Here’s my lists of random forest encounters for a fantasy tabletop RPG like Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder. If you like these random tables, be sure to check out Random Encounters AI for thousands more encounters!
3 D100 Random Forest Encounter Tables for DND 5e
Here’s my collection of random forest encounters. Each table has 100 options that are unique and interesting – most of the time!
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100 Low-Level Random Forest Encounters
1) You hear the sound of leaves rustling. A wolf darts between two trees before running away.
2) Up ahead, the forest path clears. You see a deer grazing on some grass. It turns and sees you before fleeing.
3) The forest thins out. A white stag with a golden horn watches you from a distance. You can see more forest beyond it.
4) A black bear sniffs the air. It sees you and starts growling and looking ready to pounce.
5) As you enter the forest, you hear the sound of a bear and cubs somewhere nearby.
6) You hear birds chirping. You see several small birds pecking at the ground and an owl on a branch above.
7) A squirrel runs up the tree and disappears into the leaves.
8) A fox runs away from you and into the bushes.
9) You see a deer grazing, and another round the corner.
10) You see a deer on a hill. It looks at you and flees back the way it came.
11) You see a hawk and several smaller birds picking at a carcass.
12) You see three deer grazing. One of them bucks up before coming right at you.
13) You see a beautiful purple butterfly flitting between flowers.
14) You hear crows cawing. As you approach, you notice a dead fox on the ground.
15) It is very quiet. You see a little rabbit behind a bush.
16) Three squirrels play chase
17) A hawk flies overhead. It lands on a branch.
18) You hear cawing. A group of crows sits high in a tree, watching you.
19) You hear the sound of rushing water.
20) You hear the sound of moving water. You see a river or stream.
21) You hear the sound of water dripping.
22) You hear the sound of running water. You see a large waterfall.
23) You see a pond. A group of 1d4 goblins are fighting over a dead deer. If they notice the players, they will attack, retreating if they get below half their health.
24) Two old men stumble out from behind a tree, bickering about how one of them is trying to steal the other’s beer. They are too drunk to notice the players.
25) There is a wonderful smell of fresh-baked cookies coming from your right. You see a small clearing with a small cottage. A young woman is baking cookies. She will ask you to taste test them, and will give you one for free.
26) A small stream allows you access to the other side of the forest. On the other side, you see a hill with a watchtower on top of it. You see a large group of adventurers, either resting or fighting against each other, depending on the players.
27) A loud noise in the forest canopy overhead startles you. You see a large bird (raven or eagle) quickly fly away.
28) You see a small brown bear lumber around a tree. It is eating some berries. If the players get too close, it will charge them and attack. It’s an orphan.
29) You hear in the distance the sound of a hunting horn. You see a group of 4d6 hunters and a large stag. They do not notice the players at first.
30) A white stag with a golden horn watches you from a distance. You can see more forest beyond it.
31) You hear the sound of a creek or stream nearby. As you approach, an alligator leaps at you and atacks.
32) A group of 1d4 goblins is walking through the woods, complaining about how hungry they are. They look like they haven’t eaten in days. They won’t hesitate to attack the players for food.
33) You see a young deer with a broken leg. It looks like it was caught and bitten by a bear.
34) You see a bear and two cubs playing. You also see two more cubs lying dead on the ground.
35) You see a deer grazing. It spots you and runs away.
36) A black bear sniffs the air. It sees the players and growls menacingly. It is trailed by a cub. If the cub spots any of the players, it will run away.
37) Three owls are perched on the top of a tree. They are watching you intently. They fly away after you get closer.
38) Two elven rangers appear from behind a tree, demanding to see your hunting license. They are not violent, but they are serious about their jobs.
39) A stream crosses your path. It is flowing fast. You can hear the roar of a waterfall nearby.
40) A dark-skinned gnome is running through the forest with a bunch of spears. He is followed by a group of angry fairies brandishing bows and arrows.
41) A group of 2d4+2 elves are on a hunting trip. They are dragging a large deer behind them.
42) A group of 1d4 halfling hunters are hunting a dire bear with a lot of dogs. They seem to be getting the upper hand on the bear.
43) A giant spider descends from the trees and attacks!
44) A traveling magician is looking for an audience to practice his latest trick. He offers to show his trick to the party. It turns out to be a magical illusion that allows him to hide his staff and cloak under a cloak. His name is Adrik Fecksword. He is an entertaining fellow who is witty and well-liked. He says he is willing to join the party if they have room for him.
45) A group of 2d6 elves are hunting boars. They are surprised to see the players.
46) You see a deer drinking from a stream. It senses you and tries to run away. It is caught by a bear. The sounds of a struggle are heard.
47) A lot of people are camping in the woods. They are being attacked by 2d6 giant rats. If players help them defeat the rats, the group of people will reward them with a potion or 2d20 silver pieces.
48) A group of 1d4+2 wizards are studying a book near a campfire. They seem upset and disheartened. They see the players and immediately stop their study. They beg the party not to look at their book. If you players look at the book they will see a spell book with a series of notes in a different language.
49) A group of 1d6 goblins are dancing around a campfire. They see the party and attack.
50) A group of 2d4 dancers are entertaining a crowd of elves. They are celebrating a recent marriage.
51) A glade. In the center, a druid named Hruumi is preparing for a ritual. He is surrounded by 2d10+7 elves. If any of the players enter the glade, Hruumi will attack. If players kill him, they will take the druid’s staff and a magical stone that was used in the ritual.
52) As you walk, you hear 1d4 squirrel zombies chanting what sounds eerily like, “braaaiiinnnsss…”
53) The sound of breaking branches is heard in the distance.
54) The party hears a voice crying for help. The voice can be heard faintly and is coming from a cave.
55) 1d4 elves are sitting around a campfire. They are talking about a recent battle.
