D100 DND Random Dungeon Encounters + 5e Generator

I’ve got a great list of 100 random dungeon encounters. At the end of the list, I have some additional information that you might be interested in if you enjoy playing tabletop RPG. First, let’s get to the list of unique and creative encounters for a dungeon setting.

DND Random Dungeon Encounters

  1. Zombified dwarf, wearing a chainmail shirt, with a warhammer and shield, sits atop a large treasure chest, guarding it. 1d4+2 zombies will attack the party when the dwarf is killed. The dwarf will rush the party, hoping to protect the treasure chest.
  2. 1d4+1 (1d4+skeletons emerge from a nearby wall, having been awakened by the party. The skeletons will attack the party.
  3. 1d6+2 zombies emerge from a nearby wall, having been awakened by the party. The zombies will attack the party.
  4. A large dog runs up to the players, wagging its tail, hoping for some food or attention. The dog is actually a shapeshifted gnoll scout. If the dog is attacked, it will transform into its true form and attack the party.
  5. A group of peasants are hiding in a nearby room. The peasants are hiding because they are afraid of being killed by kobolds who are hiding in a nearby room. The kobolds will emerge from the room and attack the party after the peasants are killed or driven away by the party.
  6. A group of peasants are praying in a nearby room because they are afraid of being killed by kobolds who are hiding in a nearby room. The kobolds will emerge from the room and attack the party after the peasants are killed or driven away by the party.
  7. A group of peasants are arguing with each other in a nearby room because they are afraid of being killed by kobolds who are hiding in a nearby room. The kobolds will emerge from the room and attack the party after the peasants are killed or driven away by the party.
  8. A group of peasants are hiding in a nearby room because they are afraid of being killed by kobolds who are hiding in a nearby room. The kobolds will emerge from the room and attack the party after the peasants are killed or driven away by the party.
  9. A group of peasants are praying in a nearby room because they are afraid of being killed by kobolds who are hiding in a nearby room. The kobolds will emerge from the room and attack the party after the peasants are killed or driven away by the party.
  10. A group of peasants are arguing with each other in a nearby room because they are afraid of being killed by kobolds who are hiding in a nearby room. The kobolds will emerge from the room and attack the party after the peasants are killed or driven away by the party.
  11. Kegasus – A Pegasus has been trapped by a group of goblins in a small cage. The goblins are attempting to sell it to a group of humans for a large amount of money. The humans are very rich and hate each other, so they’re not likely to pay. The players can either help the humans buy the Pegasus, help the goblins sell the Pegasus, or help the Pegasus escape.
  12. Hungry Hollows – A group of 10-14 human bandits are hiding in a small cave. They are preparing to ambush the players. A small stream of water runs through the cave. A large black wolf named Shadow is chained to a post near the entrance. Shadow will attack if players try to free him.
  13. The Grinning Man – A group of 8-12 human bandits are hiding in a small cave. They are preparing to ambush players. If the players come too close, they will attack.
  14. Flaming Ape – A large red ape is sitting on top of a giant mushroom near a small stream. The ape is throwing flaming pinecones at passersby. The ape will attack if players get too close.
  15. Giant’s Tomb – A group of 4-6 giant skeletons are fighting with a group of 4-6 orc skeletons. The orcs are attempting to steal valuables from the giants’ tomb.

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Check out my softcover tabletop resource series on Amazon! Each book is around 100 pages in length and available as an eBook or softcover print – both reasonably priced!

