D100 DND Curses Your Players Will Love to Hate

Creating compelling curses to enliven your fantasy D&D world shouldn’t be a daunting task. In fact, with a little ingenuity and inspiration, you can craft intricate curses that add depth and intrigue to your narratives. I’ve compiled a list of one hundred unique curses that you can immediately utilize or adapt to better fit your character’s backstory, contributing a layer of richness to your RPG experiences.

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But first, let’s dive into this array of 100 fantasy D&D curses. Whether you’re a Dungeon Master looking for a new twist in your tale or a player seeking a mysterious curse for your character, this comprehensive list will provide you with an abundance of intriguing ideas.

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100 Interesting DND Curses

  1. You are cursed to have a deathly fear of birds. They terrify you and you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or become frozen in fear for one minute when a bird is present.
  2. You are cursed to be a werewolf. When the full moon rises, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or turn into a werewolf for one hour.
  3. You are cursed to be a were-hedgehog. When the full moon rises, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or turn into a were-hedgehog for one hour.
  4. You are cursed to be a were-pig. When the full moon rises, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or turn into a were-pig for one hour.
  5. Your curse has been handed down many generations and is your families greatest shame, but you bear it with pride. You are cursed to always walk backward three steps every three hundred steps. This is a compulsion that you cannot escape.
  6. You are cursed to be a thief. After every encounter you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or steal two items of your choice.
  7. You are cursed to be a plant. When the sun goes down you become a tree for one hour. You lose all physical and mental ability. If a fire is lit near you, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or become a tree that burns and dies.
  8. You are cursed to be a blacksmith. Your fingernails are as hard as iron, but are brittle and break often. You can only wear boots made by you and your nails break often.
  9. You are cursed to be a baker. You are constantly hungry and must eat constantly. You can eat almost anything, but your favorite is cake. The more cake you have eaten, the more likely you are to be cursed with other food related curses.
  10. Your curse is a strange one. It wasn’t meant to hurt, but it makes you -smell- terrible for ten minutes once a day. Everyone within 10 feet must make a Dc 15 wisdom save or be sickened for one hour.
  11. You are cursed to be a trash picker. You have to have at least one piece of trash or discarded items on your person at all times.
  12. You are cursed to be an expert in being an expert. When asked a question, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or give a long-winded, ranting lecture that is far too complicated and detailed for the subject. You will only answer the question asked when you are done. This can be useful in combat, but when it’s not, it can be annoying.
  13. You are cursed to be a drunkard. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or spend your entire downtime in a tavern drinking yourself into a stupor.
  14. You are cursed to be a philosopher. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or have a long, awkward conversation with every NPC you meet.
  15. You are cursed to be a thief. You cannot wear your own cloak, as it will simply disappear, leaving you naked.
  16. Your curse is that you have a terrible singing voice. It must be heard to be believed.
  17. Your ancestral curse is you cannot speak a lie. Whenever you try to make a false statement, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or burp.
DND Curses for all occasions…
  1. Whenever you try to speak to someone important, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or use the longest, most convoluted sentence possible with no punctuation.
  2. You are cursed to be a dirty dresser. Every day, you must be splattered with mud and sludge to cover your filth.
  3. You are cursed to be a glutton. You must eat every hour and when you are full, you are nauseated for 10 minutes.
  4. You are cursed to be a gambler. When you enter a tavern, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or start gambling with everyone else in the tavern.
  5. You are cursed to be a fast talker. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or become obsessed with telling the longest, most convoluted story possible.
  6. You are cursed to be a storyteller. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or spend 15 minutes every hour telling an unbelievable, made up story to everyone you meet.
  7. The root of your curse lies in a bargain you made with a terrible god for unparalleled skill and power. You are cursed to always see the worst version of everyone you meet. They are dumber, uglier, smell worse, and are even more annoying than they usually are – and you’re compelled to share your feelings.
  8. Your curse binds you to another person. You cannot move more than 100 feet from each other. If you do, you both must make a DC 15 wisdom save or teleport to each other and take 10d10 damage.
  9. You are cursed to be an artist. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save every hour or draw a picture of something nearby. You can only draw stick figures and these pictures are useless.
