D100 Books Found in a Wizard’s Tower

Here’s a list of 100 books players can find in a wizard’s tower. Feel free to use them in your fantasy tabletop campaign. Long live RPG!

100 Books Players Find in a Wizard’s Tower

1) The Pocket Guide for Shadow Travelers by Sir Thomas Whitmore

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2) The Bodice Ripper: The Unauthorized Guide to the Girdle by the Wizard Tom of Guandale

3) Favorite Magical Names for your Wizard’s Pets by Johnson the Cat

4) The Praise of Folly by Roger Folly

5) Real Magicians Don’t Play Games by P. Leebrix

6) The Great Spellbook Debate by Nate the Great

7) The Wiseman’s Almanac by Humphrey Wiseman

8) The Wizard’s Curmudgeon by Reginald Curmudgeon

9) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Wizards by Richard Shelby

10) The History of Magic Made Easy by Earl McCoy

11) The Occult Handbook by Lee Lee the Magnificent

12) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Shadow Conjuration by Steven Floyd

13) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Floating Disk by Stephen R. Daniel

14) Wizard’s Guidelines for Staff Selection by Steven Floyd

15) The Sword of the Enemy by Lee Lee the Magnificent

16) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Making a Living as a Wizard by Steven Floydson

17) The Rules of Wizardly Conduct by Steven Floyd

18) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Player Characters by Steven Floyd

19) How to Win Friends and Influence People by B. W. Loftin

20) Girdle-on-the-Cheap by the Wizard Tom of Guandale

21) A Boring Book of Wizard Names by Johnson the Cat

22) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Minor Magic by Bakula the Wise

23) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Wand Lore by Freynelth the Wise

24) How to Get Your Own Magical Castle by the Wizard Tom of Bartlegaard

25) How to Avoid Hammers by Hard Head Harry the Mage

26) The Musings of a Wily Wizard by W. Wizard

27) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Spell “Bewilder” by The Wizard Bob of Upper Bartlegaard

28) A Brief History of Magic by the Dummy

29) How to Leave the Premises by the Wizard Jane of Hizizahndor

30) A Sublime and Brief Introduction to the Wizardly Arts by the Wizard Elronk the Wise

31) A Rogue’s Guide to Wizard Tower Security by the Mad Mage McKindrof

32) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Using Magic by the Wizard Malchior the Lighthearted

33) A Pragmatic Guide to Stealing Wizardly Equipment by the Half-Orc Thief Yagno the Quick

34) Complete Idiot’s Guide to Wizardry by the Wizard Keln Boltig

35) A History of Wizards by the wizard Gustof the Wise

36) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Item Enchantment or How to Waste a Wizard’s Time or twenty by W. Wizard

37) A Descriptive Guide to the Wizard Towers of Torell by the Wizard Malachi of Hizizahndor

38) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Spell “Goodbye” by the Wizard Enrico

39) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to ‘Hey, Look at Me’ by the Wizard Perra

40) An Unabridged History of the Fae War by the Archmage Kage

41) A Short Treatise on Magic by the Wizard M.

42) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Constructs by the Wizard Mark of the Red Keep

43) A Wizard’s Guide to Getting Over It by the Wizard known as ‘C’

44) A Wizard’s Guide to Getting Even by the Wizard X.

45) A Sublime Primer of the Runes by the Wizard Dalima of House Belnap

46) A Brief Treatise on the Use of Familiars by the Wizard Fizzles

47) A Wizard’s Guide to Apprenticeship by Saxondale the Elder

48) A Wizard’s Guide to Apprenticeship by Saxondale the Younger

49) A Wizard’s Guide to Unpopular Opinions by the Wizard Yagno the Grumpy

50) A Wizard’s Guide to Getting Rich by the Wizard Vyktor the Kind

51) A Wizard’s Guide to Getting Paid by the Wizard Vyktor the Unkind

52) A Wizard’s Guide to Keeping Your Day Job by the Wizard Kai the Wise

53) A Wizard’s Guide to Getting Adopted by the Wizard Kai the Unwise

54) A Wizard’s Guide to the Merry, Wild Life of the Party by the Wizard Fuze

55) A Wizard’s Guide to Avoiding Responsibility by the Wizard Gerlic

56) Two Wizards Walk into a Bar: Jokes for the Common Mage by Thomas the Unworthy

