D100 Random Mountain Encounters (DND+)

Need some interesting random mountain encounters? I’ve got a list of 100 you can use in your fantasy tabletop campaign. At the end of the page, I’ve got some information on a great set of RPG tools you can use to further enhance your tabletop RPG experience. First, let’s get to the mountain encounters!

  1. Qorr, a goblin shaman, is summoning an elemental to attack the party. If the party kills him, he will turn into a wyld creature later.
  2. A group of 2d6 soldiers are marching through the mountain pass. They are on their way to the nearby city.
  3. A man named Exordo is selling magical potions to the party. He is selling a potion of climbing to a wizard. The potion is actually paint.
  4. A man named Hephestus is selling magical items to the party. He is selling a sword that is a minor magical weapon. It is actually a lathe blade.
  5. The party comes across a group of 2d6 dwarves. They are fighting 2d4 giant spiders.
  6. A group of 3d4 bandits are trying to ambush the party.
  7. You hear a group of 2d4 goblins talking about their plans to raid a nearby village. They are in the middle of an argument about whether or not to kill the children.
  8. A group of 2d4 bandits are fighting with a group of 2d4 kobolds.
  9. A group of 3d4 goblins are fighting with a group of 3d4 kobolds.
  10. A wyld creature named Mokarow is attacking a party of humans. They are carrying a large chest that is empty. They think it’s full of treausre. A witch cast a hex on them.
  11. Wagon with a large, wooden cage on its back has been abandoned by its two guards. The cage is empty. A bandit is on the loose nearby.
  12. The party comes across a group of 2d4 gnomes who are traveling by wagon and are headed to their hometown. They are carrying a large chest, which they will not open or allow anyone to touch. They will become hostile if anyone tries to force them to open it. The chest contains gold coins and jewelry, which the gnomes will give to the party if they promise to protect them.
  13. A group of 2d4 dwarves are traveling by wagon and are headed to their hometown. They are carrying a large chest, which they will not open or allow anyone to touch. They will become hostile if anyone tries to force them to open it. The chest contains gold coins and jewelry, which the dwarves will give to the party if they promise to protect them.
  14. A group of 2d4 halflings are traveling by wagon and are headed to their hometown. They are carrying a large chest, which they will not open or allow anyone to touch. They will become hostile if anyone tries to force them to open it. The chest contains gold coins and jewelry, which the halflings will give to the party if they promise to protect them.
  15. A group of 2d4 humans are traveling by wagon and are headed to their hometown. They are carrying a large chest, which they will not open or allow anyone to touch. They will become hostile if anyone tries to force them to open it. The chest contains gold coins and jewelry, which the humans will give to the party if they promise to protect them.
  16. A group of 2d4 dwarves are traveling by wagon and are headed to their hometown. They are carrying a large chest, which they will not open or allow anyone to touch. They will become hostile if anyone tries to force them to open it. The chest contains gold coins and jewelry, which the dwarves will give to the party if they promise to protect them.
  17. A group of 2d4 halflings are traveling by wagon and are headed to their hometown. They are carrying a large chest, which they will not open or allow anyone to touch. They will become hostile if anyone tries to force them to open it. The chest contains gold coins and jewelry, which the halflings will give to the party if they promise to protect them.
  18. The party comes across a travelling circute, which is a collection of wagons and tents. The circus is led by a gnoll named Snaggle who is leading a pack of 1d4+2 gnolls and 1d6+4 wild dogs.
  19. The party comes across a travelling circute, which is a collection of wagons and tents. The circus is led by a human named Stephen who is leading a pack of 1d4+2 humans and 1d6+4 kobolds.
  20. A group of 2d4 dwarves are traveling by wagon and are headed to their hometown. They are carrying a large chest, which they will not open or allow anyone to touch.
  21. Q’ar Q’ar, a centaur wearing a necklace made from the teeth of a dragon, is walking through the mountains. He’s looking for the Dragon’s Maw, the canyon that leads to the dragon’s treasure.
  22. A group of dwarves, who have been lost for days, are sitting around a campfire. One of their number has recently died. The other dwarves are trying to decide what to do with the body.
  23. A group of 4d6 dwarves are walking along the trail. They are carrying a coffin. The dwarves are headed to the nearby graveyard.
  24. A group of 4d6 dwarves are walking along the trail. They are carrying a statue. The dwarves are headed to the nearby church.
  25. A group of 3d10 elves are riding on the backs of giant eagles. They are flying overhead. They are on their way to the nearby city.
  26. A group of humans are sitting around a campfire. They are on their way to the nearby town. They are discussing the strange happenings in the mountains.
  27. A group of 2d6 giants are sitting around a campfire. They are on their way to the nearby town. They are on their way to sell their harvest to the local merchants.
  28. A group of 2d4+4 goblins are sitting around a campfire. They are on their way to the nearby town. They are on their way to sell their harvest to the local merchants.
  29. A group of 2d4+2 hobgoblins are sitting around a campfire. They are on their way to the nearby town. They are on their way to sell their harvest to the local merchants.
  30. A group of 2d4+2 goblins and hobgoblins are sitting around a campfire. They are on their way to the nearby town. They are on their way to sell their harvest to the local merchants.
  31. Darts float around the party, stabbing at the players.