56) You see 1d4+4 knights riding a horse through the forest. The knights are looking for a group of missing children.
57) A group of hunters is riding through the forest. The hunters are 1d4 humans. They are looking for a pack of wolves that have been attacking the farms near the forest.
58) The party hears a noise and see a 1d6 goblins and 1d4 kobolds fighting. If players don’t approach, one side will win. If players attack, the kobolds and goblins will join forces.
59) You come across a strange log that appears to be a sentient tree. It speaks to you and asks you to deliver a message to the king of the forest. The message is “The dryad asks for help. The trees are sick and the only cure is in the castle of the red dragon.”
60) You see 1d6 elves playing a forest game. They invite the players to join if they like.
61) The party sees 1d6 soldiers gathering supplies and planning their next move. They want to get to the other side of the forest and find safe haven to recover and prepare for the next battle.
62) A man named Halen is walking through the woods. He is looking for an animal that he hit with an arrow. He thinks it may be hurt. He has not seen the party.
63) The party finds a large tree with two 1d4+2 men hanging from it. They are dead. Their clothes look like the clothes of the king of the elves.
64) You see 1d6 elves walking along a path. They are looking for a group of people.
65) You see a group of elves standing around a fire.
66) A group of 1d4 fairies. They are playing a game of hide-and-seek.
67) Two men named Farag and Derg are lost in the woods. They are looking for a safe place to sleep. They are speaking a different language.
68) A woman named Maga is lost in the woods. If players help her, she will give them a map. She says the map will show the fastest way out of the forest. Mega is not too bright.
69) Thunder booms and lighting flashes in the distance.
70) You see a couple camping in a forest. Their tent is surrounded by a 1d4-feet-diameter circle of mushrooms.
71) An old man with a beard is sitting by a fire. He is looking at his map and cursing. The man’s name is Ethir. He is looking for mushrooms to eat.
72) 1d4 hunters are hunting boars. They are surprised to see you, but they will be friendly and offer advice on traveling through the forest.
73) A patrol of 1d8 soldiers is riding through the forest. They are looking for goblins.
74) A group of 1d4 druids are discussing the forest and what must be done to take care of its needs.
75) The party comes across a small shack. Someone is in the shack. The person in the shack speaks in a strange language. His name is Marcz. He is a drunk elf that has been banished from his adventuring party. He says he will join the party. He is a terrible fighter.
76) A man wearing an orange cloak with a red dragon on it is walking through the forest. The man is lost. He is looking for the road. His name is Thomas and he is a mercenary. He will join the party if they show him the way.
77) A woman named Tibra is asleep on the ground. There is a campfire nearby. Tibra is a witch. She is hunting a powerful red dragon that has been terrorizing the nearby villages. She is looking for the dragon’s lair. She looks like she is only a few days journey from the lair. Tibra says she has seen a group of people wearing red dragon shirts close to the lair.
78) The party sees a group of elves. They are carrying a statue of a female elf. The statue is made of white marble.
79) Two humans are foraging for food. They seem to be friendly and invite the party to join them for dinner. Their names are Jake and Ellie.
80) The party sees a large dragon flying overhead.
81) A group of 1d4+2 goblins is riding through the forest on horseback.
82) As the trees thin, the party notices a large castle nearby. The castle is surrounded by a stone wall with 2d8 guards protecting the wall.
83) The party sees a man dressed in old clothes. He offers to tell players their fortune for 1d8 silver pieces. He is a fraud. He will also sell the players a fake map.
84) The party comes across two sisters named Bella and Maria. They are gathering berries. They invite the party to join them.
85) A man named Andor is running through the forest. He is being chased by 1d4 dire wolves. He will give the party a magic potion if they kill the wolves.
86) The party sees a group of 1d4 soldiers gathering supplies and preparing for a battle. They will ask the party to join the battle against a local goblin camp.
87) The party sees a group of 1d4+2 elves. They are chasing a giant wolf and scream for help.
88) The path ahead ends and dead-ends into a large boulder. The party can hear something large and heavy breathing behind the boulder. It is actually a rotund man named Clarance who is trying to scare the party away from the area so he can look for lost treasure.
89) Three men are gathering firewood. They are speaking in a language that you don’t understand. They do not look like they are from this region.
90) A young boy is playing with a stick in the dirt. He falls down and scrapes his knees. He starts crying. A nearby woman comforts him. She seems suspicious. She keeps looking over her shoulder. She leaves with the boy. The boy’s name is Brendan. The woman’s name is Stacy. She is trying to get the boy back to his parents.
91) You come across a group of 1d6 elves. They are hunting wild boar. They do not want help from the party.
92) The party sees a band of 1d4+2 elves. They are traveling with a large, black war horse. They are scouting the area for a nearby goblin camp. The elves will ask for help from the party against the goblins.
93) A group of 1d8 soldiers are gathering supplies. They are preparing for a battle against some goblins. They are willing to let the party join them if the party is looking for mercenary work.
94) A group of 1d4+2 vultures are circling above the party.
95) A group of 1d8 soldiers are gathering supplies. They are preparing for a battle against some goblins. They are willing to let the party join them if the party is looking for mercenary work. The pay is not good, but they will be well fed.
96) Two hungry children are looking for their mother.
97) A man named Phillip is building a stone wall while his wife watches. Their two children are watching the progress of the wall. Phillip is an NPC sent by the king to build the wall. He will offer to hire the players to do some of the work.
98) You come across a group of 2d4 merchants. They are trying to establish a trade route near the forest.
99) The party sees a group of 1d6+2 men. These are the local hunters, trappers, and woodsmen. They are gathering supplies for the winter. They are willing to sell the party some supplies.
100) The path gets darker. The party reaches a cave. The cave entrance is closed by a large boulder. The party will have to find a way around the boulder to enter the cave.
D100 D&D Random Forest Encounters
Another list of random forest encounters to use!
