100 Intriguing Objects You Might Discover in a Scholar’s Mysterious Backroom

Imagine stepping into the dimly lit backroom of an eccentric scholar. The air is heavy with the scent of old leather and parchment, and the barely organized chaos gives you a glimpse into a mind obsessed with knowledge. This isn’t just a room full of dusty books and trinkets; it’s a treasure trove of forgotten lore, peculiar artifacts, and arcane curiosities. For those bold enough to explore, it offers tantalizing hints of ancient secrets, magical items waiting to be discovered, or even the breadcrumbs leading to grander quests lurking in the shadows of the unknown.

Such a setting enriches the fantasy worlds we create by layering them with history, mystery, and depth. The potential for adventurers to unearth lost treasures or pivotal artifacts in such a place turns even a seemingly mundane exploration into a narrative goldmine. Each item discovered could be a piece of a long-forgotten puzzle or a catalyst igniting a much larger story. For those building fantasy realms, incorporating these finds can transform an ordinary campaign into something truly memorable.

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Here’s the thing: scholars are often collectors, sometimes bordering on hoarders of the arcane and obscure. This means within their cluttered chambers might lie not just forgotten magic but also the tools to craft new spells, relics that hint at ancient civilizations, or simply oddities that spark the imagination. In this article, we’ve curated a d100 random table, breaking it down into five themed d20 lists for easier use. What awaits could serve as plot hooks, quest items, or simply atmospheric additions, all designed to add richness to any setting.

So, gather your party, ready your dice, and prepare to delve into this catalog of curiosities. From arcane oddities to ancient tomes, strange trinkets to alchemical supplies, and personal effects—each category promises discoveries that can weave new tales or unravel old enigmas. Now, let’s unveil these items and immerse ourselves in the mystique of the scholar’s backroom.

100 Items Found in a Scholar’s Backroom

Before we launch into this trove, let’s talk about how to use this table. We’ve divided it into five themed d20 lists to streamline your search. Whether you’re looking to incorporate a particular theme or simply want the thrill of randomness, each section maintains its position within a unified d100 column. This flexibility allows you to decide how structured or spontaneous you want your discovery process to be, which is pretty rad when you’re spinning tales on the fly.

Within these lists, you’ll find an array that spans from the mundane to the mystical. Some items are steeped in magic, while others carry stories of their own. They’re not just stuff to fill the scholar’s shelves—they’re plot hooks, potential quests, and vivid details that breathe life into your game world. With that, let’s dive into the first category and uncover some arcane oddities and mystical artifacts.

d20 Arcane Oddities and Mystical Artifacts

Step into the world where scholars tread cautiously, for here lay the relics of potent magic and the remnants of experiments that didn’t quite pan out. This section is where scholars—both ambitious and reckless—store their collection of magical and arcane paraphernalia. A sparkling orb gathering dust might hold the key to an unsolved mystery, while a cracked wand could be the missing component of a legendary spell.

Within these walls, some items conceal enchantments so subtle they might go unnoticed until activated in the heat of battle, or perhaps in the quiet of a research chamber. Think about a mirror that reflects more than just the present moment, or a compass that guides its bearer not north, but toward their destiny. Such objects could serve as the very research notes scholars leave behind, either to be completed or simply pondered by those who follow in their footsteps.

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Scholars might themselves not fully grasp the power, serving instead as mere custodians of these historical curiosities. Some items are tangible remnants of civilizations long gone, their magic faint, awaiting the right mind to decipher them anew. And here’s the intriguing part: the magic doesn’t stop at the artifacts. The mere stories around these items can be as enchanting as the objects themselves, leading to rich backdrops for quests afield.

