Here’s a list of cool things you can find in a wizard’s tower. If you enjoy this list, be sure to bookmark the site. I’ve got hundreds of similar lists and a lot of information on how you can use AI to generate tabletop RPG content. Keep reading to see my list of D100 items in a tower owned by a wizard. Enjoy!
100 Items in a Wizard Tower
- A glass orb with a swirling blue mist inside, as if it holds a pocket of some unearthly atmosphere. Legends say it is a tear from the realm of Faerie, and can be used to manipulate the minds of mortals.
- A book of ancient prophecies, the pages filled with cryptic symbols and warnings of a great evil from long ago.
- A finely crafted silver chalice with an intricate elven script inscribed around the base. It is said to provide great wisdom to those who drink from it.
- A mysterious black key, said to belong to a powerful wizard who disappeared centuries ago.
- An ancient egg-shaped artifact with strange magical properties. It absorbs and reflects magical energy, making it a useful tool for defensive magics.
- A chrome-plated steel rod with a crystal on one end, said to be able to summon creatures from other planes of existence.
- A pair of enchanted gauntlets made from a mysterious metal that absorbs and deflects all forms of magical energy.
- A glowing gemstone that hums with energy and can be used to focus and increase the power of all magical spells and rituals.
- A book of alchemy recipes, each page filled with strange symbols and diagrams of potions, elixirs, and other magical concoctions.
- A cask of enchanted wine, which is said to grant visions of the past, present, and future to those who drink it.
- A haunted mirror, said to reveal glimpses of alternate timelines and realities.
- A large crystal ball that pulses with energy and is said to show visions of things to come.
- An iron staff with a dragon’s head carved into its top, said to be able to summon the winds of the four directions.
- A book titled “Secrets of Necromancy” written by a powerful Lich, its pages filled with dark magic and forbidden knowledge. The book is red leather with a dark reptilian eye embossed on the cover.
- A jar filled with strange black sand, said to be made of the ashes of a powerful vampire, but this is not the case. The black sand is actually a powerful magical reagent, used to empower spells and rituals.
- An ancient bronze bell with an inscription in a forgotten language. The bell is enchanted to call forth an Elemental Lord when rung. Anyone who rings the bell must make a save vs. magical effect or be transformed into a servant of the summoned entity for 2d12 days.
- Two boxes of ancient scrolls filled with secrets of Elven magic and lore. Anyone who studies the boxes for 1d20 hours will discover a powerful spell that can summon forth the ghost of an Elven lord named Belk-Tiror. He is said to grant his summoner vast knowledge of arcane magic.
- A deck of strange tarot cards, each depicting a different strange creature or magical phenomenon.
- A teardrop-shaped vial containing a milky white liquid that is said to have the power to restore life to the dead. This is not true, but it smells nice.
- A wand made of petrified wood carved in the shape of a dragon’s head, said to be able to cast powerful fireballs when waved. This is a Wand of Fireballs with 2 of 12 charges remaining.
- Fourteen distinct vials of strange blood, each belonging to a different creature of legend. The blood is said to be able to create powerful potions and magical items when combined.
- A pair of golden earrings that are not enchanted but have a strange magnetic pull to them. When worn, the player must make a save vs. magical effect or be depressed for 2d20 days.
- Several bottles of rare, glowing dust. This spell ingredient is rare and difficult to come by. The initials ZZ are etched on the bottom of the bottles. They belonged to a wizard named Zorzaad Zorza who used to live in this tower.
- A spelling slate with a number of spells written in an unknown tongue. It is said that anyone who can decipher the spells will gain great power. Anyone spending time deciphering the slate will discover it is, in fact, a recipe for lunch (rabbit stew…)
- A small pouch filled with strange components, used to craft magical items and weapons. The components include a tiny vial of mercury, a few silver coins, a scrap of black cloth, and a fragment of a dragon’s scale.
- A large clay golem, crafted by a powerful mage centuries ago. It is said that the golem can do the bidding of its creator or anyone else who knows the secret command words.