- A group of 2d6+3 halflings are celebrating the coming of age of one of their number. They have a large feast going with live music and dancing. They will invite the players to join them in their celebrations.
- A group of 2d6+3 orcs are traveling through the forest on their way to a nearby human city. They are transporting an elderly orc, who is wearing ornate robes and has a staff, who is on her deathbed. She is the matriarch of their tribe and they are taking her to die in the city where she was born.
- A group of 2d4+2 humans are transporting a wagon through the forest. They are on their way to a nearby village where they will sell their goods. They have a bear cage in the back of their wagon, which contains a large bear that will try to break free if players get too close to the wagon.
- A group of 2d6+3 half-elves are hunting in this area. They are on their way to a nearby elven village where they will trade their catch with the elven elders there.
- A group of 2d4+2 humans are hunting in this area. They are on their way to a nearby village where they will trade their catch with the village blacksmith.
- A group of 2d4+2 humans are hunting in this area. They are on their way to a nearby village where they will sell their catch to the town butcher.
- A group of 1d4+1 bandits have set up an ambush along the path through this forest. They will be wearing dark cloaks and will be hiding in the trees, waiting for a caravan to pass through this area.
- A circle of stones has been erected in this area. A group of 1d4+1 druids are celebrating around this stone circle, which is glowing with a magical green light. They will offer to tell the players their future if they pay them with a rare gem.
- A group of 2d4+2 humans are celebrating around a large bonfire that they have built in this forest. They are drinking and dancing around the bonfire, singing old drinking songs and telling old drinking stories. They will invite players to join them if they wish to celebrate with them.
- A group of 1d4+1 dwarves are hunting in this area. They are on their way to a nearby dwarven city where they will trade their catch with the dwarven elders there.
- A pair of centaurs are running through the forest.
- A group of fey are dancing in the forest. If players approach, they will stop and ask if they want to join in. They are actually trying to lure the players into the woods where they will be attacked by the local elven elves.
- A group of elves appears and attacks the players. They are actually trying to capture them for questioning about the missing druid.
- The players are attacked by a herd of deer. They have been driven mad by the curse that has been placed on the forest.
- A group of hunters are tracking a boar. They will offer to sell the players its tusks for 10 gold pieces each if they help them kill it.
- A group of hunters are tracking a boar. They will offer to sell the players its tusks for 10 gold pieces each if they help them kill it. If players accept, a party of orcs will ambush them while they’re hunting.
- A group of hunters are tracking a boar. They will offer to sell the players its tusks for 10 gold pieces each if they help them kill it. If players accept, a party of orcs and ogres will ambush them while they’re hunting.
- A group of elves are out hunting deer. The deer are actually druids in disguise trying to escape the forest and warn the outside world about the curse.
- The players come across a group of men and women who are searching for their lost children. They will offer to pay them 10 gold pieces each if they help them find their children. The children are actually goblins in disguise trying to lure them into the woods so they can steal their belongings.
- An injured eagle lands on one of the players’ shoulders and starts talking to them in human tongue (because it’s a druid in disguise).
- A group of 4d6 hunters are looking for a lost companion. They have a map that has been torn in half and will ask the players for help finding their friend.
- A group of 3d10 mercenaries are preparing for war. They are having a party and will invite the players to join in.
- A group of 2d4 rangers are looking for someone. They are tracking their quarry and will ask the players for help.
- A group of 4d4 rangers are celebrating a recent victory. They will invite the players to join in.
- A group of 2d6 hunters are looking for game. They have been out for weeks and are desperate for food. They will offer the players all the game they can carry if they help them hunt.
- A group of 3d4 rangers are on patrol, they are checking for signs of orcish activity. If the players display orcish signs, they will attack them.
- A group of 2d8+2 merchants are transporting a valuable cargo of wine, they will offer the players all they have if they help them protect it from bandits.
- A group of 4d4 farmers are harvesting their crops, they will ask the players to help them harvest their crops. The farmers will pay the players in food and workers will help with the harvest for a season. The harvest is only a few days away and must be finished before their bread goes bad.
- A group of 2d4 warriors are on patrol, they are checking for signs of orcish activity. If the players display orcish signs, they will attack them.
- A group of 2d4 warriors are practicing their battle skills, they will challenge the players to a fight if they aren’t too tired from traveling.
- You come across a beautiful lake. There is a small island in the center of the lake. If players approach the island, 1d4+2 swans will attack. Each swan has AC15 and does 1d6+1 damage.
- A group of 1d4+4 wild boars are running through the woods. They are so scared, they run right past the party.
- A deer gets caught in a trap and bleeds to death. On a successful Intelligence check, players can find the deer’s tracks and follow them to the trap’s location.
- A small nest of 1d4+2 giant ants is in a tree in front of the players. The ants are on their way to attack a nearby village. The players can either kill them or try to convince the ants to not attack the village.
- Players come across a small pond. The pond has 1d6 koi in it. If players try to catch one, they will discover that they’re all ghosts!
- A small pond has 1d4+2 crocodiles in it.
- A small pond has 1d4+2 frogs in it.
- A group of 1d4+2 deer pass by the party.
- A group of 1d4+2 rabbits pass by the party.
- A pack of 1d4+2 wolves pass by the party.
- Players stumble across a small camp run by a group of women who are making leather goods. They tell the party that they are heading to the capital and want to sell their goods there. They are willing to trade with the players if they have anything to trade with them.
- The party comes across a small hut that is being attacked by a group of kobolds.
- The party comes across a small hut that is being attacked by a group of goblins. They have captured the old man who lived in the hut and are trying to get him to tell them where he keeps his gold.
- Players stumble across a small village. The villagers will ask the players to help them get rid of an ogre that has been attacking the village and stealing their food.
- Players stumble across a small village. The villagers will ask the players to help them get rid of a group of trolls that have been attacking the village and stealing their food.
