The abandoned armory stands like a monument to forgotten battles, its walls echoing with the silence of warrior songs long extinguished. Once a bastion of martial might, it now lies dormant, a relic of war’s inexorable march. Between dust-draped shelves and splintered racks, the fragments of a time steeped in conflict lie waiting to be discovered. Each broken weapon tells a story of its own—a narrative of valor, tragedy, and the inexorable passage of time.
As we step within this treasury of turmoil, let us explore the remnants of these once-mighty instruments of war. From swords shorn of their gleaming blades to shattered shields that whispered promises of safety, these relics are echoes of a realm where steel tested the mettle of destiny.
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Swords & Blades (1-20)
Lying scattered across the floor and hanging from rusted brackets are the remains of swords—each a testament to a warrior’s oath, broken but still whispering tales of glory and defeat.
d20 Roll | Weapon Description |
1 | A sword hilt encrusted with emeralds, its blade long rusted beyond recognition. |
2 | A shattered rapier, its intricate fleur-de-lis guard barely intact. |
3 | The warped blade of a once-mighty claymore, bearing deep nicks from countless skirmishes. |
4 | A katana sundered and stripped of its grip, the hamon faint yet visible. |
5 | A broken scimitar, its twin crescent curves now uneven and jagged. |
6 | A gladius snapped at the hilt, the pommel engraved with a lion’s head. |
7 | A serrated sabre, its edge chipped and blunted, the grip wrapped in tattered leather. |
8 | A kris with its distinctive wave-like blade snapped in the middle. |
9 | A falchion, the hilt corroded away, leaving only a jagged shard of steel. |
10 | A stained and twisted longsword, its cross-guard bearing enigmatic runes. |
11 | The brittle remnants of an elven blade, once known for its perfect balance. |
12 | A Viking sword, its broad blade cracked, adorned with faded knotwork engravings. |
13 | An ancient ceremonial dagger, its once-jeweled handle stripped bare. |
14 | A singed and blackened short sword, marred by fire’s fury. |
15 | A broken cutlass, its guard now rusty and weak, once wielded by a daring pirate. |
16 | A leaf-shaped bronze blade, fractured and dulled by age. |
17 | The jagged remnants of a tanto that echoes samurai honor lost to time. |
18 | A dirk with a twisted tang, marked by the scars of intimate combat. |
19 | A rusty hanger sword, once elegant, now a mere shadow of its former self. |
20 | The shattered blade of a bastard sword, half buried in dust and dirt. |
Blades That Sang of Battles Past
Within the wreckage of battle’s fading din, swords lie like fallen leaves—each hilt clasping fragments of its master’s narrative. Imagine the sword with embedded emeralds, its luster dulled by the inexorable crawl of rust. Envision the claymore’s warped form, echoes of mighty clashes etched into its scarred surface. In every nick and chip, abandon honors and cherished glories linger—an enduring testament to those who wielded them.
The fractured katana, a symbol of resilient grace, now carries the faded memory of a warrior’s disciplined soul. Blades entwined with legends populate the armory, their stories held captive to time’s cruel caress.
Axes & Polearms (21-40)
Spread among the remnants of bladed weapons are the proud ruins of axes and polearms, once extensions of strength and guile in the hands of skilled warriors.
d20 Roll | Weapon Description |
21 | A war axe head half buried in the floor, its handle long decayed. |
22 | A shattered halberd, its ornate axe-blade split down the center. |
23 | A rusted tomahawk, its leather grip unraveling with age. |
24 | A glaive head protruding from a broken shaft, still menacing despite its state. |
25 | An ancient bardiche, chipped and battered, its wooden haft splintered. |
26 | The jagged blade of a naginata, its once ornate pole now crumbled. |
27 | A battle-worn axe, its edge blunted and its haft scarred by fire. |
28 | The remnants of a pike, the head buried in brittle memories of defense. |
29 | A ceremonial adze, cracked with faded tribal markings. |
30 | A hatchet with a splintered handle, its head encrusted in rust. |
31 | The snapped head of a morning star, its chain links clinging to fragments. |
32 | A cut-down voulge, reduced to a shadow of its grizzly prominence. |
33 | A broken billhook, its curve still bearing the marks of utility. |
34 | A poleaxe head staring unblinkingly from the grave of dust. |
35 | A trident, its tines snapped, masquerading as Neptune’s decayed sceptre. |
36 | A corroded hatchet, the handle engraved with runes hinting at older tales. |
37 | The skeletal remains of a partisan, imposing from imagined ramparts. |
38 | A gripless bardiche, etched with battle scenes none to witness anymore. |
39 | A mangled flail handle, its chain missing but for a single stubborn link. |
40 | A broad axe head completely blackened as if from unnatural storms. |
Axes and Polearms: Giants’ Relics
Amidst the symphony of steel and ruin, the axes and polearms manifest as spectral echoes of distant conflicts. Reflect upon the war axe, decimated by the relentless embrace of time, its head a funeral marker within the armory’s graveyard.
