100 Enchanted Artifacts with Unexpected Side Effects

Picture this: a chest shrouded in mystery, tucked away in a forgotten corner of a forgotten world. Inside, a trove of enchanted artifacts awaits discovery, each one shimmering with promise, yet fraught with curious quirks. These items are imbued with magic, purpose-designed to assist adventurers, sorcerers, or the occasional scholar dabbling in the arcane. But here’s the twist: each artifact carries with it an unexpected side effect—a ripple of unpredictability that can spell fortune or disaster.

In the realm of fantasy, these enchanted artifacts present limitless storytelling potential. Whether blessing their bearer with unimaginable power or introducing an inconvenient hitch, they add layers of complexity to any narrative. Imagine the thrill, the risk, the anticipation of uncertain magic at play!

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Let’s dive into this fascinating mix of the magical and the unpredictable, sorted into categories to inspire your next campaign.

100 Enchanted Artifacts Explorer’s Guide

To navigate through this enchanted chaos, we’ve organized our list into five themed d20 categories. Whether you’re hunting wild magic or seeking more subtle enhancements, each list is tailored to provide an entertaining mix of surprises. Remember, these artifacts aren’t just decorative trinkets or standard gear—they’re plot catalysts, potential curses, and narrative twists all wrapped up in one thrilling package.

d20 Surreal Weapons and Tools (1 – 20)

Enter the realm of armaments spun with magical threads, each one a boon for its wielder, but not without a sly catch. These weapons and tools promise power, precision, or protection, balanced against a price often unforeseen by their user.

d20Artifact NameMain EnchantmentUnexpected Side Effectd100
1Blade of the Whispering WindsIncreases attack speedWhispers distract allies1
2Hammer of Earth’s ThunderGenerates earthquakesCauses user to trip unexpectedly2
3Shield of Crystalline ClarityReflects spells backTemporarily blinds the user3
4Gauntlets of Herculean StrengthDoubles physical powerCauses momentary clumsiness4
5Dagger of Flickering ShadowsAllows instantaneous teleportLeaves afterimages confusing allies5
6Bow of Celestial SightArrows track targetsCan induce vertigo in the user6
7Lance of Tempest FurySummons lightningHair turns static, continually frizzy7
8Staff of Woodland SpiritsAnimates plantsUser occasionally rooted when idle8
9Orb of Elemental BindingHarnesses elemental powerAttracts elemental creatures9
10Helm of the Unyielding WillEnhances mental fortitudeBlocks all emotions temporarily10
11Cloak of Nimbus FortificationSummons protective mistDampens sound, hindering communication11
12Flute of EuphoriaCharms enemies with musicInduces uncontrollable laughter in the user12
13Quiver of Endless ArrowsProvides infinite ammunitionArrows are mildly enchanted with random effects13
14Lantern of Eternal LightDispels darknessAttracts bugs of all sorts14
15Ring of Thunderous EchoProjects user’s voiceRandomly echoes user’s speech15
16Mirror Shield of Twin RefractionDefensive mirroringCreates a mischievous mirror duplicate16
17Blade of Burning ResolveIgnites with fireBurns through sheaths and scabbards slowly17
18Amulet of Arachnid AgilityIncreases flexibilityCauses temporary arachnophobia18
19Harp of Lava LamentsSongs bring warmthInduces spontaneous combustion in instruments19
20Chain of Celestial AnchoringGrounds the bearer in stormsReduces mobility when activated20

d20 Peculiar Apparel and Accessories (21 – 40)

Apparel infused with enchantment offers more than simple style; it gifts wearers with extraordinary abilities, often creatively priced. When cloaks turn capes of confidence or boots imbue fleet footedness, benefits come tangled with intriguing caveats.