- Players stumble across a small village. The villagers will ask the players to help them get rid of a group of kobolds that have been attacking the village and stealing their food.
- Players stumble across a small village. The villagers will ask the players to help them get rid of a group of goblins that have been attacking the village and stealing their food.
- Players stumble across some witches that are brewing up some potions in the middle of the forest. They are willing to trade with players if they have anything interesting to trade with them for their potions.
- The party comes across a small bridge over a small stream. There is a group of bandits that are planning an ambush on anyone who crosses the bridge. If players don’t cross the bridge, they will continue to wait until they do something to try and attract their attention, such as attack an animal or someone who crosses the bridge.
- The party comes across a small village that has been attacked by Orcs. The villagers will ask the players to help them get rid of the orcs who have been attacking them and stealing their food and resources.
- A group of muddling humans are looking for a shortcut. They will ask the players for directions.
- An escaped thief is hiding in the bushes. He will beg the players not to turn him in, but promises he will change his ways.
- A group of rangers and druids are celebrating the recent birth of a baby.
- A group of humans are singing a song about a local hero whose tomb lies nearby.
- A large ogre is attempting to steal a cow from a nearby village.
- A large group of humans are celebrating the birthday of a local lord.
- A group of hunters are looking for deer in the forest. They are having a hard time finding any because of all the kobolds in the area.
- A group of wood elves are cutting down trees in the forest to make way for their town’s expansion.
- A group of wood elves are cutting down trees in the forest to make way for their town’s expansion. They will ask players to help them if they get too tired from work.
- A group of mercenaries are camped in the forest, waiting for their leader to return from a nearby town with supplies.
- A group of 2d6+3 goblins are fighting with a group of 2d6+3 ogres. Both groups are angry and will attack anyone that approaches.
- A group of 2d10 elves are hunting for food. They are not too happy about being disturbed and will fight anyone who does so.
- A group of 2d4+2 druids are worshipping nature in a clearing surrounded by trees. They are not too happy about being disturbed and will try to convert or fight anyone who does so.
- A group of 2d4+2 wood nymphs are dancing and singing in a glade. They will warn players to leave and not enter the woods or else terrible things will happen!
- A group of 2d4+2 hill giants are fighting with a group of 2d4+2 ogres. Both groups are angry and will attack anyone that approaches.
- A group of 2d6 bandits are hiding in the bushes and will ambush any players that come near.
- A group of 2d4+2 gnolls are fighting with a group of 2d4+2 orcs. Both groups are angry and will attack anyone that approaches.
- A group of 2d4 goblins are playing games with each other and laughing.
- A group of 2d4+2 kobolds are digging in the dirt to try and find mushrooms to eat. They will attack anyone who enters their territory and disturbs them.
- A group of 2d6+3 manticores are feasting on some dead bodies in the bushes nearby. They will attack anyone who enters their territory and disturbs them.
- A small deer approaches the players and rubs against their legs like a cat.
- A large war horse with a saddle and bridle trots up to the players and nuzzles them.
- The players see a man covered in blood staggering down the road. When they approach, he looks at them and says, ‘Help me.’
- Players see a man in rags trying to sell a rusty sword. When they approach, he says, ‘This sword is magic.’ He will then tell them the story of the sword, which will turn out not to be true.
- A group of dwarves are standing around drinking and laughing. They seem friendly enough. They are actually looking for people to rob.
- A group of men are standing around drinking and laughing. They seem friendly enough. They are actually looking for people to rob.
- Two men in rags are sitting on the side of the road. One is holding a book. The other is holding a stick with a snake’s head on it. If players approach, the men will ask for food and then read them a passage from their book. The passage is actually a passage from a book by another author about another religion.
- A deer stands in the middle of the road staring at the players with wide eyes. If the players approach it, it will run away into the brush.
- A man in rags approaches the players and says, ‘I need help.’
- Players hear a woman singing sweetly nearby. When they investigate, they find a deer with antlers on its head prancing around in a circle.
- A group of elves are cutting down trees to create a communal hall. They’re not very good at it – 1d6 elves with axes will be standing around in varying states of confusion. They might attack if players try and stop them.
- Four woodcutters are cutting down trees for firewood and building materials. They’re taking their time and not doing a very good job of it. They might be willing to sell some firewood if players offer them a fair price.
- The ground is covered with butterflies. The butterflies are actually fairies. If the players get too close, they will be attacked.
- A group of 1d10+5 bandits have been camped out in the area and are looking for a new place to rob/loot/pillage. They’re on a scouting mission.
- A group of 1d4+4 dwarves are looking for a new place to live. They’re scouting for a place to build a new dwarven city.
- A group of 1d4+4 elves are looking for a new place to live. They’re scouting for a place to build a new elven city.
- A group of 1d4+4 humans are looking for a new place to live. They’re scouting for a place to build a new human city.
- A group of humans are celebrating the end of their harvest by consuming large amounts of ale and dancing around a bonfire. Players might be invited to join in the celebration.
- A group of 1d10+5 ogres are feasting on the remains of an elk they just killed. Players can sneak up on them and attack while they’re distracted if they want to chance it.
- A group of 1d10+5 orcs are feasting on the remains of a horse they just slaughtered. Players can sneak up on them and attack while they’re distracted if they want to chance it.
- Players find a group of men in robes, they are cultists, they are talking about a ritual to summon a demon, they have all the supplies ready, they are trying to summon a demon from the other side.
- Players find a group of men with horses, they are mercenaries. They are going to join the army for money.
- Players find a group of hunters, their camp is set up. Their hunting dogs are running around. The hunters are talking about their last hunt, they will chat for a bit if players look interested.
- Players find a group of men in robes, they are cultists. They are praying for a demon to appear, if players interfere, the cultists will attack them.
