I’m back with a list of 100 random swamp encounters for your fantasy tabletop RPG campaign. Whether you play D&D, Pathfinder, or another system, these encounters will spice up the slog through the swamp. At the end, I’ve got information on even more tools to help your campaign, so read to the end!
3 D100 Random Swamp Encounter Tables for DND 5e
Here’s three D100 random swamp encounter tables.
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100 DND 5e+ Random Swamp Encounters
- Orenstyl, one of the four heads of the swamp beast, awakens and attacks. If the players do not stop it, the other three heads will awaken and attack.
- A tombstone is in the swamp. It is covered in moss and looks as though it has been there for years. If the players touch it, the head of a skeleton will pop out of the ground and attack.
- A small pond in the swamp has a small patch of lily pads. The lily pads are crawling with frogs. The frogs are trying to eat a small hamster. The hamster will run away from the players if they try to help.
- A small pinwheel floats through the air. If anyone touches it, it will explode into 1d10+10 force damage and 1d10+10 non-elemental damage.
- The players see a small shack in the swamp. Inside the shack is a small chest. Inside the chest is 1d20 gold coins and 1d20 gems. The gold coins and gems are cursed. Any character who touches them will be struck by a random curse from a random source from an earlier adventure.
- The players hear a small howl. If they investigate, they will find 1d4+4 wolves fighting over a deer carcass. Players can join the fight or help whoever is losing the fight.
- Players see a small, wooden tower in the swamp. The lower levels of the tower are filled with water. Inside the tower are 1d20 rats, fighting over a pile of gold coins and gems. If the rats are killed, 1d6+6 skeletons will rise from the water and attack the players.
- A group of 1d6 halfling mercenaries are standing around a campfire, laughing and drinking ale. They are looking for work. They will follow any orders given to them by the highest paying member of the party for one day. They are very loud and will attract attention from other creatures in the swamp if they are not kept away from other people as possible.
- A group of 2d6 elven mercenaries are standing around a campfire, laughing and drinking ale. They are looking for work. They will follow any orders given to them by the highest paying member of the party for one day. They are very loud and will attract attention from other creatures in the swamp if they are not kept away from other people as possible.
- A group of 2d6 human mercenaries are standing around a campfire, laughing and drinking ale. They are looking for work. They will follow any orders given to them by the highest paying member of the party for one day.
- Huddled around a campfire, a group of 4d4+4 swamp pirates are telling each other scary stories about a mad hag who lives in a nearby swamp. They warn each other that she has an evil eye and can cast spells.
- A group of 2d6 villagers are traveling through the swamp to a nearby town. They are carrying a coffin with the body of a recently deceased villager. They are worried that they will not make it to their destination in time for the funeral.
- A group of 2d6+2 half-orcs are hunting in the swamp. They are carrying large spears and shields. They are hunting boar.
- A group of 2d6+2 half-orcs are hunting in the swamp. They are carrying short bows and short swords. They are hunting hares.
- A group of 2d4+2 swamp pirates are hunting in the swamp. They are carrying short swords and short bows. They are hunting deer.
- A group of 3d4+3 swamp pirates are hunting in the swamp. They are carrying large axes and large shields. They are hunting giant lizards.
- A group of 2d4+2 peasants are traveling through the swamp to a nearby town. They are carrying a coffin with the body of a recently deceased villager. They are worried that they will not make it to their destination in time for the funeral.
- A group of 2d4+2 peasants are traveling through the swamp to a nearby town. They are carrying a sack of grain which has been harvested from a nearby field. They are worried that they will not make it to their destination in time to sell their grain at the market.
- A group of 2d6 human farmers are plowing a field near the edge of the swamp. They are worried that their horses will get spooked and run away with their plows.
- A group of 2d4 halfling farmers are plowing a field near the edge of the swamp. They are worried that their horses will get spooked and break their plows.
- Sudden fog hides the path ahead. As it clears, a giant catfish with a huge mouth is seen surfacing near the path. The mouth opens and a giant tongue lashes out and tries to grab a character.
- A large raven lands on the shoulder of a character and caws loudly. The bird transforms into a huge raven, which flaps its wings and attacks.
- A group of swamp dwellers spot the party and run and alert the bandit camp. When the party gets to the camp, they find it abandoned and notice that someone has been there recently.
- The party sees a small hut on stilts in the distance. As they get closer, they see it’s filled with bones, skulls, and antlers. A large, brutish man is sitting on a stool outside. He’s armed with an unusual weapon: a spear with a small animal skull attached to the end of it. He’s drunk and will attack the party with his unusual weapon.
- A group of swamp dwellers are seen gathering reeds. They will be annoyed by the party disturbing them, but will not attack unless provoked.
- A group of young swamp dwellers are seen playing a game of chance. They have a set of bones and will challenge the party to a round of Bone Dice. The players must beat the highest score to win.
- A group of children rush up to the party and beg for food. They are orphans who have been abandoned. They have been left to fend for themselves.
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- A group of men are seen chanting and dancing around a fire. A man with a strange tattoo on his face is seen leading the dance and chant. A powerful witch is controlling them with her magic.The witch will not attack the party unless they get in the
- way of her spellcasting.
- A group of swamp dwellers are seen gathering reeds. They will attack if they feel threatened.
- A group of young men and women are having a party. They are drinking, talking, and laughing. If disturbed, they will attack.