- A wooden staff with a silver dragon’s head carved into its top. The staff is said to be able to shoot lightning bolts when it is pointed at its target and the correct words are spoken.
- A pair of ivory dice, said to be cursed. Any player who rolls these dice is said to risk not only losing the game, but possibly their sanity as well. Anyone using the dice will be cursed with a gambling addiction that progressively gets worse until they get rid of the dice or lose all of their belongings.
- A small box filled with strange runes, each with a unique magical power. Anyone who speaks the correct incantation can use the runes to summon forth any creature from any plane of existence.
- A silver key-shaped pendant, said to be able to unlock any door, no matter what locks or wards protect it.
- An enchanted hourglass that can turn back time for up to an hour. It is said that this powerful artifact was crafted by a powerful wizard during the Age of Magic.
- A book titled “Treatise on Summoning”, written by a powerful mage. It is filled with ancient secrets and rituals for summoning creatures from other planes of existence.
- A small, black box that is said to be able to open a portal to any location in the world. This box is actually a magical gateway, and its key is said to be guarded deep in the Oubliette of Doom.
- A small stone tablet that glows with a faint, bluish light. The tablet is inscribed with strange symbols and runes, each representing a different magical spell or ritual.
- A box of strange amulets, each said to grant the wearer a different magical power or ability.
- A pair of iron manacles with a strange magical aura. Anyone wearing the manacles will be rendered completely immune to magical effects.
- A wooden chest filled with strange ingredients and components used to craft potions and magical items. The chest also contains a small, silver spoon said to be able to transform into any object placed in it.
- A small stone idol of an ancient god. It is said that by speaking its name aloud, anyone can request a favor from the god.
- A large bird’s nest made of twigs woven together, magically enchanted to keep its contents safe from harm. Within the nest is a small, golden egg that is said to contain great power.
- An obsidian spear with an eagle’s head carved into its blade, said to be able to summon lightning strikes when thrown.
- A small box filled with vials of mysterious, glowing liquid. Anyone drinking this liquid will gain a powerful magical ability for 24 hours.
- A brazier crafted from an unknown, unearthly metal. It is said that when lit and placed in a window, the smoke from the brazier can see into the future.
- An ancient book written by a powerful vampire called the Book of Blood. The book is filled with dark rituals and spells able to manipulate and control the undead.
- An ivory chess set said to be able to grant tactical advice to anyone playing a game with it.
- A pair of golden rings inscribed with strange symbols that are said to grant great power and protection to anyone wearing them.
- An enchanted hourglass filled with mysterious green sand. Anyone who looks into the sand will be able to see visions of the past, present and future.
- A staff made of ebony, inscribed with strange runes said to be able to manipulate time and space.
- A large orb made of crystal and quartz, said to be able to conjure forth powerful illusions and dreams.
- A large book filled with secrets about the nature of magic and the universe. It is said that anyone who reads this book will gain great knowledge and power.
- A set of magical playing cards made from dragon scale, inscribed with strange runes. Anyone playing a game with these cards will experience powerful visions of future events.
- An ancient dagger made of bronze, said to have been forged by a powerful wizard during the Age of Magic. Anyone using this dagger will gain increased magical power and knowledge.
- A tiny, ornate box made of gold, said to contain a powerful genie who can grant three wishes.
- A bag of feathers said to be able to make anyone they touch invisible.
- An enchanted hourglass that can slow down time for anyone wearing it.
- A mysterious black stone said to be able to absorb any magical energy cast at it, making it an effective defensive item.
- A large leather-bound book titled “Secrets of Alchemy” which is filled with ancient recipes for powerful potions and elixirs.
- An ancient coin bearing the likeness of a dragon that can be used to summon the creature when flipped in the air.
- A small bottle of purple liquid said to have the power to heal any wound when poured on it.
- A pair of silver gloves inscribed with runes that are said to be able to double any magical power conducted through them.
- A vial containing a blue orchid, said to be able to grant the user enhanced mental powers.