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  1. A gnome named Old Man Peabody travels through the party, singing a song about the goblin horde that’s coming to kill you all. He’s very calm about it.
  2. A group of goblins come running at the party, screaming about a dragon.
  3. A group of orcs come running at the party, screaming about a dragon. They don’t actually know anything about a dragon, they’re just mad about something else.
  4. A group of dwarves comes running at the party, screaming about a dragon. They actually know something about a dragon.
  5. The party finds a small, locked box with a note on it that reads: ‘To whoever finds this box, I left it here for you. I’m probably dead. You’ll need to get it to the Temple of Illumination, but make sure you don’t open it along the way, or you’ll unleash something terrible. Good luck! Signed, Henry.’
  6. A bunch of people come running at the party, screaming that they were just attacked by goblins. They’re lying.
  7. The party finds a pair of boots. Inside each boot is a note that says ‘put me on.’ Inside each note is another note that says ‘I’m not kidding.’
  8. A group of dwarves walks up to the party and asks them if they’ve seen their lost dog. They don’t have a dog.
  9. The party finds a group of men, women, and children sitting on the ground, watching a dog play in the snow.
  10. Yawning, an archer atop a hill with a very longbow and a quiver full of arrows. He’s an extremely good archer, but he’s bored. He’s willing to train a PC for a fee.
  11. A gnome is sitting atop a tree with a harp. He is strumming away and singing a song about a dragon.
  12. A merchant is driving his wagon down a trail. He is low on supplies. He is willing to trade with the party.
  13. A group of bandits are riding their horses down the trail. They are on their way to rob a merchant.
  14. A group of men are sitting around a campfire. They are playing a game known as ‘The Game of Five’. It is a complicated game that involves a lot of dice.
  15. A group of young men are sitting around a campfire. They are singing songs about a recent battle.
  16. A group of young men are sitting around a campfire. They are singing songs about a recent battle. They are recruiting men for the army.
  17. A merchant is driving his wagon down a trail. He is low on supplies. He is willing to trade with the party.
  18. A man and his horse stumble into the party’s camp. He has been chased by wolves for miles and is exhausted and scared. He will tell the party about a nearby cave where wolves have been seen.
  19. A man and his horse stumble into the party’s camp. He has been chased by wolves for miles and is exhausted and scared. He will tell players about a nearby cave where a dragon has been seen.
  20. Jagged rocks in the path. A harpy is perched on a nearby rock. She will shoot arrows at the party.
  21. A group of 2d6 bandits are walking down the path. They are laughing and singing drunkenly.
  22. A group of 1d20+2 hobgoblins are walking down the path. They are carrying spears and shields.
  23. A group of 1d10 men are walking down the path. They are carrying spears and shields. They are talking about their military service and how they were treated when they returned home.
  24. A group of 1d4+4 men are walking down the path. They are carrying spears and shields. They are talking about their military service and how they were treated when they returned home. They will ask the party if they have heard of similar treatment of men who have returned home from war.
  25. A group of 1d4+4 men are walking down the path. They are carrying spears and shields. They are talking about their military service and how they were treated when they returned home. They will ask the party if they have heard of similar treatment of men who have returned home from war. If the party has not heard of this before, they will offer to tell their story of how they were mistreated when they returned home.
  26. A pack of 2d6 wolves are hunting along the path.
  27. A pack of 2d6+2 wolves are hunting along the path.
  28. A group of 1d12+4 bandits are walking down the path. They are carrying short swords and short bows.
  29. A group of 1d10 men are walking down the path. They are carrying spears and shields. They are talking about their military service and how they were treated when they returned home.
  30. Overnight, the mountain becomes covered in a thick fog. The fog lasts for one day.
  31. The players hear a loud noise. It sounds like rocks falling. The players see a giant boulder rolling down the mountain path. It continues to roll down the mountain trail for one hour.
  32. The players see a large bird with a wingspan of 20 feet sitting on a tree branch. The bird is a giant eagle. The eagle is watching the players.
  33. A large, black-furred bear with yellow eyes appears. The bear is sleeping in the middle of the trail. If players disturb the bear, it will awaken and attack.
  34. A strange scent fills the air. The players see a group of 3d6 wolves howling at the moon. If the players disturb the wolves, they will attack.
  35. The trail forks. One trail goes left and the other trail goes right. The players see a group of 1d20 human bandits with weapons and shields. They are arguing about which trail to take.
  36. A group of 2d4 goblins ambush the players.
  37. The players see a group of 1d8 kobolds digging through a pile of rocks. The kobolds are digging for gold. The players can choose to either sneak by or attack the kobolds. If they sneak by, the kobolds will follow them. If they attack the kobolds, the kobolds will fight back with their claws and teeth.
  38. The players see a strange plant. The plant is growing on the side of the mountain trail. The plant is a strange, carnivorous plant. If players disturb the plant, it will attack them with its thorny vines. The plant has the ability to regenerate health quickly.
  39. The players hear the sound of a strange creature hissing. The players see a strange creature with a snake-like body, three heads, and large, bat-like wings. The creature is about 10 feet tall. The creature will hiss and attack.
  40. Eighty miles out of town, a group of travelers come across a strange, abandoned campsite. A large party had set up camp here, but they were preparing to leave. There is a large campfire, but it has been extinguished, and there are no signs of violence. There is a large pile of horse dung next to the campfire.
  41. A group of hunters are tracking a herd of deer. They are about to pass the party.
  42. A group of soldiers are riding on their way back to the city. They are talking about the latest news about the war and the city. They mention that there have been strange occurrences recently and that the city has been under lockdown.
  43. The party comes across a group of children playing a game of hide-and-seek in a field. They are playing in the field because their village is in ruins. They are playing in the ruins because no one will buy or rebuild them. The party can convince them to follow them back to the city or help them rebuild.
  44. A man named Ramon is walking the road. He is looking for work. He can be hired as a mercenary. He is not very good at it, but he is cheap. He is also good at telling stories.
  45. A party member accidentally hits a deer with an arrow. The deer is a rare, magical deer that grants wishes to anyone who kills it.
  46. Three half-orc brothers come up to the party, asking to work for them. They will work for free, but they will begrudge anyone who pays them.
  47. A group of men are arguing about a horse race the day before. They say that, because of the race, the horses are tired and the odds are in the players’ favor. The men are players themselves. The argument is over whether or not a player cheated.

