10 Science-Fiction Mutants

Here’s ten science-fiction mutant background ideas for your science-fiction tabletop RPG campaign.

1) O’Connor – Male Dog-Humanoid

Powers: (High Intelligence) (Brute Strength)

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O’Connor is a dog-man (an example of a canine mutation). He’s a loner and he’s not really interested in saving the world. He’s out for himself and that’s that. He’s a bit of a coward and he doesn’t like to be in the spotlight. However, he was in the hot­el when the Happening occurred and later in the lim­ousine in the Presidential motorcade.

He’s in the right place at the right time, so what can he do? He’s been a soldier all his life and he might as well stick around and fight the good fight. Besides, he has a soft spot for the cute little girl, Lucy. In addition to his natural dog-humanoid abilities, he has the human traits of psionic Telepathy and Psycho-Kinesis.


He is a bit of a coward, but he has a good heart. He likes to have a few friends around, to play a joke on, and to have a good time. He’s a pretty decent fellow. He’s a good sport and a good sport.


O’Connor is a dog-humanoid who looks like a cross between a dog and a man, except he is larger than a man. He stands about 14′ tall and weighs about five tons (10,000 pounds) and stands about twice as tall as a human. He has a long, pointed, doglike muzzle with a short, pointed, mane of red hair. He has four long, upright tails.

He has a long body with a short neck, a short, pointed, mane, and a red-brown color. He has a pointed, “wolf-like” head, with a long, wolf-like, pointed snout. He has red-brown fur and long, pointed ears. He has a long body with a short, pointed, mane and four long, upright tails.

He possesses the canine non-psionic power of Electro-Telekinesis. O’Connor has a very short temper and likes to play pranks. He is quite an athlete and is very good at throwing balls and leaping over great distances.


If it’s left up to him, O’Connor won’t fight. If he has to, he’ll use his human and animal phys­ical attributes to fight, but he doesn’t like this. He might find it easier to use his psionic powers to get out of a tight situation.

2) Wanda – Female Cheetah-Humanoid

Powers: (Advanced Hearing) (Telepathy) (Chicken Attack)


Wanda is a Cheetah-mutant who was the personal nurse to Dr. Schmuck, a very old and sick scientist. Although she wasn’t the brightest person, she was good at her job. She has been a nurse to him for twelve years, and she knows him very well. Wanda is extremely loyal to Dr. Schmuck and his orders. She would never disobey a direct order from him, even if she thought that the order was wrong or ill-advised.


Wanda is a loyal individual who will do whatever she is ordered to do. She believes that Dr. Schmuck is a great man and that he has a wonderful plan for the world! She believes that the greatest good for the greatest number of people is the only way to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for all. She will be loyal to the Doctors of Doom as long as they have the best of intentions.

This means she will follow their orders as long as those orders are for the greater good of the world. If she is ordered to do something that goes against her own personal moral code, she will obey, even if she thinks it is wrong, but she will never like it. Wanda is loyal to the point of blind obedience. She will never betray any member of the Doctors of Doom to an enemy.

She will never betray the group, not even if she herself was betrayed.


Wanda is a cheetah-woman. She stands 8′ tall (taller than the average woman) and weighs around 575 pounds (larger than the average woman). She has long black hair which she keeps up in two ponytails. Her oval-shaped face is colored yellow with black, brown, white, and red markings. She has lily-white skin, long black claws, and long oval-shaped ears.

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Her cat-like eyes are yellow in color. She has a long tail which she uses to help her balance. Her hair is colored yellow with black tips. She wears a Nurse’s uniform consisting of long white gloves, long white felt boots, a white collared shirt, a white skirt, and a long white cape. Wanda normally walks with a natural gait, which means that she walks on her two legs.

However, if she has to run she has to use her hind legs. She can, if she has to, run at 75 miles per hour for up to an hour. She has the Non-Psionic powers of Telepathy, ESP, and Clairsentience. She can also Climb, Prowl, Leap, and Land.

Physically, she is super strong, super agile, super fast, super tough, super acrobatic, super intelligent, super-endurance, super-reflexes, super-mimicry, super leap, super climb, super stealth, super senses, super-speed, super-strength, and super-swim.


Wanda is first and foremost, a healer. However, she is also a formidable hand-to-hand combatant.

