asks, they will say they are taking it to a nearby village. If they are asked to rest, they will say they can’t because they must get the statue there before dark.
- The party sees a man carrying a large jug of wine. If they ask, he says that he is taking it to a nearby village where he will sell it and make a profit.
- A man is walking down the road. He appears to be lost and is looking around, obviously confused about the direction he is going in. If asked, he will say that he is trying to find his way back to his village but got lost because he was busy thinking about something else and did not notice that he was going in the wrong direction.
- A dog barks at something, but nothing is there. The dog will bark at this spot again if the party comes back this way later.
- A group of men is walking down the road. They are carrying several large statues of horses. They will tell anyone who asks that they are taking them to a nearby village where they will sell them for a profit.
- Two men are walking down the road, carrying a large chest between them. They will tell anyone who asks them that they are taking it to a nearby village where they will sell it for a profit.
- A man is walking down the road, carrying a large sack of coins over his shoulder. If asked, he will say that he is taking them to the nearby village where he will sell them for a profit.
- A group of men is walking down the road. They are carrying several large chests between them. If asked, they will say that they are taking them to a nearby village where they will sell them for a profit.
- A man is walking down the road, looking around nervously as if he is expecting to be attacked any moment. He is carrying a large chest between his arms and looking around nervously as if he is expecting to be attacked any moment but does not appear to be armed or ready to fight or defend himself if attacked by anyone at all despite looking around nervously as if he is expecting to be attacked at any moment.
- Lava flows have blocked the roads. The party sees a group of five humans who are attempting to clear the path. They are wearing chain mail, but they are not armed with weapons. They have shovels and axes.
- A group of 4d6 humans are fleeing from a pack of 3d10 wolves.
- The party sees a group of 4d6 humans who are fleeing from a pack of 3d10 wolves. They are carrying sacks of valuables.
- A pack of 4d4 wolves are attacking a flock of sheep. The flock is guarded by a shepherd who is armed with a sling and a staff.
- The party sees a group of 4d4 deer who are grazing near a pool of water. There is a group of 4d4 humans who are hunting the deer.
- A group of 4d4 orcs are riding on horses, they are riding towards the party lashing out with lances and spears at any human they see.
- The party sees a group of 4d4 humans who are hunting deer.
- The party sees a group of 4d4 humans who are hunting deer. They are dressed in leather armor and they carry bows and axes.
- A group of 3d6 bandits are riding on horses, they are riding towards the party lashing out with lances and spears at any human they see.
- 1d6 goblins are trying to steal an animal from the party’s cart. (If they don’t have an animal, one snuck in.)
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