More Great D100 RPG Lists?

Check out my softcover tabletop resource series on Amazon! Each book is around 100 pages in length and available as an eBook or softcover print – both reasonably priced!

  1. A group of children are playing with a wooden toy castle, pretending to be knights and thieves. They are arguing over whether or not the knights and thieves are good or evil.
  2. You come across a man made of stone who is enchanted to attack any who come into his territory.
  3. Zorax and Zaxon, two dwarven brothers, are arguing over a map of the mountain area. A simple Persuasion check will defuse the situation. Otherwise they will start to fight and try to drag the playrs into it.
  4. The sound of a avalanche ahead. Players must run for cover.
  5. A group of 5 goblins are arguing over whether or not to kidnap the players and sell them to the highest bidder.
  6. A group of 4 bandits are discussing whether or not to rob the players.
  7. Two dwarves are arguing about whether or not to travel with the players.
  8. A group of 2 elves are arguing about whether or not to sell the players to the goblins for 10GP each.
  9. A group of 3 gnolls are arguing about which route to take through the mountains.
  10. Players come across a pack of wolves fighting over a deer carcass.
  11. A group of 4 gnolls are arguing about whether or not to attack the players.
  12. A group of 5 goblins are arguing over whether or not to attack the players.
  13. Unexpectedly, a group of 1d4 bulyks – giant lizards – will wander by. If the players attack, they will retaliate.
  14. A group of 1d4+1 mountain goats will wander by and graze.
  15. The path ahead is blocked by a giant spider web. An enormous giant spider is sleeping in its center.
  16. The players hear strange noises and see shadows moving in the woods. The players will find out that 1d4+1 gnolls are hunting in the area.
  17. The players hear strange noises and see shadows moving in the woods. The players will find out that 1d4+2 harpies are hunting in the area.
  18. The players see a red fox running at them. It will attack if the players get too close.
  19. The players see a pack of 1d4+2 wolves running at them. They will attack if they get too close
  20. The sounds of an argument can be heard in the distance. The players will find a group of 1d4+2 bandits arguing about whether or not to rob the players.
  21. The players come across a small cave. A group of 1d4+2 kobolds are huddled at the back of the cave. They will attack the players if they get too close.
  22. The players come across a small cave. Inside, the players will find 1d4+1 goblins huddled around a fire. They are playing a game of bones with 1d6+5 bones.

Even More DND Mountain Encounters

Want more random mountain encounters? You can head to LitRPG Adventures or Random Encounters AI for more. I’m using GPT-3 from OpenAI to generate high-quality tabletop RPG content. Come join us!

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!