3) Gertrude Dilbert – Female Kangoaoo-Humanoid

Powers: (High Intelligence) (Advanced Vision) (Mental Blast)


Gertrude Dilbert is a dentis­t who has become a kangaroo-humanoid. Her body is covered in fur, her feet are hooves, her face is small and she has a long, thick, reddish brown tail. She is very attractive, has long red-brown hair, and is married to Robert Dilbert, who was born a kangaroo-man.

Gertrude has been an excellent dentist since the day she started, but she does have a secret. She has devoted herself to the study of human teeth, human mouths, human jaws, and anything else she can find related to the subject of teeth. She was exposed to a special virus when she was exposed to the Happening, and she was lucky to have escaped the various dangers of the event.

She has two children, Leon, who was born a humanoid kangaroo, and Susan, who was born a normal human. All of Gertrude’s research into teeth has proven to be beneficial, and she has published several scholarly articles on the subject. Now, at the age of 32, she is still in great physical condition. Her husband, Robert, is much the same.


Although her knowledge of teeth is vast, she is somewhat ignorant when it comes to the subject of the animal super-beings. She has not yet had to deal with their presence, but when she does she will deal with them in the same way she’d deal with anyone else.


Being a large kangaroo-humanoid, Gertrude stands about 10′ tall and weighs about five tons (10,000 pounds). Her fur is gray in color with black spots. She has a long, thick snout, large, strong teeth, and long, thick, black claws. Her forelegs are long and her hooves are thick. Her body is stocky and her hind legs are very strong. Her middle legs are small and useless. She also has long, thick mane and tail. She does not have much, if any, psionic powers, even though she does have many similarities to the psi-beings.


Gertrude will not attack unless cornered or forced to. She can, if necessary, defend herself. She has the Kangaroo non-psionic powers of Super Agility and Super Strength. She can also use her claws and teeth as weapons, but she avoids this if she can. Overall, in battle, Gertrude will use her knowledge of teeth and her intelligence. She will try to avoid any damage to her opponent, unless that opponent is a dire threat, and then she would prefer to escape rather than fight.

4) Gertrude – Female Duck-Humanoid

Powers: (Physical Prowess) (Charm) (Mechanical Intuition)


Gertrude is a duck with an advanced mutation de­veloped by Dr. Frankenstein. She is also his daughter, but she is unaware of this fact. She is an attractive female with dark brown feathers. She has webbed feet, webbed fingers, and beak. Her tail is shaped like that of a duck’s.


Gertrude is an evil duck who is conniving, ruthless, and self-centered. She would do anything to advance her own agenda, which is to capture Wilbur, capture his knowledge, and use it to capture the attentions of Dr Frankenstein.

She is an opportunist who is willing to do whatever she has to, to achieve her goals. She is capable of killing anyone who stands in her way. She will resort to any means to achieve her ends. Gertrude will turn on anyone if she feels it will further her agenda.


Gertrude is a duck with an advanced mutation de­veloped by Dr. Frankenstein. She is also his daughter, but she is unaware of this fact. She is an attractive female with dark brown feathers. She has webbed feet, webbed fingers, and beak. Her tail is shaped like that of a duck’s.


Gertrude will use her charm, her powers, and her own henchmen to get what she wants. She will not hesitate to use her powers to confuse and entrap opponents.

5) Auk – Male Skunk-Humanoid

Powers: (Telepathy) (Super Intelligence)


Auk’s father was a super intelligent skunk, but was killed by one of the New World Guards during an earlier Happening. Auk was the only survivor. He went into hiding and survived on his own, then, when his father died, he moved into his house. There, he worked on many inventions. Eventually, he became the primary inventor for the New World Guards.

He built almost everything they used, including their vehicles and analytical computers. He did this because he did not like the way the New World Guards treated the animal humanoids. Finally, he did something about it. He invented a virus which could reverse the transformations. All it would take would be the right time and the right place to release it.


Auk is a very intelligent, but not very well liked man. The New World Guards are ready to kill him if he turns up alive. He is bitter about how his father died, but not because of the cause. He is not really interested in the animal humanoids, although he will help them if he is in the mood.

He is not really interested in helping people in general, but he will help the animal humanoids if he has to. He is not a good man.


Auk is a short, stocky, squat man. He is bald and wears glasses. His arms are long and his legs are short. He is always thinking, and his mind is always active. He is not interested in individuals, but in inventions. He is intelligent, but his inventions are not always reliable. He is not the kind of person you would want to be around.


Auk will not attack anyone unless they threaten him or the animal humanoids. He will try to defend himself if he has to. He is a very intelligent man, but he is also not very brave. He will try to use his inventions to cause the least amount of damage to his foes. If his inventions fail, he will attack with his own weapons.