- Players find a group of men in robes, they are cultists. They are chanting and praying for a demon to appear, if players interfere, the cultists will attack them.
- A group of flying creatures lands on the ground, they are harpies and they want to steal any treasure that is on the ground or in your hands or on your person or in your bags or saddlebags or in your camp or in your wagons or in your cart or in your saddlebags or in your pockets or anywhere on your person or anywhere among your party or anywhere among any of your party’s possessions or belongings or packs or wagons or any place at all where any one of you has anything at all that can be stolen.
- A dragon swoops down at the party and attacks them on sight.
- A white dragon kills some creatures and eats them.
- The party sees a group of men who are racing across the plains, they are running from something, they need help. They were out hunting boars and were attacked by boars and now they are trying to get back home. If players help them, they will do anything to pay you back.
- Two hobgoblins with spears walk through the forest.

D&D Forest Encounters Random Table: D100
- Crashing in the distance, but moving towards the party, you hear something much bigger than a small animal moving through the trees. It appears to be coming from the direction the group was headed.
- An eerie fog covers the forest, making it difficult to see more than a few feet in front of you. Visibility is reduced by half.
- Something falls from above and lands with a crunch in front of you. Investigation reveals it to be a hazelnut.
- The smell of rot or decay hangs in the air.
- A bird flies overhead and you notice that it has a beak that is much larger than normal.
- A strange light flickers among the trees.
- A bear charges out of the trees and tries to attack. The bear is a giant black bear.
- A strange creature with no eyes or mouth peers out from the bushes. It seems to be looking straight at you. Its body is covered with a strange purple and pink fungus.
- An owlbear attacks.
- A group of 3d4 small humanoid creatures with glowing eyes attack. They are intelligent and fight with swords. They are all named Bufonius and they are all under a spell that makes them invisible to everyone except the person who named them.
- An oddly-shaped tree catches your eye.
- A bird with a large, colorful beak lands on a branch in front of you.
- You hear a deep rumbling from within the earth and a patch of ground moves and then shudders.
- The sound of a person or persons weeping carries on the wind.
- You notice a strange stringy web on one of the trees.
- A strange fungus covers the forest floor.
- You see a large, hairy creature hunched over near the trees. It is eating something that you cannot see.
- The top of some trees are covered in large, colorful mushrooms.
- A ramshorn fungus is growing in a tree.
- Birds in the trees begin to fly about in circles, then suddenly fly off in a different direction.
- The top of a tree falls and lands with a crunch in front of you.
- A large tree grows in an odd direction, leaning over to one side.
- A bird flies overhead, then drops something on you. It is a small, spherical object that breaks open when it hits, revealing many tiny insects.
- A long, thin, vine-like plant dangles from a tree and waves back and forth.
- A small dragon, no larger than a halfling, lands on a branch and watches you with great interest. It is a young adult green dragon.
- A tree with strange, pulsating purple fruit is growing nearby.
- A small area is completely covered in a white mulch.
- The fresh footprints of a large creature are leading into a patch of dense forest.
- The sound of a nearby stream fills the forest with sound.
- A distant roaring sound can be heard.
- A small field of mushrooms begins to glow and emit a strange, purple light.
- The sound of rushing water fills the forest.
- An odd, winged creature flies overhead. It has 4 wings and 4 legs, though it flies as if it only has 2 wings.
- An unusual tree grows in an odd location. Its trunk is twisted and its branches are oddly positioned.
- A patch of ground begins to move and then bursts open, sending worms and insects scurrying away in all directions.
- A small gnome stands on a rock and jumps on top of the rock. The gnome is about 2 feet tall.
- An owl flies overhead and lands in a tree nearby. It caws a few times and then stares at you with its large yellow eyes. Its eyes glow and then it flies off, still staring at you.
- You come across a tree that is completely covered in mushrooms.
- A small dragon, no larger than a cat, lands on a tree branch. He is a young adult blue dragon.
- You come across a clearing filled with mushrooms. There is a foul smell, but you can taste something sweet in the air.
- The top of a tree falls down and lands directly in front of the party. Nothing is seen in the tree before it falls down.
- You come across an unusually-shaped tree, covered in a strange vine.
- You come across a small area of mushrooms, with a goblin standing next to them. The goblin is pointing an axe at the mushrooms.
- A long, white worm is lying across the ground.
- The sound of many feet can be heard in the distance. They sound like the feet of a large creature moving through the trees.
- A small dragon, no larger than a cat, lands on a branch and studies you with curiosity. He is a baby black dragon.
- The sound of many feet can be heard in the distance. They sound like the feet of a large creature moving through the trees.
- A small area of the forest floor is covered in a smooth white substance.
- Large, colorful mushrooms are growing in a circle.
- You notice slime dripping down the side of a nearby tree.
- You see a small clearing filled with a strange white substance that sparkles in the sunlight.
- An odd, yellow-stained creature runs through the underbrush and then stops. It is a werewolf.
- Dozens of strange fungi are growing out of the side of a tree, many of which are glowing.
- A small clearing filled with dead, brown plants.
- The ground shakes and the forest rumbles. A wyvern is going berserk nearby.
- A beautiful, white mushroom is growing nearby.
- A large creature moves about in the underbrush, but it is too large for you to see.
- A small field of mushrooms appears. They disappear as you approach.
- A long, thin, vine-like plant dangles from a branch in front of you. It is covered in strange purple and pink growths.
- A ramshorn fungus is growing on a tree. It is growing in a spiral pattern around the tree.
- You see a small creature in the distance, but it disappears before you can get a good look at it.
- A branch hanging over the road falls and lands with a loud thud. Make a dexterity saving throw or take 1d10+2 damage.
- The forest floor is covered in a layer of fine, white powder.
- Several crickets are rapping on a nearby mushroom.
- The bushes beside you rustle and a small creature darts out.