- Xonoth the Swamp Troll attacks the party with his axe.
- A group of 2d6 goblins are running away from a group of 2d6 hobgoblins.
- A group of humans are standing around a campfire, singing quietly to themselves. They are actually cultists in disguise, attempting to draw the party closer.
- A group of 2d6 young green dragons are playing in a nearby pond. They are hungry and will attack if the party gets too close.
- A group of 2d6 hunters are camped near a small stream, waiting for game to come by. They are on the trail of a monstrous creature that has been terrorizing the area.
- A group of 2d6 rangers are searching the area for signs of a large, beastly creature that has been terrorizing the local villages.
- A group of 3d4 men and 3d4 women are gathering berries. They will attack if the party tries to take their berries.
- A group of 2d4 men and 2d4 women are gathering wood for their campfire. They are actually bandits in disguise, waiting for unsuspecting travelers to pass by so they can rob them blind.
- A group of 2d6 hunters are gathering wood for their campfire. They are on the trail of a large, cat-like creature that has been terrorizing the local villages.
- A group of 2d6 old women are gathering berries for their pies. They are actually witches in disguise, hoping to poison some poor soul who gets too close to their camp.
- Kittens are playing in the grass. They are wearing little outfits.
- A group of people are gathered around a cauldron. They are making potions.
- A group of people are gathered around a cauldron. They are making a strange green jelly with tentacles. The jelly looks like it is alive and twitching.
- A group of people are gathered around a cauldron. They are making a strange purple jelly with tentacles. The jelly looks like it is alive and twitching.
- A man is sitting on a stump. He is fishing. He looks like he is about to tell a great story about his adventures.
- A man is sitting on a stump. He is smoking a pipe. He looks like he is about to tell a great story about his adventures.
- A man is sitting on a stump. He is drinking from a bottle. He looks like he is about to tell a great story about his adventures. He will tell the players that he has been in the dungeon before, but his story will be a lie.
- A group of people are gathered around a campfire. They are telling scary stories about the dungeon. One of the stories is true, and it is about the players.
- A group of people are gathered around a campfire. They are telling scary stories about the dungeon. One of the stories is true, and it is about the players’ hometown.
- A group of people are gathered around a campfire. They are telling scary stories about the dungeon. One of the stories is true, and it is about the players’ hometown’s hero, the players’ adventures, and the players’ triumphs.
- Zonk! The party hears an explosion coming from a nearby swamp. If investigated, they will find a group of halflings throwing fireworks into the water. They are celebrating the birthday of one of their number.
- The party hears a group of children singing a sweet song. If investigated, they will find a group of pixies, who have been captured and are being held prisoner by a group of cruel children.
- A nearby pond is covered in lilly pads. If the party walks across them, they will fall through and become stuck in the muck below.
- A dark and gloomy swamp leads to a small village. If the party investigates, they will find that the village is filled with undead and dark magic.
- A small house sits in the middle of a swamp. The house looks abandoned, but it is actually a mirage caused by a powerful wizard who is experimenting with an illusion spell.
- An eerie silence falls over the swamp. If the party investigates, they will find the source of the silence is a group of mummies, who have been awakened and are attacking the party.
- The party comes across a small hut, which appears to be abandoned. If they investigate, they will find the hut is filled with poison gas and is being used by a group of desperate bandits, who are planning to rob a merchant caravan that travels through the area.
- A group of hunters are hunting a group of rare swamp creatures. The party can join in and help them hunt the animals or they can side with the animals and try to protect them from being hunted down and killed.
- A nearby swamp leads to an abandoned fortress, which is being used as a hideout by a group of bandits.
- A nearby swamp is filled with giant frogs, which continually croak and make noise all night long, preventing anyone from sleeping.
- Players are visited by a woman who wields a scythe, who warns them that they must leave this place.
- The players hear a crocodile hissing. A crocodile lunges and attacks.
- Players find a crocodile stuck in the mud, flailing about. It looks like it was trying to attack something, but it got stuck. The crocodile will attack when it gets free.
- Players find a crocodile that has been partially skinned. The smell of rotten meat hangs in the air. The crocodile will attack when it sees the players.
- A small cottage stands in the swamp. Inside, the smell of death pours out of the window. I found a small tombstone with a name on it, but it was too old to read. Inside is a poorly made bed and a desk that has been smashed in anger.
- Players find a cottage. The door is locked, but it can be broken down. Inside the cottage, there are signs of a struggle. A man was killed in this cottage. His body has been dragged out of sight. A group of crocodiles have been eating his body.
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Check out my softcover tabletop resource series on Amazon! Each book is around 100 pages in length and available as an eBook or softcover print – both reasonably priced!
- Players find an abandoned camp. The camp has been recently abandoned. Inside the camp, there is a set of armor and a sword. Both are covered in rust. The armor is a breastplate and the sword is rusted and dull. The armor is worth 1d10 GP, but the sword is worthless.
- Players find a campsite. The campsite has been abandoned for several days. A pot has been left on the fire. Inside it is a half-eaten stew. The stew is still hot.
- Players find a small island with a tree on it. The tree is covered in vines. There is a rope ladder leading up to the tree. The rope ladder is covered in a thick layer of mud. The mud can be scraped off with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.
- Players find a large tree. The tree is covered in the bones of several animals. The tree has several nests in it. Inside the nests are several eggs of different sizes. One of the eggs is broken, and a small crocodile is inside it. The crocodile will attack once it hatches.