d20Item DescriptionPotential UsesMagical Propertiesd100
1Glowing Crystal BallForeseeing upcoming eventsShows glimpses of future1
2Wand of Fizzled MagicUnpredictable spell failureEmits sparks on malfunction2
3Ancient Summoning StoneCalls minor entitiesResonates with otherworldly chants3
4Feather of IcarusGrants brief flightAllows levitation for short moments4
5Enchanted GobletPurifies any liquidGlows when poison is present5
6Conflagration SphereEngulfs target in flameReleases heat waves when threatened6
7Echoing HornAmplifies soundCommunicates messages over distances7
8Nightshade AmuletConceals wearer in shadowsAbsorbs light when activated8
9Phantom CloakMakes wearer less corporealGrants limited phasing ability9
10Rune-engraved KeyUnlocks ancient doorsOpens portals on specific runes10
11Timeworn SpellbookHolds forgotten incantationsPages rippling with latent magic11
12Seeker’s CompassGuides to hidden pathsPoints towards unfulfilled destinies12
13Mercury MirrorReflects alternative realitiesShows parallel possibilities13
14Whispering TalismanConveys whispers of the pastEmits faint echoes of history14
15Portal MapDetails ancient teleport locationsUnfolds to reveal mystical coordinates15
16Shifting Sands HourglassAlters perception of timeQuickly slows or hastens time16
17Dragon Scale MantleGrants strength of a dragonOffers resistance to fire spells17
18Siren’s LyreEnchants listeners with songStirring emotions with melody18
19Elemental RingControls elemental forcesManipulates natural elements19
20Philosopher’s Stone FragmentTransmutes objects to goldGlows when near valuable ores20

Arcane oddities aren’t just magical tools—they’re also intricate puzzles and possible dangers. In a campaign, they offer layers of interaction, from straightforward use to complicated deciphering. Some linger as mysteries meant to be solved over time. An astute player might sense potential where others see chaos. This section thus helps ignite creativity, fostering a deeper connection with the world by unfolding unexpected narratives shaped by these mystical relics.

d20 Ancient Tomes and Forgotten Texts

In every scholar’s backroom, there’s bound to be a towering collection of books, scrolls, and manuscripts, each containing the wisdom and folly of ages past. These texts are not merely repositories of magic or lore; they are the vessels of long-lost spells, the whispers of ancient knowledge waiting to be remembered. Some volumes hold spells only half-understood even by their authors, while others are nothing less than keys to unraveling cryptic prophecies or untangling historical mysteries.

Imagine sorting through these texts only to find a dusty thesis on elemental sorcery beside a parchment detailing the medicinal herbs of a forgotten empire. There’s thrill in the discovery—a spark of insight here, a revelation there. But beware, for not all these texts are benign. Certain scrolls might be cursed, their secrets protected by malevolent enchantments. Others might be so encoded that only the most cunning minds can decrypt them.

These tomes and texts offer endless possibilities. Whether it’s a mundane history book revealing groundbreaking lore, or a trivial diary unexpectedly holding the key to a kingdom’s fate, there’s always more to uncover. And in the layered narratives of a campaign, these texts could serve as bridging elements leading adventurers from one world to another, each step more fascinating than the last.

In essence, these collections are the scholar’s brain immortalized—a repository for discoveries, both fantastical and mundane. And while players sift through the pages, their imaginations will color in the paths of the past and in the potential of the future. Here’s a d20 table to ignite your curiosity:

d20Book TitleContentsPossible Hidden Secretsd100
1“Chronicles of The Five Kingdoms”Historical account of warring statesHints at an undiscovered heir21
2“Alchemy of the Elements”Basic elemental transmutationsFormula for a forgotten masterpiece22
3“Voyages of the Starbound”Exploration recordsStellar maps with hidden astrological spells23
4“Treatise on Draconic Lore”Stories of dragons, both friendly and foulAn unhatched dragon egg concealed within24
5“The Eclipsed Grimoire”Collection of banned spellsMaps to an ancient forbidden site25
6“Botanical Compendium of the Lost Realms”Catalog of rare plantsRecipes for potent elixirs26
7“Necromancer’s Codex”Dark rituals and summoning spellsInstructions missing key innocuous steps27
8“Songs of the Elven Bards”Lyrical historiesEntrancing spells within woven verses28
9“Astral Navigator’s Guide”Star charts for spatial travelDirections to a cosmic anomaly29
10“Chronicle of the Celestial Gates”Accounts of planar crossingsPortal coordinates scrawled in margins30
11“Herbal Remedies of the Ancients”Medicinal recipesCures thought impossible now noted31
12“The Hidden Library”Index of mythical librariesDirections to an elusive library’s entrance32
13“Ciphers of the Old Magi”Encrypted spellbookConcealed steps to decrypt curses33
14“Silverscale’s Nautical Compendium”Logbook of ocean voyagesLost treasure routes and sea creature lairs34
15“Mysteries of the Arcane Void”Theoretical magic studiesHints towards a forgotten spell class35
16“Rituals of the Moonlit Order”Ceremonial instructionsHidden incantations with lunar phases36
17“Legend of the Twin Suns”Mythical tales of dualityDuality perception magic encoded within37
18“Tales of the Fey and Their Kin”Lore of fairy world dealingsSummoning rites slipped between pages38
19“The Forgotten Histories”Documented, neglected eventsInsight to a hidden passageway39
20“Ctana’s Compendium of Curses”Collection of hexesOld hex with an unknown counter-spell40

