This is my 100 modern cars and trucks random table. Roll a d100 or choose something suitable for your modern setting tabletop RPG campaign.
1) A discolored, white compact coupe.
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2) A silver short-bed pickup. The tinted windows are peeling.
3) A metallic yellow mid-size SUV.
4) A dusty, green minivan.
5) A dark blue minivan with tinted windows.
6) A dark maroon minivan with one busted window on the passenger side.
7) A red compact coupe.
8) A black minivan.
9) A metallic yellow minivan
10) A red minivan with a bumper sticker that reads, “My kid is an honor student”.
11) A maroon minivan with a dent in the rear quarter panel.
12) A black SUV.
13) A dark blue SUV.
14) A white compact coupe with a cracked windshield.
15) An old, white compact coupe with a crack in the windshield and a missing rear bumper.
16) A pickup truck with a camper on the back.
17) An old pickup truck with a camper on the back.
18) A white pickup truck.
19) A dark blue small car.
20) A dirty red compact coupe with a cracked windshield.
21) A dark blue compact coupe.
22) An old, white compact coupe.
23) A maroon compact coupe.
24) A black compact coupe.
25) A white compact coupe.
26) A dirty, red compact coupe.
27) A white pickup truck.
28) A dirty, dark green compact coupe.
29) A dirty, white compact coupe.
30) A white small car with a dent in the rear quarter panel.
31) A light blue compact coupe.
32) A slightly cracked windshield in a black compact coupe.
33) A brown sub-compact coupe. This car is a tiny one-seater.
34) A dark blue compact coupe with a cracked windshield.
35) A white compact coupe with a scratch running down the driver’s side door.
36) A pickup truck with multicolored panels. The truck has seen better days.
37) A dark blue compact coupe. It has a bumper sticker on the back that reads, “This car protected by Smith & Wesson”.
38) A small car with a cracked windshield. One of the tires is low on air.
39) A green compact coupe with a cracked windshield.
40) A dark blue pickup truck with rust around the gas cap.
41) A small car with a slightly cracked windshield. One of the tires is low on air.
42) A white compact coupe with a cracked windshield. It looks like there is a spider cracked on the back window.
43) A dark blue light truck with a load of gravel in the back.
44) A green luxury coupe with two flat tires.
45) A pickup truck with a rusted bed and a dent in the driver’s side door.
46) A small yellow car with a cracked windshield and a dent in the driver’s door.
47) This red car has two doors and is a two-seater. It is a convertible.
48) A yellow pickup truck with rust around the wheel wells and a dent in the driver’s side door.
49) A white car with a cracked windshield. The bumper is slightly dented.
50) A black heavy-duty truck with a dented driver’s side door.

51) A black car with a dented driver’s side door.
52) A red car with a dented fender and a cracked windshield.
53) This light truck is small and compact and has a dent in the driver’s side door.
54) A light blue car with a cracked windshield and a dent in the driver’s door.
55) A rust-colored pickup truck with a dent in the driver’s side door.
56) A black car with a cracked windshield and a dented driver’s side door.
57) A light green car with a broken tail light and a dented driver’s side door.
58) A green car with a dented driver’s side door.
59) A light blue car. The driver’s side window is rolled down halfway. A woman inside the car is playing with a flip phone. She is wearing large sunglasses. A man is standing next to the car, facing the woman. He is wearing a red baseball cap, a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and leather shoes. He is attractive man with blonde hair. He is looking at the woman. The woman is looking right back at him.
60) This red convertible has seen better days. The top is torn in several places. A man in a blue button-up shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots is sitting in the driver’s seat. He is holding the steering wheel as if his life depended on it.
61) This red car has a bumper sticker on the back bumper that reads, “If you can read this you are in range.”
62) A blue car. The driver’s side window is rolled down halfway. A woman inside the car is playing with a flip phone. She is wearing large sunglasses. A man is standing next to the car, facing the woman. He is wearing a red baseball cap, a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and leather shoes. He is attractive man with blonde hair. He is looking at the woman. The woman is looking right back at him.