- Eerie sounds of a children’s song can be heard coming from a nearby grove of trees. The song is very creepy and strange, almost like a nursery rhyme. A group of 2d6 pixies is hiding in the trees. When they attack, they will summon 2d6 giant toads.
- The players see a group of 2d6 Croc’o’loth worshipers. If players try to talk to them, they will only grunt and demand that the players leave their territory.
- An ogre is standing at the edge of the swamp. He is watching the players’ every move. If the players try to attack him, he will run off into the swamp.
- The players stumble upon a strange looking cairn. Inside the cairn is a small chest. Inside the chest is a strange looking cloak. The cloak is actually a cloak of resistance.
- A group of 2d6 lizardfolk are hunting for food in the swamp. If the party is spotted, they will attack.
- A group of 2d6 lizardfolk are patrolling the area. If the party is spotted, they will attack.
- The players stumble upon a strange looking cairn. Inside the cairn is a small chest. Inside the chest is a strange looking ring. The ring is actually a ring of regeneration.
- Players stumble across a campfire. A group of 4d6 humans is sitting around the campfire. They are on their way to a nearby town to trade with the merchants there.
- A group of 4d6 humans is sitting around the campfire. They are on their way to a nearby town to gamble with the locals there.
- The trail is blocked by a fallen tree. There is a strange looking creature sitting on the tree. It’s a giant crocodile. It’s doing nothing.
- Icy fog swirls across the ground. The fog catches your feet, slowing you and causing you to lose dexterity for 1d4 rounds.
- A flock of 1d4+4 crows flies overhead, cawing madly. If the players attack the crows, the cawing sounds like it’s coming from a nearby tree. If they attack the tree, they will find a mimic in it.
- The players hear a distant voice calling their names. The voice is coming from a nearby cave mouth. If they investigate, they will find a ventriloquist and his dummy.
- A giant frog with golden eyes and a golden tongue jumps out of the swamp and tries to eat the players. The frog is magical and will reappear every round until it is killed.
- A group of 1d4+6 half-orcs emerge from a nearby pond, cursing and complaining about the water. They will attack if they see the players.
- A group of 1d4+2 goblins emerge from a nearby pond, cursing and complaining about the water. They will attack if they see the players.
- You see a woman sitting on a log. She is dressed in rags and is hunched over, holding her stomach and moaning in pain. If the players approach, she will ask them to kill the creature that is eating her alive. She is a banshee that has been cursed by a wizard to be trapped in the swamp for 100 years.
- You see a man dressed in robes sitting on a log. He is staring at a nearby tree and muttering to himself. If the players approach, he will ask them to kill the thing in the tree. He is a mad wizard who has been exiled to the swamp by his order and is now trying to summon a creature to kill the thing in the tree so he can escape.
- A group of 1d6+2 half-elves emerge from a nearby pond, cursing and complaining about the water. They will attack if they see the players.
- You hear a loud cawing noise. The noise sounds like it’s coming from above you. If you look up, you see a large bird circling overhead. If you look down, you see a large bird perched on your shoulder. The bird is a random creature that has been enchanted by a wizard to spy on the players.
- A group of halflings are playing with the remains of a giant crocodile, trying to remove the teeth. They are members of the Crocodile Cult and are on a mission.
- A group of men are discussing whether the best way to kill a swamp dragon is to shoot it or to stab it.
- A man is sitting on a log, crying. He is a member of the Crocodile Cult, and he has lost his crocodile.
- A group of men are sitting around a campfire, singing drinking songs. They are members of the Crocodile Cult, and they are on a mission to find their missing crocodile.
- A group of men and women are walking through the swamp, carrying an injured member. They are members of the Crocodile Cult, and their crocodile has been injured by a swamp dragon.
- A group of men and women are sitting around a small campfire, singing drinking songs. They are members of the Crocodile Cult, and they are on a mission to find their missing crocodile.
- A group of men and women are walking through the swamp, carrying an injured member. They are members of the Crocodile Cult, and their crocodile has been injured by a swamp dragon.
- A group of halflings are playing with the remains of a giant crocodile, trying to remove the teeth. They are members of the Crocodile Cult and are on a mission.
D100 Random Swamp Encounters
- Bullywug tribe is celebrating their yearly festival of fun for all. They have invited the players to participate in their games. Be careful, some of their games are a bit dangerous and one game is very dangerous.
- A group of 4d6 gnolls have invaded a nearby village and have taken control of it. They have forced the villagers to work as slaves and have promised to kill them if they do not obey.
- A group of 4d6 goblins are attempting to steal a valuable statue from a local temple.
- A group of 3d6 lizardfolk are hunting for food and stumble upon the players and their party while they are traveling in the swamp.
- A group of 4d6 lizardfolk are hunting for food and stumble upon the players and their party while they are traveling in the swamp. An encounter with these lizardfolk will be hostile because they are cannibals and they will attempt to capture and eat the players if they can.
- A group of 3d6 kobolds are trying to steal a valuable item from a local village. The kobolds are trying to be stealthy, but they are not very good at it and alert the villagers who come out to stop them.
- A group of 3d6 kobolds, who have been working as servants for a group of humans for several months, have been secretly gathering information about their human masters and are going to use that information to raid the humans’ home and steal their valuables. The kobolds are working with a group of 2d6 goblins who will help them with the raid.
