10 Science-Fiction Cargo Spaceships

Here’s a list of 10 sci-fi cargo ships suitable for a science-fiction tabletop RPG. Enjoy these beauties.

1) The Follower

Captain: Commander Jared Thatcher

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Speed: .3 Light Speed

Style: (Stargate Atlantis) (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)

Orson Scott Card writing style


The Follower

The Follower is a medium-sized ship that is the flagship of the planet Thasos. It is equipped with two front-line guns, two side-line guns, and two mines. The Follower is currently orbiting the planet Thasos. Commander Jared Thatcher is expecting a package to be sent to him via transporter within a few minutes.

The Follower is a medium-sized ship that is equipped with a force field. It is a high-turning ship, and is a heavy fighter. It is fully equipped to operate as a taxi. The Follower was designed by Jared Thatcher. He is a Thasosian who has been in the transportation business for over forty years. He has been in every type of situation imaginable, and has been in combat on many occasions.

In the year 2500, he was given the opportunity to design his own ship, and he used the experience he gained from designing the Thasosian Cruiser to design the Follower. He designed the Follower to be a stepping stone from passenger transport to cargo transport.

The Follower is a freighter, and a heavy fighter. It is equipped with a force field, and one of its primary features is its heavy firepower. The Follower is equipped with three front-line guns, three side-line guns, and three mines. The mines are equipped with a proximity detector that can detect any object within a ten meter radius.

2) The Sisyphus

Captain: Captain Clarke

Speed: .5 Light Speed (4x FTL)

Style: (Battlestar Galactica) (Photon Torpedos)

Isaac Asimov writing style


The Sisyphus is a massive supply ship. The Sisyphus is so large that it can dock with a ship of a similar size. Although the ship is a supply ship, the Sisyphus contains a large amount of weaponry and other combat capable upgrades.

The ship can provide a large amount of firepower if needed. It also has a large amount of fuel and ammunition. In total, the Sisyphus can fuel a fleet of ten space ships for a single jump.

Besides being a supply ship, the Sisyphus contains a large hangar bay, which can be used to transport other ships. The Sisyphus can also be used as a submarine if taken under water. Cool, huh?

3) The Bifrost

Captain: Admiral Luft

Speed: 7 Light Speed

Style: (Stargate Atlantis) (Doctor Who) (Photon Torpedos)

Philip Jose Farmer writing style


The Bifrost is a very large Cargo Ship. It has a similar design to the Prometheus from Stargate Atlantis. It was equipped with a powerful tractor beam, which was installed near the front of the ship. This ship is also equipped with a powerful engine, and it has a thicker hull than most ships.

It was built with photon torpedo tubes, and it can carry photon torpedos. It was built with the ability to destroy any threat that comes its way. It has a very powerful shield, which can block almost all enemy fire. Because of this, the ship goes where it wants when it wants. End of story.

4) The Zephon

Captain: Unknown

Speed: .1 light speed

Style: (Farscape)

Philip Jose Farmer writing style


The Zephon is a small cargo ship that is used to transport cargo from one planet to another. It is made from the Zephon/Zayla alloy that makes it very strong to hold cargo in transit. It can also be made to self-destruct in a matter of seconds. It is shaped like a spade. The cargo ship has four afterburners in the back and two in the front. The afterburners in the front can be disabled in combat.

The Zephon also has two laser turrets in the front and two plasma turrets in the back. They are made from the Zephon/Zayla alloy. The cargo ship is painted dark purple with a dark purple stripe. The rear has a dark purple stripe. The wings have a small amount of purple markings. The engines are gold and have a small amount of purple markings.

The cockpit has a window that can be opened. The Zephon has a cargo hold in the front. It is large enough to hold a cargo container. It has a cargo lift under the cockpit. The Zephon has a shield in the front and a shield in the back. These shields are made from the Zephon/Zayla alloy.

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The Zephon has a missile launcher in the front and a missile launcher in the back. These missiles home in on targets and explode on targets. The Zephon is piloted by a Zephon and Zayla. The Zephon and Zayla pilots are armed with blaster rifles and an energy sword. It can put four passengers in the cockpit.

5) The M.R.S. Relativity

Captain: Varios

Speed: .34 Light Speed

Style: (The Orville) (Andromeda) (Cloaking Device)

Douglas Adams writing style


The M.R.S. Relativity

The M.R.S. Relativity is an advanced, experimental space cruiser that can travel at near-light speeds. Unfortunately, the ship’s crew is hard at work, with no break. Even though they are not officially on-duty, they still have to work. The ship is frequently invaded by small parasites called “space lice” or “space gophers.” The lice have to be killed so they don’t slow down the ship’s speed.

The ship also has a hull that is designed to block radar. This gives it an advantage over enemy ships that use radar. The ship was created by one of the most advanced races in the galaxy. The race had to re-evaluate its technology, however, after the crew of the M.R.S. Relativity destroyed its entire planet by mistake (by using the planet’s own weapon against it), killing every single one of its inhabitants.