63) At first glance, this silver car looks like it’s gleaming. A closer look reveals that the paint is peeling. A man is driving the car. He turns his head, looking over his left shoulder. He is wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He is middle aged and has a mustache and goatee. He is looking to his left.
64) A brown rust-bucket with two tires almost completely fat. The rust color runs from the front to the back, creating a gradient between the two.
65) A big truck with monster-sized wheels. It’s red and black from front to back. A label on the side reads, “This truck is a Chrysler.”
66) This is a big truck with a large flatbed in the back. There is a leak in the bed and a large pool of yellow liquid has formed in the bottom. The liquid looks like it consists of mixed oil and water.
67) A large red and black truck with a flatbed and a cab and two large front tires.
68) A black and white truck with a black and white rooftop ladder. It has six tires and is lightly dented on all sides.
69) This yellow light truck looks foreign. In fact, it’s a prototype for the first Volvo truck ever made.
70) The white, gold, and blue truck looks like a taxi. It has a neat, but not well-maintained paint job. Its tires are large and flat and there is a small hole in the front passenger side tire. On the hood is a small, pigeon-sized bird.
71) A large, old, and ugly truck covered in rust and dirt. The paint is peeling and most of the tires are flat.
72) A large, dark green car. It has four doors and a black roof with a large white “X” on it. The car is resting on three of its wheels, but nobody is inside.
73) A black car with a white roof and a white cross on the hood.
74) A large, grey and blue truck with a white cross on the hood and a large white “X” on the roof. A man in a red and white uniform is standing in front of it. The man has his hands on his hips and is looking to his left.
75) A red and grey truck with a large flatbed in the back. A sign on the side reads, “My other truck is worse than this one… but I love ’em both. Ford Tough!”
76) A small, green and black car with large tires. The car’s hood is slightly open and a man in a white shirt is standing next to it adjusting the car’s engine.
77) A black car with two men inside. The driver has his hands on the wheel and is looking straight ahead. The passenger is holding a handgun.
78) A black car with a man in a suit sitting in the front passenger seat. A small, brown, furry mammal is sitting on the roof of the car.
79) A small, white pick-up truck with a large, green “J” painted on the hood.
80) A large, white truck with a red cross on the hood. The doors are open and three, armed men are standing next to it.
81) A black car with two men inside. The driver has his hands on the wheel and is looking straight ahead. The passenger is holding a handgun.
82) A mid-sized sedan with an older man in the driver’s seat. He is holding a cigar and looking straight ahead. A young, dark-haired man is in the passenger seat looking right.
83) A large grey van with a flat tire. There is a woman in the driver’s seat looking to her right. The van has no license plate.
84) A small pick-up truck with large tires. Three, armed men are standing next to it.
85) A small, red car on its side. There is a single, armed man standing on the car’s roof. He is looking straight ahead.
86) A small, blue sports car with a man in a white shirt and a tie in the front passenger seat. The driver is looking to his left.
87) An old, white sedan with two busted headlights.
88) A large, white car. It has a bumper sticker reading, “I.R.S. We’ve got what it takes to take what you’ve got.”
89) A mid-sized truck with an extra tire tied to the front bumper. Two men are standing in front of it.
90) A large, white pickup truck with a large, black “X” on the front. The truck is running and two men are inside.
91) A red sedan with a brown antenna on the trunk. The passenger side door is open and the inside of the car is empty.
92) A small, white pickup truck with a large, black “X” on the front. The truck is running and two men are inside.
93) A red car with two men inside. One man is in the driver’s seat looking forward. The other is in the back seat holding a machine gun.
94) A red sedan with a brown antenna on the trunk. The passenger side door is open and the inside of the car is empty.
95) This heavy-duty truck looks like it’s never seen a road.
96) A silver mid-sized sedan appears to be in great condition. Inside the car is a man in a green shirt looking to his right.
97) This red car is covered in pine needles.
98) A black car has a yellow rose painted on the hood.
99) This red car appears to be in pretty bad shape.
100) This dark grey van has black stripes on the sides. A man in a black suit is standing next to the van looking to his left.
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