d20Item NameEnchantmentUnexpected Side Effectd100
1Robes of SerenityCalms surrounding areaUser becomes overly relaxed21
2Boots of the Gale RunnerEnhances speedLeaves small tornado trails22
3Hat of InvisibilityRenders user unseenAttracts small, curious animals23
4Gloves of the TinkererEnhances crafting skillsOccasionally lock into object24
5Belt of Titan BindingTeleports wearer short distancesDrains stamina significantly25
6Necklace of the Siren’s CallCharms nearby creaturesLeaves user temporarily mute26
7Scarf of Shifting SeasonsControls temperature around wearerAffects moods drastically27
8Shoes of Silent StepsSoftens footstepsEcholess areas become inaudible hubs28
9Earrings of Lucid DreamsInduce prophetic dreamsDreams become shared with nearby sleepers29
10Circlet of Watery ReprieveAllows underwater breathingSkin becomes noticeably damp30
11Cloak of the Dancing FlameLights surroundings on fireMakes wearer minorly flammable31
12Ring of Feathered FlightGrants ability to glideHeightens fear of heights32
13Vest of the Frost KingProtects against coldLeaves behind a trail of ice33
14Spectacles of InsightEnhances reasoning skillsCauses temporary color blindness34
15Bracers of Lightning ReflexEnhances agilityOccasionally gives user static shocks35
16Cape of Falling LeavesCreates illusion of a leafy auraInduces strong craving for sunlight36
17Sash of Starlit PathsLights nocturnal trailsCauses random sleepwalking episodes37
18Muffler of Silent HarmonyMutes user’s footstepsCauses intermittent musical hums38
19Anklet of the Bounding HoundDoubles jumping heightMakes user’s voice bark-like when alarmed39
20Crown of Stormy MajestyCommands weather elementsInduces uncontrollable sneezing40

d20 Enchanted Trinkets and Charms (41 – 60)

Be it tiny trinkets or charming curios, these enchanted items promise a dash of magic for any situation. Each charm is an ally in adventures, but one should be wary, as their benefits harbor fine prints.

d20Item DescriptionPrimary EffectUnanticipated Resultd100
1Pocket-Sized Sun DialTells exact timeColors shadow with rainbows41
2Pendant of the Restful MindPrevents nightmaresCauses mild daytime drowsiness42
3Lucky Rabbit’s PawProvides good fortuneTurned luck may become ironic43
4Brooch of Golden AllureAttracts wealthRepeats jingling sounds of gold44
5Charm of Avian WhisperCommunicates with birdsFlocks follow user persistently45
6Lodestone LocketDraws items toward holderRandomly magnetizes nearby metals46
7Moonlit MedalReflects moonlight brilliantlyUser becomes nocturnally active47
8Key of Boundless DoorsOpens any lockCreates subtle, lingering door creaks48
9Amber Ring of ResonanceAmplifies user’s voiceUser’s whispered secrets occasionally spill49
10Talisman of Dampened PainLowers all pain sensationNumbs other physical senses50
11Stone of Temporal EchoesAttunes user to different timelinesRandomly transports sound bites from distant futures51
12Silver Thimble of Neat StitchesRepairs fabrics instantlyFabrics become mildly adhesive52
13Amulet of Sunlit RevivalRestores energy greatlyUser becomes temporarily sunburned53
14Pebble of Endless PoolsCreates water sourcesInduces thirst54
15Knot of Twisted FatesEntangles destiniesUntying causes minor reality flickers55
16Garnish of Floral GracePromotes flourishing plantsOverwhelms user with floral aromas56
17Brass Button of the Tempest CallerSummons breezesUser’s hair grows unrulily tangled57
18Seal of Echoing EternityEngraving echoes historyUser’s memories gradually drift aline58
19Quartz Crystal of ClarityClears mind swiftlyCauses exaggerated confusion post-use59
20Timer of the Sudden RestInduces temporary pauseUser’s sleep cycle becomes erratic60

d20 Potent Potions and Elixirs (61 – 80)

In a world where even the simplest green vial glints with potential, potions hold a rarefied status. These liquid enchantments are powerful agents of transformation, experimentation, and intrigue—but their effects often come at a cost or with an entertaining caveat.