- The players stumble upon a group of 2d6 humans who are worshipers of a random god. They are celebrating their god’s birthday by singing, dancing, and drinking alcohol.
- A group of 4d6+2 kobolds have been stealing chickens and other livestock from a nearby village. The players stumble upon them while they are doing it and they will attempt to fight or flee if they can.
- A group of 4d6+2 kobolds have been stealing chickens and other livestock from a nearby village. The players stumble upon them while they are doing it and they will attempt to fight or flee if they can. If they are caught, they will beg for mercy and offer to repay the villagers for their crimes by working as servants for them for several months
- Foul smell leads you to a dead ogre. The dead body is emitting a foul smell. It is a common smell in this part of the swamp. The smell emanates from a large, black wound in the corpse’s midsection. A small, green fly circles the wound. The smell will cause nausea if the players stay in the area too long.
- Players find a group of men trying to fell a large tree. They are trying to clear a path through the swamp. Referee’s Note: This is the path through the swamp that leads to the dungeon.
- Players hear a loud crashing sound, followed by a terrified scream. As they turn around, they see a giant crab scuttling away with a man in its claws. The crab is large enough to carry the man away. The man was not a local and was doing his best not to be eaten by the crab.
- Players see a semi-transparent ghost talking to himself. Occasionally he will get mad at something he sees and yell at it. The ghost is a spirit of one of the swamp’s original inhabitants who does not like all the human activity here. The ghost will become angry and attack the players if they do anything that he dislikes, such as chopping down trees or killing animals in his swamp. He is a level 5 spirit who attacks with an axe and can cause fear in people.
- Players stumble across a man hunting deer in the swamp. He is dressed in buckskins and has a bow and quiver on his back. If approached, he will ask the players if they have seen any deer in the area. If players say yes, he will question them to make sure they saw deer and not a group of bandits in black robes that he saw earlier that day. He is looking for the group of black robed bandits who have been attacking caravans on their way to the city.
- Players hear a loud crashing sound, followed by a terrified scream. As they turn around, they see a giant crab scuttling away with a man in its claws. The crab is large enough to carry the man away. The man was not a local and was doing his best not to be eaten by the crab.
- Players find a piece of parchment with a note from a band of bandits. It reads: ‘We are heading North. We’re heading to the castle! Meet us there!’
- A small patch of mushrooms can be found growing in one part of the swamp. The mushrooms have been turned black by some strange magic. The patch of mushrooms has been killed by this magic but can still be used as normal mushrooms once they are cut up into pieces and cooked in food.
- Players stumble across a group of men trying to fell a large tree. They are trying to clear a path through the swamp. The men will attack the players if they get too close or try to help them fell trees. The men have been hired by a group of bandits to clear out this area so they can settle here and loot caravans coming through here.
- A large, black bird circles overhead and then perches on a branch, doing its best to remain hidden from sight. The bird is actually an enchanted creature that has been sent by a band of bandits to scout the area for potential camp sites, trails, and locations for ambushes against carav
- Rivaling Red dragon cultists: The players encounter two groups of rivaling red dragon cultists. They are battling each other in a battle that has been raging on for centuries.
- A group of lizardfolk challenges the players to a battle over a nearby swamp.
- A group of lizardfolk challenges the players to a battle over a nearby swamp. The lizardfolk believe the players are trespassing on their territory.
- A group of lizardfolk challenges the players to a battle over a nearby swamp. The lizardfolk believe the players are trespassing on their territory, but they are actually trespassing on the territory of the lizardfolk’s enemies.
- An assassin from a nearby city is hiding in the swamp, killing off potential threats to the city’s ruler.
- A group of bandits are hiding in the swamp, hiding from the city’s authorities.
- A group of bandits are hiding in the swamp, hiding from the city’s authorities. They are on their way to a nearby city to sell their goods.
- A group of bandits have been terrorizing the local villages, kidnapping the children and forcing the adults to work for them.
- A group of bandits have been terrorizing the local villages, kidnapping the children and forcing the adults to work for them. They are hiding in the swamp from the local authorities, who are too far away to be of any help to the villagers.
- The players stumble upon a group of 1d4+1 wood nymphs. They have been terrorizing the local villages, kidnapping children and forcing the adults to work for them.
- Yeenoweenie, a male gnome stands at the edge of the swamp and yells at players to come closer. He will ask for help in finding his pet frog, which is lost in the swamp. He will give players a magic item if they return with his pet frog.
- Overhead, a giant eagle circles and then lands on a tree. The eagle is a pet of an old wizard who lives in the swamp. The wizard wants the eagle back. The eagle is tame.
- A group of 2d6 bandits are on the lookout for easy victims.
- A group of 2d4 lumberjacks are on the lookout for trees to cut down for lumber. They will not trespass on the druid’s territory.
- A group of 2d6 peasants are searching for food and supplies. They are on their way to a nearby city. They will trade with players if they have something they want.
- Players find a group of 2d4 hunters who are tracking a rare and dangerous animal. If they’re lucky, they will find the animal’s tracks. If they’re not lucky, they will find the animal’s remains and know that it has been killed by something. If they track down the creature’s lair, they will encounter a pack of the creature’s young, who are angry and hungry.
- A giant snake slithers across the water’s surface. If players get too close, it will attack.