57) A Rogue’s Guide to Wasting Time by the Wizard Master Slider

58) A Wizard’s Guide to Making Friends by Stephanie Of Bartlegaard

59) A Wizard’s Guide to Getting Your Own Place by the Wizard Fuze

60) A Wizard’s Guide to Dating by Elvira

61) A Wizard’s Guide to Self-Defense by Jethro the Wise

62) A Wizard’s Guide to Burning Off Excess Energy by the Wizard Gildor

63) A Wizard’s Guide to Overcoming Frustration by the Wizard Xeno

64) A Wizard’s Guide to Maintaining Your Home by the Wizard Selda

65) A Wizard’s Guide to the Care and Feeding of an Apprentice by the Wizard Vyktor

66) A Wizard’s Guide to Long-Distance Relationships by a Mage named Jage

67) How to be a Cool Wizard by two old mages named Hobbs and Higgs

68) A Wizard’s Guide to Customer Service by the Wizard Elronk the Wise

69) A Wizard’s Guide to Proper Bowel Movements by the Wizard Ulfgar of House Belnap

70) A Wizard’s Guide to Proper Spell Names by the Wizard Pelon

71) A Wizard’s Guide to Names by the Wizard Pelon

72) A Rogue’s Guide to Proper Drinking Etiquette by the Rascal Selda

73) A Wizard’s Guide to Keeping Up with the Mages of Westwick by the Wizard Fizzledrip

74) A Wizard’s Guide to Maintaining the Illusion by the Wizard Castor

75) A Wizard’s Guide to Snake Oil by the Wizard X.

76) A Wizard’s Guide to Fending off the Unwanted by the Wizard Gildor

77) A Wizard’s Guide to Business by the Wizard Gildor

78) A Wizard’s Guide to Writing by the Wizard Saxondale

79) A Wizard’s Guide to Service by the Wizard Gerlic

80) A Wizard’s Guide to the Customer by the Wizard Zandar

81) A Wizard’s Guide to the Law by the Wizard Della

82) A Wizard’s Guide to Small Talk by the Wizard Freynelth

83) A Wizard’s Guide to Love by the Wizard Fuze

84) A Wizard’s Guide to Family by the Wizard Freynelth

85) A Wizard’s Guide to Money by the Wizard Gildor

86) A Wizard’s Guide to the Metagame by the Wizard Mark Marstle

87) Two Wary Dragons and the War of the Demented by George the Wise

88) Guide to Minions by Angel the Half-Elf

89) A Sublime Primer of the Thieves’ Guild by Garon of House Belnap

90) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Investing by Steven Floyd

91) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Carpentry by Thomas the Unworthy

92) A Wizard’s Guide to Luck by Steven Floyd

93) Hints on Wizardly Self Defense by the Wizard Gildor

94) A Rogue’s Guide to Stealing Wizards’ Stuff by the Rascal Zandar

95) A Wizard’s Guide to the Law by the Wizard Della

96) A Wizard’s Guide to Offering an Unrefusable Deal by the Wizard Xerad

97) A Rogue’s Guide to Sabotaging Wizards’ Stuff by the Rascal Steven of the Southern Isles

98) A Wizard’s Guide to Swimming by S. Wizard

99) A Rogue’s Guide to Investing by Steven of the Southern Isles

100) A Wizard’s Guide to Gambling by the Wizard Master Slider Junior

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Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, RPG game developer, and old school webmaster. He's been playing tabletop games since the 1980s. He started Random Tables RPG as a way to give out free D&D and Pathfinder content to the world. Enjoy!