100 Strange and Questionable Bargains That Adventurers Left Behind in a Goblin Black Market

Picture this: you’re skulking through the narrow, shadowy lanes of a goblin black market—a chaotic medley of makeshift stalls and improvised displays. The air hums with a cacophony of shrill voices haggling and negotiating, while the faint glow of mismatched lanterns casts flickering shadows. Here, amidst the hodgepodge of objects and oddments, bizarre bargains abound, each one screaming for the adventurous spirit of those who dare to bargain with goblins.

The goblin black market is a treasure trove of strange and wacky items, a place where the unusual is commonplace and the peculiar reigns supreme. For the adventurer, it’s a sandbox filled with opportunity. You never know what you’ll find—an enchanted widget, an ancient artifact of dubious origins, or hidden clues pointing to greater treasures. But here’s the twist: these bargains aren’t just fascinating for their potential usefulness; they add layers of richness to the storytelling and immersion of any fantasy setting. They breathe life into the realism of a world where not everything is pristine or easily understood.

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In this article, you’ll find a d100 table, split into five themed d20 lists, to introduce whimsy and interest into your gaming sessions. So whether you’re looking to concoct a wild subplot, add some depth to a character’s inventory, or simply enrich your world’s atmosphere, these unclaimed bargains are yours to explore.

100 Bizarre Bargains Left Unclaimed in a Goblin Black Market

Welcome to the goblin black market, a place where every corner offers something unexpected, where every item tells a story you might not be prepared to understand. Divided into five themed d20 lists for simpler navigation, this collection allows you to choose according to your thematic needs or just let the dice decide your fate. From the veritably useless to the vestiges of forgotten magic, the items here span the bizarre and the borderline fantastic.

These items aren’t just for filling scenes—they can serve as plot pivots, quirky adventure catalysts, or simply as comedic interludes. Each object drips with the chaotic, whimsical essence of such a market, offering players an imaginative dive into the eccentricity of goblin commerce.

d20 Curious Contraptions and Clockwork Creations (1 – 20)

Among the twisted paths of the goblin black market, driven by curious minds, you’ll stumble upon intricately crafted devices and peculiar machines. These contraptions, often cobbled together from junk and genius, showcase the goblin’s flair for innovation, albeit somewhat questionably.

Think of gadgets clinking and clanking, infused with both intrigue and unpredictability. Some may be defunct, remnants of a grander design, while others still tick with stubborn vigor. But every one of these creations holds its secrets—clues to ancient engineering or perhaps a partial guide to gizmos yet to be made. Within these oddities lies a delicate balance of function and folly.

d20DescriptionFunctionPotential Quirksd100
1Wind-up SpiderCrawls on surfacesOccasionally bites1
2Clockwork KeyUnlocks most mechanical locksGets stuck once used2
3Ticking CubeEmits variable lightHas unpredictable timer3
4Mechanical BirdChirps loudlyStops working if startled4
5Adaptive LockboxChanges locks each hourLost key increases randomness5
6Whirring CompassPoints to moving targetTargets randomly switch if spun6
7Cog-driven WrenchAdjusts mechanical tensionCauses minor mechanopathies7
8Rotartical SphereDisplays constellationsSometimes shows constellations not real8
9Whispering GearRumors materialize from gearsTends to lie9
10Puffer GliderHovers short distancesSuffers from intermittent gusts10
11Lantern with Multiple FacesChanges its glow’s hueColors trigger random moody tunes11
12Gear-driven CradleHolds items securelyReleases the hold noisily12
13Fizzing TimerCounts down from various periodsPeriods rarely accurate13
14Puzzler BoxComplex opening requires solvingMixes up puzzle if dropped14
15Reflective PrismSpeaks back reflectionsAlters appearance unexpectedly15
16Awkward HingeHinges interlock unwieldilyRequires silent negotiation to detach16
17Gear-Eyed GlassesProvides magnified viewDisorients if worn too long17
18Murmuring LocketSings lullabiesRepeats single lullaby18
19Orbital ModelPlanets revolve accuratelyMultiple planets vanish temporarily19
20Twisted PeriscopeSees around cornersResonates with unresolved echoes20

d20 Enchanted Trinkets and Bewitched Baubles (21 – 40)

In one corner of the goblin market, draped in shadow and slight luminescence, lie enchanted trinkets and bewitched baubles. These items shimmer with faint magical energy—a testament to the goblin penchant for sorcery combined with quirkiness.