They had to build themselves a new planet, which they planned to do on the very planet the M.R.S. Relativity was heading toward (they had to build it there because it is the closest planet to their star). The new planet was built about five years before this story began, and was just about ready to be occupied by the original race.

So, the crew of the M.R.S. Relativity is trying to rush to the planet before the new race gets there. They are also trying to avoid being detected by the new race so they can stay alive.

6) The Wasp

Captain: /u/PantsAreDragonSlippers

Speed: .2 Light Speed

Style: (Battlestar Galactica) (Firefly) (Cloaking Device)

Roger Zelazny writing style


The Wasp is a large and powerful cargo ship and was built in the year 2459. The Wasp is roughly twice the size of the Serenity, which was used by Captain Malcolm Reynolds. The Wasp is equipped with two photon torpedoes, two railguns, two cloaking devices, and two explosive charges.

The Wasp is equipped with a docking bay, located on the ship’s side, and a life-support system. The Wasp is equipped with a communications console, located above the ship’s cockpit, and two shields, allowing the ship to withstand over two dozen hits from enemy weapons before taking heavy damage.

The Wasp is equipped with four warp engines, allowing the ship to warp at .2 light speed. The Wasp is equipped with a variety of sensor dishes, including one long-range sensor, one short-range sensor, two additional sensors, and two sensor arrays.

The sensor arrays are located on the Wasp’s side. The Wasp is equipped with a laboratory, which is located below the cockpit. The Wasp is equipped with advanced sensors, including cloak detection sensors.

7) The Tlazbal

Captain: Captain Octavia E. Butler

Speed: .5 Lightspeed

Style: (Serenity) (Dune)

Octavia E. Butler writing style


The Tlazbal is a large cargo ship. It is comprised of two large cargo bays. The Tlazbal is powered by two large engines that are mounted on the bottom of the ship.

The ship is armed with several medium-sized cannons, as well as several medium-sized missiles. The ship cannot travel at very high speeds because its engines are not very powerful.

8) The Nautilus

Captain: Captain Sisko

Speed: Normal Space

Style: (Battlestar Galactica) (Shields)

Poul Anderson writing style


The Nautilus is a small cargo ship that can be used for many different purposes. It is equipped with Shields that are capable of being activated in any part of the universe. It is equipped with Cloaking Devices that are used to protect the Nautilus from enemy detection. The ship is equipped with Pulse Laser Blasters that can be used to defend the ship.

The ship is equipped with Pulse Lasers that are capable of firing in any part of the universe. The Pulse Lasers are powered by the ship\’s Pulse Lasers. The ship is equipped with an artificial intelligence. The ship can be operated by a crew of up to three people. It is equipped with cargo bays that are capable of holding many different types of cargo. The ship can also carry 6 fighters.

9) The A.O.S.

Captain: Captain Glint

Speed: .5 Light Speed

Style: (Farscape) (Stargate Atlantis) (The Orville) (Cloaking Device)

Douglas Adams writing style


The A.O.S.

This colossal ship is a cargo ship that is the main interstellar cargo ship of the United Nations of Sol system. The A.O.S. is a gigantic ship with a crew of three thousand. The ship has a crew of three thousand and can carry up to a hundred thousand passengers.

The A.O.S. has a large amount of cargo space and a large crew. The A.O.S. is one of the largest ships ever created in the solar system. The A.O.S. is heavily armed with three large turrets that can be rotated to fire at several targets at once, and it also has two laser batteries, two missile launchers, and two pulse cannons.

It is an extremely large ship. The A.O.S. is designed to ferry large amounts of people and cargo, and the ship is very fast and efficient. The ship has a crew of three thousand and can carry up to a hundred thousand passengers.

The A.O.S. is used to ferry supplies back to the Sol system. It will take several weeks for the ship to get to Sol, but the ship is heavily armed and fast enough to get there. The A.O.S. is only used to get to the Sol system. The crew of the A.O.S. is monitored very closely by the United Nations Sol system.

The ship is not allowed to travel outside of the Solar System because Sol system does not want any alien races seeing the A.O.S. The Sol system does not want the ships to be seen by the Scattering because Sol system does not want any of the Scattering races to get wise to their location. The ship will be heavily armed when it gets to Sol, just in case it will be attacked by the Scattering.

This colossal ship is a cargo ship that is the main interstellar cargo ship of the United Nations of Sol system.

10) The Q.S.S. Man-of-War

Captain: Not Specified

Speed: Not Specified

Style: (Cloaking Device) (Photon Torpedos)

Isaac Asimov writing style


The Q.S.S. Man-of-War is a Medium Space Ship. The Man-of-War is an old ship that has been around for at least several decades. It is very old compared to other ships, and much smaller. The Man-of-War is an extremely powerful ship, with much better weaponry than much larger ships.

It is also equipped with a cloaking device, one of the most expensive parts of any ship. The Man-of-War is equipped with multiple photon torpedoes, which are highly advanced weapons. The Q.S.S. Man-of-War is one of the most advanced ships in existence.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!