- A group of 2d4 hunters are tracking a rare and dangerous animal. If they’re lucky, they will find the animal’s tracks. If they’re not lucky, they will find the animal’s remains and know that it has been killed by something. If they track down the creature’s lair, they will encounter a pack of the creature’s young, who are angry and hungry.
- Players encounter a group of 2d4 farmers who are transporting a wagon filled with apples to the nearest city. They are on their way to sell their harvest and get a new supply of seeds and tools. They will trade with players if they have something they want.
- Players encounter a group of 2d4 lumberjacks who are transporting a wagon filled with logs to the nearest city. They are on their way to sell their harvest and get a new supply of tools and food. They will trade with players if they have something they want.
- Sudden downpour of blood. It will be red. No crows or ravens in the area. Nothing to be seen. Disturbing.
- A large turtle, about two meters long, is seen on the road. As the party approaches, it waddles off into the darkness of the swamp.
- The party notices a faint, wet stench in the air.
- The party hears a strange growling sound, coming from nearby. It sounds like an animal.
- The party observes an odd sight: a small, swampy island, with a single rock on it. Floating on the water, perhaps 20′ above the surface, is a large rock.
- The party passes an area where the trees are unusually thick and tall.
- A small band of 2d6 swamp goblins charges the party, eager to prove their worth to the tribe by killing some outsiders!
- A small, clear pond of water creates a small pool of calm water in the center of the swamp. The water glows slightly, as if a small fire were under it. When the party moves closer to investigate, a giant alligator lunges out of the water and attacks!
- A pack of wolves (2dappear from nowhere and attack the party. The wolves are unusually large and powerful.
- A group of 3d6 swamp goblins has been captured by a group of lizardfolk. The lizardfolk are holding the goblins prisoner.
- Zz’g’a, a black dragon, along with a group of 1d4+2 black dragon hatchlings, has been terrorizing the local area.
- You see a group of 1d4+4 goblins fighting with a group of 1d4+4 orcs.
- A group of 1d4+5 humans are trying to capture a giant spider.
- A group of 1d4+5 humans are trying to capture a giant snake.
- You see a group of 1d4+2 dwarves trying to capture a giant spider.
- A group of 1d4+4 elves are trying to capture a giant snake.
- A group of 1d4+5 humans are trying to capture a giant snake. They were hired by the local village to do so. It is their job to capture and remove the threat to their village.
- A group of 1d6+6 orcs are terrorizing the local area.
- A group of 1d4+6 orcs are terrorizing the local area.
- A group of 1d4+6 goblins are terrorizing the local area.
- Pools of golden light shine from the ground. They are 150′ in diameter and will teleport anyone who steps on them to a distant location. They will teleport a person back to the same place or to a nearby location, depending on the mood of the teleportation.
- A group of beautiful women are walking through the swamp. They are on their way to a nearby city and want to get to the city quickly. They are willing to pay anyone who can help them get to the city quickly.
- A group of hunters are walking through the swamp. They are on their way to a nearby city and want to get to the city quickly. They are willing to pay anyone who can help them get to the city quickly.
- A group of halflings are in the swamp looking for mushrooms to eat. They are willing to share their mushrooms with others.
- A group of men are in the swamp looking for snakes to eat. They are willing to share their snakes with others.
- A group of men are in the swamp looking for crocodiles to eat. They are willing to share their crocodiles with others.
- Four men are walking through the swamp. They are on their way to a nearby city and want to get to the city quickly. They are willing to pay anyone who can help them get to the city quickly.
- A group of men are in the swamp looking for crocodiles to eat. They are willing to share their crocodiles with others.
- Two men are walking through the swamp. They are on their way to a nearby city and want to get to the city quickly. They are willing to pay anyone who can help them get to the city quickly.
- A group of men are in the swamp looking for oryxes to hunt. They are willing to share their oryx meat with others.
- Bodies of 2 dead hill giants are floating in the swamp. 1d4+1 hill giant wyverns are circling above them.
- A party of 2d6 goblins are trying to catch a crocodile.
- A party of 2d6 ogres are hunting crocodiles.
- A crocodile strikes at a party of 2d4 elves, who barely avoid it!
- A party of 2d6 elves is searching for a rare flower that grows in the swamp.
- A party of 1d4+1 ogres are hunting elk in the swamp.
- A party of 1d4+1 ogres is hunting crocodiles in the swamp.
- A party of 2d4 dwarves is mining for gold in a small, nearby cave. They have a map that shows the location of treasure in the swamp, but it isn’t accurate and leads them into danger.
- A party of 2d4 dwarves is mining for gold in a small, nearby cave. They have a map that shows the location of treasure in the swamp, but it isn’t accurate and leads them into danger.
- A party of 1d4+1 elves is searching for a rare flower that grows in the swamp.
- Mutation: A group of 2d6 rangers from the nearby town are in the swamp hunting for the source of a strange mutation. They are all mutated to different degrees. They are looking for the source of a strange light that is seen in the swamp at night, but as they move further into the swamp, they don’t realize that they’re getting closer to the strange, mutated creatures.
- Voodoo: The players encounter a Voodoo priestess who is preparing to make a sacrifice to her god. She will try to convince the players that they can fight off the zombie horde if they drink a special tea made from strange mushrooms that grow in the swamp.
- Radio: The players hear a radio broadcast from a radio station that is broadcasting from the nearby city. The broadcast is about how dangerous the swamp is.