- An ancient bronze shield with a strange symbol on it, said to be able to deflect all forms of magical energy away from its wielder.
- A set of silver runes, each inscribed with strange symbols. Anyone who speaks the correct words will be able to activate the runes and use them to create powerful magical effects.
- A magical hourglass that can stop time for anyone within sight of it.
- An enchanted painting of a powerful wizard, said to be able to cast powerful spells at anyone who looks upon it.
- An old leather-bound book of dark magic, said to contain powerful rituals and spells that can enslave the souls of mortals.
- A box of twelve strange coins, each with a unique magical power when flipped heads or tails.
- A silver chalice said to be able to hold any liquid without spilling. Anyone drinking from the chalice will be granted great wisdom and power.
- A pair of enchanted gauntlets said to be able to increase the strength of their wielder.
- A large, ornately carved bottle filled with a purple liquid. Anyone drinking this liquid will gain a powerful magical ability for 24 hours.
- A pair of silver dice, said to be cursed with bad luck. Anyone who rolls these dice risks losing everything they own.
- An ancient scroll filled with strange runes, said to be able to amplify any spell cast while it is visible.
- A large gemstone that looks like a star, said to be able to focus and enhance any magical power conducted through it.
- An old book filled with secrets of the arcane, written by a powerful mage. It is said that anyone who reads this book will gain great knowledge and power.
- A small box filled with strange symbols, said to be able to open a portal to any location in the universe.
- An ancient tablet inscribed with strange symbols, said to be able to cast powerful spells at its viewer.
- An old wand made of petrified wood, said to be able to manipulate the elements when waved in the air.
- A set of bronze amulets, each inscribed with a different magical rune. Anyone wearing these amulets will gain increased magical power and knowledge.
- A mysterious black orb, said to be able to trap anyone viewing it in an eternal dream world.
- A large diamond said to have been cut from a dragon’s eye, said to be able to grant great power and protection to its owner.
- A set of five ancient spell books, each written by a different powerful mage. It is said that anyone who reads these books will gain great knowledge and power.
- An old leather-bound journal filled with secrets of alchemy, said to contain recipes for powerful potions and elixirs.
- A small box filled with strange components used to craft magical items and weapons. The box contains a small, silver spoon said to be able to transform into any object placed in it.
- A large iron key inscribed with strange symbols, said to be able to open any door, no matter what locks or wards protect it.
- A large painting of a powerful wizard, said to be able to cast powerful spells at anyone who looks upon it.
- A mysterious vial containing a thick, purple fluid, said to have the power to raise the dead when poured onto a corpse.
- A brass bell, said to be able to summon any creature from any plane of existence when rung.
- A set of silver dice, each inscribed with strange symbols. Anyone who rolls these dice is said to receive visions of their future.
- An ancient staff made of ivory, said to be able to cast powerful healing spells when waved in the air.
- An old leather-bound book filled with secrets of divination, said to contain knowledge of past, present and future events.
- A mysterious black stone said to be able to absorb any magical energy cast at it, making it an effective defensive item.
- An ornately carved bottle filled with a clear, glowing liquid. Anyone drinking this liquid is said to gain the power of flight for 1d6 hours. It is cursed, and they cannot stop flying – faster and faster.
- A set of old shackles, said to be able to bind any creature, no matter how powerful.
- An old wooden box containing a strange powder, said to be able to turn a living creature into stone when sprinkled on them.
- A small pouch containing a variety of herbs and roots, said to be able to grant any person great power of speech.
- An old bronze mirror, said to be able to show any person their reflection from the past, present or future.
- A set of three stones, each a different color, said to grant the user the power to teleport to any place they imagine.
- An ancient book filled with secrets of summoning, said to contain the knowledge of how to call forth powerful monsters from other planes.
- An ornately carved staff, said to be able to cast powerful lightning spells when pointed at its target.
- A large black orb that is not magical but looks cool.
- A small glass vial filled with a strange green gas that stinks.
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