  10. You are cursed to be an adventurer. You cannot stay in one place for more than one week at a time. If you do, everything you own will disappear until you adventure again.
  11. You are cursed to be a swashbuckler. If your Charisma is higher than your Intelligence, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or challenge someone to a duel with their choice of weapon.
  12. You are cursed to be a historian. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or lecture everyone you meet on the history of the surrounding area.
  13. You are cursed to always be ten minutes late.
  14. You are cursed to be a kleptomaniac. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or steal an item from a shop you enter.
  15. Whenever you enter a new village, town, or city you are cursed to be a gossip. You must spend your entire downtime finding out all the gossip you can about the location. You can remember the gossip for up to a week, but forgot it the next day.
  16. You are cursed to be a glutton. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or spend all of your downtime eating and buying food.
  17. You are cursed to be a nymphomaniac. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or find a man and have sex with him.
  18. You are cursed to be uncontrollably attracted to adventurers. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or flirt with and try to seduce an adventurer wherever you go.
  19. You are cursed to be possessed by a spirit. The spirit is that of a legendary adventurer who has lived before and always takes over the body of a person with a strong will and personality. The spirit can only be seen with a detect evil and good spell. They compel you to take risks when adventuring.
  20. Your spirit has been cursed by the gods of another religion, and the only way to pay for your crimes is to be an NPC in the backstory of an adventurer who will perform a quest for you.
  21. You are cursed to have acrophobia (“fear of heights”) You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or freak out when you’re higher than 5 feet off the ground.
  22. You are cursed to have claustrophobia. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or freak out when you are in a small enclosed place.
  23. Your curse is to have an insatiable appetite for a particular food (for example, strawberries). You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or find the nearest source of that food and eat until you are full (i.e., make a DC 15 wisdom save once per day/session as DM prefers).
  24. Your family’s curse is simple yet devious. A witch once cursed your entire bloodline, so that everyone born with it would die during the first adventure they would go on. However, if you can survive the first adventure, then the curse is broken. As such, there were two family lines, a cursed one and an uncursed one. You are part of the uncursed line…for now.
  25. Every morning, you are compelled to check your person to make sure you haven’t accidentally stolen anything during the night.
  26. Every evening, you get a strong urge to confess all of the evil things you have done in your life to a clergyman – or anyone nearby.
  27. When you’re in a strange town, you’re cursed to always be frightened until you’ve spend 1d4+2 days in the new location. If you fail a DC 15 wisdom save, every evening until you’ve stayed there for the required number of days you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or cry yourself to sleep out of fear.
  28. Your curse is that you must always tell the truth. Whenever you make a roll for a bluff or intimidate check and fail you will always reveal instead the truth, even if it hurts.
  29. You are cursed to be a drunkard. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or go on a binge drinking session, staying out until you’ve spent half your gold on ale and wine.
  30. You’re cursed to be a faulty archer. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or shoot an arrow with a fc 5 or higher at the nearest person you meet.
  31. You’re cursed to be a mutterer. You must make a roll and get a 15 or lower. Upon a roll of 1 you talk to yourself, upon a roll of 2-9 you mutter under your breath, and on a roll of 10-15 you babble and yell loudly. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or tell everyone within earshot something you did that you regret.
  32. You’re cursed to be a coward. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or flee when you are in combat.
  33. You’re cursed to be a fool. Whenever you make a roll for a wisdom save and fail you must always tell a really bad joke.
  34. You’re cursed to be a liar. Whenever someone asks you a question, you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or spit out the biggest lie you can think of.
  35. You’re cursed to be an awful storyteller. Whenever you try to tell a story to someone, you must make a Wisdom Save of DC 15 or the DM gives you a random number of details, go over the details with the other players, and then tell them your story.
  36. Your curse is a strange one that compels you to whistle a popular, catchy tune everywhere you go.
  37. Your curse is a strange one that compels you to hum a popular, catchy tune everywhere you go.
  38. Whenever you visit a large town such as a capital city you are compelled to hug as many people as you can in a 48 hour period.
  39. You are cursed to be an inveterate gossip. You must make a DC 15 wisdom save or start gossiping about whoever you talk to.
  40. Whenever you get into a fight you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or run away in fear.