- Campfire: A group of 5d4 hunters near a campfire who have been hunting in the swamp for weeks have seen strange creatures and are thinking about turning back. They have found the creatures to be extremely dangerous, but they are not sure just how dangerous they are.
- Pirates: A group of 3d6 Pirates are on their way to a hidden cove, but they don’t realize that they’re getting closer and closer to the mutated creatures in the swamp as they sail through it. If they get too close, they’ll have to fight them and their pets!
- Treasure Map: A treasure map has been found and it leads to a dangerous place – the heart of the swamp!
- Insects: A group of 2d4 wizards are studying strange insects in the swamp. They will trade with players if they bring them rare insects from other places.
- Road: The road through the swamp has been washed out by flooding and has collapsed into a pit of quicksand.
- Mutation: A group of 2d4+4 wererats are fleeing from a werewolf who is hunting them down. They will offer players information about the werewolf if they can help them defeat him.
- Portrait: A group of 2d6+3 villagers stumble upon the players while they are wandering through the swamp. They will ask them to help them with a problem they’re having with a portrait that has begun to move and talk.
- Muddy ground ahead! The party sees a group of villagers walking through the swamp. They are trying to get away from a group of lizardfolk who are chasing them.
- A group of lizardfolk are attempting to capture a group of villagers. The villagers are trying to escape.
- A group of lizardfolk are celebrating near a campfire. They are drinking and singing songs about their many battles with villagers.
- A group of lizardfolk are arguing about whether or not to attack a group of villagers who are nearby.
- A group of lizardfolk are climbing out of the swamp and onto dry land. They seem to be leaving the area for good.
- The party comes across a group of men who are watching the party suspiciously. They appear to be bandits, but they aren’t doing anything bad at the moment.
- A group of men are standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down into the swamp below them with disgust on their faces. They are talking about how horrible the swamp is.
- The party sees a group of men standing near the entrance to a cave. They appear to be guarding the cave entrance, but they don’t seem interested in stopping or talking to anyone passing by.
- The party comes across a man who is standing at the exit of a cave. He tells them that he has been lost in the cave for hours and he’s starting to get really scared because he doesn’t know how he’s going to find his way out again. He asks the players if they can escort him back to the entrance so he can get back home. He will pay them 1d10 silver pieces for saving him.
- A halfling has a riddle: ‘I am like an arrow that flies through the air and hits its target every time. What am I?’ Answer: ‘A lucky shot!’ If players guess, they win 2d20+20 gold.
D100 DND Swamp Encounters for One-Shot
1) In the water up ahead, you see a bunch of dead fish, floating belly up.
2) A half-elf walks out of the forest bearing a large sack. He stops and watches you for a moment then slowly fades into the woods.
3) There is a pile of several hundred arrows on the road. It looks like there was a fight here. The arrows are tipped in a strange reddish substance. Oh, wait. That’s blood…
4) In the distance you can see what appears to be a half dozen flaming logs in the water. As you approach, the logs raise their heads and wave at you. The heads of the logs appear to be part of their bodies. These strange creatures are a cross between an ent and a crocodile and was invented by a nearby wizard. They are called Flugons.
5) On the shore is a group of three giants playing cards. There is an eye in the middle of the card table.
6) The trail forks before you, but you see a group of old men from town playing a game of chess. None of them are paying any attention to you. If you want to wander off, no one will notice.
7) Off to the side of the path you see a copse of trees. You can hear sobbing from inside. You can find an old woman in the trees who appears to be grieving over a fresh grave. It is her husband, who was killed for being a spy for a nearby settlement. She will explain to you exactly how he was killed, who did the killing, and the complete history of conflict between her village and the neighboring settlement. If you go back to the settlement and challenge the leader who killed her husband to a duel, she will be very appreciative.
8) Off to the side of the trail, you find the body of an adventurer. He was attacked from behind and killed without a sound or chance to defend himself. There is a dagger through his throat. Although the body is covered in flies, there is hardly any smell. At his feet is a drinking mug made from gnome bones.
9) Smoke rises from a distant copse of trees. It smells like a barbecue. As you get closer you can hear grunting and the crackle of a fire. A small group of goblins are cooking a wild boar over the fire. When they see you, they yell, “Would You Like Some Roast Beast?”
10) Ahead, you see a small sand hill. It is moving. When you get closer, you see that it is a sand hill giant. Not much farther along, you find the second entrance to the giant’s lair… a pile of sand.
11) As you cross the dry creek bed, a bunch of centipedes start to crawl out of the crevices…
12) You enter a camp. As you step out of the woods you are surrounded by a group of regular humans. They look angry.
13) A group of children are playing on the trail. They hold back as you approach. One little girl shouts, “Watch out for the [curse word] big men!” Her two companions run off.
14) A dwarf is digging at the edge of a wide pit. He notices you and says, “It’s a long fall.” He waves you away.
15) A book-burning bonfire is stacked in the middle of the trail. There is a sign on a nearby tree, “Books Smell Like Dragons”
16) A rustling in the bushes draws your attention. You see a large snake emerge from the undergrowth. “Hello,” it says, “I am the Fae of Coils”.
17) There is a shallow grave with a mound of rocks on top of it. It looks as if the body was no more than a few days under the rocks.
18) A group of kobolds are huddled around some glowing fungi. They look worried.
