This is a list of 20 Dwarven Clan Names and Symbols for a fantasy tabletop RPG like D&D or Pathfinder. Feel free to change these Dwarven Clan Names and Descriptions as needed for your particular campaign and world.
- Dwarven Clan Names and Symbols
- 1) The Stonebreakers
- 2) Hammers of Death
- 3) The Wolf Clan
- 5) The Phoenix Ashes
- 6) The Hammering Clans
- 7) The Crowslayers
- 8) The White Lions
- 9) The Forgeclans
- 10) The Ironbloods
- 11) The Gullwings
- 12) The Dancing Devils
- 13) The Redeemers
- 14) The Glacial Greys
- 15) The Deep Dwellers
- 16) The Bluewoods
- 17) The Red Marshalls
- 18) The Warforged
- 19) The Black Hills
- 20) The Sapphire Blades
- More Dwarven Clan Names and Symbols
Dwarven Clan Names and Symbols
Feel free to use these Dwarven Clan Names for your fantasy tabletop campaign.
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1) The Stonebreakers
Started by Erin the Mighty Red, a dwarven prince from the Inner Kingdom, this clan’s symbol is a pile of rubble. The clan was started as a response to a neighboring elven kingdom’s demand of taxes. Erin the Mighty Red and his clan of dwarves went on a rampage, breaking the stone pillars of the elven kingdom. For twelve years, they sought out to destroy everything the elven kingdom made.
The Stonebreakers name came about because any stone columns or castles they found, they would take and break them (which is what stonebreakers do). One of their common battle tactics was to start fires to smoke out the enemy, then charge them with an axe. They also employed massive dwarven hammers that they used to crush all sorts of stone. Their homeland is from the Inner Kingdom from the Farlands.
2) Hammers of Death
A dwarven clan from northern Shaelia, the Hammers of Death are a massive force that wield heavy hammers. Their symbol is a black hammer with elvish blood dripping from it, and the Hammers of Death always wear that clan’s symbol as a badge of honor. Legend has it that the first ancestor of all dwarves used a huge hammer to kill an entire army of elves and giants.
During the war, his hammer didn’t break and remained as powerful as ever. Every Hammer clan member is said to wield divine weapons forged by Hephaestus himself (not quite right but close enough). The Hammers are led by Rouglek Elitehammer who wears a spiked earring in his left ear (he won it in an arm wrestling match against the Emperor’s champion). His eyesight is so good he can see movement from miles away, even when ambushed in caves or tunnels!
3) The Wolf Clan
A Dwarven Clan that rules over what used to be northern Shaelia (and recently conquered more land on its southern border), they are easily recognizable due to gray-green armor with white wolf insignia on their armor. They started out with only 10 members, each member having some sort of animal companion which they pledge loyalty too. Their homeland is not far southwards from northern Shaelia (which was once ruled by another dwarven clan called Warrangers who fought against Magic Wielders four years before this story takes place).
Now, thanks to their leadership, they have expanded their borders into what used to be occupied territory for Loreunites before they began digging for gold under every inch of land there.. However, this has caused more than a little trouble as the Loreunites now hate them for taking all of their land and now refer to themselves as Charreds because of the eternal wildfire that burns underneath every inch of rock that they’ve dug. The Wolf Clan’s national emblem is a white wolf skull with glowing red eyes.4) The Thunderclap
A dwarven clan from the Inner Kingdom, this clan has produced legendary warriors who have mastered combat proficiency with large two-handed axes. Their symbol is an axe head shimmering with electricity, since thunderclaps are so loud sometimes it can paralyze anyone nearby who hears it. They are led by an infamous dwarf named Lo Grak Lodestone, whose family has been nicknamed “the Stormbreaker Clan” because his father once unleashed a lightning storm that caused great damage to Stryciem castle (Loreunite capital). They are known among the Dwarven Clan Names to be fearsome.