Picture the halberd, a symbol of command now split into shards—its memory suspended in the silence that hangs heavy in the air. Each splintered shard conjures memories of battle cries and armored foes, testament to an endurance weathered by perils and triumphs.
Each haftless glaive and blunted axe clamors with stories of custodians past, forging pathways between forgotten woods and strategic victories. In the armory’s silent art, they rest, haunting sentinels at the edge of history.

Bows & Ranged Weapons (41-60)
The armory’s abandoned echoes reach to bows and the mechanisms of silent precision—tools of tacticians and sharpshooters that once sang harmonious melodies of tension and release.
d20 Roll | Weapon Description |
41 | A bowstring less longbow, moss creeping along its curved form. |
42 | A crossbow with a shattered stock, unshot bolts left to gather dust. |
43 | A broken recurve bow, its wood splintered near the grip. |
44 | A mangled atlatl, its spear fashioned from memories alone. |
45 | A short bow, its former elasticity reduced to a brittle span. |
46 | The head of a ballista bolt, rusted and warped by time’s passage. |
47 | A sling bereft of its leather pouch, fraying under benign neglect. |
48 | A twisted arbalest bow, half dismantled by an unseen force. |
49 | A quiver cracked and faded, holding arrows fletched with crumbling feathers. |
50 | A compound bow frame, its wheels seized by rust. |
51 | A long-forgotten blowpipe stagnant with untold tales. |
52 | A diminutive kidded spear gun, its spring torpid with disuse. |
53 | A trebuchet wheel perished of rot, once part of a tactical behemoth. |
54 | An ornate archery armguard, tarnished and forgotten. |
55 | A skein of crossbow strings, coiled with intentions unmet. |
56 | A corroded hand cannon rhinestone-engrossed, devoid of worth. |
57 | A recurve limb snapped clean, testimony to practiced repeat. |
58 | The runed forearm brace of a retired marksman. |
59 | A bird bolstered with ammunition discarded in a frantic retreat. |
60 | An elegant slinger’s staff turned weary — dignified by its patience. |
Instruments of Precision and Silence
Within the armory’s embrace, the remnants of ranged artistry lie in wait—testaments to a battlefield’s unassuming tacticians. Imagine the long-forgotten longbow, now a canvas for creeping green, whispering of forests trod underfoot, arrows whistling through the boughs.
Picture the crossbow, its stock shattered and unused, that once brought distant foes to heel—a legacy less heard than felt, brought down by time’s ceaseless repulse. Listen to the near-silent hum of a once taught string rebounding against memories of tension released in crucial moments, conquering fears and destinies afar.
Each broken piece holds power, an opportunity missed amid the calm before the storm. Each weapon carries with it the potential for renewal, a reminder of struggles fought and victories unclaimed.
Shields & Defensive Gear (61-80)
Here assemble the sundered bastions of protection, guardians of those who dared resilience. Shields lay broken, yet imbued with an unyielding spirit, whispering of battles held steadfast.