19) A scaly hand reaches out of a dark crevice in the cliff face. Then another. As you back away, a huge yellow and black lizard-man emerges.
20) A small wooden boat with oars floats down the river. There is a sign on the bow. It says, “PLEASE STEER CLEAR. Plague!”
21) A stone statue of an elf is on the side of the trail. It is a little weathered, but you can see that the artist was not very skilled.
22) The trail comes to an end. It is marked by the remnants of a campfire. There are the remains of a small mushroom. It is the only thing still recognizable.
23) You hear a sound like a flute. You see a halfling bard named Thadeus Thornthistle playing a flute.
24) A cat is sitting on a stone. He jumps down and turns into a giant man. He is an illusionist named Gurnank the Mad.
25) The path is flowing with swamp water. You hear a roar and look up. A dragon is flying above you.
26) A bridge made of vines and rough-hewn planks crosses the river. On it is a sign: “Thank you for supporting the local economy. This bridge was built by Happy D & D Construction Company!”
27) A hag and her two orc bodyguards walk down the path. They are carrying sacks that are bulging with coins.
28) The path narrows and the trees crowd in. You hear a sound like a giant rolling a bowling ball. You see a giant bowling balls, one after another, coming your way. The path is blocked.
29) You see a gnome who looks very similar to Elminster. He is sitting in a tree, singing and playing a mandolin.
30) The path is blocked by a wall of fire. Cune, a fire genasi, is on the other side. She is a mage and wants to fight any enemies of the land, especially the invading Blue Dragonarmy.
31) A group of hobgoblins are sitting at a campfire. They are cooking and laughing. They say they are going to pillage and kill the Zhentarim.
32) The trail leads to a stone bridge. On top of the bridge is a sign. It says, “WELCOME TO THE TOWN OF GREED. WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT.”
33) You see an old woman tending the garden. She is talking to a young rabbit. She has a small array of tools next to her. The tools are made of gold, silver, and platinum.
34) The trail ends in a circle of standing stones. You see a barbaric warrior coming toward you. She walks up to a stone and starts to pray to it. She sacrifices a gold ring.
35) You see a small lizard sitting on the trail. It is roasting an insect over a small fire. The lizard says hello. It says it doesn’t harm travelers. In fact, it helps them.
36) The trail is on fire. A group of goblins are running along it. They say that it is the annual goblin race and fire run.
37) You see a group of soldiers marching on the trail. They are shouting and singing. One is carrying a gold-plated lute.
38) The trail goes up a hill. The hill is made of gold and platinum. A sign says the ruins of the City of Gold are at the top.
39) You walk into a small clearing. Suddenly, it starts to rain silver coins. It clears and a rainbow appears. The rainbow fades and a treasure chest is left.
40) You see a sign. It says, “The sorceress Gladys the Greedy is at the end of the trail. She will trade your gold for a simple bauble.”
41) You see a deep pit by the side of the trail. A green dragon is sleeping at the bottom.
42) A group of 2d4 giant crocodiles emerge from the water. The crocodiles are covered in armor.
43) An elephant with a saddle on its back emerges from the reeds.
44) A large number of birds are circling overhead, waiting to land.
45) A trap door is in the middle of the road. It covers a pit. It has been covered for 20 years. The spiders that made the pit are long gone.
46) There are 100 pounds of +1 iron ingots on the ground.
47) You see a man chasing a woman. The man is slimy and has green scales. The woman is beautiful and is wearing armor. The woman is the evil person in this situation.
48) You see a man lying on the ground. He is surrounded by 3d4 beautiful women. The man is quite handsome. He is a noble named Gradiun Thornhoggle.
49) You see a merchant sitting on the ground. He is wearing a tunic and looks like a pauper. He looks up at you and smiles. Suddenly, he is wearing gorgeous, magical, enchanted armor.
50) You see a man and a woman. They are in an argument. They are wearing tattered old clothes.
51) You see a city in the distance. It looks like a big, prosperous, old city. It is an illusion.
52) The townspeople are throwing rocks at the party. They have mistaken the party for an invading force.
53) A small building appears to be abandoned. There is a mimic living inside.
54) A merchant selling exotic trinkets rides past you on a giant millipede. He will stop and trade, but his prices are high. He will not sell his mount.
55) You see a man fishing. He’s wearing no clothes and seems to be happy.
56) You see a man wearing high-class robes. He is sitting next to a stream. He has a staff and is reading a book. He is the same level as the party.
57) An old, fat lady is arguing with her husband. She wants to buy a pet pig. Her husband does not like pigs. He wants to buy a pet bear.
58) You see a man and a woman in a clearing. The man is dressed in finery. The woman is dressed as a peasant. They are both in love.
59) A slave trader rides by on a giant beetle. He is checking his inventory. He has 1d4 slaves in his party, four gnomes who need help.
60) A tribe of orcs exits their camp and invites you for dinner. They have a cast-iron pot. They will not let you leave. YOU are the dinner. The shaman leader has a Charm Person wand with 34 of 52 charges remaining.
61) A noble named Amser Chand will ride by offering a thousand gold for anyone who can tell him where he can find the lost Scepter of the Ancients.
62) Up ahead, 2d10 gnolls are fighting over the carcass of a cow. A pack of 2d6 wolves is waiting for the gnolls to kill each other so they can dine on the winner.
63) Two rangers are hunting for giant spiders and have a net. The spiders have them trapped. They need your help. If you help them, they will give you a magic grappling hook.