- The bushes beside you rustle and a small creature darts out. It is carrying berries.
- A large and oddly-shaped tree stands in the distance.
- A small bird lands on a branch in front of you. It caws a few times and then turns and flies off.
- You see a small creature in the distance, but it disappears before you can get a good look at it.
- Shadows appear on the trees and move as if they were living beings.
- A small white owl flies out of the bushes.
- The ground shakes and the forest rumbles. A large insect is burrowing nearby.
- Small lizards dart between the bushes.
- The ground shakes and the forest rumbles. An insect is burrowing nearby.
- The bushes beside you rustle and a small creature darts out. It is carrying tiny gems.
- A large owl flies overhead and lands on a tree in front of you. It starts hooting loudly.
- A large owl flies overhead and lands on a tree in front of as. It is carrying a small animal.
- The ground shakes and the forest rumbles. An insect is burrowing nearby.
- The ground shakes and the forest rumbles. A rabbit is hopping nearby.
- Large tracks are pressed into the earth. They look like the prints of a large bear.
- You see a small creature in the distance, but it disappears before you can get a good look at it.
- A loud bang occurs nearby. Make a constitution saving throw or take 1d10+2 sonic damage.
- A small snake is crossing the path.
- You hear the sound of distant music.
- You smell a foul odor. Make a constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 2d4 damage until the end of your next turn.
- A small snake is crossing the path.
- A large owl flies overhead and lands on a tree in front of you. It is carrying berries.
- The ground shakes and the forest rumbles. A goblin is running nearby.
- You see a small creature in the distance, but it disappears before you can get a good look at it.
- A tiny red mushroom grows on the trunk of a nearby tree.
- A large owl flies overhead and lands on a tree in front of you. It starts hooting loudly.
- A large owl flies overhead and lands on a tree in front of you. It is carrying a small animal.
- The forest floor is littered with scales and small pieces of a large snake.
- A large owl flies overhead and lands on a tree in front of you. It is carrying berries.
- A small bird lands on a branch in front of you. It sings a few notes and then turns and flies off.
- You see a small creature in the distance, but it disappears before you can get a good look at it.
- A large owl flies overhead and lands on a tree in front of you. It starts hooting loudly then speaks to players in common, warning of a coming storm.
- The ground shakes and the forest rumbles. A rabbit is hopping nearby.
- Small mushrooms are growing on nearby trees.
- The ground shakes and the forest rumbles. A large rabbit is hopping nearby. It’s an experiment by a wizard that went wrong. The wizard is now dead.
D100 DND Forest Encounters
- Efreet sitting on a tree branch, laughing at the players. If they walk closer, he will attack them.
- A group of 2d6 elves are conducting a ceremony which will summon a Demon Lord. If the players interrupt, they will be attacked.
- A group of 1d6 dwarves are celebrating their victory over a nearby tribe of orcs. They will invite the players to join them in a feast, but it will turn out to be an ambush!
- A group of 2d6 dwarves are searching for a lost treasure. If the players get too close, they will attack them.
- Two groups of 2d4 goblins are fighting each other over territory. If players get too close, they will be attacked by both groups of goblins.
- A group of 2d4 dwarves are on the lookout for nearby goblins, ensuring the safety of the nearby village. If players get too close, they will attack them.
- A group of 2d4 elves are on the lookout for nearby orcs, ensuring the safety of the nearby village. If players get too close, they will attack them.
- The forest is dark and twisted, a place where nightmares come to life. A random encounter will reveal that the players are lost in the dark forest, where everything is alive. The darkness is caused by a thick darkness spell cast by an evil priest who lives nearby.
- Two groups of 2d4 gnomes are fighting each other over territory. They will invite the players to join them in their fight, but it will turn out to be an ambush!
- A group of 1d100 goblins are celebrating their victory over a nearby village. If the players get too close, they will be attacked by all the goblins!
- A Beholder is flying overhead.
- A group of traveling merchants on horseback pass by. They are carrying sacks of potatoes and onions.
- A group of bandits are riding through the forest. They are carrying sacks of potatoes and onions.
- A group of elves are riding through the forest. They are carrying sacks of potatoes and onions.
- A group of men with giant swords strapped to their backs are walking through the forest. They are talking about their swords.
- A group of men with giant swords strapped to their backs are walking through the forest. They are talking about their swords. They attack players on sight.
- The party hears a man yell out in pain. The party sees a man rolling around on the ground, holding his leg. He has been bitten by a snake.
- The party sees a man rolling around on the ground, holding his leg. He has been bitten by a snake. He is deathly afraid of snakes and will not accept help from anyone who has been touched by a snake.
- The party sees a man rolling around on the ground, holding his leg. He has been bitten by a snake. He is deathly afraid of snakes and will not accept help from anyone who has been touched by a snake. If players try to help him, he will yell at them and tell them to leave him alone!
- The party sees a man rolling around on the ground, holding his leg. He has been bitten by a snake. He is deathly afraid of snakes and will not accept help from anyone who has been touched by a snake. If players try to help him, he will yell at them and tell them to leave him alone!
- Mule deer buck, 1d4+3. Males are territorial and will attack if they feel threatened. They are fast, and their antlers are as deadly as any sword.
- Three giant elk, with giant antlers, 1d6 each. Each antler can be made into a javelin.
- The party comes upon a small clearing in the forest. In the clearing is a camp. The camp is mostly empty. However, there are a few items left behind by the campers. One of the items that is left behind is a pair of boots. One of these boots has a small hole in it. If someone puts their foot into the boot with the hole in it, they will get an electric shock. Anyone wearing the other boot gets an electric shock if they step into water.
- The party comes across a log cabin. The log cabin belongs to an old hermit. He’s an old man who likes to be left alone to read his books and enjoy his solitude. If anyone approaches he will either attack them with his dagger or he will run away into the woods. If anyone pursues him, he will try to lead them away from his log cabin by running in circles through the woods.