d20 Roll | Weapon Description |
61 | A buckler worn and warped, decorated with a faded family crest. |
62 | A round shield with cracked seams, weather-beaten and scarred. |
63 | A destroyed kite shield, an emblem of fallen knighthood visible through the ruin. |
64 | A fractured pavise, layers revealing inner tales of war’s realism. |
65 | A broken hoplon, its distal ring bent and rhythmically scarred. |
66 | A shield boss adorned with a lion, now contorted by unknown forces. |
67 | A targe split from the center, the leather binds disintegrating. |
68 | The remnants of a tower shield, its enormity underscored by its collapse. |
69 | A heater shield bleached to obscurity, bearing witness to declarations long past. |
70 | A cross shield marked by deep gouges, meteorite-scarred wood nightmares. |
71 | A strapless scutum, fractured yet resolute in fortitude’s form. |
72 | A bucker carved with celestial sigils, muddied of sprightly hopes. |
73 | A tattered wooden aegis, wounded under the weight of expanded combat. |
74 | A scrolled bracing shield, once a palisade, now splintered remembrance. |
75 | A ceremonial shield shorn of its brilliant gold leaf. |
76 | A skeleton of a shield whose mounts speak only of negated burdens. |
77 | A flat rotella’s frame chip-scarred by resolute purpose. |
78 | A cruciform parma twisted into infernal mockery. |
79 | A straw dolmen shield, emblematic of endurance lost to siege. |
80 | An esquire’s shield beaten beyond recognition by training’s glare. |
Guardians of Defiance Recast in Ruin
Within the mournful sanctuary of the armory lies the paradox of shields, silent witnesses to conflicts they sorely resisted. Imagine the beleaguered buckler, irrevocable ties to familial honor highlighted amidst warm gleams of a half-tarnished emblem.
Visualize the kite shield—a tapestry of knighthood in ruinous decline—evidence of languishing refutation against ultimate betrayal on fields of tattered valor. Though defenses have fallen, they reveal their dignified bravery in the lines worn into their form.
Each leaf-borne celestial sigil within a shield offers a glimpse into those moments that defied desecration’s enduring shift, valor steadfast till severance. Each piece stands as testimony, shorn to commemorative ancestries, laid bare to resonate within the tales of both loss and survival.
Maces & Bludgeoning Weapons (81-100)
Scattered remnants of bludgeoning implements speak not solely of raw force but of influence etched into the mind of battle, where relentless determination met indomitable defense.
d20 Roll | Weapon Description |
81 | A mace lost of its head, its shaft splintered against calamity’s collision. |
82 | A club encrusted in old blood, its malice subsided into melancholy. |
83 | A flanged mace, vertebral iron throbbing with a weary sigh. |
84 | A fragment of an iron-shod quarterstaff, allegiance worn and weary with use. |
85 | A morningstar devoid of its cruel spikes, a cub disarmed. |
86 | A mangled maul, dented by resistance unmet. |
87 | A ball-and-chain head half-buried in shadows cast by memories forlorn. |
88 | A splintered cudgel shivering mended allegories. |
89 | A broken flail arm with links coloring tales in loss. |
90 | A ruined warhammer, both its utility and menace unspoken. |
91 | An off-hand trifling club diced in woodwind scarsonance. |
92 | A crosier with the top unreachable, divine in confidence fractured. |
93 | A river’s stone-head tied knot with fraying sting-line. |
94 | A ceremonial staff quivering within confessional dioramas. |
95 | An impromptu piece of driftwood, romantic among beggar-warriors. |
96 | A hastily bound cudgel band ingrained with withering luck runes. |
97 | An inkwell-filled club bespattered with longing soft splatters. |
98 | A tether-chain wand unfathomably knotted by emotional tourniquet. |
99 | A hand-weighted mallet dripping pearl-lust lambency. |
100 | A sculpted driftroot incised betwixt lovers’ promise and revelation. |
Bludgeons of Silent Impact
Beneath the settlement of dust and debris, the maces and other bludgeoning implements echo silent impacts—each shaft resembling the unyielding determination amassed in bygone conflicts. Envision a mace forlorn without its headlike champion, its wooden cradle fractured upon the shoals of fate.

Final Thoughts
With these relics of an armory, the silent guardians, and instruments of warfare now rest—awaiting touch anew to revive dormant tales. They persist as tributes to the enduring tenacity of soul and spirit, moments lingering as sacred and sublime testaments to mortal struggle.
These fragmented weapons call to one who searches not for power, but understanding—each whispering gently of their purpose and the paths they once tread. Although broken, they are not truly lost, inviting future generations to embark upon the journey of rediscovery, forging once more a connection between yesterday’s valor and tomorrow’s hope.
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