  1. Raptor’s Lair – A large green dinosaur stands on two legs like a human and attacks with two giant claws. The green dinosaur is protecting its young in its nest in a nearby cave. Players can either help or hinder its efforts to protect its young.
  2. Thackery’s Tomb – A group of 4-6 zombies are fighting with a group of 4-6 skeletons near a small graveyard in an old stone crypt. The zombies and skeletons are trying to get into the crypt to eat the remains of Thackery, who is still alive and very angry about it!
  3. Drunken Dragon – A dragon is sitting on top of a pile of treasure, sleeping off last night’s bender. The dragon has a wineskin tied around its neck, which is leaking wine down its chest and onto its gold coins, coins that it had planned on using to buy more wine…
  4. An Old Ghost Story – The players come across a small cemetery that is haunted by an old ghost who appears as an old man wearing a brown coat and top hat holding an old lantern that emits a dim yellow light. The old ghost will ask the players to help him find his lost lantern and then he will reward the players with 100 gold pieces if they do so.
  5. Halfling Treasure – A halfling named Hank is standing next to a large hole in the ground that has been covered by a large wooden board with ‘Danger! Keep out!’ written on it in bright red letters. Hank will offer to escort the players into his hole for 10 gold pieces each if they promise not to tell anyone about his hole and what’s in it.
  6. Unexpectedly, you encounter a group of 1d4 + 2 merchants. They are on their way to a nearby village, hoping to buy and sell goods. One of the merchants is an assassin, and he will attack the party if he can. The merchants will pay the party handsomely if they help them defeat the assassin.
  7. You come across a group of 1d10+10 gnomes headed by a gnome named Monty. They are on their way to a nearby village, hoping to find work. If the adventurers offer them work, they will offer to hire them as mercenaries for their war against the goblins.
  8. A group of 1d4+4 bandits are ambushed by a group of 1d10+10 goblins. The goblins will retreat if they are losing too many men, but they will keep coming back as long as they have men left to send into battle.
  9. Two men named Ed and Pete are traveling through the tunnels. They are looking for work, and they need to make some money so they can pay their way through the next town. They are willing to do anything that the party needs done, but they expect to be paid well for their services.
  10. You see a group of 1d4+2 merchants. They are on their way to a nearby village, hoping to buy and sell goods. One of the merchants is an assassin, and he will attack the party if he can. The merchants will pay the party handsomely if they help them defeat the assassin.
  11. You come across a group of 1d10+10 orcs and 2 ogres led by an orc named Urk. The orcs and ogres are on their way to a nearby village, hoping to raid it.
  12. You see a group of 1d4+4 dwarves and 2 humans led by a dwarf named Grimbard. The dwarves and humans are on their way to a nearby dwarven fortress, hoping to warn their kinsmen about an incoming goblin horde.
  13. You see a group of 1d4+4 thieves and 2 assassins led by a thief named Johny Blackhand. The thieves and assassins are on their way to a nearby city, hoping to rob it blind. They will attack the party if they get in their way.
  14. You come across a group of 1d4+4 halflings and 2 humans led by a halfling named Bobblefoot. The halflings and humans are on their way to a nearby village, hoping to make a little money off of the villagers by gambling or selling them goods that they don’t need at overinflated prices.
  15. You see a group of 1d8+8 goblins and 2 hobgoblins led by a hobgoblin named Gruntgrunt the Great. The hobgoblins and goblins are on their way to a nearby village, hoping to raid it and steal everything that isn’t nailed down or kill all of the villagers in order to take over their lands and homes.
  16. Raging Fire! A spiked pit trap with a raging fire beneath it. PCs must make a DEX save or fall into the pit. The pit is filled with thick, bubbling tar.
  17. The PCs hear a group of elves laughing. When they look, they see a group of elves playing a game of dice. The elves are excited to see the players and invite them to play with them. The elves’ names are Ron and Sam, and they’re brothers.
  18. A skeleton wearing a tattered robe and carrying a staff approaches the PCs and begins to cast a spell. If players don’t attack him, he will cast a spell that will cause 1d6+1 skeletons to rise out of the ground around the players.
  19. A wizard named Werner is trapped in the dungeon by a group of thugs who want his spell book and treasure. The thugs captured him, tied him up, and put him in an empty room. He is still alive but will die within 5 minutes if not rescued by the players.
  20. Players come across two goblins fighting over a rat carcass. They will stop fighting each other and attack the players if they go near the carcass.
  21. A pit trap with a skeleton at the bottom of it. If players go down into the pit, there is a 50% chance they will fall into the skeleton’s rib cage and become entangled in its rib cage, making them an easy target for any creature that may be lurking in the area.
  22. A group of 2d6+2 kobolds are carrying a large chest down an alleyway. Any attempts to stop them will result in them dropping the chest and attacking the players with spears and axes that they have been carrying in their other arms.
  23. A group of 2d6+2 half-orcs are sitting around playing cards and gambling with each other. If players interact with them, they’ll invite them to play cards and gamble with them. The half-orcs are named Stan and Sam, and they’re cousins. They’re on their way to join an orc tribe that’s been attacking caravans on the trade route.
  24. A group of 2d4 goblins are sitting around eating rats. They are so hungry that they will attack any living thing that comes near their camp.
  25. A group of 1d4+1 kobolds are so hungry that they will attack any living thing that comes near them.
  26. Zorg, a large silver dragon, is sleeping on top of the ceiling. He will attack anyone who tries to climb the walls.
  27. A group of six giant rats are resting. If attacked, they will attack the players.
  28. The players hear a deafening roar. A giant rat is running towards them with its mouth open. It stops in front of them and tries to bite them. It runs back and forth, trying to scare them off.
  29. A group of 6 goblins are playing a game of dice. They look up and see the players. They will attack.
  30. A group of 6 giant rats are sleeping. If attacked, they will attack the players.
  31. A group of 6 goblins are gambling over a game of dice. They look up and see the players. They will attack.
  32. A group of 4 goblins and 2 ogres are arguing. The ogres want to kill the goblins, but the goblins won’t allow it. They’re talking about what to do with the players. The ogres want to kill them. The goblins want to keep them as slaves. If the players don’t do anything, they’ll start killing each other.
  33. Two ogres are arguing about food. One wants to eat a human that they captured. The other doesn’t want to do it because it’s too dangerous to be around humans for too long because they might be rescued by their friends.
  34. A group of 6 giant rats are running toward the players with their mouths open and their tails wagging as though they’re excited to see them. They’ll stop in front of them and try to bite them. They’ll run back and forth, trying to scare them off.
  35. A group of 4 goblins and 2 ogres are arguing about food. The ogres want to eat a human that they captured, but the goblins don’t want to do it because it’s too dangerous to be around humans for too long because they might be rescued by their friends.
  36. Pile of bones. A raven is perched on top of the pile of bones. A nearby sign reads ‘Beware! The raven is watching you!’ If players interact with the raven, it will fly away. A group of 1d8+2 kobolds emerge from the nearby tunnel and attack. The kobolds are led by a Cult Fanatic who wields a battleaxe and wears chain mail.
  37. A group of 1d12+4 goblins are running away from something, or toward something.
  38. A group of 1d4+4 gnolls are playing a game similar to ‘lasers’ or ‘tag’ with a small dragon skull as the ‘flag.’ The game is called ‘Dragonmites’ and it is similar to ‘lasers’ or ‘tag’ except they shout out random things like ‘Dragonmites! You’re it! Gah! Dragonmites!’
  39. A large hole in the ground has been filled with an enormous amount of coins by someone rich. The hole is 8-feet deep and 8-feet wide. The coins are all fake.