However, they swore loyalty to king Tran during the siege on Stryciem castle before he began his crusade against Magic Wielders three years ago. Nowadays, they’re mostly used to protect Stryciem Castle from outside threats or sometimes even other clans within Stryciem itself! At one point during the siege on Stryciem Castle by Loreunite conquerors, Lo Grak managed to casted lightning bolts at three separate sections of attackers at once! However what makes him unique is not his skill but rather how he got it: he lived in dark caves for ten years without sunlight, solely training himself until he felt like using power strikes against enemies would cause more harm than good.
5) The Phoenix Ashes
This ancient clan from Southwest Taiyo is led by the dwarfish warrior Kazabon, who was known as a master of fire magic. However, he was exiled for not joining Emperor Tran’s crusade against Magic Wielders. His exile was eventually lifted by a clan leader named Hochstenbach after the latter got into a confrontation with another dwarven clan called Fire Belchers.
The Phoenix Ashes can sometimes be seen wearing purple armor and flying on flames across the ground at great speeds! Their homeland mostly consists of underground mines where their ancestors have been digging for ores since time immemorial. They always carry swords with them ever since their ancestors were driven from their homeland in northern Shaelia by humans who perceived them as “subhuman” to other races during the fall of Shaelia at one point in history (There’s no real evidence that they were humans though but rather just an evolution).
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6) The Hammering Clans
A Warrior Clan hailing from eastern Kovac (a country found between Hehehe and Mistharbor). The Hammering Clan is well-known for its dexterity and skill with hammers; wielding these massive weapons like nunchucks if need be! This clan is also famous for spending most days training hammer-swinging exercises; swinging hammers around like it was second nature to the members themselves! Unfortunately, they tend to self-destruct once combat starts or even before it begins due to all of that training getting too much stress on their bodies and having nowhere else to vent it off every other day except combat!
However, those who manage to defeat a Hammering Clan member will receive a large hammer as a reward from the clan’s leader! The main symbol of the Hammering Clan is a screaming human face on a dark blue background. Within Kovac itself, their homeland consists of underground mines where they spend most of their time preparing for battle against opposing clans. For this reason alone it is somewhat foolish to attack them within their homeland unless you want half your army to be crippled by the injuries each Hammering Clan member has inflicted upon themselves just to prove that combat expertise can indeed damage one’s body over time if not practiced correctly.
7) The Crowslayers
This Dwarven clan isn’t unique in all aspects but what makes them so special is how they treat other races outside Dwarves and Elves: Rudely at best and downright bluntly rude at worst! Their symbol is a black crow with red eyes found on every surface of an average Crowslayer soldier, but whenever it appears inside buildings or other buildings owned by other people/clans/species then it gets painted over or scratched off no matter how hard that paint or drapery material may be! When it comes to Dwarven Clan Names, this one isn’t too unique, but it’s not horrible.
Granted, the only real reason behind this behavior from this particular minority group from western Farlands was because they were mistreated during Megaridian occupation several years before Emperor Tran rose up to take control after he conquered all four kingdoms in northern Farlands (The story takes place three years after Emperor Tran’s crusade initially started). After many things happened between non-dwarvish people and Dwarves in general, Emperor Tran took control of Farlands gathered his allies then started his crusade against all magic users in three years time.
Now, after stirring up all kinds of trouble among non-dwarves, Emperor Tran’s armies are in the middle of conquering Taiyo (and about to conquer Loreun). However at one point during the Megaridian occupation many in this clan were tortured by humans who thought they were simpler than them. So for this matter alone, the Crowslayers treat everyone outside Dwarves and Elves with disdain!
8) The White Lions
A Warrior Clan hailing from northern Kovac (a country found between Hehehe and Mistharbor). They are warriors who use large hammers that pack a huge punch but can also be used to block attacks from other weapons at need be. Their symbol is a white lion skull found on their armor which is normally white or grayish blue depending on what region you’re talking about since Kovac’s regions tend to have different colored armor based on how wealthy they are themselves!
