D100 Random Castle Encounters 5e DND+

I’ve got a great list of 100 random castle encounters for your next fantasy tabletop campaign. At the end of the list, I’ve got information on some other tools that can make your RPG-life easier, including some free DM tools powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI. First, here’s your list of 100 encounters in a castle environment.

Random Castle Encounters

  1. Lizards and rats scurry from the hall at the party’s approach, obviously disturbed.
  2. A group of 2d6 orcs are fighting with a group of 2d6 ogres over a barrel of mead. The ogres are winning.
  3. The party hears a loud crash in the distance. The party sees a group of 1d100+10 gnolls, who are throwing rocks at a tower.
  4. The party hears a loud crash in the distance. The party sees a group of 1d20 ogres, who are throwing rocks at a tower. The ogres are really insane and believe they are giants. They will attack the party as ‘little’ people if they approach, otherwise will be content to throw rocks at the tower for the rest of their lives.
  5. A group of 1d4 hobgoblins are sitting at a table with a large map spread out before them. They seem to be plotting something, but quickly scatter when they see the party approach.
  6. A group of 1d4 hobgoblins are sitting at a table with a large map spread out before them. They seem to be plotting something, but quickly scatter when they see the party approach.
  7. The party hears a loud crash in the distance. The party sees a group of 1d20 ogres, who are throwing rocks at a tower. The ogres are really insane and believe they are giants. They will attack the party as ‘little’ people if they approach, otherwise will be content to throw rocks at the tower for the rest of their lives.
  8. The party hears a loud crash in the distance. The party sees a group of 1d100+10 gnolls, who are throwing rocks at a tower.
  9. A group of 3d4 elves are sitting around a large map. They are discussing their plans for the party. They are planning to do something really terrible to the party, but can’t really remember what it is at the moment.
  10. The party hears a loud crash in the distance. The party sees a group of 1d100+10 gnolls, who are throwing rocks at a tower.
  11. Rumbling in the distance. A group of 2d6 giants are running towards the players.
  12. A group of 1d10 gnolls are playing a game of chance. One of the players can participate if they want.
  13. A group of 2d6 giant lizards are in the middle of a battle. One group is fighting another group of giant lizards.
  14. A group of 2d6 halflings are having a feast. One of the players can participate in the feast if they want.
  15. A group of 2d6 dwarves are arguing about what to do with the body of a dwarf who has been killed.
  16. A group of 2d6 men and women are walking down the road. They are going to a nearby town to get married.
  17. A group of 2d6 gnolls are walking down the road. They are going to a nearby town to get drunk.
  18. A group of 2d6 hobgoblins are walking down the road. They are going to a nearby town to get drunk and cause trouble.
  19. A group of 2d6 elves are walking down the road. They are going to a nearby town to report to their Lord about the wizard who has been terrorizing the area lately.
  20. A group of 2d6 goblins are walking down the road. They are going to a nearby town to get drunk and cause trouble.
  21. Jovial guards are laughing and joking with each other, but they are actually laughing at the players’ group. They want to cause a fight to break out.
  22. Group of five hooded and masked figures with flashlights and lanterns are searching the area. They are looking for something.
  23. A pair of very large, very old, and very angry guards in dark full plate armor and carrying spears and shields will approach the players and ask them what they are doing in this area. If the players are not careful, the guards will challenge them to a fight to the death.
  24. A man with wild eyes, dressed in rags and clutching a wooden staff is walking up and down in front of the players, mumbling to himself. He is actually a prophet, and he is trying to warn the players about a terrible danger that is about to strike the area. He is ignored by the players, who will soon discover the truth of his words.
  25. A group of 1d4+4 bandits are sitting around a campfire, talking about how tedious it is to be a bandit. They are considering going straight and becoming honest workers.
  26. A group of five men in dark robes with hoods covering their faces are walking up and down in front of the players, trying to hand out pamphlets advertising a new religion that they have created.
  27. A group of 1d4+4 peasants are sitting around a campfire, singing drinking songs and laughing.
  28. A group of 1d4+4 peasants are walking up and down in front of the players, offering to sell them fruit and vegetables at very low prices.
  29. Two men in dark robes with hoods covering their faces are walking up and down in front of the players, trying to hand out pamphlets advertising a new religion that they have created. They will stop and talk with any players who talk to them.
  30. A group of 1d4+4 peasants are sitting around a campfire, singing drinking songs and laughing.
  31. Kord the Mighty has been spotted in the area. He is angry because a local lord refuses to pay tribute to him.
  32. A group of halflings are running from a group of kobolds. The halflings are carrying sacks of gold. They will offer the players a share of the gold if they help them escape the kobolds.