More Great D100 RPG Lists?

Check out my softcover tabletop resource series on Amazon! Each book is around 100 pages in length and available as an eBook or softcover print – both reasonably priced!

  1. A group of 2d6+2 kobolds are sitting around a campfire roasting a dead giant rat. The kobolds will attack if the players get too close.
  2. A group of 2d4+4 goblins are playing a game of dice with a group of 2d4+4 orcs who are sitting around a campfire roasting a dead ogre. The goblins and orcs will attack if the players get too close.
  3. A group of 2d4+4 orcs are sitting around a campfire roasting a dead goblin. The orcs will attack if the players get too close.
  4. The tunnel appears to be blocked by a group of 1d10+5 gnolls who are standing shoulder-to-shoulder in front of the tunnel entrance. If players get too close, they will attack with their spears.
  5. A group of 1d20+10 hobgoblins are patrolling the area on horseback with their war dogs.
  6. The party comes across an abandoned campsite which contains a treasure chest and a dead orc warrior who has been savagely mutilated and left to rot on the ground. The chest contains 5d6 gp and 1d4 pieces of jewelry (worth up to 1d6 gp each).
  7. Bullywugs that have established a colony in the lower reaches of the dungeon. They are trying to keep the other creatures away from their territory.
  8. A group of young kobolds are hiding in a small cave. If they are discovered, they will attack.
  9. A group of male and female hobgoblins are hunting for food. If they are surprised, they will fight to the death.
  10. A group of humans are hiding in a small cave. They are looking for an item that has been lost for centuries in the underground complex. They will trade any information they have for food or weapons.
  11. A group of about 20 orcs are hunting for food. If they are surprised, they will fight to the death.
  12. A group of about 20 goblins are hunting for food. If they are surprised, they will fight to the death.
  13. A group of about 10 ogres are hunting for food. If they are surprised, they will fight to the death.
  14. A group of 2d6 giant spiders are hiding in a small cave in the hopes of catching some prey.
  15. A group of 2d6 giant spiders are hiding in a small cave in the hopes of catching some prey. If they are surprised, they will fight until they are all killed.
  16. A group of 2d6 giant spiders are hiding in a small cave in the hopes of catching some prey. They will flee if they are discovered by the players.
  17. The party stumbles upon a group of halflings holding a feast. They are celebrating the end of a war with another race. The halflings are in an extremely good mood. Each halfling has a glass of wine in their hand.
  18. A group of dwarves are digging a new tunnel. The tunnel goes deep into the cliffside. The dwarves have been digging for months. They are extremely tired and are looking for a place to rest.
  19. A group of orcs are celebrating the coming of a new baby orc. The orcs are sitting around a large fire. The orcs are drunk.
  20. A group of gnomes are arguing with a merchant. The merchant is trying to sell them an item at an extremely high price. The gnomes want to buy it for a low price.
  21. A group of humans are arguing with a merchant. The merchant is trying to sell them an item at an extremely high price. The humans want to buy it for a low price.
  22. A group of humans are celebrating the wedding of one of their friends. They are drinking and dancing around a fire pit. A large pot of stew is boiling over the fire pit.
  23. A group of half-orcs are arguing with a merchant. The merchant is trying to sell them an item at an extremely high price. The half-orcs want to buy it for a low price.
  24. A group of humans are celebrating the birthday of one of their friends. They are drinking and dancing around a fire pit. A large cake is sitting on a table nearby the fire pit.
  25. A group of humans are arguing with a merchant about the price of an item that the merchant is trying to sell them.
  26. A group of humans are trying to sneak past a group of orcs who are sitting around a large fire pit. Whatever they’re doing, they don’t want the orcs to know about it…
  27. Raging orcs attack the players with their axes. This battle is easy for a orc and a hobgoblin. The players have been lured into a trap. The orc and hobgoblin are lying in wait. They have heard the players have been doing some bad things to their people.
  28. A group of adventurers attack the players to steal the treasure they are carrying, including their weapons and armor.
  29. A group of adventurers hear the sound of metal on stone. They see a dwarf mining for ore in an open area. He attacks them, thinking they want his ore or want to rob him.
  30. A gnome wizard is studying the walls of this dungeon. He’s attempting to find hidden passageways and doors. He’s working very slowly and carefully, taking care not to make any mistakes. If players ask, he will tell them what he is doing.