The White Lions are led by Arkan Skullbreaker, an honorable dwarf who joined Emperor Tran’s crusade against Magic Wielders after he defeated Ormzius Firebane , an infamous Dwarf General known for being dishonorable himself! This fact made Arkan famous because his house had been destroyed by Ormzius Firebane during the Megaridian occupation several years ago while he was out hunting lions! Ever since then, Arkan has sworn revenge upon him for destroying his house and murdering his parents!
While the White Lions are honored with fighting just for honor’s sake, they have a kind of ‘positive bigotry’ going on. They believe the only reason they don’t war with any other races in Farlands is because there is no point since there aren’t enough people to go around anyway! Given their beliefs, they’ve fought a lot of wars against other Dwarves from other clans who have been at odds with them ever since Clan Leader Ormzius Firebane started this thing called the Great War several years ago.
In fact that “about three years before Emperor Tran rose up to take control after he conquered four different kingdoms” time period would be when Arkan Skullbreaker defeated Ormzius Firebane during one of their many battles over ‘who’s better!’! The White Lions do not consider themselves land hungry by any means though, but rather honest about how resources work in all parts of our world naturally. They simply spell out how things really work without a hint grim or a glint from behind their eyes when it comes to basic nature itself!
9) The Forgeclans
Similar looking to Clan Mjöllnir but also similar calling themselves members of this clan who battle magic users that wade into battle using weapons made from materials other than metal too. So, that includes wood and bone or anything else besides metal for forging purposes (even trees can be used if you know what you’re doing). As with many Dwarven Clan Names, the Forgeclans chose a name that deals with what they enjoy and what they excel at doing.
Their symbol is an iron furnace/smelter found on most shields and Giantfists they use for battle which is usually red with a black smelter symbol on it. Their armor is usually dark-red and black, sometimes white and black if they’re from the Kovac area. The Forgeclans are led by Ullrplundr , a Dwarf whose family was killed by Ormzius Firebane during the Megaridian occupation several years ago while he was out hunting lions! Ever since then, Ullrplundr has sworn revenge upon him for destroying his household and murdering his parents!
10) The Ironbloods
This particular clan of Dwarves goes without weapons or armor of any sort (at least publicly) but stand proud in their bare feet, hands (knuckles), shoulders (clavicle), head (skull), back (spine), chest (thorax), stomach, groin area and legs! They do not use shields either due to their belief that shields will only get in the way of various techniques unique to this clan: Guillotine Throw/Massive Parry Move/Fling Move/Offensive Move known as the Big Axe Throw! Their symbol is a large axe symbol found mainly on top of their shins when fighting.
A large axe symbol under their bare feet is considered one big enemy when fighting Ironbloods in unarmed combat since bare feet/hands can break bones just as easily as they can break bone-like materials such as steel itself so going against an enraged ironblood who’s willing to tear your limbs off piece by piece would be a bad idea indeed! The Ironbloods are led by Ljóstakr , a Dwarf whose family was killed by Ormzius Firebane during the Megaridian occupation several years ago while he was out hunting lions! Ever since then, Ljóstakr has sworn revenge upon him for destroying his household and murdering his parents!

11) The Gullwings
A clan of Dwarves who wield large poles or rods that they use for both offense and defensive purposes. Their symbol is a gull (commonly known as seagulls and other related sea-dwelling birds) with wings spread wide found on the end of their weapon usually. They love to fly into battle striking enemies from above then gliding away to another location for another charge into enemy lines. However when they’re not fighting in the air (like flying high up in the skies).
They go all over town attacking innocent people just because it’s fun and everything has consequences even if nobody cares enough about consequences until it’s too late already! The Gullwings clan is led by Jarlgonn, a Dwarf whose family was killed by Ormzius Firebane during the Megaridian occupation several years ago. Ever since then, Jarlgonn has sworn revenge upon him for destroying his family’s honor. Their feud is well known in the kingdom.
