This is a list of 100 unique and interesting items that can be found in a forest setting. The items are generally mundane but they are not the usual items found in a forest setting. The items are written in a way that they are easy to read and easy to use. There is no atmosphere or setting given, it is up to the GM and the players to describe it in a way that makes sense and to create a world around the items.
100 Things Found in a Forest
- Dead boar
- A red statue of a fairy
- A cage with two rabbits in it
- A bone dagger in a tree stuck in a tree
- A red leather boot. It fits the left foot. When worn, a magical boot appears on the right foot.
- Two empty cages
- A book with a title of “Melody of Betrayal” by Theodosius D’Saw
- A faded leather pouch with 4 copper pieces inside. The drawstring breaks if anyone tries to close it.
- A wooden chest that belongs to a lost merchant. It is locked with a silver key. Nothing of value is inside.
- A broken spear
- A dead dog with a broken neck
- A small stone statue of a dwarf.
- A broken bow missing a bowstring.
- A giant silver wolf pelt that has been rotted by time. It could be used as a blanket or be used as a symbolic decoration.
- A giant bird’s nest made of sticks and leaves.
- A small leather pouch containing 10 gold pieces
- A large stone with a rune of unknown origin on it.
- A large wood carving of a symbol of Beldaroon.
- A small purse of twenty silver pieces.
- A small leather pouch containing a pair of dice that are made of bone.
- An old fashioned hand crank music box that plays a beautiful melody. (Worth 200 gold pieces)
- A red cloak with a hood. (Worth 4 gold pieces)
- A large silver piece of a shield in a tree. (Worth 50 gold pieces)
- A small chest made of bamboo with a silver key hole resting on top. (Worth 500 gold pieces)
- A large yellow gem that is worth 20 gold pieces.
- A large wooden door with a sign that says ‘Danger! Exploding rock!’
- A black leather satchel with a red symbol of a skull. It is filled with a strange black powder that is harmless but smells bad.
- Thirteen oblong white stones completely covered in something that looks like frost. Each one weighs about a pound and could be used as a weapon. (They are icicles.)
- A large birdcage with no birds in it.

- A leather sack with a bone needle, a leather strap, and a bottle with a blue glowing powder that will curse any who touch it.
- A large cracked stone with a map of the land carved into it.
- A large bird’s nest with three eggs in it.
- A small pouch with a tag that says ‘Finders Keepers’. Inside there is a gold piece.
- A large collection of candles. (There are 25 candles in it)
- A small leather pouch containing a drawing of a small fire demon.
- A small leather pouch containing 4 candy hearts with a message inside of them.
- A small leather pouch containing 8 glass beads.
- A bag of dirt with a hole in it. If left alone for a period of twelve hours, the dirt will turn into dirt that has a type of root that will grow anything. (Found in the forest)
- A large bird’s nest with a little yellow chick in it.
- A leather strip with a strange symbol on it.
- A long wooden pole with a leather strap at the bottom. The pole is for carrying buckets of water through the jungle.
- A small leather pouch containing a tiny silver piece shaped like a castle. (Worth 10 gold pieces)
- A wooden chest with a wooden lock that can be picked. There is a rotten apple core inside and a crudely carved smiley face.
- A small white statue of some sort of lizard creature.
- A large red gem worth 100 gold pieces.
- A large wooden chest that is half rotted. It is filled with a gold coin collection. (There are 10 gold coins in the chest)
- A large wooden chest that is locked. Inside there is a poison.
- A small pile of armor pieces that have rusted together.
- A leather pouch containing a piece of wire.
- A large white gem that is worth 10 gold pieces.

- A small wooden chest with a broken latch. Inside there is a piece of parchment with a drawing of a bird from a mad wizard’s dream.
- A large leather pouch with a small half-burned candle inside.
- A small silver box containing a large black beetle with two antennae.
- A large feather of some sort that has a leather strap attached to it.
- A small leather bag containing a leather strap with a silver buckle. There is a small sheathed knife clipped on to it.
- A leather pouch with a rusty iron key inside.
- A large wooden chest with a solid iron lock on it. There is a very old flower drawing on the front and the initials of a woman.
- A small leather pouch containing a bird feather.
- A silver miniature flute.
- A large white sack filled with acorns.
- A small leather pouch containing a ring with a black stone in it.
- A small wooden chest with a symbol of a lion on the front. Inside there is a poisonous powder.
- A small leather pouch with an old picture and an old lock of hair in it.
- A large leather pouch containing hundreds of small metal buttons.
- A large wooden door with a metal keyhole. There is a small smashed log on the door.
- A small leather pouch containing a lock of red hair.
- A large metal key for a large iron chest.
- A wooden chest with a metal lock cover hanging from it. Inside there is a large metal key and a cloth.
- A large stuffed bear. (It could be used as a pillow.)
- A large wooden chest that is covered in lime. The iron lock bar is sticking to the wood. Inside there is a white powder that will make anyone touching it itch for hours.
- A small chest with a strange metal lock on it. The latch is covered in a slime. Inside there is a bone toothbrush that is enchanted to hum a tune while you’re brushing. It’s kinda creepy, to be honest.
- A large wooden chest with a decorated metal lock. Inside there is a small notebook and a picture.

- A large metal cage with 2 rabbits in it.
- A large metal cage with a monkey and a parrot inside.
- A large metal cage with a ventriloquist dummy inside.
- A large metal cage with a crow inside.
- A small leather pouch filled with 5 gold pieces.
- A large wooden chest filled with a strange odor. There is a small bloodstain on the lid.
- A small wooden chest with a solid iron lock. Inside there is a piece of paper filled with strange writings on it.
- A large metal cage with a parrot inside of it.
- A wooden log that looks like a crocodile. Only a 19 perception check will notice it’s a log.
- A small silver coin with a picture of a castle on one side and a swan on the other.
- A large wooden chest with a rusty iron lock on it. Inside there is a spoon of some sort that looks like it was covered in a red chalky substance.
- A small wooden chest with a solid iron lock. Inside there is a piece of paper with a list of names on it.
- A small leather pouch containing a tiny piece of shiny metal.
- A small leather pouch containing a small piece of metal that has a solid earth color to it. (It’s magnetite)
- A small wooden chest with a solid gold lock. Inside there are a bunch of sheets of paper that have curses written on them.
- A small leather pouch containing a solid gold coin. The coin is covered in thick dirt.
- A small golden statue of a wolf.
- A small golden statue of a bear.
- A small golden statue of a tiger.
- A small wooden chest with a solid gold lock. Inside there is a piece of paper with a drawing of a gold key on it.
- A small sack filled with gold coins.
- A pile of leaves that looks too large to be natural. Maybe gnolls are involved? It smells like wet dogs in the area.
- A small leather pouch containing a dead spider.
- A small leather pouch containing a gold coin of the local kingdom.
- A small leather pouch containing a solid gold coin.
- A small leather pouch containing a small brass coin.
- A small leather pouch containing a small silver coin.
- A small leather pouch containing a small bone coin.
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