  31. The players hear the sound of running feet. They see four goblins running down a hallway. They are carrying sacks of loot. If players attack them, they will yell, ‘Argh! Humans!’ and run away in fear.
  32. Players hear a man singing loudly and drunkenly. When players open the door, they see a half-orc, drunk and sleeping on a table with a bottle of wine next to him. If players wake him up, he will tell them he is looking for his lost brother and was attacked by orcs along the way.
  33. A group of adventurers is working to clear this dungeon of monsters. They will ask the players for help if they see them fighting monsters or if they see them exploring the dungeon.
  34. A group of adventurers is fighting a group of orcs and goblins. They are trying to protect a young woman who is lying on the ground, unconscious and bleeding from her mouth and ears.
  35. Two dwarves are standing in an open area, arguing with each other about something. They will attack the players if they get too close or if they try to get involved in the argument between them.
  36. Players see a group of orcs and goblins fighting with each other over something in an open area. Their weapons are broken and they are using their fists to fight each other. Players can choose to get involved in the fight or stand back and let them kill each other.
  37. Vast underground cavern is filled with a vast underground lake. The water is extremely cold and extremely deep. The cavern floor is covered with a layer of ice. The players can see the frozen form of a dragon in the middle of the lake. The dragon’s head is barely above the surface of the water, and its tail is barely below the surface of the water. The dragon’s great talons are sunk deep into the floor of the cavern. Any creature that touches the water must make a DC 5 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 points of cold damage.
  38. The players come across an old man in a long black cloak. He is sitting in front of a campfire. If the players talk to him, he will tell them about the time he lost his way in the tunnels under the city. He will tell them about how he was captured by a gang of humanoids and about how he managed to escape from them after killing their chieftain and putting their leaderless band to flight.
  39. A group of 1d4 dwarves are sitting around a campfire. They have been in the tunnels for 3 weeks. They have been searching for a rare type of stone that they need to make a special kind of weapon.
  40. The players find a cave that has been decorated with primitive paintings on the walls. The paintings show scenes of death and destruction.
  41. A group of 1d4 humans are sitting around a campfire. They have been in the tunnels hunting for food for the last three days. They are close to starving and will attack if pressed.
  42. A group of 1d4 humans are sitting around a campfire. They have been in the tunnels looking for treasure for the last three days. They are close to running out of supplies and will attack if pressed.
  43. A group of 1d4 humans are sitting around a campfire. They are a band of thieves who have been in the tunnels for five days looking for treasure. They will attack if pressed.
  44. The players find a cave that has been decorated with primitive paintings on the walls. The paintings show scenes of death and destruction. The paintings on the wall show scenes of death and destruction that were caused by the players’ party. A sign has been painted on the wall that says, ‘These players are bad men!’
  45. A group of 1d4 humans are sitting around a campfire. They have been in the tunnels searching for treasure for the last three days. They will attack if pressed.
  46. The players find an underground cave that has been decorated with primitive paintings on the walls. The paintings show scenes of death and destruction. The paintings on the wall show scenes of death and destruction that were caused by a group of kobolds from another nearby dungeon complex from another continent who had been hired by a rival dungeon party from another continent to wipe out a dungeon complex that had been built by a rival party from another continent which had been built on top of an ancient ruin that has been rumored to contain great treasure which has been rumored to contain great treasure which has been rumored to contain great treasure.

More Random Dungeon Encounters

If you enjoyed the list of random dungeon encounters above, be sure to check out some of my other sites – Random Encounters AI, NPC Generator AI, and LitRPG Adventures. Thanks!

More Great D100 RPG Lists?

Check out my softcover tabletop resource series on Amazon! Each book is around 100 pages in length and available as an eBook or softcover print – both reasonably priced!

AI + Procedural Generation = Worldbuilding Tool of your Dreams...

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Or check out my Advanced RPG Tools

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!