12) The Dancing Devils
An all female clan of Dwarves who fight using daggers, axes, hand axes, throwing daggers (which they carry in two small loops on the belt they wear), or any other kind of blade that can be thrown (includes arrows). Their symbol is a devil symbol found various places on the belt itself. They’re not particularly known for anything except how attractively badass these ladies are when it comes to fighting in battle or when performing dances for fun. Don’t get them confused with girls who dance no matter what the situation is!
No, these girls use their knowledge of how battles work in order to decide whether or not something needs to be danced out…or if dancing would even help whoever she’s supposed to defend in that particular instance. This warrior clan also takes great pride in becoming sisters with one another since it’s hard enough trying to take down one woman at a time without adding more women into the mix!
The Dancing Devils are led by Eir , an All-Female Dwarf Clan originally from Hehehe but now live within western Farlands borders after Emperor Tran rose from obscurity from being a mere citizen up until he became Emperor over Megaridia , thus beginning Tran Dynasty before conquering northern Farlands three years ago.
13) The Redeemers
A clan of Dwarves who wield light weapons or sometimes non-weapon objects that they use to strike enemies. Their symbol is a red cross found on various places across their weapons or armor if they wear armor, otherwise it’s just seen on the weapon itself. As with most Dwarven Clan Names, the Redeemers work hard to maintain their reputation.
They’re not particularly known for anything except how caring friendly this group of Dwarves are when it comes to defending others in battle by either knocking out enemies with the backsides of their weapons so that the enemy will drop like limp ragdolls (which includes metal pipes, rods, sticks, wands with magical capabilities (most commonly white magic), etc.), stunning them in place by attacking their feet which makes them unable to move around especially during battles in tight quarters like rocky tunnels or caves where you can’t run away without leaving an escape route behind you when your back is turned towards the enemy because your friends might need your help!
This warrior clan also takes great pride in becoming brothers with one another since it’s hard enough trying to take down one man at a time without adding more men into the mix! The Redeemers are led by Jokird , a Dwarf whose family was killed by Ormzius Firebane during the Orwellknown invasion several years ago. They are known to yell, “For the Clan!” in battle, even if they’re losing.
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14) The Glacial Greys
A clan of Dwarves who wield any kind of axe, polearm, spear, etc. weapon that they use to strike enemies. Their symbol is a glacial or snowflake symbol found on various places across their weapons or armor. This warrior clan takes great pride in becoming brothers with one another since it’s hard enough trying to take down one man at a time without adding more men into the mix! Among other Dwarven Clan Names, theirs is somewhat unique.
Their current leader is Khord, a Dwarf whose family was killed by Zan Firebane during the First Crimorian War several months ago. He is a bitter man but a good leader. He wants his clan to succeed and get rich. They can be hired by players for all sorts of tasks. If players don’t know a lot about Dwarven Clan Names, they might mistake this gesture for one of weakness or greed. It’s actually respect.
15) The Deep Dwellers
A clan of Dwarves who practice arcane magic and forge weapons of renown. This clan’s symbol is a forge with an anvil hammer inside the forge. They are known for their skill in crafting magical weapons of great power. A great honor among Dwarves is to be taken by one of the cities’ smithies and have them forges a new weapon for you. If a Dwarf cannot find a weapon they can wield, they may be forced to rely on their fists or buckler shields.
Dwarven weapons are renowned for being both powerful and sturdy, even if they lack in magical enchantment compared to similar magic items from other races such as Elves who prefer the more ornamental feel of magic items over effectiveness. They are led by Vord , whose family was killed during the second Megaridian invasion five years ago after previously surviving through the first one which took place eleven years ago!