These ancient tomes and forgotten texts are gateways to quests unknown or doors to adventures untold. They can lead characters down winding paths filled with intrigue and can unravel secrets long buried beneath dust and neglect. Whether they unearth new spells, revive lost kingdoms, or merely tell tales of days gone by, these tomes enrich storytelling, inviting players not just to read but to live the stories within.

For those bold adventurers, the scholar’s library of forgotten texts is a cavern of knowledge waiting to be unlocked. Sometimes, within these pages, you find more than just spells or rituals. Imagine the thrill of deciphering an ancient script that leads not only to a hidden treasure but also unveils a cryptic prophecy that was meant to shape the fate of kingdoms—it’s gripping! Indeed, these texts offer opportunities to connect dots between disparate clues across campaigns or even serve as a guiding light during the dark and uncertain times.

d20 Strange Curios and Peculiar Trinkets

Ah, the wondrous world of oddities scattered across a scholar’s backroom. Here lies an assortment that suggests a life of travel or simply a penchant for collecting the bizarre—fossils of unknown creatures, coins with inscriptions from lost languages, or mechanical devices that buzz with mystery. These strange trinkets are often non-magical, yet they hold a story or an enigma just waiting to be puzzled through.

What stories might be contained in a perfectly preserved butterfly encased in crystal, or in a severed automaton hand that seems to twitch at random? These are scholars’ curios collected over years of wandering realms far and wide. Each curiosity carries with it whispers of where it’s been—doorways to stories running the gamut from tragic to comedic, each with the potential to tug at your narrative heartstrings.

Such items might serve as conversation starters or as keys to unlock larger mysteries. Even the most mundane object could prove invaluable. What if that strange coin carries a blessings token? Or that unusual sculpture is actually a map leading to a hidden valley forgotten by time? These trinkets spark curiosity and, in doing so, inspire players to dig deeper into the world, challenging them to discern context and meaning.

For a taste of what these peculiar collectibles might offer, here’s a d20 table whetting your appetite for adventure:

d20Item DescriptionPossible OriginsSignificanced100
1Fossilized Mollusk ShellUndersea trench expeditionLinked to ancient sea deity rites41
2Mismatched Set of EyesUnknown, appear ceramicLikely crafted by eccentric artificer42
3Mechanical BeetleGnome inventors’ workshopCarries encoded information when wound43
4Copper Coin with Obscure MarkingsAncient, forgotten civilizationCan pay passage on spectral ferries44
5Shrunken Head of a BeastTribal landsMight be an oracular artifact45
6Crystal Sphere with Captured LightningMagical experiment gone awryReleases energy when shattered46
7Preserved Butterfly in AmberDeep forest gladeKey to unlocking a nature’s vault47
8Stone Statue of a Tiny ImpDemonic realms sculptorGuard trespasses and unfinished pacts48
9Twisting Roots in Bottled EarthWild growth in druid hollowSprouts plants with unique properties49
10Fragment of a Moon RockFallen starsiteAttracts lunar creatures during the full moon50
11Time-tarnished Navigational CompassShipwreck, sea expeditionPoints towards significant loved ones51
12Pinion from a Celestial WheelLegendary observatoryGrants brief glimpses of cosmic truths52
13Ancient Clay TabletUnearthed ruinTied to unlocking temporal gates53
14Gem-inset Brooch with Moving PartsCourt of a vanished realmDisplays historical events when pressed54
15Skeletal Hand Clasped in IceFrozen tundraEnthralled by haunting spirits55
16Etched Tablet with Unreadable ScriptDeserted cityUncovers hidden desert pathways56
17Gilded FeatherPhoenix nesting groundsHolds flame enchantment still57
18Engraved Brass TimepieceMechanical genius collectorAlters perception of time in treacherous places58
19Two-headed CoinCourted by gamblersProvides luck at games of chance59
20Tiny Animated FigurineWandering tinker’s creationActs on given simple commands60