  33. A group of humans are praying in front of a tomb. They are hoping to resurrect a powerful necromancer.
  34. A group of human thieves are trying to break into a tomb.
  35. A group of necromancers are trying to reanimate the bodies of dead soldiers in an attempt to create an army of zombies.
  36. A group of men are arguing about what to do with a captured dragon. One of them wants to kill it, the others want to tame it.
  37. A group of men are trying to dig up a grave to steal the gold coffin it contains.
  38. A group of men are trying to sneak into a tomb to steal a powerful magic item. They have managed to sneak past the guards, but now they are trapped inside and they don’t know how to get out. (See more DND Sneak Attack 5e ideas!)
  39. A group of men are arguing about what to do with a captured witch. One man wants to kill her, the others want to enslave her and force her to brew them potions and cast them spells.
  40. A group of men are arguing about what to do with a captured wizard. One man wants to enslave him and force him to brew them potions and cast them spells, the other man wants to kill him because he is afraid the wizard will cast a spell on him and turn him into a toad.
  41. Fools rush in. A group of 1d6+3 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are giants in the hills!’
  42. A group of 1d6+3 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are orcs in the hills!’
  43. A group of 1d10+5 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are ogres in the hills!’
  44. A group of 1d12 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are hill giants inside the castle!’
  45. A group of 1d4+4 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are fire giants outside the castle!’
  46. A group of 1d4+4 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are frost giants nearby!’
  47. A group of 1d4+4 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are stone giants in the moat!’
  48. A group of 1d4+4 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are ettins in the mountains!’
  49. A group of 1d6+3 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are ogres in the forest!’
  50. A group of 1d4+4 men rush past the players, screaming, ‘There are trolls in the hills!’
  51. Mice scurry out of the walls and attack.
  52. The players hear a loud crash. It is a large, harried dwarf. He is a messenger. He tells the players that he has an important message for Lord Belarum, but he cannot get through. The players may escort him to the Lord’s chambers.
  53. A group of human merchants enter the hallway and yell, ‘We’re lost! This is not the right way.’ They are looking for the main entrance.
  54. A group of humans enter the hallway. They are heavily armed and looking for Lord Belarum. They are members of the Royal Guard and have been sent to protect the Lord from an attack by a nearby kingdom.
  55. A group of 1d6+1 goblins enter the hallway and attack!
  56. A group of 1d4+4 dwarves enter the hallway and demand to see Lord Belarum. They are looking for the Lord’s blacksmith to have an important weapon repaired.
  57. Several men-at-arms stagger into the hallway, wounded and bleeding. They yell for help and then collapse.
  58. A group of 1d4+4 orcs enter the hallway and attack!
  59. A group of 1d6+1 ogres enter the hallway and attack!
  60. A group of 1d6+2 ogres enter the hallway and attack!
  61. Jealous lovers argue. One of them is trying to convince the other to leave the castle with them.
  62. A group of drunk revelers stagger down the hall singing songs of the king. They are on their way to the feast.
  63. A couple of drunk revelers stagger down the hall singing songs of the king. They are on their way to the dungeon to rescue the king’s son.
  64. A couple of drunk revelers stagger down the hall singing songs of the king. They are on their way to the dungeon to rescue the princess.
  65. Two drunk revelers stagger down the hall singing songs of the princess. They are on their way to the dungeon to rescue the king’s son.
  66. Two drunk revelers stagger down the hall singing songs of the princess. They are on their way to the feast.
  67. A group of revelers sing songs of the king. They are on their way to the feast.
  68. A group of revelers sing songs of the princess. They are on their way to the feast.
  69. A group of revelers sing songs of the king’s son. They are on their way to the dungeon to rescue him.
  70. A group of revelers sing songs of the princess. They are on their way to the dungeon to rescue her.
  71. Cute little baby unicorns run across the hallway in front of the party. It’s an illusion by a mischievious gnome illusionist named Gobsy.
  72. A drunken noble on horseback rides by shouting ‘The king is a fool! Long live the king!’
  73. A pair of peasants argue over what they saw when they awoke that morning. They believe they saw a dragon flying overhead.
  74. A man offers to sell the party a baby dragon.
  75. A group of old men sit around a campfire and talk about how things were better when they were young. One of the men says things aren’t as bad as they used to be and the others argue with him.
  76. A group of young men stand around a campfire and talk about how things were better way back when. One of the men says things aren’t as bad as they used to be and the others argue with him.