Each artifact has an aura of both mystery and potential. Though many of these trinkets may seem frivolous, they possess abilities that could be pivotal in dire situations—or mislead the unwary. Flickering with unpredictable energies, these baubles suggest a mischievous intent, perhaps reflecting their makers’ chaotic nature.

1Twinkling CharmGrants brief invisibilityGiggles upon use21
2Jinxed RingletTriggers mild cursesReapplies randomly after initial curse22
3Goblin’s Tooth PendantEnhances hearing temporarilyCreates phantom sounds23
4Unseen ChainSeems weighlessIncreases in weight incessantly over time24
5Flickering AmuletRepels small creaturesDraws them back upon removal25
6Erratic BellReveals concealed pathsEmits wrong alert tones randomly26
7Phantom’s EarringCreates fleeting illusionsTakes on unintended forms27
8Glowstone GlimmerEmits a calming lightCreates cold when glowing28
9Trickster’s LoomWeaves minor illusionsIllustration vanishes abruptly29
10Talking TalismanSpeaks forgotten languagesLoses voice indefinitely30
11Pocket PortalTeleports small itemsOccasionally returns different items31
12Floating FeatherCauses objects to levitateFalls if tethered to obligatory32
13Scrying MarbleAllows glimpse into future momentsGlimpse completely inaccurate33
14Elusive BroochShapeshifts its formOccasionally takes the wrong shape34
15Cackling LocketSpeaks witty namesLaughs irritatingly at random35
16Mysterious MonocleReveals hidden wordsSometimes misreads to absurdity36
17Time-Boggled HourglassAlters small periodsOften rewinds time backward37
18Echo GemMimics spoken wordsMimicry delayed in response38
19Rippled WandConducts minor spellsSuffers from serious fizzle spells39
20Illusionist’s LensReplicates scenic viewsReplicates only cloudy skies40

d20 Uncommon Ingredients and Peculiar Potions (41 – 60)

Amid colorful assortments of vials and jars, goblins barter over materials collected from both nature and the supernatural. Uncommon ingredients and peculiar potions line the shelves, each able to create unexpected results in the hands—or paws—of those who dare experiment.

From bottled fragrances of mythical flowers to mixtures that defy logical explanation, these concoctions pulsate with intrigue. They pique the curiosity of aspiring alchemists and adventurous souls, each searching for that one marvelous concoction that tips the scales of adventure in their favor.

1Rose Petal MuddleEnhances charm for a brief periodEvokes sneezes if exposed to sunlight41
2Glassy CarapaceForms extra shellLimits vision obscuring view42
3Sapphire EssenceHeightens reflexesCauses paranoia over color blue43
4Essence of StarlightsSlight visibility in darknessPulls ambient temperature to zero44
5Bottle of Moon DustSuspends weightless objectsAttracts maelstroms45
6Sun Dew ExtractRejuvenates the wearyInflicts temporary blindness46
7Brew of the FoolsUncommon potion entertainmentBestows foolishness unselectively47
8Withheld MalachiteRenders opposing opinions silentAlters new opinions to opposites48
9Verdant ElixirGrants minor regenerationImbues an unyielding greenness49
10Sparkling SandCleanses and scoursOften transmitted by magical conductivity50
11Raven’s BreathAllows short distance flightsRetreats to blackness upon landing51
12Oil of PrismEnhances transformation spellsShifts all active spells52
13Secreted GasTemporary invisibilityOdor lingers after disappearance53
14Sterling GleamBrightens the rest of an areaRandomly turns smooth to rough54
15Bitterroot InfusionAmplifies staminaDeveloped taste gradually unbearable55
16Void VinegarVinegar part taste spectrumOozes shadow material unpredictably56
17Grimroot PotionAccentuates shadowy elementsSnapbacks any exposed to light57
18Potion of SlumberInduces deep sleepAnnouncing strange siren calls58
19Gleaming Flake ElixirRestores shine to tarnished gemsForces glamour if spilled within distance59
20Perilous PhilterIncreases risk-taking behaviorRegret and remorse kicks afterward60

d20 Oddities and Unusual Relics (61 – 80)

In the tangled matrix of the goblin market, oddities and unusual relics stack shoulder to shoulder. These items gleam with history—traces from forgotten lives interwoven with tales told and retold.