6) Gamera – Female Turtle-Humanoid

Powers: (Advanced Vision) (Shields)


Gamera is a turtle-humanoid mutant, the result of the effects of the genetic bomb. Her birth must have been an extremely painful experience for her mother. She hatched out of her egg underwater, stuck her head out of the ocean, and broke through some ice to breathe air. She was found by a group of mutant men, who are now her friends.

They have not yet been able to break through her shell, so she is stuck in there, unable to walk or swim. Seeing her as a bit of a freak, they have named her Gamera, after a Japanese movie monster of which she bears some resemblance. Gamera is not very strong, but she is very fast on her feet. She can swim faster than an Olympic swimmer.

She can outrun any Olympic runner. She can outswim most sharks. Any bird above the size of a crow can outfly Gamera. Her shell is very hard and can be used as a shield. Her friends call her “poor little turtle monster.”


Gamera is an intelligent turtle-humanoid with a warped sense of humor. She likes to play games with people like they are toys. To her, people are like toys, fun to play with for a little while, then they are discarded. She is not really evil. She just does not think things through. Her actions are sometimes not very well considered, but she is basically good natured.


Gamera is a turtle-humanoid with green-blue skin and reddish hair. She stands about 8′ tall and weighs about 500 pounds. She has large, green-blue eyes, two small tusks on each jaw, and four short, rudimentary legs. She has a short tail. She walks on four legs but can swim very fast on her back. She can swim faster than any Olympic swimmer. She cannot breathe air un­til she is stuck. Outside of her shell, she is quite weak.


Gamera will not attack unless cornered and forced to. She tends to play games and trick people, and she will defend herself. She has the Turtle Mutational non-psionic powers of ESP and Telepathy. Gamera uses her shell as a shield and she can use her tail and her tusks. She can also use her horns to attack. Overall, in combat, Gamera will use her abilities to cause the least possible amount of damage to her opponents.

She will not attack unless cornered and forced to. Gamera is basically good natured, but she is a little bit crazy and she has a warped sense of humor and a warped sense of justice and she will play games and trick people and she enjoys it when she does. She is smart. Also she is a little bit lazy and tends to not think things through.

7) Mollie Brown – Female Cow-Humanoid

Powers: (Brute Strength) (Electroshock)


Mollie Brown was an ordinary cow on a farm in New York state. She was then stolen by the Doctors of Doom and given some sort of cybernetic or genetic surgery. Mollie was then released back onto the farm where she was born. For a while, she was normal again. But then, the “Big Death” struck and Mollie was once again transformed into a cow – woman. She sought out the Doctors of Doom who gave her the new mission of finding and capturing Wilbur Vincent, the horse-man. Her new mission is to bring him to the Doctors of Doom.


Mollie is a tough, cold, self-sufficient killer. She is completely ruthless and cold-blooded. She is also loyal to the Doctors of Doom.


Mollie looks like, well, a cow. She is about 8′ tall and has four legs, two of which are used for walking, one pair of which is used for her arms, and the last pair of which are used for her feet. Mollie also has two head – legs, one of which is used for her mouth, one of which is used for her eyes, one of which is used for her ears, and the last of which is used for her nose. Funny, she’s still a cow, but she now has four eyes instead of one. Mollie also has two arms, two legs, two ears, and a tail. She is black with white spots. She has four horns with black tips.


Mollie will not attack unless cornered or forced to. She can, if necessary, defend herself.

8) Roddy – Male Armadillo-Humanoid

Powers: (Grow) (Shrink) (Shields)


Roddy was the first person to be transformed into an Armadillo when the Happening hit. He is not sure how it happened or who did it to him, but he is sure of one thing, he did not like it. He did not like being an Armadillo, but he likes being an Armadillo with an attitude. At first, he was introduced to the world of the mutants with confusion and fear of the unknown. He was forced to learn how to be an Armadillo quickly or die. He learned very fast.


Although his attitude was not the best when he first became an Armadillo, he has calmed down considerably. He is generally calm and friendly, though he is very impulsive and stubborn. He is not very patient and his temper can get the best of him.

However, he is not an enemy to be taken lightly. He is very brave and loyal, though he is also very sarcastic and pessimistic. He does not like to share his problems with others. He prefers to do things his way.