  77. A group of rangers argue about whether to attack a group of bandits or not. One says they are bandits, the other says they aren’t bandits, they’re just poor people trying to feed their families.
  78. A group of young men argue about whether to attack a group of bandits or not. One says they are bandits, the other says they aren’t bandits, they’re just poor people trying to feed their families.
  79. A horse has escaped from a nearby stable and is running down the road.
  80. A man stands on the side of the road holding a small wooden box and asks the party to hold it while he runs an errand. He will not give the party any information about the box.
  81. A group of 4d12+8 orcs are sitting around a campfire. They are drunk and carefree. They will attack if the players get too close. Their leader is an orc lord.
  82. A group of 2d6+4 men are sitting around a campfire. They are singing and celebrating. They will attack if the players get too close.
  83. The players come across a group of 2d6 dwarves sitting around a campfire. They are drinking and celebrating. They will invite the players to join in with their celebration. They will give the players a dwarven ale called ‘Deadly Brew’. It will knock them on their ass. If a player drinks it, he will get drunk and see dwarves as elves, orcs as ogres, and halflings as half-orcs.
  84. The players come across a group of 2d6 elves sitting around a campfire. They are drinking and celebrating. They will invite the players to join in with their celebration. They will give the players an elven ale called ‘Bright Ale’. It will make the players very alert and aware of their surroundings.
  85. The players come across a group of 2d6 halflings sitting around a campfire. They are drinking and celebrating. They will invite the players to join in with their celebration. They will give the players a halfling ale called ‘Honey Ale’. It will make them feel warm and fuzzy.
  86. A group of 1d4+4 halflings are sitting around a campfire. They are cooking dinner over the fire. They will invite the players to join them for dinner. They will give the players a halfling ale called ‘Honey Ale’. It will make them feel warm and fuzzy.
  87. A group of 2d6 hobbits are sitting around a campfire. They are cooking dinner over the fire. They will invite the players to join them for dinner. They will give the players a hobbit dinner called ‘Leafy Green Dinner’.
  88. A group of 2d6 humans are sitting around a campfire. They are drinking and celebrating. They will invite the players to join in with their celebration. They will give the players a human ale called ‘Dark Ale’. It will make them feel drunk and tired.
  89. A group of 1d4+4 humans are sitting around a campfire. They are cooking dinner over the fire. They will invite the players to join them for dinner. They will give the players a human dinner called ‘Spicy Meat Dinner’.
  90. A group of 1d4+4 humans are sitting around a campfire. They are cooking dinner over the fire. They will invite the players to join them for dinner. They will give the players a human dinner called ‘Sweet and Sour Meat Dinner’.
  91. Wight Lord. The party will be attacked by a wight Lord. He has been wandering these halls for a long time and has been slowly losing sanity. He is not a very good wight, he has a bad habit of picking his nose and eating it.
  92. A strange man sits in a throne. When the party enters he is talking to himself. He will be talking about how he doesn’t like the smell of the room and that he wants the room to smell like the sea. He will then spend several hours trying to figure out how to get the smell of the sea into the room.
  93. A strange woman will be wandering the halls. She will be muttering to herself. When approached she will stop and say ‘I’m not crazy, I’m just not.’
  94. A strange man will be wandering the halls. He is searching for something. When asked he will say ‘I’m looking for the room of the anvil. I can’t find it.’ He will ask the party to help him find the room of the anvil. He will follow them around until they go find it for him. He will then continue his search.
  95. A man is sitting on the floor, he is sobbing like a child. When approached he will say ‘I’m sorry my babies, I should have been there to protect you.’ He will then stand up, blow his nose on his sleeve and continue his journey. He is a bard and he has been wandering the halls for weeks.
  96. A party member will be attacked by a small creature that looks like a cross between a rat and a squirrel.
  97. A man is wandering the halls, he is looking for someone. When he is asked what he is looking for he will say ‘I am looking for the man who makes the monsters.’
  98. A party member is attacked by a small creature that looks like a cross between a rat and a squirrel. If the party member is female then it will kiss her on the lips and then run away.
  99. A group of men and women sit in a circle and they are playing a game of cards. They are arguing about whose turn it is to buy drinks for the group.
  100. A man is stumbling around the halls. He is muttering to himself. He will be looking for something and he will not stop searching until he finds it.

More Random Castle Encounters?

Want even more random castle encounters and other fantasy and sci-fi RPG content? Head over to LitRPG Adventures or Random Encounters AI. Also, NPC Generator AI is another free website with hundreds of NPC backstories and descriptions you can use.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!