Even if they’re just dust-catching curios, these strange trinkets fuel imagination. They’re a bridge to distant lands or distant pasts, encouraging players to learn the story behind each object. Such discoveries enhance the ties between players and the game world, blurring the line between mere collection and narrative gold.

d20 Alchemical Supplies and Experimental Substances

What’s a scholar’s backroom without the potentially explosive combination of bubbling concoctions and strange, labeled powders? Here, among the books and trinkets, are the alchemical supplies—the building blocks of experimentation and the residue of trial and error. These bubbling liquids and mysterious solids could be cures, could be curses, or they might just add a tang to your morning tea.

Some concoctions bubble quietly, awaiting only the right mix or incantation to unleash their potential. Others might remain dangerously volatile, mere moments from disaster. The thick scent of sulfur mingles with that of crushed herbs; unknown substances glow faintly beneath dusty beakers. The thrill of discovery here is paired with a touch of uncertainty—players never quite know what to expect when they uncork that dusty vial.

These alchemical supplies offer myriad uses—from last-ditch survival to the spark of a quest to find lost formulas. The lingering effects of these experiments reveal as much about the scholar’s ambition as they do about their caution—or lack thereof. Mixing these substances into your campaign might turn a dull day into an explosive encounter or a mind-bending journey into the uncharted territories of science and magic.

Venture into this volatile mix with a d20 table showcasing what you might find:

d20Substance DescriptionEffectsPotential Dangersd100
1Glowing Verdant LiquidHeals woundsCauses hallucinations of forest61
2Powdered Unicorn HornAmplifies magic spellsSide effect distorts casting ability62
3Essence of Ghost OrchidGrants invisibilityDrains vitality rapidly63
4Fiery EssenceIgnites flammable objectsImpossible to douse for 24 hours64
5Bottled SunlightRadiant energy releasePermanent blindness when opened65
6Elixir of OverdriveTemporarily boosts speedResults in severe exhaustion66
7Dream DustInduces colorful visionsSleeper becomes target for dream entities67
8Liquid Mist of ShadowsMelds with local darknessCannot dissipate if exposed to bright light68
9Herbal Elixir of RageEnhances physical strengthReduces mental clarity69
10Ambergris MixtureHeightens sensesCauses aversion to salt water70
11Suspended Animation SerumHalts bodily functionsMay fail randomly at inopportune moments71
12Crystalized Ethereal GasTemporarily phases objectsPermanently affects disorganized matter72
13Gaseous GoldCoats objects with golden filmRapid disintegration of affected area73
14Philter of ForgettingInduces temporary amnesiaMay erase critical memories74
15Mercury VaporReflects nearby soundsCauses auditory hallucinations75
16Starlight LiquidMagnifies vision clarityBlinds if inhaled accidentally76
17Whispering Fungi SporesCommunicates with fungiResults in temporary muting of speech77
18Raving PotionStrengthens mental fortitudeLeads to dangerous mania78
19Electrified GelElectrifies simple mechanismsDangerous when touched with bare skin79
20Liquid of the VoidAbsorbs light completelyConsumes surrounding matter over time80

Be they tools in the scholar’s hands or unexpected hazards on a quest, alchemical supplies embody the quest for understanding. Their colorful chaos brings a touch of unpredictability to your campaign, each vial a mystery unto itself with the possibility of being a valuable resource—or a thrilling complication.

d20 Personal Effects and Forgotten Relics

Rounding out the collection found in the backroom are the personal effects and forgotten relics. These are bits and pieces of the scholar’s life, tangible memories often mixed with the minutiae of daily existence. Some of these items carry weighty emotional significance, like letters from lost colleagues, frayed notebooks filled to the brim, and keepsakes with stories untold.