- A group of 3d4 gnolls approach the party and demand that they hand over their weapons and valuables to them or they will kill them all.
- A group of 1d8+3 hobgoblins come out of hiding and attempt to ambush the party while they are traveling through this forest.
- A group of 1d4+5 hobgoblins come out of hiding and attempt to attack the party while they are traveling through this forest. If they are not successful in their ambush, they will try to attack the party again 1d4 days later on their way out of the forest if the party has not killed them before then.
- A group of 1d20+5 goblins attack!
- A group of 1d4+3 orcs attack!
- A group of 3d4 goblins come out of hiding and attack!
- Peculiar Hooded figure with black robes and a strange staff. The hood covers the figures head. The figure is chanting words and circling a dead wolf. There is an odd green aura around the figure. There are several bones scattered around the area from the wolf.
- A camp of 2d6 wolves with a pack leader. The pack leader is a dire wolf. The wolves are huddled around a dying fire, the smell of which is noticeable to any players within 50′ of the camp. A strange green aura can be seen around the camp.
- A group of hunters led by a ranger named Lord Faren will approach any players and offer them information on their location and any information they have on the surrounding area.
- A group of hunters led by a ranger named Lady Nighthawk will approach any players and offer them information on their location and any information they have on the surrounding area.
- A group of men are dragging a large cage towards a camp site. They will demand any players help them drag it to their camp site. If nobody helps, the men will attack them. If players help, they will receive 2d6 silver pieces for their help. The men do not have any information on the surrounding area or anything else for that matter… They are simply bandits hoping to make some money off of people who will help them with their cage.
- A merchant wagon has crashed in the forest, spilling its contents in front of it. Any players who approach will be attacked by 2d4 bandits who will then attempt to loot the wagon if players don’t stop them!
- The sound of gnawing can be heard in the distance coming from a large tree. Any players who approach will be attacked by 2d4 giant wood rats who will then attempt to flee into their nearby den beneath a large root if players try to attack them!
- Deep within the forest, two men are sitting around a campfire, one is sitting in a chair while the other is sitting on the ground. The man sitting in the chair will ask any players if they would like to join him for dinner, which is nothing more than some small game he has caught while they were sitting around talking.
- A group of men are sitting around a campfire, talking about how they had been attacked by some strange creatures in the forest that day after they had been hunting for game for their village. One of them was killed in the attack, however they were able to fend off the creatures long enough for reinforcements to arrive from the village, where they managed to kill off all but one of the creatures which had escaped into the woods after killing another villager in front of them before escaping.
- Several men are walking through the forest carrying several dead animals on their backs. They can tell you that there are strange creatures in the woods that have been attacking hunters who entered that area recently, but nothing more than that…
- Tresendar Rangers A small group of rangers are hunting deer in the forest. They are led by a Tresendar named Duris. He is middle-aged and has a wife and two children back home in the town of Tresendar. The rangers are on a five-year contract to protect the forest from any threats.
- Families in Peril Five families of farmers are traveling through the forest to their village in the South. They are being attacked by a large group of bandits who have been robbing them along the way.
- Bandits in the Mist A large group of bandits have set up a small camp in the forest. They are planning on attacking the nearby village at nightfall. While they are sitting around the campfire, they are talking about how they used to be farmers and have been forced to turn to banditry because of the taxes placed on them by the lord of the nearby city.
- The Cult A small cult of druids have set up a camp in the forest. They are worshiping the Old Gods of Nature and hope to one day restore their temples to their original state.
- The Band The village nearby is hosting a traveling band made up of four bards and a wizard. The wizard is not very powerful, but he’s great with magic tricks and illusions that he uses during their performances. The bards are all very talented but only one is actually good at singing. The other 3 just like to sing and hope that they will gain fame through association with the good singer.
- Bullywugs A group of bullywugs have set up a small camp in the forest near a small pond. They are currently sitting around their campfire, laughing at each other’s jokes and drinking mostly water with a little bit of wine mixed in to celebrate their latest successful raid on a nearby village’s food stores.
- A group of hunters are tracking down a large boar that has been terrorizing the village nearby for the past several weeks. They hope to kill it before it kills anyone else in the village.
- A group of hunters are tracking down a large boar that has been terrorizing their village for the past several weeks. They hope to kill it before it kills anyone else in their village.
- A group of young elven adventurers are on their first mission together deep in the woods where they believe an ancient ruin is located where an ancient artifact is being held by a powerful lich who is not yet awake or aware of their presence yet.
- A group of young elven adventurers are on their first mission together deep in the woods where they believe an ancient ruin is located where an ancient artifact is being held by a powerful lich who is not yet awake or aware of their presence yet.
- A group of 4d10 Hobgoblins lead by a hobgoblin shaman (Level two) are marching through the thick forest. They are marching to the east, towards a nearby village. 1d4+4 hobgoblin warriors are with the group.
- A group of 4d10 goblins lead by a bugbear (Level two) are hiding in the bushes. They are hiding from a group of human rangers who are hunting them.
- A group of 4d10 kobolds are hiding in the bushes. They are hiding from a group of humans (Level two) who are hunting them. The humans are not very good at hunting kobolds, and might attack the players if they find them first.
- A group of 4d10 orcs are hiding in the bushes. They are hiding from a group of humans who are hunting them. The humans are not very good at hunting orcs, and might attack the players if they find them first.
- A group of 3d10 hobgoblins lead by a hobgoblin warrior are hunting in the forest. They are hunting for food to bring back to their tribe.
- A group of 1d4+4 bandits are hiding in the bushes. They are hiding from a group of hobgoblins who are hunting them.
- A group of 1d4+4 goblins are hiding in the bushes. They are hiding from a group of orcs who are hunting them.