d20Potion NamePrimary EffectSide Effectd100
1Draught of StarlightHeals all woundsCauses temporary blindness in night61
2Potion of Lucid Serpent’s TongueSpeaks all languagesCauses user to hiss62
3Elixir of the Eagle’s EyeEnhances visionMakes user prone to eye itches63
4Brew of the Bear’s FortitudeImproves resilienceInduces unpredictable growling64
5Oleander’s DreamtimeGrants prophetic visionsUser falls irresistibly sleepy65
6Elixir of Infinite BreathAllows prolonged submersionCauses bloated sensation66
7Ether of the Shifting WavesTransforms drinker into marine lifeSkin retains slight scale texture post-transformation67
8Potion of Temporal NudgeAlters time perceptionDecreases temporal awareness68
9Syrup of Volatile VitalityInstantly restores vigorCauses brief periods of intense fever69
10Distilled BreezeLightens user’s weightCauses lingering breeze-pulled effect70
11Nectar of Forgotten DreamsUnlocks hidden memoriesOverwhelms user with nostalgic scent71
12Serum of the Fractal MindMultiplies intelligenceCauses unpredictable mental loops72
13Tincture of Tranquil TwilightEases mental burdensCreates sense of detachment73
14Vial of Velvet ShadowsDissolves the drinker into shadowUser leaves behind faint smoke74
15Essence of Fiery WillEnhances determinationInduces temper flares75
16Solution of the Frost UnfurlingEnvelops in protective ice auraUser radiates coldness, actual and emotional76
17Philter of the Bewitched VineEnables wilderness communicationCauses sporadic plant growth around feet77
18Oil of Ethereal MotionAllows fluid, ghost-like locomotionCauses user to trip when not in motion78
19Cordial of the Now and AfterCommunicates with spiritsCauses brief visions of the afterlife79
20Tonic of the Amalgam EdgeCombines strengths of the teamCauses user’s personality to fluctuate80

d20 Fun Riddles and Enigmatic Objects (81 – 100)

Steering into the peculiar, these enchanted objects boast powers nestled within mysteries themselves. They beg for exploration and tease imaginations with riddles wrapped in enigmas.

d20Object NameMajor FunctionMysterious Fluked100
1Sphere of the Lost DialogueReveals forgotten languagesProjects volume uncontrollably81
2Cube of the Ever-Changing PuzzleAlters environmentsCauses user to forget completed patterns82
3Cradle of the Silent SymphonyConducts ethereal musicUser forgets simple melodies83
4Tablet of Spiraling EchoesDeciphers complex codesCauses persistent whispering in ear84
5Horn of Boundless HorizonsExpands user’s visionInduces sudden dizziness85
6Wand of the Spun WebConstructs unbreakable designsUser becomes attractively sticky86
7Chalice of the Fractal SandsAmplifies mystical potentialUser becomes obsessed with symmetry87
8They of Unseen HandsInvisible help of dexterityOccasionally performs unintended actions88
9Envelope of Twisting ParlanceSpeaks forgotten loreUser randomly utters complex jargon89
10Canvas of Illusory FlashImagines vivid realmsUser perceives phantom sights90
11Heart of the Emulated DawnExpands emotional experienceMimics emotions of creatures nearby91
12Flint of the Binding PathSparks metaphysical trailsLeaves symbolic shimmering footprints92
13Bell of Encompassing NightfallReclaims night through soundCauses user to fear absolute silence93
14Medallion of Unseen ThreadsUnveils hidden connectionsCauses user to perceive illusory strings94
15Prism of the Refracted SpiritHovering specter reflectionCauses mirror images to invert95
16Chess Set of Strategic AnimusPerforms living game of strategyPieces develop individual personalities suddenly96
17Lens of Temporal IllusionsDisplays altered realitiesCauses time perception distortions post-use97
18Keeper of the Woven HuesColors spaces magicallyDrains colors slightly for real vision98
19Portal of the Forgotten RealmOpens spectral channelsUser forgets mundane details after every use99
20Furnace of the Earthly GlowRadiates warmth in freezing conditionsSimulates feverish conditions uncomfortably100

These enchanted artifacts, each a character unto itself, swing open the doors to limitless quests and fanciful stories. Through their magical allure—and the hitch of an unexpected twist—adventurers are drawn further into the wild weave of an enchanted world, offering endless creativity for storytellers and dungeon masters alike. As these magical items find their way into your narrative, allow their unpredictability to enhance the journey, making every discovery a step into the wondrous unknown.

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