Imagine the insight a stained sketch of an unfinished invention provides into the scholar’s character, or the self-reflective depth in a lonely letter written but never sent. A cracked monocle might tell the story of a scholar who sought to see the world differently, and a well-thumbed journal might harbor secrets written in an intimate cipher.

These personal belongings reveal glimpses of the scholar’s basement-like mind in its breaking points and highlights. They serve as starting points for new plotlines, whether through a recovering forgotten relic with newfound significance or by uncovering a written legacy that sheds light on allies, adversaries, or unfinished business their absence left behind. This d20 table offers some muse-inspired inspiration:

d20Personal Item DescriptionSignificancePossible Story Connectionsd100
1Framed Family PortraitShows family treePotential heirloom ignored81
2Unfinished PaintingDetails a thriving villageVillage now mysteriously vanished82
3Collection of Corsault FeathersSentimental keepsakesRepresents prized past encounter83
4Torn Map with AnnotationsHighlights unknown regionsTreasure hints in details84
5Worn Journal with Cryptic WritingsHolds fragmented thoughtsContains subplot-inspiring riddles85
6Magical Music BoxEmits soothing lullabyReveals stress-relief spells’ origin86
7Ancient Love LetterDeclares undying affectionRelationship fragments reveal long-lost lover87
8Graph Paper with TheoriesDoodles attempts for new inventionsReinvents gadgetry’s golden age88
9Lock of HairRepresents intimacyUnveils past romance’s intricate details89
10Dusty Robe with PatchesContains stitches of experiencesTells a wanderer’s tale through repair90
11Cracked MonocleSuggests imperfect visionReflects scholar’s impaired perception91
12Collection of Old KeysLeads to various hidden chambersOpens unexpected vault doors92
13Half-burned CandleSymbolizes unfinished workIlluminates cues for incomplete rituals93
14Sentimental RingEngraved with initialsLinks kindred spirits on forgotten paths94
15Inscribed Silver Pocket WatchGrants nostalgia and temporal insightsTelescopes in moments of dire need95
16Moth-eaten BlanketProvides tactile comfortSuggestive of cozy exploration wrap-up96
17Dark Lantern with EngravingsContains ash remnantsReflects thwarted goals upon attempts97
18Message in a Locked BottleSealed despite timeOffers tantalizing suspense before heed98
19Star-chart of Unlikely AlignmentsTracks celestial bodiesLeads suggests timing-driven events99
20Book on Principles of Unseen ScienceAcademic pursuits evolvedPlants seeds for scholarly redefinitions100

Peering into a scholar’s life through these personal effects enables players to perceive intimate glimpses into their long-absent protagonist. Each item mingles with those around it, contributing to communities and campaigns alike—a window into complex personalities or contemplations larger than the immediate quest at hand.

Random Table for Items Found in a Scholar’s Backroom

In wrapping up, remember that a scholar’s back room is so much more than just a pile of forgotten junk. It’s an absolute narrative goldmine. Every item, from grandiose artifacts to mundane trinkets, holds the potential to be woven into your campaigns as clever plot devices, intriguing mysteries, or even minor distractions that simply enrich the world.

Be bold, be creative! Use these items to weave unexpected threads into your games. They can potentially kickstart entire adventures—like a cursed tome sparking a quest for redemption, an unidentified potion leading to an alchemical breakthrough, or a simple personal letter hinting at an undiscovered legacy.

The key to a captivating fantasy world lies in the details. Just imagine a single item sparking an adventure that takes your players across continents, through dimensions, or deep into the annals of their own story. There’s limitless potential within the confines of a cramped scholar’s backroom, and it’s all waiting for you to unleash.

Remember, a well-stocked backroom is more than just a space filled with curiosities—it’s a treasure chest of storytelling, ready to be opened. So, as you delve into these treasures and incorporate them into your campaigns, keep in mind: the greatest fantasy worlds are filled with these intricate things they hide. And when a scholar’s void invites the spotlight, therein lies the power of a profoundly woven narrative.

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