  41. You are cursed to be a glutton. Whenever you are hungry you must make a DC 10 wisdom save or eat as much as you can until you are full.
  42. When you are cold (or even chilly) you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or start a fire.
  43. You are constantly too hot no matter the surrounding temperature. This curse causes you to make a DC 15 wisdom save or start sweating profusely whenever you enter a new climate.
  44. Your curse is a strange one that causes you to lose all track of time and do whatever you want at any given moment.
  45. An ancient curse has placed you under a continual compulsion to find every man named “Harry” in the world.
  46. In the old days, the gods would punish people who broke a promise by cursing them to be unable to tell the truth. You are afflicted with this curse.
  47. You feel compelled to tell the truth about everything you see, hear about, or read about. Increasing your wisdom beyond 18 does not allow you to lie (unknowingly or otherwise) about anything.
  48. You suffer from near-constant seasickness.
  49. You feel a strong compulsion to repeat whatever someone tells you, word for word.
  50. You are cursed to be a compulsive gambler. If you do not gamble today you must make a DC 10 wisdom save or gamble away all your equipment tomorrow.
  51. You feel compelled to steal random objects found in other people’s bedrooms and keep them in your own room.
  52. You are compelled to tell anyone who asks what you are thinking of what you actually think of them (the curse makes it impossible to lie to the person who asked).
  53. You are compelled to tell anyone who asks what your favorite color is what it actually is.
  54. You are cursed to feel ridiculous in any situation not involving combat.
  55. You are now able to only write in all caps.
  56. Your body is weak and fragile. Whenever you take damage you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or have your maximum hit points reduced by 1d4 permanently.
  57. You are afraid to leave your home after sunset.
  58. You are compelled to consult the nearest religious authority over every matter you feel uncertain about.
  59. Your curse is a strange one that causes you to feel compelled not to visit any large city for fear of the great curse that awaits you there.
  60. Whenever you feel uncertain about what you are going to do next you must make a DC 15 wisdom save or double your current speed.
  61. Whenever you feel uncertain about what you are going to do next you must make a DC 10 wisdom save or attack the nearest living creature.
  62. You feel compelled to make a fortune telling device with palm, tea leaves, or crystal ball readings for everyone you can and as often as possible.
  63. You feel compelled to tell anyone who asks what your occupation is what it actually is (the curse makes it impossible to lie to the person who asked).
  64. You feel compelled to tell anyone who asks what your favorite color is what it actually is.
  65. You feel compelled to tell anyone who asks what your favorite animal is what it actually is (the curse makes it impossible to lie to the person who asked).
  66. You are compelled to tell anyone who asks what your favorite food is what it actually is (the curse makes it impossible to lie to the person who asked).
  67. Whenever you feel uncertain about what you are going to do next you must make a DC 10 wisdom save or attack the nearest living creature.
  68. You feel compelled to tell anyone who asks what your involvement with the recent events in your town was what it actually was (the curse makes it impossible to lie to the person who asked).
  69. Your curse makes you compulsively speak only in rhyme.
  70. Whenever you feel happy, you cry. And whenever you’re sad, you laugh. This has gotten you into a lot of trouble in life.
  71. You feel compelled to tell anyone who asks what your favorite season is what it actually is (the curse makes it impossible to lie to the person who asked).
  72. You feel compelled to tell anyone who asks what your favorite month is what it actually is (the curse makes it impossible to lie to the person who asked).
  73. You feel compelled to tell anyone who asks what your favorite holiday is what it actually is (the curse makes it impossible to lie to the person who asked).
  74. Your hair and beard grow at an abnormal rate and become frayed and knotted from this.
  75. You feel compelled to tell anyone who asks what your favorite type of music is what it actually is (the curse makes it impossible to lie to the person who asked).
  76. Your hair and nails grow at an accelerated rate.
  77. You crave only the blood of intelligent humanoids.
  78. You are compelled to tell the truth, regardless of what it could be used for or against you.
  79. You can only speak 10 words per hour.
  80. Your hair changes color every day, and nobody trusts you at first.
  81. Everytime you write something it changes into another language.
  82. You have disadvantage on your attacks in melee and ranged combat and on strength checks.
  83. As soon as you enter a new area your eyes become watery and bleary, preventing you from seeing.

Where to go from here? If you want to make your own DND Curses, you can use GPT-3. LitRPG Adventures is a powerful online content generation tool and RPG world base for any RPG including D&D, Pathfinder RPG, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, Savage Worlds, Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, The One Ring, Fate Core, Dungeon World, FATE, GURPS and many more.

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!