16) The Bluewoods
This clan has woodsy imagery with tree stumps and branches as their symbol calling into question that this clan’s name is involved with trees like: Wooden trees? No! It’s bluewood not wood! How can we tell? Because these guys share nothing in common with those who call themselves Wood elves except that maybe both types of beings (Dwarves & Wood Elves) think each other’s names sound like something stupid but they really don’t mind since it’s not worth making any fuss about it now especially when there seems to be so much at stake…or maybe those two groups actually do share some very deep connections now that I think about it: Both versions look at each other either skeptically or nonchalantly depending on how friendly or suspicious everyone happens to feel at any given time.
However, back to what I was saying: The Bluewoods are led by Jokor, who had his younger brother killed two years ago during the final battle of the First Megaridian Invasion! Since that time, Jokor has concentrated on his clan, trying to make them well known throughout Zaidan.
17) The Red Marshalls
A clan of Dwarves who sing battle songs and attack any orcs or elves they see on sight. This mighty clan is known for their symbol which changes depending on the leader, although it’s most commonly found as a red hammer symbol. As with many Dwarven Clan Names, the Red Marshalls have not changed their name in a long time.
They are led by Jarlg , who has lost his parents during the first Megaridian Invasion fifteen years ago after Farland was invaded but only came to know of this fact after he had succeeded in establishing himself into his new role as Emperor of Farlands fourteen years later!
The Red Marshalls are known for being extremely ruthless, though they typically separate themselves from Goblin races who seldom threaten other races (even Dwarves) if their territory is not threatened.
18) The Warforged
A clan of Dwarves who ride on war-forged horses and use magical bows to fight. This mighty clan is known for their symbol which changes depending on the leader: If it’s a Hammer and Axe along with an Iron Shield, then you know you’re dealing with a Dwarf this time instead of an Orc! Unlike most Dwarven Clan Names, the Warforged are known to change their symbol unlike other Dwarven Clan Names.
They specialize in using crossbows even if they don’t carry them around too often because those kinds of weapons aren’t exactly good at dealing damage when used against groups or swarms especially since any weak point that could be exploited such as narrow corridors or confined spaces can easily be turned against those wielding melee weapons like daggers and swords!
They’re led by Jaktar Rockbottom, who had his younger sister killed two years ago during the final battle of the First Megaridian Invasion! These guys absolutely hate goblins even more than other people tend to feel about Goblins so back off or else these guys will kill anyone…including women and children. They are known for being ruthless mercenaries who work for dwarves or those friendly to dwarves – unless the price is right.
19) The Black Hills
This new clan was started by Ornside Thornbristle, a dwarven battle captain with experience in the third Grafter War. The clan’s symbol is three spires joined together at their peaks, representing the highest mountains in the clan’s domain. As with other Dwarven Clan Names, the Black Hills are proud of their heritage.
They wear heavy plate armor and wield heavy weaponry. They are currently helping the Dwarves of Mt. Metaz to bolster their defenses against goblin raids until they can find a way to accomplish this task for themselves without becoming too distracted by other important matters.
20) The Sapphire Blades
A clan of Dwarves who wield blue-colored weapons and spellcasting abilities along with great battlesong skills to help them release enemy spells back toward their casters! They are a popular and growing clan who is always recruiting new members. They are known across Zaidan as being one of the biggest and fastest growing dwarven clans in existence.
This mighty clan is known for their symbol which changes depending on the leader, although it’s most commonly found as a glowing sapphire gemstone surrounded by seven short staves that meet at its center point like an upside down star if that stands out more than just seeing stars around any kind of gemstone!
These guys absolutely love magic because they’ve got lots of magical tricks up their sleeves along with some really impressive jewelry.
More Dwarven Clan Names and Symbols
I’m working on additional lists of Dwarven Clan Names, so stay tuned for more. Be sure to bookmark the site or remember the name, Random Tables RPG. Dwarven Clan Names can really add flavor to your fantasy tabletop campaign. I might even create a generator to come up with Dwarven Clan Names over at LitRPG Adventures soon.
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