- A flock of 1d10+10 birds flies overhead, chirping loudly as they do so.
- A group of 4d10 kobolds lead by a kobold shaman is hiding in the bushes. They are hiding from a group of humans who are hunting them.
- A group of 3d10 orcs lead by an orc shaman is hunting in the forest. They are hunting for food to bring back to their tribe.
- Raging bears are on the hunt for food, and if they find players, they will attack.
- The players come across a small village of 10 humanoids (goblins, kobolds, orcs, etc) who are celebrating a recent victory over their enemies.
- A pack of 5 wolves are hunting for food. If players are nearby, they will attack.
- A group of 2d6 goblins are celebrating their recent victory over a nearby village.
- A witch has placed a curse on the players and they must find a way to reverse it before it’s too late. The witch’s cottage is nearby and she can be found there, if players can find it…
- A group of 2d8 cultists are sacrificing a young woman to their dark god in hopes of bringing about the end of the world…
- The players come across a small village that has been sacked by a group of 2d10 orcs…
- A group of 2d4 gnolls are hunting for food. If players are nearby, they will attack.
- A group of 2d4 gnolls are hunting for food. If players are nearby, they will attack. They’re led by a hobgoblin shaman who has an eye patch over one eye… he can cast one spell per day…
- The players come across an old hermit who has been living in this area for years. He knows about the nearby dungeons and other areas of interest in the region…
- Crazed Druid. The group sees a group of five men in robes, they see the group, they charge. They are crazed and will kill everyone.
- A man is standing on the side of the path, he is injured. He can not walk. He will beg for help and then attack the closest person when they try to help him.
- A group of men are standing around a campfire, they are singing songs and telling stories. If anyone approaches, they will invite them to join in. They are actually plotting to rob and kill anyone who joins in their camp.
- Two men are sitting on the side of the path, they are arguing about something. If anyone approaches, they will stop their argument and one of them will ask for directions to a nearby town. They will ask for a donation to their cause and give directions if given one. The directions are wrong and if players follow them, they will get lost in the forest for several days.
- A group of children are playing tag in the forest. They look up and see the group, they run away screaming ‘monster!’
- A group of men and women are walking down the path singing a song about a hero fighting a dragon in these woods recently.
- Two men are arguing about something, one of them is trying to convince the other to do something against his will.
- A man is sitting against a tree, he is injured. He will beg for help, then attack when someone gets close enough to help him.
- A man is standing on the side of the path, he is lost and looking for the path out of the forest. He is drunk and will keep wandering off if not escorted back to the path by someone who does not want to get lost in this forest themselves.
- A group of children are playing tag in the forest. They look up at the players and run away screaming ‘monster!’
- Lying on the ground before you is a dead warrior. The corpse is holding a shield in one hand, and has a bloody sword in the other. It is obvious that the man was killed in battle. If the party investigates, they will find that the corpse is of a level 2 fighter named John, and he was part of an adventuring party that got lost in the forest.
- Down the trail, the party spots a man standing in the center of the trail. He waves for the party to come over to him. When the party gets closer, he says that he has lost his way and asks if the party can help him find his way back to town. If players are nice, he will give them a magic ring as a thank you gift. If players are mean, they can rob him and leave him to die.
- An old woman dressed in black robes approaches the party and asks them to help her with something. She wants them to help her with a ritual at her house. If players are nice, she will give them a magic sword. If players are mean, she will curse them and send a skeleton warrior after them.
- A group of men are walking down the road. They are arguing about something. The party can choose to listen in on their conversation to find out what they’re talking about. The men are talking about the local tavern and one of the men is complaining because he can’t get in because he’s too poor.
- Inside the trunk of a tree, there is a large owl sitting there. It hoots at the party and flies off down the road.
- A circle of stones marks the site where an ancient druidic ritual was performed.
- Two warriors are standing guard over a pile of treasure that they found in a cave. They will not let anyone near it or steal it. They will attack anyone who tries to do so.
- A horde of zombies lurch out of the woods and attack the party!
- The party sees a group of men and women walking down the road. If players talk to them, they will find out that they are members of a cult who are looking for new members to join their group and worship their god, who is actually a demon goddess in disguise named Lilith who wants to turn all humans into her undead minions and then rule over them as their supreme goddess! If players join the cult, they’ll get free room and board at their cult headquarters until they can prove that Lilith is actually working for Tiamat or some other evil god or goddess trying to take over the world!
- In front of you is a signpost with three arrows pointing in different directions. One arrow points to an abandoned dwarven mine, one arrow points to an abandoned elven village, and one arrow points to an abandoned human village.
- Wagon 1d6+10 orcs are escorted by a cleric and several knights on horseback. The knights are escorting the orcs to their stronghold in the mountains.
- A group of 2d4+4 gnomes are searching for a lost treasure in the forest. They are lead by a wise, old gnome who is the only one who knows where the treasure is.
- A group of 2d4 humans are hunting for food. They are led by a paladin who is looking for a lost temple which is said to be filled with food.
- A group of 2d4 halflings are traveling to a nearby village to sell their goods. They are lead by a bard who is looking for a party to join.
- A group of 2d4 human merchants are traveling to a nearby town to sell their goods. They are lead by a wizard who has cast a charm spell on the merchants to make them believe they are rich when they arrive in the town.
- A group of 2d4 hobbits are traveling to a nearby town to sell their goods. They are led by a wizard who is looking for a party to join.
- A group of 2d4 humans are traveling to a nearby village to sell their goods. They are led by a rogue who is looking for a party to join.
- A group of 1d10 bandits are camped near the road, waiting for travelers to pass by so they can rob them.
- A band of 2d6 berserkers attack the party, believing that they have been wronged and that they can right the wrongs by attacking anyone who crosses their path.
- A group of 1d10 knights on horseback pass by, escorting a nobleman to his castle which is nearby.
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