Some relics are banal, yet their true worth is found in riddles clung to whispered folklore and ancestry hidden in glib remarks passed among traders. Each fragment carries with it the weight of the bizarre and the remnants of sagas etched in lost scripts.

d20DescriptionHistoryOdd Impactd100
1Dented CrownOld land-kingIrreversibly turns to lead61
2Leather HelmCentaur cavalryShapeshifts into rustic felt62
3Peacemaking FetishAncient third sectHarmonizes divisive factions briefly63
4Helm of MurmursSecretive accordGenerates revulse of cacophony64
5Hip FlaskBanished court’s liasonTriggers thirst unquenchable to apparitions65
6Horn of DissensionAncient quarrelWakes unintentional rivalries66
7Tranquil Brass BellMeditative monasticHeralds unseen conflict’s approach67
8Ritual KnifeTranscendent ritesUnleashes whispers of combative spirit68
9Silk CollaretteDebutante auctioneerWeaves eternal longing69
10Howling ChimeMountainbound septetIncites echoes unknown to landscape70
11Humble Beggar’s SackNoble pyreticForages ghostly alms71
12Engagement CharmDomesticated legendary ladBinds destined pairs72
13Painted FigurineEvigglasean ancestryEsperates toy allies73
14Horned AmuletElemental diatribesBows shadows tenderly to brim74
15Vibrated VesselRitualistic sonneteerEmanates unfamiliar thrums beyond toll75
16Alabastrine FilamentsImbued betrothalFrays intangible ties singularly76
17Wailing CaretTundra harbingerEffervesces mourning upon unsteel77
18Unseen ShutterDeemed vapor prisonsFlickers lenses indeterminately78
19Staff of VacancyAncillary vestmentsExposes crevices within silence79
20Pilgrimage OrbPiets now further coldWeighs pursuits in light80

d20 Surprising Salvage and Useless Oddments (81 – 100)

What’s a goblin black market without a collection of surprising salvage and useless oddments? These cast-offs are as curious as they are quirky, fit for junk rummaging and reminiscing over trinket troves.

While some of these objects are blatantly trivial or outright nonsensical, others hold latent charm, windows into whimsical wonders. In their frivolity lies the essence of discovery, of unlocking potential overlooked or of stories untold among the clamor.

1Used BootTracked ereme pathReverie invites dusty discourse81
2Decrepit UmbrellaEldritch rainscreenUnfolds between time82
3Threadbare MittenForest expeditionInstigates wordless warmth83
4Glass JugWayward wandererGlistens with forgotten contents84
5Rusted Tin WhistleSeaside folktaleSerenades haunting waters85
6Wicker BasketFirelit gatheringWeaves wayward wandering86
7Soggy HatRainkeeper legendStates unpredictable story87
8Pocket SnuffboxContracted thespianTriggers vanishing act88
9String FragmentMuralist’s cordTides bind moonlit sequent89
10Ornate ButtonSquire’s attireClasps fortuitous moments90
11Snare LineConducted recitalsRecords melodies obscure91
12Handfelt DollWicked theaterGlimpses plays beyond theatres92
13Cracked FramePictorial memoryFrames scenes unseen93
14Bronze ForkFabled feastClinks tinges unfathomed94
15Terracotta JarWayward currantEncapsulates intuitive hint95
16Bent SpoonKitchen hobbitWarps impromptu rituals96
17Shattered BaubleJest revelryRattles boundless tint97
18Tarnished PocketwatchArcane complicationReverse rotates languorously98
19Sloshed SaltsNautical residueEncapsulates sirenic echoes99
20Bonfire AshFestive retreat lineupSmolders subdued reflection100

100 Bizarre Goblin Market Bargains

In wandering through the goblin black market, the true treasure isn’t just the items found but the stories they inspire. Every strange contraption, enchanted trinket, or peculiar potion adds a thread to the rich tapestry of fantasy storytelling.

Dungeon masters can wield these items as narrative tools, crafting adventures that hinge on their properties or origins. Whether it’s an antidote to a mysterious venom, a catalyst for a new series of quests, or simply a source of comic relief, each item has latent power. They shine brightest when in the hands of creative players, each eager to squeeze out every last drop of potential.

As you write your own accounts of derring-do and daring deeds, consider how a simple bauble can be the pebble that starts an avalanche. A goblin merchant’s abandoned ware might be the key—a reminder that in the fantasy worlds we craft, mystery, thrill, and wonder await around every poorly marked bend and haphazardly erected stall.

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