64) An intelligent zombie will run into the party, warn them of the danger, and then run away. There is a big blade sticking out of his back. A necromancer is nearby in the swamp.
65) The party sees a small village where the peasants are fighting amongst each other. They need your help. The king of the elves is trying to take over the human village. The king of the humans is trying to take over the elf village. The king of the dwarves is trying to play both of them against each other. The king of the gnomes is trying to take over both of them. The king of the goblins is trying to take over all of them. A dragon has moved into the abandoned elven village on the hill.
66) A wight in a boat offers to ferry the party across the river. It is a trap.
67) Two halfling rangers approach the party and demand that they hand over their herbs. The halflings are herbalists who want herbs.
68) It is still sunny, but the clouds are moving faster than they should.
69) The party sees a group of elves and dwarves are fighting over a treasure chest. The chest is empty.
70) The sky overhead is filled with thousands of birds. They do not appear to be flying south for the winter.
71) The party sees a group of 6d6 goblins riding 2d6 giant spiders. The goblins are riding toward the party.
72) The party sees a group of 2d12 elves. They are sitting down beside the trail, eating. They are upset about something. They will help the party for a bag of copper coins.
73) A 1d10-foot statue of a rat is blocking the road. It is made of a strange ivory-like material. If examined, it comes alive and attacks like a golem.
74) A cleric of the Green Lord demands that the party join the Green Lord’s army and go fight for his cause. Otherwise, the cleric threatens to turn the party into frogs.
75) A dwarf runs into the party and asks for help finding his lost brother. His brother is a few miles away. He was taken by an ogre. The party can help the dwarf find his brother. The dwarf will then help the party in their quest.
76) A 2d6-foot long boa constrictor is waiting in ambush for a herd of cattle to stumble into the ambush. It will attack the party if encountered.
77) The party sees a half elf/half orc named Mirg Wolf-Bitch fighting off 2d6 orcs. He is cornered. If the party fights off the orcs, he will join them in gratitude.
78) A 3d6-foot tall statue of a woman is beckoning to the party from the swamp. It will attack if they get too close.
79) The party hears the sound of a baby crying. They find a baby gnome in a basket in the middle of the trail. No one will claim the baby. It cries all night. It cries all day. It cries all night. It cries all day. It cries all night. It cries all day. It cries all night.
80) A statue of a goblin king is sitting on a throne. The throne is made of a shiny green-black stone. There are 2d6 statues of goblins around the throne. It is a magical trap.
81) A group of 2d6 dwarves are sitting down eating dinner. They will share their dinner with the party.
82) A 2d10-foot long alligator is laying in the road. It won’t attack. It is looking for its friend.
83) A large tree is blocking the road. It came out of nowhere. The road is torn up for a few feet around it where it came through.
84) A small mound of white sand lies in the middle of the road. It was left by a passing caravan.
85) A hill giant is sitting on a wagon. He invites the party to ride with him. He will head back to the hill giant village for dinner if the party joins him. The hill giant is traveling with 2d6 hill giant boys. They are going to the circus. The circus is at the next town.
86) A storm cloud is moving towards a tall mountain. Lightning bolts are striking the mountain. It is too late to avoid a fight with a lightning elemental.
87) A small cluster of will o’ wisps are standing over a dead body. They are inspecting it.
88) The party sees a small town in the distance. They see smoke coming from one house. There is a fire. The townspeople are fighting over water to put out the fire. They need the party’s help. The fire is caused by the gnomish pranksters.
89) The party sees a group of 2d12 halflings milling around a well. They are arguing over who gets the water first.
90) An old man is fishing off a bridge over a small stream. He smells of fish. He is drinking a beer. His fishing pole broke earlier today and he has been drinking ever since. His wife died ten years ago and he has not left the bridge since she died. He thinks the fish are talking to him.
91) The party sees a small farm house. The front door is open. There is a woman outside the door. She is waving her arms towards the door. One of the hinges is broken. She is trying to repair it.
92) A group of young adults are camping by a river. It is a warm summer evening. They are picnicking. They are drinking beer. One man is telling a story.
93) An old woman is walking along the road. She is carrying a bucket of water. She stumbles and drops the bucket of water. The water is soaking into the road. She is upset.
94) Three elven rangers are standing in a small clearing. One of them is a ranger captain. The others are privates. They are tracking a group of orcs.
95) There is a small group of men in the road. One of them is carrying a bag of gold coins. They are arguing about the division among themselves.
96) The party sees two men in the road. They are carrying a long plank of wood. They are carrying it between them. The plank is about 30 feet long. One man is in front. The other is behind. They are carrying the plank between them on the ground. A dwarf is watching them. He is standing in the middle of the road and shaking his head.
97) An old woman is yelling at her dog. It is chasing after a fox. The fox has a large piece of meat in its mouth.
98) The party sees a dozen farmers sitting on the ground. There are no animals around. They are eating vegetables and fruit. They are washing it down with beer. They are singing bawdy songs. The farmers are drunk.
99) The party sees a large group of people. They are gathered around a throne. The throne has a cloth thrown over it. The people are lifting the cloth. They are looking at the throne and talking to each other. They say things like, “Wow! This is the real thing!” They are Zan cultists who are invading the swamp.
100) One man is sitting on a horse. He is yelling at the party for passing him. He is telling them to get out of the road.
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