He does not like to be told what to do. He is very independent and stubborn. He is not very trusting of others, but he is willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. He is very protective of the mutants, but he also knows that he cannot protect them on his own. He is both a team player and a loner.


He has a small body with a large, armored shell for a backside. His head is small and has a large snout. His hands and feet are small and clawed. He is about 5′ tall and weighs about 225 pounds. He wears a cape with a hoody and a facial mask. He is a brownish-gray in color.


Roddy is a soldier and a striker. He is a powerful fighter and a fast runner. He is not a good defensive fighter, but he is a great offensive fighter. He is a striking attack fighter with a knack for telekinetic attacks. He has enhanced strength and can perform a variety of telekinetic attacks. He is very flexible and agile and can quickly find a way to get out of a fight.

He can use his shields as a shield against attackers, but he prefers to use them as a defensive weapon. He can also extend a shield a short distance from his body to protect a larger area. When he uses his powers, he is vulnerable to attack, so he is mainly a melee fighter. He can use his powers to defend himself, but he prefers to use his claws and teeth to fight.

He often uses his claws and teeth as shields as well. He is a good fighter and a good strategist, but he can also be a bit slow on the uptake. He is also a good strategist and a good tactician.

9) K.C. Cheung – Female Snake-Humanoid

Powers: (Speed) (Psionics) (Telepathy)


K.C. Cheung is a reporter for one of the major news­papers. She’s been at her job for a number of years and has a reputation for being a fearless and intrepid reporter, willing to go to the greatest lengths possible to bring a story to the public. She’s a little bit arrogant, but she’s also a bit of a jerk. She’s a bit disorganized and a bit of a slob. She likes to take advantage of others as much as possible.


She’s a bit of a hot-tempered loose cannon. She’ll use people as much as possible to get a story if she can. She’s a bit of a slob and she’s pretty much a loner. She doesn’t like to be cooped up and trapped and she’d rather be out and moving and doing things. She’s a bit of a jerk at times and she’s not too concerned about people’s feelings. She’s a bit of a scaredy cat and she’s a bit of a ”hot-head”.


She’s a beautiful Asian lady, perhaps in her mid-to-late 30’s. She has long, flowing, straight black hair that reaches down to the small of her back. Her eyes are large and almond shaped and dark in color. Her skin is very pale and she has a slim, petite body. She generally has a gray and black striped snake for a companion, and she carries a camera and a notebook.


K.C. will fight to the death if necessary. She’s a hot-tempered loose cannon and will use any and every method she thinks will work to get a story. She’ll use her powers as much as possible as well as her snake. If she can’t use her powers, she’ll use her snake or her fists.

10) Xar – Male Fox-Humanoid

Powers: (High Intelligence) (Advanced Vision) (Ice Attack)


Xar is a rare mutation. Both his parents were mutants and they were very pleased to see their son become a fox-man. As a child, Xar had a hard time with others his age. He preferred to be by himself and to study. He was rather quiet and intro­spective. His mother tried to remedy this by getting him involved in sports and by encouraging him to play with the other children.

However, he still kept to himself. He never found anybody with whom he could warm up very well. One day he came upon a strange book. It was written by a man named Charles Fort. It told of strange happenings in the world and among the stars. The book provided ample evidence that the universe was rife with strange happenings.

Xar often sat for hours pondering these wonders. His mind was full of strange ideas. One day, during one of Xar’s meditations, the strange ideas that had been swirling inside his mind actually took on form. It was almost like he had created a strange energy that had given animation to his thoughts. This new energy gave him the power to see beyond the Human norm.

He could see things, far beyond the normal human vision. Xar continued his education. He quickly outgrew the small school in which he was taught. His parents were so proud, but they knew he was still discontent. At this time, the world was just starting to get back to normal after the Big Death. Not much had changed in Xar’s life, however, he was getting older and more frustrated.


Xar is an intellectual. He is compassionate and caring. He enjoys his solitude, but can get lonely. He is very polite and respectful to others, but he is not much of a fun-lover. He would rather spend time in the library, researching the unknown. The joy in his life is in making new discoveries.


Xar is a pacifist at heart. If he must fight, he will do so only in self defense. He will try to use his ability to see into the future to avoid danger, if he can. If he must fight, he will use his skills in unarmed combat to his advantage.


Xar knows that there are others in this universe besides humans. He has had himself tested and he does have latent psionic ability. With the help of this power, he feels he can be of better service to mankind. Xar hopes to use this power to help mankind in the future. It is the least he can do for all his parents have done for him.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!